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Toa nuJ coSVe síio'jUI be made íiprooh 13 tlo witer bils, tliu gas escapes ' ind tho fiavor t detroyef. Molasses is impmved by boiling, and should bo boüed und eet away íor cake uud other purposex. Craulfen ios shnuïd have water kopt on thein and chaugeil overy two weeks. Scour zinc; witu t-ai-d aud but'enuük. Pour hot tallow od ink spots; let it remaJa a few mientes before washiug. To give a glosa to shirt husetus acd collars, add a piecu of wh'to was aud spermuceli, each ubout the niza of a pea, to a piot of stareii, while boil"g. [ron un til BUiooth, us frictiOD puts ou the gloss. Another : pourboiliuj water oa guiu arabio, aud wheu dissolved. (ut in a bottle, cork tight, Whn tho Starofa is boiled, add sume, and it will give a une glosa. To cbnosouutmoí;s, priok tliem witl) a pin if the oil c.iine out, they re good. Keep lemous and ortngra well wrapped in paper, aud they will keep a loug time. To use cold starcli, pour eold water on the qnuQtitJ of starch reouirei, stir well ; then dip in tho articlea to be starched ; rol! ihem up in a dry cloth ; iron in fifieen iniñutea. To prepare ne íor eoffee : wash tliornughly, acd eoak over night. Browu the color of coffea in the morning. Celery eliould be jiut in the c;Shtr, in a box of dry sa;d, fur vi:iter uso. - Excehior Cook Book. IIow SUMMER PoiTÍ Sllol.xi) BE Wasi:ed. - Summcr uits ure iiearlj :ill ina-ie nf white or buff lineo, -ue, oambrie, or muBÜu, aud the art f preserving the new appoíirance after wasl:ing is a matter of the very gieatet imp )rtaiice. ConuDon vrafchurwoinen spoil PTerything witfa soda, aud nothing is more frequent tban to cee the delicate lints" of lawu and paréales turned into dark blotcbw and ïauddy streaksby i be iínornee and vaoduli-m of a laundres It is worth while for ladies to pay attention to tiii-', and insist upon having their suinmer drossen wa.-hed a-icoidiug lo th(t Hirections wliich they sliould be piepared to give their lauudresses themselvfï. In the first place, the wa'er should bn tepid, tiie NOap should uot be a'.lowed ti loudi thefabric; it bhoild be tvafhed and riused qniek, turned upen the wrong side, and Iiumj ia the hado to dry, and when starched (n thin boiled, but Dot builing Btarch) should be folded iu sheets or tfiwtls, and ironed on the wroDg eide us soon tg poissible. Bnt liueu should be wa'ihed in water n which hay has been boiled, ar a quarl bag tf btan. This last will be found to uiiBwer for starch us wel!, and is eX'ellfiit for print dtesses of uil kinds, but a handfiil f salt is very useful lso to stt tbe uolors of light oambrioi and dotted luwns; and a littlo beef'n gall will not oiily set, but heigbten, yeilow and pnrple tint?, qud has a good effect upon green.


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Michigan Argus