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"WM. M. SINCLAIR, OOMMISSION MERCHANT IN GRAIN AND Fí-OUR, ROOM V 131 F.aSAI.LE STREKT, CHICAGO. MACK & SCFIMTD, inlFB'; in nr.v foods, Oroceries, Crockory, 3 4 South Main Stceet. 0. A. L EITEU & CO., nclIKHS IN DK1"(";S un.i Medicines, Puro Wines J i I knorí fr Medicinal PorpoíBS, Clgara&c., .sílbU-ory Block. MORRIS HALE, W. i. ■MBlHOland Office ' 18, corner WUllamsand TnomP" "v"lí office honre i los P 11 Wtí -3 18(1 Freecrlptiom frum 0 to i P, M. eicb daj . fri1' grl'e u' the l"or1L(;i , r7w ellis & co., iMIíHISTS. and dealers lo Paiuts, CMto, etc. No. 2 j5blCalii Street, Ann Arbor. " JÓIÍÑ7 KECK & CÖ., nclíBRS in Furriiture ofall kinds, No..V2Soutl jÍiii i Street, and 4 West Liberty, Street, Aun Arbor. __ J. Q. A. 8KSSIONS, iTWKNrV nd Couneellor at Law, Beal Bstateand hnnnoeAgenr. i Collectíonaf Climpi)romtly attenced lo on liberal terms. ufJceinöannulys Block, np stairs, Hurón Street, luí Arbor Mich. " W. II. JÁCKSON, DrXTIST s-i essor to C. B. Porter. Office, corteHilBud Hnron Streets, oval Che rtore ofK.W. Aun Albor, Micli. Anffisthctice adm:n ri ii . W. v. .üVeakey, m. d. (ElflCIAM AM)M miF.oN'. Office :it r.-iaonce, eornerof iliiron uivl División Street, ttrat (loor Cutoí Presbyterian Ohorcn, Aun Arbor, Micli. B. J. JOHNSON, JÍ.UEK IN 1IATS nnJ Oups Fnr, S.traw. Ooda 1 : iimi-hiiiü Good, &c , Ko. 7 South Main Ann Arbor. BOTHBRLAND & WHEDON, IIPEandFireliisnrance Atronts and dealers in Real ■ u liurtiis SI W.D. HOLMES, DEU.ÏU i Picture, Frame, &c, No. 32 East IIutjn Sliect. LE WIS G. i:. PKAl.' " ' lilng OuoJs-Tiij Ifarc. &c., ro. 31 South Main 8tteet. BACH & ABEL, ÜBiLEI.'Siu Dry Good8,QrocerlM, &;., &c. Xo. 2C Arbor. „SLAWSON & SON, 3R0CER?, ProvlRlon and Commlí i i '■ :its Land Planter, and l'lius' '8. SONDHEIM, HIOI.ESALE and retail dealer in Reftdy Minie Clothiis. Uassiraerefi. Vesting, and ílenls' FjraistiuGuüil. No. H South Muin Strcut. W.M. WA0NER, tSAlER in Rciidy Made Clothlng. Cioths. CawlpMod Vestings, Uata Capí, Trunke, Cjrput l,c..-l S puth Main Strc.t. GILMORE & FISKE, MSELLKllS iinrt Station ere, Medical. Lawand ext Hooks. School and Miscellaneona :ii M.Ú11 Stroet, Gregory Bloek, AmArbur. FINLEY & LEWIÜ, K.UERS In Bo(.tf. Shoea, Gailerc, Slipiieie &c„' Xo.lBsstllunw Sireet. PKOF. D15LOULME. From theUnivertiity of Franco, giren private and UioQrleusoDs in tin Kr snch LangOage and LitcMtiNiiindthe Latln tougae, and afeo in vocal aud iwranoutal inasic. yearf tixperlence in teacbiiiheee anti oUkt hraiH'Iit'fi of u libel a] edacatioD. A fait eourae of the ibuve tíudics :-u tu nu y 'ii i th&i muy he formt'd. inn Arbor,-27th lec-, 1370. I3C2U QR 0 C K E li Y , 8LASSWARE & GPOCERIES. .1. & DONEIJ,Y Bu[nfltoroa largestuck oí Crockery,'H r'4Warc.':iilhT.v . Gn.ceric-ü, Se., ie, all tob "lilUnusuall}1 l(nv prieer Xo.laEiHtUimliStitM't Ann Ar hor112811 J.4 P.DONNELLY. JOHN G. GÁLL, Mm AND SALT MEATS, I.VIIM. BA.USAGBS, !:., Wirnolicltedandpromptly filled wiih thebest " n ihe market. 31 Bast Washington siivet. inoArbor, Sept. 16th, 1809. l86tf ARKSEY Munulacturer oí Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, UüfLEIQHS of every style. mudo ofl en&l.and warraiiiüü. Uepalrint: done pjomytly w pticej reasoiiable. Detroit Streut, uoat K. R. "M.AnnArbor.Mich. Í2TÓyl Jacob haller, 22 HUBON S.TREET, tEAST OF COOK'S UOTEL.( LIDIES' FINE GOLD WATCHES, GOLD AND S1LVER mericaa and Swiss Watches, WLD AND SILVER CIIAINS, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, &c. Ac. GOLD PENS, Sl',.tcJtecte(1 Lazarus & Morris' HPECTACLrs. J)KC.B. PORTEB, tE3STTIST_ "theSAVINGS BANKBLOCK, Ann Arbor. Ali Operations on the Natural Teeth ÜNo PSRf'ORMEU WITH C.iRB. "SÜRPASSED PACILITIES AND EXPBRIENCE NTTIKfi ARTIFICIAL TEETH, 0(ir T GlVE EACH INDIVIDDAL, ""f e prnper tár, thape , color, ftrmneti and - , na al txprtibion. 1244 pEOPLE'B DRUG STOiCj,: R. W. ELLIS & CO.


Old News
Michigan Argus