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f penal potos"COffSÜMPTION. lts Curo and Its Preventivo. BY J. H. SCHENCK, M.D. Man y a human bolnsr has passod awny fnr whoso death tbere wiM no otber renson than ihe ncgloctof known and tndisputubiy praten mean of cure. Those near nnrt U'Jti' ti líimlly trut ffiehdfl ;uv 1'i"(dk lbo dr, afñioMBlumbei iniu'wlilcli, hnü tbey culmïy am pled DB. JOSEI'H II. BCHBHOKfS SI-IIPUS TREAT.HENT, nnd nvniletl thomnelves of hls wontforfnlly efticactous níOílicImt", they wiíiiltl not have Míen. Dr. Schonck l;i ln lila own cana pfovod thnt whr ovi-r BUflBdcnt vit:ility rrtimin, Chut vítuHír, t? Iris medicines and hla dlrecttoiM íur Uiwlr tino, ; qtitcketicif loto hraithfui v licor. ln thH statement thoro Ís nothing proMtmptuou. To (hefalthof tho Invalld la made no representatlon ttüit la not ;i tnousand times substantlated by üvincr mi risible vrorka, The theory ( tho curo by Dr. Schi'Mi-k' medicines is as pimplo s lt la unfnilinff. ltí philoftöphy reqnlrea no arguni?iit. lt la aeií-üBiirioK. self-conTlnting, The Sea-weed Tenfcrand Mandrake Pilla aro the flrat twf weapons witii whirb. the of tho nin'íidy Ís aaiattod. Two thírds of the oases of onsnmuuon ti ; i ii;it ■ in dyspepaia nnd a funetimuilly dlrdered hviT. With conditlon the bronehial tubes " sm. pathtxe" wltta tbe ítoniich. Tltey rospond to them-M-iiirti-urtiitnof the I ver. lloro than o unes the cultntiiHtlnK resolt, and thu setting in, witU all it Jiitrusaing Byuípioin, of COXHUMPTION, Tho Mandrakn Plllsaro omposcd of onftof Enture ' noblect fflfta -the I'oiphllhini l'eltiitum. Thoy poson nll the blood-aearohlng. alterativo iropurtics of cuiouici, but, utiliko oalomelí thoy "LEAYE NO BTING BEIIIXD' Tho work of miro Ifl nnr bfjrtrmltifr. Tlm rltlatcrrf" nnd tnocoua flepoBltn ln tln hotrr's uncí tn tho tilimcnt : r canal are efected, The Htot. llko u cloi-k, Is woand up. lt arotisos fnmi it.- torpldttr. Tho BtomHoh acta resp)ri8lvetr, and tho p;itUnt begiiis to foel thut he Isgotting, ni lait A 81TPPI.Y OF GOOD BLOOO. Tho Poa-wooil Tonto, ln ooni.inctlon wlth Uit Mita, perinotttos and asfllnillaten with the food. Chyllfloa llon is now profrresstng witlumt tts provious tortures, liitïostt'in booomes palnless, and 1 1 1 cure in soon to be at. hand. Thore Isno more fiutulenoOj no exucerbullün of the Btomacb. An appellte it-í In. No# onmes i ;i" greatt'at Bloi d Puritlpr evpr yot pivon byan ln I uitren) rat her lo Bufferlng man. Scnenck's Puhnmiie Sjrupcunea In to perfonn it f unctiona and to basten and complete tbe curo. lt untcm tu onco apon Ittwork. Nutureoan nol be ohe&ted. Itcollertn and rlpens tho impatred and dlseased portions of the lunffft. 1 11 the forni of KUtherlngs, lt prepares thom f"r ratlonand l"! ín a very tnon time no malady is viinijutshi'ii, tbe rotten throne thut it oceupied i renovaled and mafia new, and tbe patiënt, in all tho dlgnity of regained vinor, Btcpa foith lo enjoy tho luauhuod or womnahuod taut WM ;rv!; vp as lost. Tlmspp'ind thlngls.thn pattentfl mut Ftay in a warm room ontll they et well ; lt i.- ainioat Imponible to prevent takln f cold wbe i tlu lungs are cliaensed, bufc it musfc bo proTentcd or u core cjin mt baefltectcd. Prestí :iir and rldïng out, cspeclally ln tliis section of tlie country, in t!io f:ill nnd winter season. uro all irronff. Physicians whr recommend tliutcuurse lose thelr patlentn. f thelr hins are iadly diaeaaed and yottbooHQSo tliey aro ln th" house theymnst not Bit (lown QUlet ; they must iralk abmt tho room as much and ;i f;St' m tlio Btrenpth irííi beur, to pet up a ood ctrcnlitttuii of bl'inii. The pttticnta must keep In p'd upirita- be dotermlned V pot well. Thin has a prcat deal ti do wltii íUm appctlte, and is the graat point to gain. To despalr of cure after such ovldonoo of ih posslblllty in tho worst cases, and ni(ir:tl certalnty in uil othera, is Blnfuí. lr. Srhenrk'a porsoiml Ptutonient to the l'acult vt bis own cure waa in these modest word : " ftlany yeaH ao T wn In the last ñtagea of conguniptioo; oonflncd to my bod, and at one time mr nhysiotanv tlionlit tlmt I could nut, Uve a wrok ; then, like a drowninfí man OHtohlng ai Btraws, 1 heard Oí nnd obtained tho preporíitloni whtrh 1 now offer to the pabilo, and thoy made a poríeot ture of me. lt seeraod to nio thut I could ícel penétrate my whole syatem. They fuon riionrd the matter in my Ittnffa, and I would plfe up mero than n pintnf uffensivo yeilrjw matter every mornlns for a long time. " As soon as tliat bcírn'n to pubside, tnycough, fever, palna,ftnd niKtit swcats ill befan to loa ve me, md my uppetlie bectime ao gronl that k was wlth dlflteulty that 1 could keep írom outinj too nuch. 1 soon guiímy strenxth, and hnvo OTOWn in flesh ever slnee. "I was weighed sliortly afti-r my ree.overy,- ndd cñ Doctor, "■ t ten looking like a mere keleton; my weltíht waa only nlnoty-seven pounds : my preeont, welgutlstwo himdred and twcnty-flve (22.'))pr-und!, and forreara] hare enjoyed unfntemiptcd bealth." Dr. Bobenek has dtaoontlnnAd hls professlondl Tlsltfl t. Ñew-Ybrk and Boston. lio or liis non. Dr. J. H. Sohenclt, Jr., etill c-mtinuo to seo pntientA at their Office. No. 15 Nortb Sixth Street, PhUadelphia, etery Saturday frora 9 a.m. to 3 P.K. Thoso who wlsh a thoronjch examinaron wlth tho Iïrspirometor will bi ohiirtred $5. Tlie Etesplrometer doelrfrcs the exact eonditlon of the lunga. aiul ptttientscan rcadily lcarn whother they are curable or not. The diroctlons for taking tlie medicines nre ndnptod to the Intolltgenoft eren ora eliild. FoiiowthicdiroftlonB, and kind Nature wlll do tho rest, ezceptlng ilïïit in tuimo cases tho Mandntko Pilis are to bc taken In Increased doses; tho tiiree medicines need no otlier accompaDfmenta than tbe nmple Inrtrtictiona thatao coraprvny them: Kirst créate appetite. Of returning heaitb, fiunpcr is tlie mot weïcoine symptom. When it comes, ns it will come, let the despnirinpf at onco bo of pond choer. (ïood blood. at onco follows, thpeoufgh. i, the nlght sweat is almtod. Jn n short tline both of these morbld Bymptomi ropnno forever. Dr. Schenck's niedictnes aro eonstantly kept in tens of thoasands of famtMee; As a laxatlve or purgativo, the Mandrake Pilis are a standard preparatlon ; winio the Palmonio Byinp, is j onre of couahs and colda, may be regarded :i a propbylaoterio utjaUistcunsuuiptin in any of its forma. ■ Priee of tho. Putmonio Pvrup nnd Poa-ween Tonlc, tlOu bottle, or 870 a halí dozen. Mandrake Pilis, 25ceot3a box. Kursalo by all druggista uad Ucalera. HÜRLBÜT & EDSALIj, 32 Lake treet, Chicago, III., "Wholesale jiVgeiita. . FAINTS PRINTS PAINTS Oils Oils Oils Varnish Varnish Varnish Brushes Brushes Brushes VlINEItAL PA1JNTS, &c, LOOK TO YOÜR INTEREST AND CALL ON E. W. ELLI8 & CO., BEFOKE PUKCIIASINQ A FALSE REPORT! THAT A. A. TERRY HASGONEOUTOP TRADE HE STILL LIVES, AND HAS A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OP HATS & CAPS ! JUST THE STYLE, ANDAT l'RICES 10 SUIT TIIE TIMES. AI.SO AFULLLINEOF GENTS' FURMSHING GOODS! DONT PURCnASE YOÜR SPRING ANDSÜMMER OUTFTfS ÜNTIL YOtT 15 South Main St., Ann Aibcr 1381-tí, JAM. B. REVENAUGH, PHOTOGMPHER I R ETOUCHES ALL HIS NEATIYES BEFOK-E PRIÏÏTIISG, SO THAT FRECKLL8,M0ÏIIS ANOTAN Do not show in uny of his Pictures. ío Extra Charges. Finest Assortment of Toilet j Goods in the City, by .dJD.BHs&-eíDmggí 8 5 S , m , & . o % 3 í - 8 fl. 5 i-i S l.rl f?! ? es -o ? CQ . S o " p3 8o P 5 1 2 H O 5 H O H % (JAM. lí. REVEJNAt'ÜH KEEPS ON HAND l LAEGE STOCK OF OVAL AND SQÜARE BLACK WALNUT AND GJLT FRAMES ! OF ALL SIZES CHEAP. No. 30 HURÓN ST ]JEW GOOÜS J.T WM. WAGNER'S A Large and Choice Stock o SPRM Hl SUMMER goods, 1ÍJCU.DING CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINÖS, &C LATKST STYLES AND BEST QUALITÍES WH1CH UI W1LM MANUFACTURE on terms to sult. AIso a full line of REAÜY-MADE CLOTHING AND Gents' FUKNISHING Goode. BEST STYLE. Alie LADlK-SandOKNTS MOROCCO SATCHEL8 No.31 South M!Stret- Eitid. CALL AND SEE THEM. WM.I.I m VAGNER, AnnArbor, May, 1871. "DUTTER WANTED. I am aain propared to take all CHOICE BUTTER Made in the County, for CASH or goode 1823 tf J.H. MAYN'ARD Jqq BUS II ELS OF CHOICK GRAY BUCKWXIEAT, F0RSE3D, for aio at the Acricultnral Wnrehouse of MOSES JÍOGERS. Aun Arbor, June Ut, 18T1. 