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Sïcwr Jdvertisemtnts. cheaFtëa AT TAYLOR'S 13 South Main. Street. All i eas reduced 15 to 25 cents a pound from old prices. Trees! Flowers! Bulbs ! Seeds! HKDGK PLANTS! ursr y Siotk ! Fruit and Flowrr Piales ! Address F. K. PHCEXIX, BLOOMING-TON NURSERY li.r.ixois. fiiOAcrpi: 2l8t year : 12 GrecnhoiiHOf. Applee, 1,000 1 yr., 2" ; i y. (SO : B y. $49 : 4 y $3" 4 Catalogues, '.'0 cents. 138Lm4 1 REAT REDUCT10N IN PRICES AT TUE METROPOLITAN No. 33 South Main St, F )B THE NEXT GO DAYS. EYERYTHlfltt AT New York Cost In order to mak9 extensive alterations in the f all. Now is yonr chanre for bargulns Ini MILLINERY, PARASOLS. FANS, Ladies', Misses' and Gents' HOSIERY, GLOVES, HDK'FS, LACES, RIBBONS, COLLARS, CÜRESTS, HOOP SKI HTS, TKIMMINGS, Liiclies' made up Öuinmcr DREÜSÈ6, Ladies white under garments. 2 Button Kid Gloves, FOK ONE DOLLAR. TABLE LINENS, T0WEL8, COÜNTERPANES, PIQUES, WHITE GOODS EMBKODER1ES, &c H. COHEN. 33 South Main St. Estáte of Eleazor Darrow. OTATE OF JIICII1OAX, county of Washtcnaw, ss. At a Acsmon of the Vrobute Court for the county of Wtwhtermw , holden at the Probute tüce, in the city ol' Aun Arbor, on .Suturday, the sixth duy oí July, in the year one thouauud eight hundred and seveittytwo. l'refent, Hiram J. Deukes, Jude of Probate. In t.hf iiixtliT Et t.h rsljitr nf KIi-;tT T)irrnw looeaeed. Onreodingand filmg the petition, duly vorified, of Ciii:-.i ii, larrow pruying that lie or eoiue otlier auitable porson niay bc Appointed ;ulminintrutiix of thfl MtftLfl OÍ HHld düCt?íird . Tharoapoo it i orderod, that Saturday, the thii d lay of August next, ut ten o'clock iu toe fonmoon, 'jc uasignea for tho hearing of said petition, mul Unit the hilt t luw of said decenaed, uuci uil other persona ïntereated in ■■ ui eutute, are roquircd to IDMU ut ■ scsion of vitl Court, then to hi Iioldun at the Probuto Oitice, in tho city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if uny thure be, why the prttyer ot tho petitioneruhould not be grantcd : And it is further ordered, that auid jet it ioner give notice to the persona intercüted ia flaid estáte, of the pendency of suid petition and the bearing thoreof, by oautung a oopy uf tliis order to be publiahed m the Michigan Arjut, a newepapor priuted and circulating in said county, threo 8ucce.tive weoks previous to aoid day of hearing. (Atruocopy.) IUIÏA11 J. BEAKE8, 1382 Judgc of Probate, Mortgnge Sale. WHEKEAS Willium J. Dunning, of York, "Wash tenaw County, Midiigan, on tho 27th day of April, A. D. 1870, üxecuted u mortgage to Henry L. Jauioa, of Williamsburgh, MagsnchusetU, to secure the payment of certuin principal and interest mouey thereiu mentioned, which mortgogu was recordcd in the otliut' of the Register ot Detda in the county of Washtenuw and Stftte of Michigan, on tho .'iüth day of April, A. D. 1870, at 3 o doek P. m. of si i day, in Líber 42 of inorLgagus, on pugo 3j3, und whereas default has been rajide for more then twenty d ij m the paymunt oí' Bn inistallment ot saïd micictit money which became due on the 27th day of April, A. D. 1872, by reaeon whereof and