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Local And Other Brevities

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Hay liiMllInjf rom tin; flcUl at % I er t""' _ Thoro intsii't been a frost In a fort .,!,, . not in iiiis vicinlty. C'l .Mi-rciiry still runs liiffli enongh t 1 ,tcveii the most eoM-Wooded politicifiii -plie circuit Court wlll bain sesion Itinl.ij uoxt, July 15th : an uiljonnied _l'ostmaster-U bc Ct.auk Ml sorena((i WeiincwlHy evening : and it hasn't „inert yei. _ A teom ian away In the streets on jfednesinv evenlng, but nobody's neck (ifbroken. „VVhe tlmeaareiiull mcrclmutsainlothnoslness me should adverttse tiic iiioie : 'jd n the Auous. _Xhe Auditor-General hss designated .jYpsIluntl Cimmeroial as the tnx-list ov■ in fur the current yenr. . Moiicy wrantci at thls ofTlce, aml thul .„eJia'.cly : on su'oscriptlon aml for ad ,(ftisiiiif umi Jobblng Rcconnt. , The Iry weather has cut short the One eroWer who pickcd 100 l(Sheis last year geta but 70 thls. , Xlie hainlsome uew milform In wlilch ,vlnncrs Band nppeured ou the Fourth of iy was made at Gko. A. Gii.heut's. ,A'a-tdiivergot upnet on north Unlver Hyiivciiuea few nljilil ago, and next ., m Into Lhe clatches of the pólice. -Pro. Wi.vcheli., of this city, was the t of the Ulnss of '47, Mlddletown „n.) Universlty, al lts reunión held on Hlltb_The polloe have Interfered with fast gñtg on State street, and we hope that jileswid childreu can hereafter uie the rtreet In safety. _ But llttle has been sald about postfict matters tor a number of days, but It )SUpposeil that gundry persons keep up a „tibie thinking. Widenjía.nn half-masted the " starry w,"L'ulon down, on Wednesday after „jon, to how hls ludiguatlon over the doat Baltimore. „The Peninsular Paper Company, Ypal!i:m comiuencad building a new mili tai the rivur froin theirold oue. Why ■ nn Arbor have a paper mlll ? _Ve had no special reporter at on the 4th, but hear that R. E fiiïEii, Esq.. delivered Ml oratlon which ntc universal sstlsfiiction to hls beaten. i _ Wm N. Stelle sent the Arous boys ,preient on Wednesday In the shape of a if various kinrls of candy of hls owu aaofecturc. Stelle kaoWs how' to make csiiilies. -The game is hardly worth the powr, but vve let two members of '72 have :leirsyln our columns this week, con tinilug certain otrlctureg upon the Corn ;,:ncenieiit day siepches. -CnA.Rt.i-.sG. Beknett, a gradúate of ieCnlversity, Class of '72, has been apKtnteil teacher of m ithernMlef In the ;$h School ot this city for the coming ■,r, vict Delos Fau, relgned. -The premium list for the A.nnual Fair !üie VVaslitenaw County Agricultural 1 1 Jio.ti ultural Society, to be held in ty Werlnesdiy, 'Ih ïrsday and Frlir Scutember 25üt; 2üth and 27th, has jkfll Issiiecl. J - -Work has been comincnced at tlie .wbyleriau Church. Tlie towcr s to bc lamed up, and tlie inslde inaterlally ..'-' 1, Includingthc breukinpt u of the üinit, frescolng, fce. Services will be wpemled durini; tiie progresa of the re(ilrs. -Oeorge M. North, an old resident i'this city, left liome on Monday afierra, July lst, to go- hesald- to Detroit, ::tliasnot returned. Keport says tliat a timan not liis wife has gone wlth hlm. It sinlce bit for wandal-iiiongers, but we ure no jesire for details. -Initslast, rallroart nmnwry tlie Dekit FrM Pres says : " Work upon Itiis nd procceds, Hlowly the reason of which uhedllatory marnier In which subxerip tas In aid of the road are pald in." The sntractors also glve us'tlie same fon, and aecause of these dllntory snbseri icy have heen compelletl to discharge iconsiderable portion of their force. Is Uscreditable to those in fault ? - Toyama, the Japnncsc student tn our Eigh Sctiool, is no longer the so'e reprewuttve here of hls nation aml rce, four rwiBtT countrymen of hls haviug arrived a prepare in the public schools for a tmrce In the University Their names irs: Kawamoora, Takemoora, Oliknbo. iJ Asano. Thev have bee i fiom Japan ijjut nine munths, speak our langnage ierably well, and have a brlght and InWllgeot look. Il tliey make as good prorress as Toyama has our American boy9 'ülhave to look to their laurel. -Urass don't grow very thrifty and Feeuia our streets - owiag to the driath -bot then weeds of all kinds, mullens, iacks, flre weed, rag weed, etc, show slgns of lack of vigor and give itnyof our principal avenues the appear fcceof n abandoned fleld. Wouldn't It. 