1BMw4 UEOPLE'S DRUG STOiiifil R, W, ELLIS & CO. AKTISr A.H.Í O OR Drain Coinmissioner's Notico. NOTICE U bereby Ivo o thut the Draln ComtUlwlOOor of WaslUviniw Cóttnty will ' at the hoO66 of Pat riek Welch. In the townshlp of North-. .lí-UK in i-aid county 00 the (V.) ninc U'eiilh rtay of .inly, IST1 . t 9 odock v. k., to meet partics to cntia-t tor tbe exca.vatlon and cftüatruclloo or a draln to be known 9 .the Ludwick Draln, commenctng lOchafAs and ÖO I Irrita eotith of Oii qnarter stahe oí the north ildd of soctton (.n; tblrty, town 1 soath, 6 enst, nnd rnnnin thenee eaeterív nut] northerly to thuCounty Uraiu. on land owned by Appletofi. " IwiMaisn be ut the bouse of Patrlck welch, on the (15) flfteenih dnv of Jnly ■fofeSBld. ut, wlihh time and plat'.e, t wijl exhibft maps of tho abovo propoaed áralo, and deacrlpüofls of the iewral par els of )and deernen1 by me to be bonelited thereby. and the amtiut and descrlptton hj división aml subdivisl n of thv above proposed draln by nt apportioiii'd (o t he owncre of encli dcScHptlou Of land to construct, and Mie townshlp f Northfield te construct on account of uct draln beneflllng highwtiy . and henr reaeont, !f anv are offered, why rach appoftlon taant shonld be rernsed or corrected. Ann ArbiM', Jtnu) iMth, 1 fT ' - DAVID Af. FttfTJlY, 1323 Conuty Drain Coinmisaionor. Estáte of James O'Brien. OTATK OF MICHIGAN, Cunnty of W'ahtenw.R8 0 Notfee Is hereby giveti.that by an order or the I'ruhnte Court fnr tbc Countvof WaMitennw, made on the twenticth day of fnne A. T). 1 871 slx inontlis FrOin thiil date were aïlowd Tor croditon to present their claimt ntrauiRt the ct!ite of Jame O'Briun, lateof sai;! ('ounty, decaod, and Unit :tll creditora ofsald deceased are reqaLred to present their craims io aid Probate Contt. at the Probate Offlee.fn thcOUy of Ann Arhor.frcxamlnftttoit and allowntice, on ot Imfnre the tventlnb daj of DeceURMf Dert, and that sucb claim wlll be hanl before said Probate Oonrt. on Samnlay, the exteenth day of September, and on Wodnosday, the twent! th dav IHx!inber noxt. at ten o'ciockinthe foruuoon of aaoh ol' thonedays.. lated,Ann Arbor, Juno ftOth, A. D. 1571. HIRAM J. BKAKES, 1327w4 Jndjre of Probate. Estáte of William Latson. QTATD DJ MICHrGAW, Conntyof Wanhtenaw, m. i NotlOe ia hetebygiYen, tliat b"y an order of the Probate Conrt f"r the ('ounty of Witóhtenuw, mude on tïio wraatoenth day of Jnne, A. 1). 1871, six months trom tliat date were nllo wed for credit ors to 1 re eni their olabna agoinat the estáte tf WUliaiñ Latflon, late efasid county, deoeosed, and thai all creditors of wiid decoaaod are required to present tboir claims to said Piobide Conit, at the Probate Ofliee, in tïie City of Ann Axbor, for cxaminfition and aUawaaoe, on or beton tbc eibteenth duy of I)c!■ mil r ie xt, und that such claims wül beheara before said l'robato ('ourt, on Saturday, th" iitth day of August, and on Monday tbc ciprlitrrntb dny of Deoemler next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of each of thoHe dnys. Dated, Ann Arbor, June, 17, A. I). 1871. . HIRAM J. lïKAKKS, 1327w4 Judffe of Probate. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, eounty of Waahtenaw. BS. 0 By virtue of a writ of execution issued out of and umi' r tlic eal of the Circuit Court for the county uf Waahta&aw, Btate of MiobJgaxt, datl the twenty siivrntii day of Mareh, 1871, and to me dlreoted and delivered, against the goodfe and ohatteïa, landa and tenements of Christian l- Eapp, deftoodant theied named, 1 did, on the ttrst dny of June, A. D. 1S71, fbr the want of Booda and ehattela levy apon alt Interest that ChriMinn F. Kapp has in tho followiiii; ]■- scribeil pieoH or paroelfl of laml, to-wit : All of lots six, scven and ewhti in block onet lïrown & Fuller's Addition to the city of Ann Arbor, said lots being in the city of Ann Arbor, county of Washtcnaw, Btate of Michigan; which rremisew I hall expone for sale, at puMio auction, to tile highest bidder, at the south door of tbe Court ICouse, in the city of Ann Arbor, on the26thdoy of July, 1871, at 10 o'clock a. M. of said day. Dated, June Ut, 1871. MYROX "WEBB, Sheriff. 1325 By Joktin Foiibks, Under-öheriiT. Sheriff's Sale. STATE OF MK'HHi.VN', ( ounty of "U'asbtenaw. lïy virtut' of a writ of execution, issucd out of sni onder thesealof the Circuit Court for the county of WaahtenaT. State of Michigan, dated the twentyfirwt day it' .Mairli, 1871, and to m directed aad delivered, agiiint tbe gooda and cbattcls, lands and tcneinenti of f.ouis li. Huchoz, defendant theroin named, 1 did, on the third day of June, A. D. 1871, lor the want of poods and chnttrls, levy upon pfUrtfl 0 lot 1 and _ Lying west of Detaroli nioeti in bloek four north of Hurori street and range {G} aix, accoi-ding to the recorded ïlat of Hie nllage (now city) of Ann Arbor, excepting the northeast corner, nlso exceptinfj the north six ïtKls of tbo wet se ven rods oi said li; twOj sold real estáte beinr situated in the city of Ann Arlxir, connty of 'Wjaahtenaw, Stuteof Michigan; which premisos I sliall esposo för Bale at public auction, to the hihet bidder, at the south door of the Court líouse, iu the city of Ann Arbor, on the twenty-nfth duy of July 1871, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of miA day. Datctl,June3d, 1Ö71. MYROX WEBB, Sheriff, 1325 By Jortin Foi;bes, Under Slieriff. Bheriff'e Salo. STATE OF MI f 1 1 n ;. x, Coonf y ..f Washtenaw, sa. lïy virtue ot a wri1 ut exocuffOD issucd out of and onder the sea! of tbe ('ircuit Court ft the oounijy of Wushtcnaw, titiUe ol U iohigan, dated che eightéeiitb day of Miireh, 1871, and to me dixeotcd and dohvered, againat the Roods and chattls, Landsand tenements of Amrlia s. fiid 'aiI, ilcfi-mlaut Uierein n;med, I did cüi the eighteenth day oï &Lareh, a. d. is; i, íoi the want of gooda and chattels. lery upon all the interesi tha Amelia B. UcCaid hai In the (bllowing d pieces ot panels of land situatcd ín the tí i lhelseai couni y of Washtcnaw, State ot' il ichian, described as fbuowa. to-wil: Lots No. L :'. 