pureuant to the tornw of aniel niortK'ie, s-iid mortgagee cloctn thnt bo much of aid principal as ruinuuiH unpaid, with all nrrearntfp of intwrapt thereoñ, shall btoame due und pnyablü immediately ; and whert-as, thore is cliiimed to bO duc and unpaid at the date of this notice the sum ol twolve hunflred and eihty-ttvu dollurt for principnl iind intoroHt, also an ;iUornoyM foe of thirty dollars should any prooMdingB be taken to foreclose said mortgtiKC, nnd no miii er pvoooBdJiigi bftTQ bten in(ititutcd either in l;iw Of tvjuity to rocovov thi eame or any part tburcot : Notico, therot'orf, iw horoby given tbatouBstarday, thoflfth AftTOfOotobor ncxt, ut two o'olock in the ftcrnoon, ut the south door of tho Oourt Qoncfl hi tlieCity of Aim Axbcw (being tlu' building in which the ( Ürwlt i'nurt f'r thft county of Wftflhtt'iinw and Stnto ifnrpsuid is held!, and hy vir■tuo of bfee povryr of MÏfl OD&tafmd in aid mortasre, I shull sell ai DUblic auctiun to the higheet bidder tho premi dfrriliGd in aid inortiie, to witify the ninount of prfauApOl hikï interest ubove claimod to te due, witl the uUorney's fee of thirty dolliirt nnd chargcB of sale, to wit : All that cortain piece or pnrcol of land situato in York, Waatbetenaw County and Stuto of ili(:hian, aud desenbed ,na iollow, to wit : The (sant half of the southwest (uartev of hotion number eigiit, in townwhip numbor four (4) south of ranire nurnln;r t&X (C) eiwt, ogreeable t0 tho (iovurument uurvey. Dted, July 12, 1HT2. HKXIÏY T-. JAMES, Mortgnfree. Jous N. Gott, Attorney for Moitffnoe. Q L. PACK Keops on hand a first class stock OF CIGARS, TOBACCO, PltfËg, SjMUFF And all smoken articles AT THE OLD STAXD 2 doors west of Cook's Hotol at the sign U82m6 NN ARBOR Mineral Springs House. Th! boautlfal retort for health-ecekeri is now opon, with 1U RON, MAGNESIA, ANO SULPHÜR WATERS, CommortlotubnildlLi; hcatod hj tem, and large and wcll-veuliUted roomsWATER AND AIR BATHS, Of ",1J,lenlPer'ltllre"' alfl Showor, Vapor, Modicated añil hleotnc Batha are iraploytd wlth MTantWe II the trealmsm of all forim o.' cbroulc diei-ase 6 ÓUM kraaien. Spsclal attentiui. paid W'th p'oasant siirroiioíllníts. nnd sitnatod In onc of the most hunltliy and boaiuifiil cities In the rountry, it p(ni-Boa sttrnctioiiB for inTallde or for pleasnre seckersn'ldim fouud Tba iiHl.vai. uf the Springs will bc lurnlahed on nppllranon. P.trxuis deairing circulare tn tnd to thuir rnnds ran procure ilicm at the olücoof tholropriutort ou Huion itrett.or ut the .upiln- Addres all letten of inquiry to JMOKBIS HALE, M. D., SnPt. Ann AnBon, Micit. ■Suthcrland and Wücdou, Prop'. Ann Arbor.Mich., Jnne 1!, 1872. TAMKS McMAHON, Justice of the Peacc, (iitíce ín ñew blook, ííorth of Court Houae Money collcoted and promptïy paid over. IKTSTJBA.NOJBC AGHC3STT. Trinmph, aseet, $7T.on!).ll Nor Mlaonri, ' M.',,4U.9l Hiboruia, 85u,uU(J.ou REAL K3TATE. IhavcSOacrnwf lund Vof a müe from the city imite, ttnely locatod tor fruit or garden purposes. A lno 40 acres. Also 10 acre, with house and barn.aud a ll.clv strenm of waterrunningthroügh the barn yard. M)aore?,n mllcont. I willsellsDyorall thoaboTochoap.or oscbaa for city property. 