'well to arm the pólice, Aldei manie irttommlssloners and their proleget, 't, wlth scythes and set them to cuttiug eedg. Elihcr thls or voluntary enterk on the part of lot owuers, we don't te which. ■ ífie Fliiróri, both above and below our %, has considerable water power runIng to waste whlch ouuht to be utllized W made to contrlbute to the business and irowth of oür city. A Battle Greek man, fcrmerly a resident of our county, re'srlted to ur somc days agó', that If the )werg rcferrcd to were at that city they ♦ould be secured wlthin a week, and some 'nufacturlnsr enterprlse or other projec'biw carrled successfully forward. Batfc Créele men scefc investment for their "ohèys In home cnterpilnes, and In dolng Amaice a live city. We commend thelr sy of dotog buslneslf to Ann Arbor caplWists. f' Regent Rtsd proposes to rush Into' Wnttodefend the Unlvcrslty, lt Hegents '" Faculties, agalnst all the crltlclsms - SxxJ, bad or Indifferent, Ignorant or inte'''Sent, well meant or the offüprlng of "pure 'üsicdncRR" - whlch from time to time flwl fice in Ann Arbor or otlier journals, he ""lid do well to turn hls patients over tD "ne physician of leisure and' lay in a "1 stock of statlonery. But, tUen, elght f{ars is a long time to set apart and cls'ote to sucli a labor of love and reform. Bitt'c Croek now rejuice.1 In a dally par the Journal, pnKTIgfied hy Messrs. BB Vii,i.ahi) it Co. It I a nently Ifiirte(l,24 column sheet, shows a oorl a1rtlsitife" patröhage, an glv'cs promisc of "'■ng lhely and Vlg:rbiil4. áuccess to lt. "- Tho noraination' of Oreoloy and "'own by the Detnonracyfor'eshadows tho 'rproach of the inilleiiiuni. In common' with the inassos of the people of Michigan wo havo been taught to beliove that ex-Gov. Blaiu had been a model officer in one sense of the word : that is that ho had not pervertd official station to private gain, in tact that ho had miulu groat "pecuniary sacrifices" during his four year's gnburuatoriiil term And now tho cnrtain is to bo lifted, the inyth dispollod, and tho " honest war Govornor" to b proved no be;tur thim Umlioiil Govoruors, which is bad onough, in all eonscionce, aa evérybody kuow [f this is not to bo dono, becnuso Gov. Blaiji no longer adhores to QBA.N1 but ropudiatös "ÖliANT-ism" then wo mia tako tho tenor of the followiiig auntenoo 'rom tho Lansing Itepubliean of last week ; ' Thoso pocuniary sacrifioos we shall havo ccasion to allude to horeafter." And so very man is smutted frora the day ho nrns ii hurV uTion the uartv in nowor. Trusted, praised, honorod, worshippud up to tbo very moment of his departuro, hencoforth ho is and nlwaya has been " wolf in sheep's " elothiiig, dishónést both politioally and finanuially . Suoh 19 RepflibHcan taetics, such the whip to bo held o'?r Ropublican leaders who intimatö a osign to seek othtT policial relations. Lay on Macdiiff," say we. The Graxt Kepublicans horeaboutn, as well as geuerally throughout the oountry, labor etronuously to promote discord in the Democracy, and a favorite method is by the sheddiug of raany "eroOodilo teara " over the sad fute oí the " noble, good, old Democrotic party " - about to bo swallowed by Greeley and his sinall band of Liberal Republicana, and bo known no m re forever. ïho vory faot that they should mourn rather thim rejoice over the fate they predict should open tho oyes of thoso hard-shell Demócrata who are unwilling to believe that any good can come out of Nazareth, and who havo, with tho Kepublicana, a holy horror of boing raade viotims of tho cannibal propeniities of Geekley & Oo. To all, whother Demócrata or Republicana, we coniraond, tho folio wing graph from tho pen of Hexry Ward BEEcnER. It don't read very much like an obituary of tho Democratie party : " If the Ropublican party is defeated it will be mainly by the concentration of the Democratie votos, North and South. The Domooratic elomont will prepomltr ate to suoh an extent, that it will bo impossiblo to carry on "the Goveruniout cïcept by its political and moral influence. In six nionths thcro will not be a shadow of a doubt that the Democratie party has swallowod and digested all the Rudical Kepublic.ins that helped it, and it will stand forth, no new ereation bom out of the past strugglos, with regeneratod genius to lead on a now era, but frora inovititblo inward necessity it will be tho old Democratie party. The voioo niay be Jacob'B, but tho hands will bo Esau's." Beechf.r can discern tho sigas of the inies bettorthan the cdrrief grocory Bopublicans who just now indulge ia their first spasms of adnïiration for the Democratie party and groan over its prospoctive sacrifico. As THE íesult of the Erie election, which took place on Tuesday, PETER H. Watson bus been elected President, vice Gen. Dix doclincd becauso of tho demaiids of otlier business upon his timo. Gen. A. S. Dhvix was elected Vice President. Messrs. W. & D. are experieneed railroad men, countod among tho bost in the country. Oíd Erio can see daylight ohead. The Lansing Repnhlican says it is oxpected tbivt Hon Charles S. May, of Ealsmazoo, will be present at Jacksou on the 25thinst., thedayi. f the Li' eral Kopublican State Masa Convcution, and give in her adhesión to Greeley. Tho Greeley men need uot be ashamed of such an aoquisition. Of coffoe, 312,735,036 lbn. wero oonsumod in the United States last year, or over eight pouuds per head. - Ex-Gov. Letcher, of Va. , will vote for Greeley in preference to Qrant. An offset to ex-Gov. Wíbo. - Ex-Gov. Chamberlain, of Maine, was inaugurated President of Bowdoin College on Tuenday. - The Allegan Journal denounces the Dotroit Tribune for speaking well of exGov. Blair. - Tho Jackson Citüen is not yet advised of the defection of " Our Blair."


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Michigan Argus