3, 1, and (SU) thirty-niin-, in block No. 6 in sald villaje of Chelsea; also commenciii at a point twoyodseast of the nortbeast corner of said lot one thenee runxring north along the hJghway three rods, thenoe weel nixteen roda, thenee south to tibe Dortheast corner of lot Ño. 38 in said blonk No. {fi: six, thenoe eavt to the pkice of bcuriiinjMií ; ajjsoa plees ot' land boQnded as follows, on the north by the last described pieoe of land, aputfa by lot No. thirty-nine, and on tbe east by lots No. I and 2 iii said block, wliicli j)reraies I shnii exposé for salo iit pnblifl auction to the bigbaat bidder, at the Houth door ol the Court Bouse. in the city of Ann Arbor, on the fiftcenth day of July, a. p. 1871, at 10 a. m. of stiid day. Dated, June 1, 1871. MYIÏOX WEBB, Sheriff, 1324td By JoitTix Four.F.s, Undcr-Sheriflf. ShcrifrlSale. BY VIRTEFBofoneoxecnttOB issned out of and ander tho ral of the ' ir ■ uit fonrl for tbe Couo tv of VVa.-íhtenaw, and State of Htchlgan, beaflos date the thirtieth dny of Dectmbcr. A D. 187C, and lo ino directcd aiyi dclivcred, I. líyroii K. I'orter, Sheriff, byThon.J. Hosklns, Depuly Sheriff, did, on ilie thirlieth daj o( December. A I). IS70, levy upon iind seize nll the rijiht. litle. nnd iuteicct áf Mnurice O'Cconnor. in nnd to the Collo fff ng deeermrd im and prerolses to wit: The west % (half; ofthcRotuh eaet ?4 fqtiftit r ofsectionfifteen andine north west fqoftrtcr) of the aortheast '.i (quarter) of secilon 92 ftwenty rno Bouth.rnafeBix cast, in the Coumy of Waahienav and stifo of Michigan, whicli premis w.or the defoDéBDis In ter eet theroin I hall expose for Rale, ' publir mifïion, as thu law directs, at the south door f the-Court itonne in tfaeony of Ann Arbor, thntbfiut' the place for holding the Circuit Conrt for the County nfWashttnaw on Sniurt'ay the nl'tcentb day of July next, at two o'cloek in the afternoon. Dnted, Ann Arbor, May 2Tth, 1871. B. Ji P0HTER. Sheriff. 1324 By Tnoa J. noüKiNs Deputy Sheriff Sheriff s Sale. STATE OF MICHUiANVomiry of Waehtenaw.ffl fty virtuc of a writ of execution issued out oí unt tinder the senl of the Circuit ('omt, for the county o Waahteiiaw, State oi tfichigan, dnted tlie 23d day o June, 1871, and to me direct t-d and delivered, aguinst the goods and chattk-s, landj und tenernents of Owei Croman, detVndant tra-rein immed, l did, oq the 2411 day of Juno, A. D. 1871, f or the want of goods uiu eimüles, levy upon all the interest that Owen Croman has in the followinp deseribed real estáte, to-wit ; cd that pieoe ov parecí of land lying and being Ín the town of Xorthtielil, county ot' WaahtQnaw and Stiitt of Michigan, deseribed as folio ws?, to-wit: tlie north east quarfeex of section number üt'teeu in bownshn number one sonth, and range number six east, ae org ing to the original survey, cuntainiag foity acres o land. which premisos 1 shaU sxpose tor sale at public anotfon, t the ïiijrhcftt bidder, at thé Routh door of the. Conti Éonse, In the city of Aun Arbor, on the 18Ü day of August, A. D. 1B71, at K' o'clock k. U. of ank day. Dated, June 27th, 1871. MV1ÏOX WEIïB, Sheriff. 132S By JOBTIM FOBBS, Vnaer-Shoiiff. Sheriif 's Sale. State of Michigan, County of Waahtenav, ap.- By virtue of a write of excouion, iavued out oi au'á undcr the scul of tlie Circuit Court for the connt.y of "Washtoiüiw and Btatoof Michigan, dated the nintfa (9thi day of Maroli, A. ï, 1871, und to me direeted and delivered, against the poorls j'nl ohattles, land and tenomenta of Charles Peuch, defendant therein named, I did, on the twentk-th day of March, A. D. 1871, for the w;uit of ROOda and ohatÜOA, levy upon the following real estáte: Btffin&ingat a stukointln1 center of the Territorial rond, on the east half Of fchfl out■■st quarterof section seventcen (17!, in township four (4j nouth of range (ti) eix oast, Üienos north oiiihty-Mvn degTees east, six chains ; thênce north fiiteun minutes west, tour ehains and ei?hty-rive links; thfnoo soutli eighty-aeven degrees tliirty minutes vest, bixcliains eleven linkn; tlience south forty-one degVeea tlnrty minutes cast, Uurëe rhüins ; thfllios SOUtfa cifílity-seven degrees tlnrty minutes irest, lour ehains forty links to tho place of bezinning, containinff three and sevt'nty-fi' onehundxedthB acrefl of land : AUtc a pavos! of land bejinoins at a ïtakö In fche oanter of the TerritOTia] road, m the rust. half of the Bouthvest tguarter of seotion ;17 WTenteen, i: town : r sonth of range (6) east; thenco north e%hty-aeven flesreefl thirty ntinutea cast, four [i] chaina iifty links; thence BOuth forty-one degvw thirty minutes east, three chaina; tiranos south abhty-seren fleneM dhirtyminxtteB west, ;hree ehains to the' of begiúning; AÍ8O a ])ccv of aml beiog in fche nórthwest corner of the west half ot' ttic siiuilic:it quaiïex of Beo. (17} seventeen, in township (4) fournouthof range (!) sixeast, comme&cing eiglit rodft east of the nortfiveal eornei of aalfl lot, running wet cí?ht rods to the corner ot Kdd'far raenee touth ton nodaj tlu'iun; ndrtheasteily to the piuco of Ngfawing, aU thcabove deacriptioae suppoaefl to conain flve and one-fourth aerea of landt Jubo Ébeaouth mlf ofth; weet half of the northeast quarter of seeion (17) sevt'nti'fii, in townshiji foor south of range ix e;ist, oontaining forty noret f tand, more or lesa; Also a part of the Dorthweet Quarter of septiem (171 icventetn, town four (4) tsouth of range (() sil HL'ftiuning at the Koutheast oonit-r ut' soid Qvarteraeo[on aeventeen, and runxüns north twenty-one hnins MT0ntTtW0 links, ÜWDOQ west sixteen hains nd etxty links, thffliow BOuth lift y dogrees weot nine chaina and fifteen link, to the oentt r f the Bolino und Monvoe road, thenoe south thirtynine and one-fourth degreefl eastttwoxtv ehaiju and Orty-four linies, to the south lino of suid quarter soclon, and tbenos cast on vnid line ten ohaina ai nty links, to the placo of boErinninp, oontaitiinji forty ere of land, nu re or lepa. Whion pfemlm I ShaD xxwae for c at publlo attction, to the higheet bkldw. t the öouth dooi of tli. ■ Couri House in the City of Ann Arbor, in said county, on the Énrenty-econd dny f July, A.D. 1871, at ten o'clock iii the foicuoon of iiil nis. Datod June 8th, A. D. 1871. MYIÏOX WEBB, Khcriff. I). Cbameh, Plt'iT Att'y. 1325. f IVE GE ESE FEATPItíRS PIBSTQTJALITY, onstautly on hand and lor b1 by BACH& ABEL PÜÏSIMAW PRESCRIPTIOXS' CCl'RATKLY ANII CAREFULLY PHEPABED BY R. W.HU.IS d OO.,VRUQGIS18. Ifortgage Sale. Dr I' vi' i i' brtt Dade in the mdltionöf amortgage, fi-.-i-! ■.. George Ktui Anan and Adam Roebnch t Jame RcAfuhoñ, dated April 29th, A. I). l.süs, and roeotded same dtay En the ftegij$tre offLae oí Wnahtenaw County, Ín book 37 oí ra i 11 j, by whih the power of sata ttherein contained b:iin- :-■ ia! ivr : whieh mortguge wan on thr twentóeth liiy of September, 1869, assígned to Lucy w. B. M& pan, íin the assigninéui mcbrded June -i-t. 1871, icro-s tln' !■'■' of Muid uioiHml"1, 'üi'1 UK BUH1 Oí rpvn1 y-iive AoH&TO belnjr now claim rd n:i dofl ; ind no suit or procecding havini; W't-'ii inatiti r tlio samo, or ;uiv part tnereof ; Nottoe i therefore heroby iriv.-n. tlint said mortp-ttíe will be forecloaed by the sale öf the mortgaged prctoflw, to-wít í " I."t nmnbcr thirti-en, in bloei nttmber foui touth, raüge nuthbi r twu vwt, is th ■■ ■■ of Ano Arbor iwid State ol Michigan," or some part thereof, ii pnldic vi-inlm-, Al the Coait Ilonw, in said city, on the t unty-tliiiil day of Beptember next, nt noon. Dated, June 22d, 167 li LUCY . ti. MOUüAX, Mortgagoe. B.W. Moboah, Att'y. Mortgage Sal;. D' OTT haring been made in the paymont of money with t n pex nut. int rest thcKCfta I by ;i f -i-i un i üidenture of martgageexecuted by flimro and Au.ii-j E. Storms, botbol théoity t" Aun Albor, and Slale of .Michigan, to John A. Nichol, of the saino place, and lxjarinK date the. seventh day of June, A. 1). 