1374 JAMES MoMAIIOV. VyHITMOUE LAKK. Haring reccntly relitted and f-.irnished the CLIFTON HOUSE! I am now prppnred to rocclvs and entarUin pleasnro. AsbiAg and dancing pnrties, at one of th( mont attrni'tW, plcasaut aud healthy waiorincr places la the Wart. My boats are new. larce and ommoillous, aad well a.lHpted f.r tlm use of pleaaurc ocukcrp, A UL'liTH wlll flnd 11 f uil ilnd complete oqtilpment ahvHya on hand. Hpwinl attimtlon Riven to tlie wants and comfort of thoflewlio wish to penda few weeks in reereation duriiig tho warm 8umrar montlie. No ptlDl will be Bpilrad to make VVH1TM0RK I.AKK, u tac future na in the pst, a btvoriU lom mor resort. D. F. SMITIT. TE6EHEÍ3D The Oreatj lood f jjRjf' JR !,..,.! i .. 1' :ii ■■..ifiïciy iiom th juices of '■nivfiilly .-'(-i.-'l liarks. i)ts and he h-f aniso ■trongly cooccntr l& thatltwLU tíTcctunlly u adi Data Iroin ihn evttom erar taint of Scrofuli. Sorofubus Humor, Tabora Cuz-.c-rr. ;■ cerouj Huaior, Erysipelas, d .ltRheum. Syphüitic-"'"ates.i;ank er, F intnosü at theStOuiíoh aiH all(iii"íses tht irisu fr m Impure Uood. Sei:t-oc. Infiamiii''tory aüd Ch'onic Rhcumitis-n. NsuralRia. Gont mi' Spinf.l ''cmp'tintfl, can uojy bc cfKxtuullv cured toronsh the Ulonrl. Pox O:ce s 'il Eruptive Diseascs of the skin, Pustules, Puuies. BlDtches. Eoils. Tetter, Scnldhoacl ü'HiEinsrwnrm. Vlv(RTlN"E h.ic never lallod to eff i .-i penn'inoiit cur. Por Pain1; in the Bick. Kidncy Compluiat;, Dropsy, Female Woakness, Leucoirhoea. arUlcg froni ini.crnul ulcerstion, nnd a'erlse dicenses anti General Debility. VEQBTINK ncts directly apon thecASSM tf titi-)fi compialntA. It inviiforates an 1 3trciiLrtluins tlui whole svMtom, acts upun the secrUVe oreani, allay Information, cures ulceratiouaud rcffiilati'ö the hovvels For r.tTAICKH, DTSPBP8IA, lIAHITrAL CO.1 tlVÈNBSS, Palpitalien nf the Bearit ffemtaek, Pfl, Ai-ff)r.tfi.s.v anii (;rn?ml prcistration of the iVraoHi System, no baa ever ivon such perfect satIsfactlon :ip the V3GKTINE. It puriiles the hlood, clennpCH i:ll of the oriMiis.andpossesaofl ocontroll Inc power over the Nërvons siystem. The remnrkuble cures e6cted by VROET1NK h:tve iiulufed miny physiciane and apothecaries whom we know to prescribe aud ue it in their owri families. In fnct. VKORTINKii ttie hes t rcmecly et dlacov. ered for the H'ii'e tliM-ïtscs. aiul is the only reliable lllouil l'ii rifier yet placed before the pubüc. Preparedhy II. li. Stevens. Bontoa Mase. Pri cc 81 .3. Suld by all Drngglst. UHMml For Scioru Ia. ScrofT iilous UiseaHcs of Jk the Eyce, or Scroliii Ia in any lorm. i Any diüeiiBe or eruption 2 of the Skin, disease of the &r3 Liver, Rheumntism, Pituj)L-fy pleR,OldSores,L"leerB,Brok5? ov en-down Constítu ti ons, @4f Syphilin, or any diseasedeSf pending on a depraved conjCl dition of the blood, try mtë? DR. CROOK'S t SYRUP OF f POKE ROOT. STtJ It has the medicinal propT erty of Pokecorubincd with ]IJy a preparation oflronwhich JLff Roes at once into the blood, fr performing the most rapid Vx and wonderful cures. Ask your Druggist i'or Dr. Crook's Oompound Syrup of I'oke Root - take .tand be healed. HURRY UP ! 