1870, and recordöd in the Dffioaof tin: Register ot' Deada In the county of Wasntenftw, Stut'1 ni' Michigan, on tlm ciiihtlt drtj' of .Tuur, A. D. 1870 in libur 43 of morteagea, at page 285. by wliich tiit.iult tlit; power of ufó in Bfttd mdrtgnge niu becume operative. and DO suit or proociKÜnjf ut lw or in cnuncery having been üutituted i" recover the amoasd dufl on bsUI mOTt0US or uny pait theroof, nd the som of sevan hundnd and iiity dollars bfinaoow cAabned to be dae npeh 8BJd BxortgsgQ and the bond aoeompasi üw Üie sanu ; Ñoüce is tlioret'ore heroby giren, tlmt iid mort:h," will bu l'oreclosed by n salo of the morlgaged premisos, on Baturdny, the ninth day oi' September, A. I). Ift71. at the hourof eleven a. m. oí said dn', ftt the south door of the Coürt IXousc in the city of Aim afozesaidt [the same being the p hice wbere the Cirooit Oonrt fof taid uoQflt la held) nnd ihat at that time and place I sliull ell ut public nuotion, to the liighest bidder, the premifles noreinafter described, {bt-ing the .-inii] iiHirtL'Jicd preinises), or so much tbéreof u ahall be neceaaary t mitisfythc nmount due on nutd mortgHfle and bond Ht the dat ut' thi notiw irith iatereat, and eostfl and expeuces hIlo%yed by luw, tocther with hu Atlovney'a ft-e of thirty dollüi-s provided for in said inortKU{j;e, thnt is to say: all thoee certainpieoeBor parows of land útuated in the county of Waahtenaw nnd State of Mk-hian, known, boandod and desanbad as Collows, tu-wit: being the woolen faotory In Brown & Fnller's iidiliiion to the oi Ann Ajbor, in said county of Vn-ht.;iiiv, with all the pririlegei and appurtenances, incjuding all the macliinery, appuratus and tixtuies rüinaining thbreon and to be put Uwraonj aud als the following descrilM'd serera] parocb of land and privilegias and water power, to-wit: commencinjj: at tlm Houthwesterly boondary of Mili street in said nddition, fitty-six links southeastnrly the point whcre a line drawn from tho south corner of blook three in aid nddition, ucio.-. and at right angles with Mili etreet, will inteneet iaid buundaiy, thenee north wosteriy ulong uid boundary three chauu and serenty-aeven link, thonce south tliirtj' dWreei weit to tlic mili mee, thence 'down suid raoesofarthaiaopursi north thiriy degrees east will inteneet the point o lcinninp, thenee to the place of boginning", íogether with all the privileges of unng thereon seventy-tw square inches of water to be taken from said race. also commenciiifi twclvc feet northweterly from the northerly corner of the vake factory or cabinet hïio] formerly ttaading between the race and riverontlii southwesterly sim? of said mili race, thence up the line of the rnce fort y feet, thence southwesterly a right angles with the line of the race to tho river Hu ron, tht'iiee at ritrlit anglei down the river fort y feet thence northeaatorly at right anplre with the lineo the race to the place of buginninr, for the purpose o crci-tinii a bulk he;id and auch other building wth parties may eleot, with the privilege of uaing OH safa land 1 1 1 ftqnare Inchea of water, to be takun from ai race, togetneï with all the laml find prinleeea of overv nat un', kinl and tir-n 'iptiun, oonvcyed by Sheldoi Tomlinson and Abby H., his wife, to the party of th first part, on the 2d day of June, A. IJ. lS6y. Dated, Ann Arbor, Juno 12th, 1871. JO1IN A. NICnOLS, D. Chamkr, ïlortgngce. Att'y. for Mortgageo. 1326 Mortgage Sale. DEFATJLT having been made in the conditions of a oertain mortgage eaceouted by WUUain FSomero and Charlotte Pomei-oy, his wife, both of Ann Arboi Michigan, to Lathor K. Allen, of the same place which mortgrapi beara date the flfth day of tVbruury A. D. 186B, and la reoorded in the ofSoe of the i' of Dtetls of the county of Waahtenaw, in liber il o mortgagcK, on page 138, and was asaigned by wh Luih-r B. Allen oo Betey L. Fuller, by aasjgnmaii made in liber two of assignmont of mortages, on 160, m tlit' office of aaid Regiaterof Deeds,on theSethday of Match, A. D. 1861, ;uid wuh furthe 1 by Said Betsy L. Fuller to Lucy A. Üennett by anfgnme&t reeorded in libeitwoof aK-sipumeut o: mortgagee, on i age 600, in tho oth'ce of Beid Hcgitc oi l 'i eás, ainl by rf;ifon of snid default tho power o sale in said mprtgage having becomq operaore, am there being nów olaimed to be dné and owing on aav moitgagi? and note nccompanyin tlte aame, the aun of eix hundrwi and eighty-onc dollars and fiftven oontt also au Attorncy's fee of twenty dollars, and no smt or preoeeding at law or in cliancery hnring been in.stitulfd to recover the same orany part thtreof ; Nottoe ia tiicrefbre heieby given, that on Batñrday the ninth day of September, A. 1. ia71, ataleyei o'clock a. nr. oi baM day, at the sóuth aoorof the Coart House, in the city of Ann Albor, in said eounty of Washtonaw {the öam being place whcre the Circuit Oonrt :for said county ia held), l hall seÜ a public auctiun, to the biffheal bidder, the premisea nereináfter dosenbed [being the premÍBes í in aaid mortgsgo] or so mnch thoreof as Bhal bc neöeasary to satiafy the amount dne on sai mortgage anti noto at the date of this notice, with interest and costa and expenses allowï d by law, that Istosay : allthai pieos of land sitnatedia Ann Arhor, in t 1 1 _■ oounty of Waahtenaw, desor)be ;ís all f iiat puit of the west half of the nortinas: quarter of section numlior nineteen [19] in township number two sonth of lanfle sbc east, in th stuteof Michigan! whioh was deeaed by Gcorge J). Uill and wlfeto the parties of the flrst part in said moi by U '1 made on tin Hrat day of October, A. I). ltJGG, and rcoordel in liber nuniber 61 of deed , for the oounty of Washtcnnw, on page 109, eontaiuiup fíftyii.ii.' acres more or lees, to which last mentíoned : ;i lvtitis:inent refers for a further descriprinii ui aai 1 pxi i Dated, Anu Albor June 1?, 1871. LUI v A. BENNETT, T). Gb%MEB, Assijjnee of Mortgage. Att'y. for siiid Assignee. 2.126 Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having teen made in the coudition of a coriain morteage exeented by Grgo W. Mot m - tojck anl Xeüie Mcloriaick, of the city of Aun .-vrbor, DGuniy of Waahtenaw, and State of M3ohigan, to Alice M, lietry, of the same place, on the 23d day of Maroh, a. n. 186!), and reoorded in the Office of the Revistar of l)oeds of said eminty of Waahte0aW 00 the S3d day of March, 18(i9, at 6 o'clock i1. m. of said day, in Libpr Mi) of mortgaires, on page 6J9. on wliich mortgfue then is elaimed to be due at the ule of this itotice i li sum of one thovsand and sixty-eipht dollars and seréntyfour cents, and an Attorneyi fe of thirty doUora tbexefor, in addition to til other leg?J vosis, sliould any procecdina be taken to foroclose said mortgage, and no procceamga tn luw or in eiiuuy bavins been had to recover Bttid sum of monoy or aiy part wttooi : .Vow, tharefore, ootíoe ia hereby given that, by virtue of a power of sale in said inórt&rage containcd, I shall sell at pabUo auction to tho hiffhest liiuicr, on the second day oí September ni-xt, at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, at the front door of the (Jourt Houst: in tc city if Ann ArbOT, OOtmty aforêsaid, (that being the piuco oí holding the Circuit Coart for said fountyj, all thoso certain iñiTOs or careéis of land situaU'd in the city of Ann Arbor. county oi Washtenaw uforeaaid, known, bounded and de ns loiiows, ro-wii : jtein me west muí oí iota mne and ten (0 & 10) block number three (3) south of llurou Street, and rnnge uumbor two (2) east, accordinij ton recorded plat of the villaje (now city] of Ann Arbor, county ot' Washtenaw aforesuid. June lst, 1871. ALICK M. BEFJIS, Mortnfreo. Joun N. Goït, Atty lor Hortgagae, 13:24 Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT haTinjr becu mnde in the condition of a oertaio mortgage executed by Torrey C. Thornpson, oí the city of Aun Arbor, county oí' Washti nmv, and State of Michigan, to l'liobc Jane KlNivorth, cf the towiisliip of Loili, oonnty of Wiishtuuaw aforesaid, ou the 2Ld dny of June, a. d. 1868, aad reeorded in the ollic of the Etegistex of Deed for asid county, m the 26th duy of June, a. d. 1868, at 11? o'clock a. M..iii l.ilvr 29 of mortííüpfs, on piive 191, on which - ■ .H-; Qote accompanying the samo thore is elalmed to be duu at tlie of this notiee the yum of iiine handxed and Uve dullars aml aixty-tvo cents, also un attorney'a toe of tliirty dollars ahould mu pni'-r.'íiinffa lie taken to foi-eelose this mortgage, nnd no suit or proceedinp íu law or equity havintí been instiUited to noOTQT the debt or any part thoreof : No tice is hereby ffivcn, that by virtuc of the power of sale eontaiuetl in iaid raortffage, I Bhall solí tothe higheei bidder on the secoud flay of September next, it 2 oolock p. m. of -iii'l day, a( the front door of the ( lui t üooBfl in the city of Ánn Arbor. in sail oouáty of WasbtesiftV, the preraises described in said ïnortfratre as uil those oertain jiieces or pnreols of land rituated in the city of Ann Arbor, county of VPaahtensw and Btatfi afoxetnid, known, boiuuled and described as follows, to-wit : Heing lote numbor ten and eleven Ín block numbor one, and lot flvo, fix, twenty-three and twi'iity-foui1 in blóek niiialjcr two, and lot Dmnbei foiir in blook nuinlu-r four, accordinj? to a noordod plat of llill's addition to the city of Ann Arbor, Michoun, TCMCVing from said wüe Una ten and eleven in jloek ono aforesaid, heretofore releaaed. June Ut, 1H71. PHEBE JANE ELL8WOBTH, Mortgapee. John N. Gott, Attornry for Mortgngce. 1324 Mortgage Sale. WHKREAS, default bas been made in theeonditions ot a cortain mortgvai?e, made uutl executed by Daniel LonKi Jr., on the twenty-thiixl dav of Deceramt, A. ]. eurhteen hundrod and stxty oine, to John Mp( 'ntiüii-k, whioh morteage was recordcl on tl. day, in thooffipQ of the Ewistcr of Deedfl in and for ;he couuty of Washlonaw, Michigan, in Uber torrtwo of Énortgages, and ptu?e cwo hündred and ruty'; and win 'i-i ■;. ! areïê nowdue andunpjiid the sum of thirtj iitll.itsiin s:iid mortjiiifi and the note ao-omjmnyiu he same for ktteresc, and the further sum of Qiree lundred dollars principal and aooruing interest above Ik :iï tliirty dollars wfll becoxne doe on i he first day ï Oetobei n , nni tin tc is also rïiiity doflara dne frir m attoim y i' !-. ]i:iili il for in said iiioitgagealiould inyprooeedings do taken to fojwlosethe Bamo; and, iras, no pxoceedingfl a1 Iaw or m eqiilty hiive bo!! aken toreooverthesomeor any part thereof: noticeis tereby given, by virtue of tho power of sale Dontained a said nortffofie, that on Monday, the seyantaenth ay of -ini a . D. eighteen hundred and seventy-one, t tin1 houx of twelTS o'I(K'k, noon, of BBJd dny, at the Vont door of the Couxt House for the oonnty of Wnshrimw, the óndersigned WÜlaell ut public auction, to ho highest bidder, the premiaes aescribed in said ïortrage, or sttffleioeat tboroof to pay and s:ditv the aid aebtj tl"' interest thereon, the cots and cxpcnM f said sale, and the attorney fee provided for in said ■ ■: The said premisos being deecribedas that ertain pjoca or pareel of bind lyinir and bcing in tlic ity of Aun Arbor, in tho oonnty of VTashtenaw, founded and dotoribed as follows. being Éhe south half f the fblloiring described land, beonaed by the Ann Lrbor i-ity Hnuts on the norlh; on the eatt by the ?atholic Cemetery ; onthfl qouthbythe Chubb road; nthewoetby landsreoent occunïed by Mrs. tsilk. ïeintr eiiiht rods in fronl and ton rods deop. Ann Arbor, April llth, 1871. JOECN UcCOBÏOCK, Mibrtgagf. O. ITawkinr, Attorney for Mortyagee. 1317-td. All penixDJ who hem olftfi&a agatnattiie cptnte of the ate MimiMi K. .MiiikIv, will praooni them for adjafttin(- at the offloa of II. T. Bennett, l nivrsiiy huildd or before tiie üfth dny of September, 1871. Dftted. Ann Albor. Bth, 1871. .11. D. BENNETT, BEDO-WH R DEAN, Trustees. I.IMI11. POSTE, j Go toR.W.ELLlS & CO's for choïco Wiiies and Liquorf . for Modical Purposes . 1 .....■■■ ■ . „, i Mortgage Salo. DM A i !.: hfcViog bet 11 made ir thfi mmUtinn ota ihui■ ri by Mary .f. WatKlijS tb Kdward Treadwell, and dsïed April Ith, i-:M. tvhich e is recorded in the office of the Rerteter t [)eeda lot the nmnty of Waahíanaw, Btate ez Btlehiran, in líber 43, on pago. 221, and by reason of naid dc(iult there ln'inir now due snin ïT tw lliousüud Oven Imndml aud twenty-tlnee dollars lid eilitylightcenti, alab an Attorney'i fee of tiiirty dolía; nul nu proc adlogi at luw ortaeouïfcfr haring been iad torecovei saia mnount; Kot ice is thereluiv here■. il, nt on .saturdny, the 5th day oí August, 1871, ii t elévela uvkn k pf bou dny, at' the Kratb d ri ll":i-. in the City Of Ann Arlor, in suM i tima -"1 at public auction, to the bigbeet sidder, the pre] 'I in said mortoage, that b tu nay : all of the following pieces or paroêu ot land sitttAte in tlio city of Aun Arljor, nfotOSSilL known n followi : Tit No. ono, nnd th ImU Of l"t No. two, in block No. one north of Huron (frout, In iviup No. two oost, according to the reeorded plat of saideitV, Dated, Ann Ailo-, My ftlh, 137Í. EÜWABI) TKEAPWRLL, D. CflAMtn, agee. Att'y. fox Mortgagcc. Uil Mortgago Salo. DEFAULT havingbeen nuide in the eonditions of aoertain mqrtgaga, executed by John lVolf, and Carolfne D'WoJÏ, of the t'.Jwnsblp W Freedota, wsshïtu.'Lw County, Michigan, to John Ja?ob Kiege), of the sume, plooe, bearing date the cifflith duy of July A. 1. 1870, and remorded in tho Registert! öffloa for th" taid Dounty of Vanhtenaw, on thceighth duy of July, A. D. 1870, in liler 41 of Mortgnges, on page 059, by Teamm "! whioh defiralt there is now due and to btrorm due apon sald tnortgagethe ramof abchoadnat&d seveni r-firar dollars and íiíty-two cents, and no suit n proceeaing at ïawor in ohanoery having been inatitittnd to imbvct Bttld amout't, or any part thereof; N vticö ís thcreftfM hörebt giYen, thiit on Btttttñlay, tin.' twenty secoml day öi Jiily, A. 1). 1871, al o'clock A. M., oi' the wiul day at the frontdoor of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbur, insaid Countj of WowhN'Tinw, tin sume beiny the place where the Circuit Court for said eounty is held), 1 sbaU ell al publlo auction to tho highest bidder the premieei baretnnftcr deseribcd, or o much thereof as shall neoes■ftty to sotisfy tlit amonnt duc on said mortgajic ftt 1 hl tinto of this notice with intei-est and costa and expenKi's allawed by law, together witfa on Attorney's fee o tlurty dollars, providtd lor in taid mortffage tha( is u aay all tïmt eortwin tract or parcel of land aitoated in the townsbip of I'rrtïdum, Coüaty of WaahtenaW) ene State of BCwugan, known nnd ácKciibed as the Co half of the northwest quarter of the north west quarter of section number twelve in townsbip number three Kouth of range nutober four cast, in the district of land subject to ule at Detroit, Michigan, contuininj. twenty acre more or teee. Ann Arbor, April 24, 1871. JOHN JACOB FIEOEL, Mortgagoe. D. Crameiï, Attorney for Mortgnoee. i:U9td Real Estato for Sale. QTATK OF MK.'IItííAX, County oí Washtena-w u O In the matter of the estáte of Anthony Kly, dfl NoMoe i- bereby umv.-ii, thatin pursuance o an ordei Kmnted to the undersigned, fwlniinistrato of the úntate of naid deceawd by the Hon. Judge o Probate for the County of Waahtenaw.on the flfteenth day of May, A. 1). 1871, there will be nold at publi rendne. to the highest bidder, at tïie south door of tli ( 'omi Bouse, in the Jity of Ann Arbor in theoount.y o Washtunaw in said State, on Wednesday the nintl day of Angn&t, A. IX 1871, at one o'clock in the af ternoon of that day (subject to all encumbmnccs by mortgage or otherwiso existing at the timo of th death of said deceaeed, and also subject to the richt o dower of his widow tlterein), tlie following describe real estáte, to-wit: The uiidivided half of a p;irwl o land boundcd as follow : Beginxung at northea corner of Croas and Iluron ■taréets in the city of Ypsi lanti, county and State aforrsaid, and running thene north along Iluron street nine rods, thence eat alèq O. Sanders1 land to the river, thenee down the river t Cross street, thence west to the place of beginning, [ex cepting and raervüig the pareéis of land owufd bj Charles HoCoxmiok and tliu City of Ypsilanti. Duted, May 30th, A. D. 18H. 1327 HIRA3I DAT, Adrainistrator. Chancery Notice. STATE OF MLCUJÜAN", lourth Judicial Circuit f ii ( iiiincery. PHEBE PaXÜEB, Complamant, } THOMAS W. PALME1Í, TVfenrlant. ) Suit pending in the Circuil f ouil tor the county o Waabtenaw, In Chancery: At Ann Arbor, on tli sixth day of June, A. D. 1871. lt satisl'nctoiiiy appeariag by the aifidavits of Phebe Palinrr and Mvron webb, nled in this cause, and b the return : tlie snbpoe&B iu this cause, that the de fendant, Thomas w. Palmer, is a resident of thi State, but that the process for his appearenoQ isue in this cause could not be sorvod by raaaoo of the sai defendant's absence from or conccalment witüin thi State, and by rcason of his continued absenco fnm lii laat known place of rewidence, on motion of Ilirat J, Beakes, Solieitor for coinplaïnant, it is ordered tha the said defundant uppear and answer the bill of oom plaint ülcd in this cause within three months fnn the date of this order. And it is fuilher ordered tha within twenty days aftar the date of this order th the said compíainant cause a copy of this order to b pubUahed bithe Miehipcm Aryu$t m awwpapai jarintei in asid con ni y of Washtenaw, and that such publica tion be oontinut.d once in each week for six weeks ii Kuccefsion, or that she cause a copy of tfeifl order to be served on said dufendnt pesw&ally, at least twent days beí'ore the time above prescribed for thc appear anee of said dnfentlant. (A truc copy.) B. PKAIIAX, Cfionit f'ourr CommissioiieT, 1325w6 WaelltaDttW County, Hlddgui Commissioncrs Notice. OTATK OF MICHIGAN, County of "Washtenaw, ss ■ The ttUdanigned baTing béén appolnted by th Probate Court for said eounty, (.'oinmissioncrs to re Ceive, examino and adjust all CuuBU anddemandsof a] persons agatnat the estáte of Lcandt-r LeBiiion, Jat oí' saii.l County. il' ■■ a.-fd, herebj gire notice that six monthafrom date ai-e alknraa by oiderafsaJd Pro bate ' 'onrt, for creditors to pzesent their olaimi agains ttir , itateof (Aid Seo ased, oad that they wiU mcet a the late reidence oí said deceased, in said county on Batmday, the flfth day of Angost, and Friday tho íirst day oí' December next, at 10 o'clock A. M ., o each of said days, to recuive, examine, and adjust salí claims. Doted, June W, A. I). is:i. I327w4 Estáte of Ellen Xclligan. STATE OV MICHIGAN, County of Waahtenow, n At a nomloii of the Probate. Conxt ftw the Oount] of Washtenaw, holden al the Pi'obate i tfBoe in the Cit] of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the tïiird day o July, in the year one thousand eight hundred anc seventy-one. Present, IIir:mi J. Iïeakes, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Ellen Nelliyan dccensecl. Catharine Walsh, Kxccutrix of the last will azk testament oí" said decoased, comea Into Conxt and reprcsL'iitt. ihat sho is nuw prepared torender her fina account as BUch l'xütutrix. Therenpon it is ordered, tha-t Monday, the thirtyfir-t duy of July, inwt., at ten o'clock ra tht forenoon, le assignod lor exainiuiiiK aud aiiiv, - Ing sin'h BOOOimti and that the leirateeR, dcvisr an heirsat ]&n of asid deosased, and all othet pereons oiterestéd in -;tiil estute, are required to anpear at a of said ■ 'ouit, febea to be holden at the Probate tf&ce in the City of Ann Arbor, in sniri Connty. ;unl shoti eaose, ií any there be, Why the said account shonld nol be allowed : And it in turther ordered, that asid EjCBOutrix give notice to the persons intcrested iu Baldestat, of the pendency of taid account nnd the hcaiinf. thereof, by oausing i oopy of this order to bc pubUÁhd in the Michigan Argut, a newspaper printed aud circulaüng in said County, fchne suuofs.sivu weeks previous to Bftro day of hearing. (A trueoppy.) HIRAM J. BEAKf s. 1329 Judgeof Probate. Estáte of Fitch Hill. CÍTATE Or MICHIGAN, eonnty oi Waahtenaw, si Ö Atasossion of the Probate Conrt for tho county of V;ishtcii;iv( holden at the l'robate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the twcnty-s - ■nth day ot June, in the yuar one thousand cight hundred and seventy one. Prwent, Eünnn -T. Brakcs, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte oí' Piten líill, dt-eensed. Comstock F. II ïi 1 and David Allmondinger, Execu tors of the last will and testament of said deceased, come iuto Court and represent that thry are now prepond to render their final nreount as siu-h Mxecutors. Thereonnpn it is ordersd, that Momlay, the thirtyiii"sl f I t y of July next, at ten o'etock in the forenoon, a. 1 fnv i'Xiimining and aUowing soeh account, and that the legateee, devisera and heira ar law of said deceased, and all other persons intcrested in i s;üd estate, ace required to appear ;it a ■rwninn of sjd Court, then to be holden at the Probate Offloe, in the city of ifti Arbor, in said county, and show canse, if any there be, why thfi said aooonnt nhould not bc alIowíiI : And it is furthrr onlered that said Exreutors givc notice to the persons intcrewted in miid ca tate, oí th'1 pendenoy of saiï account, and the hearing tbereof, oy cuiusing u copy of this order to bc published in tho Michigan Aryus, a newspaper printo! and cireulatintr in siiid county, three successivu weeks previoua to said duy of heaixng. (A truc copy.) II1RAM J. BEAKES, 1320 Judge of l'robate. Estáte of Patrick Hoban. Ct TATE OF MICIIIGAN, County of Washtenaw, se. O Ata ession of the Prulmte Conrt for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Otfice, is the City of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the twenty-s'veiitli duy of June, in the year one thousand cight hnndred and leventy-one. Present Qivam J. Beakes, Judgc of Probate. In the matUr ot" tho estatfl of l'atnck Hobau, deoeasLHl. On reiidinf? and ftling the petition, duly venfled, of George C'larkui, Adniinistrator rf boni umi, with the vill annext-d, praying that hc may be licen&ed to mortgage certain re;il estáte, whereof said deccaaed lied seusdi ThereupOn it is ordered, that "Wcdnosdny, the ninth Layol August next nt ten o'clock in the uwipued lor tho hearing of said petition.aud that the epatees, devfsaea and hein al law of said deoeuscd, and til other persons interesten1 in said imfatn. are reqaired ü ;it ;t ssssion of said court, then to be holden, itthe Probate OflLoe, in tlierity of Ann Arbor, and how caust-, if any there be, why the pnyer of the wtit inner sliould not be pranted : And it is further nlercd, that wüd pelitioner give notice to the persons Interestëd in aid estáte, of the pondency of :üd pL'titiim, and the hearing thereof, by ruiming a opy of this order to published ín the Michigan Arfufytx newspaper pfmtw oud eirculutinjr in said oun1 . tour luooessivo weeks prenous to said dny of "iXTnic eopy.) HIKAM J. BEAKKS, 1329 Judge of Probate. Estato of John DieM. QT V'I'I'. OF MIGHIGiJÍ, County of WaxMenaw, s?. O At aaessionof the l'robate Court for the County f Washtenaw. holden at the Probate OmY?, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Fiiday, tho tweoty-third ay of June, in the yeur ono thousnnd eight Buniêd and erentyone. Prose&ti Hiriim J. Beakes, Jndge of Probate. Tn ttie matter of the estáte of John Diehl, eoesjsed. On roading and fllingthe petítion, nuly vonflod, ot retta Diehl, praying that Loanird Gruner iay be appointed AamuüstratiOr of thc estáte ot aid cteceaned. ïhereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the twent y-niih day of July next, at ten o'cIwk in the foreoon, be aesigned foi the hearinp of said wtitiim, nd that the hein 't luw oi said flftWMefl, and all othr persons inteiested in said estáte, are required to npeax ;if á 'si'Il of said Coort, then to be holden, at ]■■ Probate artice, in thc i'ity of Ann Artior, and dow oaose. it any there be, why tho prayeTof the wiitioner shonld 'not be grantod : And it ia ftirthei r.i rod, thftl soid petitioner give notice to the persona iterested iu siii cítate, of the pendency of said petii..ti, and the hearing tnereof, by nmwrnig aoopyoi Itis onler to be publishetl in the Michigan Arptti, a SwspAper printed nnd otraulating in said Ooonty, bii-cte sucoeesive woeka pro ious t eaid day of hearing. (Atrueoopy.) HIRAM J. BEAKE8, 1328 Judfie ot Probate. GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for 9trictly Pure Drugs and : Medicines, Paint6,0ils,&c. Eestate of Jolin Mason OTATE OK MUM II JAN. County of Wall,, r Ai aaeasion ■! Uu Probate Court f',r ,, a". tenaw, htadui at the Probate !?". -ïtyof Aun Albor, dri TtHsday, tlie twentv 'Wil .1 .lunc. in tlioyearonelhoiisaii cis-hl hn'i''"11 Present, Hüraui .1. Hcakos, Judge of Prohn In the matter itf h. estáte "t John u ;unm I Mflaon, i'htiiiiistriitur of said , nto Court ana representa that he i now iïïe" render his tinul account ite suïh Adininiirtïr'Nk Thereupon it itoM, l'M.t Mondiv ?i?' 'ourt 1. day of JUly next) ál tíéú o'clock in iw!1 lunrigned for exumining and .".ilWr,,, _.!! IWfS uid that the hoirs at luw of said décogsNi "S other persona intercsted in said estáte areiï M Probóte c Ifflee, in the city tif Ann ArWJ County, and sbtrw estile, if any there bc whV í 't ■ceount should not bc allowd : And'it ' "i ordered, that said Admimstiator give notiL "1 persons interest. 1 in said estáte, of the S, % said account, and the hearing t hen-of L "■% oopyof thi order to be puhlished itt .?" l Argiu, newspttjler printed and circulatit,. . County, threo üuccMwirë weeks previous tn. S1 ot hearing. """i j, (Atruecopy.) HIBAlr J. fef 4 kW jf j-WIv, Kstatc of Hugh Vmigïm " OTATK 01' MICIUOAN, Vtmntf nnvajfci. it At a nesaion of tlic Probate ('ban fortui?1 of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate (,1 ÍS City of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the tiunlT "'?' of Jnne, in the ycar one thousand eisb "k?4! and sevinty-one. ' ""'M Present, Hiram J. lit-altn), Judge of Pr-,K,t. In the matter of th eit-M ?f Hmrli v decensed. ' 'lu, Hmmt Vaughn, Administrutrix ni 4'ifc Wabih, administrator rfe honig non of said estat in (ourt and represent that tliey are no J!j randet their ttnal account as such Admini.t.I!!''' Adminístrate!-. """nnini Thtreupon it i ordercd, thnt Morolay n , fourth lay of .luly next, at ten o'cloo'k m "!■ noon, be Mtbaed for examining anti allowinl uccount, rad that the hef f s at lawof said dcctjS1 ;ili other TK-rjiona inlerested in suid eitT11 cUred to arpear at. a watiun ijt lid Tuurt ikj""" holden at the Probate Office, in thp itirf Arbor, in said County, and sho1 cnuse, if T ; be, why the üaid account should Dot be alVnrpfl ■ it is further ordered that said AdmiuMnirit jj AiliniiiiMi.itor ivc notice to the persons intaeLj said estáte, of the pendency of said account -tS i ? hearinir thercof, by rnusing a copy of tliU 4, " published in the liickiya Argüí DewspaMrnï; and circulatinp in ;,l CoUDty, threir Unta-í"? previous U said day of heunng (A true copy.) HIKASt J. BEAKB 1328 J"dgeufhmi Estáte of William H. Cook" STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waibt-., At ;i aession of the Probate Court tor the (Í (ii Waéhtonaw, holden at the Probate OiBet ■{! City of Ann Arbor, 011 Thuraday, the m}ZZ day of June, in the year one thousand ciihik dred and seventy-one. ' flai' Preeent, Hiram J. Ueake, Jndge of Probtte In the matter of tbe Eiitate of 'Wüliatta' ri deceascd. Emcline Cook, Administratril of sH niu, ,_,. into Court and represeuts that she is now irót to render her final account as such AdminíSi Thereuion it is urdercd, that Monday tu ,.„ fourth day of July next, at ten o'cluck in ü.r[tZ;' be assined for cxamiiiing and auowinniA1 count, and that the heirs at law of ssid dj,í and all other persons interested m áiaí are rcquiroil to appear at a session of oid Comt Tl. to be holden at the Probate Office, in tke rl'. rj Ann Arbor, in said oounty, and show cau f 1 thero be, why the aid account shonld iu 1! nllowed : And it is further ordercd, tht uid TJJ' istratrix givc notice to the persons mmttS Hdd ntata, of the of said ioK.MSft. nearinjr thereof, by cnusing a eopy of thi ortBUu pnblislied 111 the Michigan Argxu, ■ ncirsjxiMi rrój and eirruluting in aid county, thtM nmTr weeks previous to said dny of hearing "' (A trim copy.) BIRAM J.BEAKEf 1328 Judge of Pnbit,, Estata of Geo. GottsTSeñT" QTATE OF MICITTOAN, Connty of Wasbtai . C5 At 11 session of the Probate Conrt for thcl uniu Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Offic, in tie C-t of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, tlie tventr-Intdnii June in tlie yeur one thousand eight hundrai 'ui seventy-one. 1'riM m. liiram J. Boakes, Judge of T'rotitf In the matter of the estáte of Ocorse Ootu in deceased. -", On ifüidiilij and filinf; the petition, Har] Qotts, pnying tliat Edwrs J.icksoi, M m, other suitablc person, inay be appinntvdadjaiau tor of the estáte of snid deeeased. Thereupon it. i ordered, tha,t Mouday, the ham. fourth day of July next, at tin o'clock ii i, forenoon, be aosigned for the henrinu of Mid ntiin and that the hein at law of said dcewised, ai il v. er persons inteiested in snid et.tiite, are n-qnirnl u pear at a session of said Court, then to WheNo, t the l'robate Office, in the City of Aun Atboi, 'j shaav cause, if any thfre be, why the prajtrríilt pentioner should not be granted : And it m tinSo oraend, tlmt snid petitionergive notice tothtmi interwted in snid estáte, of the pendcncy of mivt, tion, and the hearing thereof, by causing n copy uf tia itnli-r to be published in the Michigan Jrtftt, 1 mt. primted and eircalAtiiig in suid ónmtr, ttw ■uccessiTe weeks previous to said dny of hearisg ( A true i-opy.) HIKA1Í J. HKAKEJ 1328 Judge of PnAA. Estato of Obed A. Alvord QTATE OF MICHUiAX, Connty of W.ijbttM,. ki Atssenionof the Probate Court lnr the (nraljil Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Offiw, in tkeCity of Ann Arbor, on Tucsiluy, the twcnty-vrathdT(í June, in the ye;ir one thousand eight aundred 'ud seventy-one. Pneenl Jliram J. Beakes, Judge of Vnltti. Tn thé matter of the estáte of Obed i. Alrori, deoesBed. On reading and flling the petición, dn]y Ttññíi ol Eusebia M. Alvonl, prayiiig thtit n certain inilraBnl now on file in tliis eourt, purjtorting tv he út jíj 11 and testement of Bfdd deeeaeod, may be adairtri to probate, and that slic. David S. Alvórd nnd hu CaMAlyord in.iy beappointed Kxecutors tbcreof. Tliereupon it uoideredfthat Moiubty, the tweair. fonxtb day of July m-xt. at tcno'clock in theforrtwe. .ncd for the hearing of saidpetition, andthittk -. densaea and heir? at law of saiddeaii,ni all otber penona intensted in said estáte, are wjoii to appear nt a ai lakni 't s:iil Court, then tobehóüa, at Probate OtBoe, in the (. ity of Ann show oaose, if any there be, why the praycr of tfcepetitioner should not be granted : And it is ftrert ordered, that said petitioner rive notice to thf jwkm batafeatod in said ostate, of the pendency of mh! p tion, and the hearing thcreot, by causing a copy rf thi order to be publishcd in tho Mtcltiinm Artna, 1 uit ï-wiper priuted and eirculatíng in said CouuIt, Üm aacoeanye weeks previous to snid dav of hearing IA true eopy.l HIRAM .1. UKAKfS. 1328 Judge of VtdkUt I stute of Lydia Church. OTATE01'-IICUIGAN,i;.)qntTofWashteiiiw. 0 At a session of the Probate Conrt for the Cm? oX Waxhteiuir, holden at the Probate offiw it city of Ann Arbor, 011 Wednesriay, the twtnljiil day of June, In the year oue thonsand eij;lnktD. dred and seventy one. Present, Hiram .1. lteaUes. Judge of Probilf. In the matter of the estáte of Lydla ClorrK decea-ed. ilnotlorc P. McDonald, Administrator of nU tate, comes into Conrt and represeuts thot hf ii ►; prepared to rencer his fiual account as sach Ato-i Istrator. Thereupon It is Ordered, that Monday. ih k' enteiMHh day of July next, at ten oclock .c ;- forenoon. bc anatvned for examining and i!1owíd sucti ccounl. and that the heireatlanojwi"'1 ceased.and all other persons interested in saidesutf, are required to nppearat aseseiouofsjiidConrt.tbd tobe hulden at the Probate Office, in the City o' An Arbor in sairl County. and show canse if any thereWi wny the s.iid account should not beallowed: Aadila [urlher ordered. that said AdministratorLireW to tlie persons interested in said estáte, oftheprt dency of said account, and the heariui.' therfo'. ■) eanafng a copy of this order tobe pnnlEshcdto!" Michigan Arfius,n newspaper printen and cltcli'l n said County, three sneecssive weekö [ireTioM n -:;;! I fi:.v of htíHring. (Atr;iecopy.) HIRAM .7. UKAKES. 13-.'7td .induTofProbi Estáte of Koswell Curiis. CJTATEOP MICHIGAN, County oí Wahtemw OAU session of the Probate Conrt for theCwW 01 Washienaw. holden ai the Probate Office i City of Ann Arbor, on Thiirsdoy, the lirenlj ' diy of June, in the year one thonennd clgot11 dred and Precent Hiram J nenke?, Indre of Prool In the matter of tlic estáte of Roswdl '"" leoeaed Lester Curtís. Execnt' r of the last wlll n1 tament of said deceased, come into Conit 'fi rasentfl that he Is now prepared to render hi " accouut as tnch Kxecntor. Thereuponit is Ordered, that Monday, tbe " ecmhday of Jnly next at ten o'clock in tbe fOj noon, be assigned for examinin and allo"1! luch account, and that tbe legstee, teV, and heirs at law of aid deceased, ■ othcr pereons interested in said oíate, "' " quirfd lo appear t a session of said Cnnrt, tPt be holden at the Probate Office, in the CitJ [ Arbor, In said County. and show canse, if anl " be.why the said acconnt shonld not bral1" ud It is further ordered ihat ssid Ex""1 glvenottce to the persons interested in salo '■-":" of the pendency nf said acconnt. and the w'" hcreof. by causint' fi co]v of this order ïo V. ishc.din the Miriitwn Arqtir, a newapiiper P'1"' and clrculating in said Connty. three snel"1" vecks previous to said dny of nearfag. „ {Atruecopy.) ' U1KAM J. BKAKF5. 1327 JndseofProt"' Estáte of Jacob Maehrlo. OTATE OP StICHIGAN, County of Winnten"'"; a t .1 session of the Probate Court for the .'■ if lYtwhtenaw, holden at the Probate office. I ' City of Ann Arbor, on Monday, e nineiee"j of .Tune In the year one thonsand eight M" ml sewntv-une. Present. Hiram .1. Benkes. .Tndge of Probate In the matter of the estáte of Jacob ' Cath.rinc Bnrbara Batier, formerly C i' , Jarliara Macbrle. Exccmrix of the l8I,'"H!ïj estament of sniil decíaeed. come int lu" n lt. eprcjeirs that is now prepared to renoi' aal acconnt as such Exccutrix. Thereupon tlsordered. that Mordsy. I""..-. eenth day ol Jnly sext at. teu u'clock i '""".: oon, beasaiitned lor exanilningandallonijí.' ,. cciiiMit. and that thelejaiees devise e "jL,. aw of auiil deceased, nnd all othcr pcrwn , sted in sald estáte are reqoired to Pf"', im laaion of aid Court then to be holaeo 1 'róbate Office, in the CHy ot Ann Arbor, w "J o:inty, and show cause. if any there be, "lhT 1Í1I account should not beallowed : And " !" ■ her ordered, that aid Executrix gire n2 - he persons interested in said estale. of "Yy encyofsald account, and the hcariutf tlílí1TS tH iiisíiign copy oí thie ordeno bc publisli'i''"(rtI Kehigan Ar gin, a newspaper printed a" ., itlng in said Couuty. three snccesütve )revio;ia to said day of hearing. _,. fAtrueCopy.J I11KAM J. BLAhS, 1i2Itd Jndteol Prüt Comraissionei's' Xotice. OTATE ('1' JUHI(AX,( om.ty of Washte"' 3 The undenbrned, huving been appoö"'" :off. róbate Cootí tor aid county. Commissione" ,mine and adjust aU daims ""' ,l,UIVf„p u 11 persona againat tha estáte of Allen W. "';,ttf f said county, docensod, hereby gnj notici i lonths trom ante are allowed, by order ot f& bate Comt, lor arediton to PJ0] , ',ti„ri;l against the estáte of said deceascd, uu i'_'M ! ',.u-tJ. neet at the ivsulcncv of Aaron Child, in -.' L dl! 1 uid oounty, on Saturday, Uw twenty; - Tdi f August, and Thuiwlay. tho twenty-eignu1 - Jecomber, next, at. ten oclock a. m. of e.vh "■ avs to rèocive examine, and adjllUt dcl4l%s :,Jmpah.V.lM;t. "' AARON CHIJDÖ i Oomn;"" J. WEBSTER CHII.Db. I


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Michigan Argus