1AHTIE8wUhlii!; Wall Paper, Shnde Hollands, Window ETlxUlces. Co-d, Tuaelt, fcc , all New Sry!e, at ttatisfactorj P.ices, bv J. K. Webster &. Co., Huiik St.or', near the líxpiees Otöce. :c x TETS VVANTED FOR BOOKS NEEDED BY ALL FARMERS. The best books publishcd on the liarse and the Ca'. Liberal term-, money mi ■ r.ipi.lly by Aí!nt f?el Ing thftfle bOOkS. Sentí fnr circulan, PORTKK it, COATKS, l'iDicsHeus. Philadelphia, l'a. ATÖNEY WANTED. Fiveornix thousand dollurs, or more, on a mortgageof uninoumbert'd real estntc worth thrue tiuiee the amouut. Knquiru uf 1366 E. W. MOUOAX. pOR SALE ! A nw PhMton lïuffgy and a fit-eflnfi hand Cairirxi-'O. for 1 or 2 hoiaefl, in gooa ooodition. Inquire of 81 LAS i. D0UOLA88. Ann Arbor, May 2M, 1872. K!75lf VyA 1" T E D ! A OIRTj to do general housework and ott1 who understancl coüking. Iuiuire at No. m Wasbiugton Btroet. M80w9 T IVE (4-EK8E FEATHKRS PÏBSTQTJALTTY , 4omtnTiii)-inhund andforealvby RACJI ir ABEL, Finost Assortment of Toilet öoods in the City, by A FALSEllP]!!!!! THAT A. A. TERRY HASOONEOUTOF TUADE HE STILL LIVES, AND HAS A L ARQE AND COJI PLETE STOCK F HATS & CAPS ! JUST THE STYLE, AND AT PníCER TO SUIT THE TISLEH. AL8O A PULL LINK OS1 GENTS' FURMSHING GOODS! DON'T PUKCUASE YOUIl SPKING ANDSÜMMER OÜTPIÏ6 ÜíNTÍL YOÜ 15 South Main St., Ann Arboi. MTWAGWEk" 18 NOW READY FOB THE SPRLG TRADE Having Reoeivod alLarge Stock of SPRING Al SUMMIH O-OODS, VNCLUDINO OLOTHS, OA8SIMEREP, VE8TINGS, &C. Of the BEST 3TYLES and QUALITIES, WHICH HE W1LI, M4NUPACTÜ RE on terms to sult. Also a fullllüe of REAÜY-MADE GLOTHING AND Gents' FURNISÏÏING Goods. BEST S T Y Ij IE3 1 AL80 LADIB6' AND GENTS1 MOROCCO SATOHELS No.21 Sonth Maia Street,- EdEtSldei OALL AND SPIE THEM. WII.TIA7I WACiAKU. Ann Arbor, April Ut, 187:. MOTHERS! MOTHERSÜ MOTHERS ! ! '. Don't fail to procure MUS. WIJÍS I,OWS SOIITIIIMi Hll1 FOB üilhi: tisethinu. Thl valuaUlt' nrruinutiuii tum beeu ueed vrilli NBVBR-FAIUKO SUCd SS ÍN THOUKANn.s OÍ' CASES. lt not onlj relie thechlld frora pain.butiuvvfrorates the itpnw.cb nuil bowel-. coriuct acidity, hk1 gives tone and energy to tho whole uyetera . It wtl] aleo Instantiy re.ieve QrlplnglB the Ilotrels and Wind (!ollc. Webclievo itthcBKST and HUUEST RBMEKÏ IN TUK WORLD, In all cases of DYSEXTEliV N) DIABKH(Bi ÍN CMII.mtEN', whoth.r artana frin teethlna "r anT othor case. Depeí '. -ip .ii it motucr, U wül give reet to yoqr. Belief íiiitl Health to Vonr Infaiits. Be Mire au] Cftll for [rs. VHiwlow's Soothing tífnfy." the fao.i-imil.' o' "Ü0BTIS4 ITÜKIXS'1 on the onnlda wrapper. Sold by Drugiíts thronhout world. iy i i - 1. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ i ■ i - ' } . 'ijKOPLE'B DRUG STOxji.í R. W.ELÜS& CO, A.TSTJSr ARBOB J Q. A, SENSIONN' 1NSÜRARCB AGENCY. H is Companies Are Souötl. pHCENIX INSURANCE CO., HARTFORD, CONN. CAPITAL ANTI ASSÊT8,JcLTl,lSTl....$l,Ttn, 000. CHICAGO LOSSES 7S0,000 THE PIKEJIIX h the best condii'-tfKl Firo Intnrancc Coinpiinyln the ttaited tatos. AIu-.i)-n prudent and sound, and ui wiij h prompt in paymcut of loases. INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO., NEW YORK CITY. Tho flrat Companytopasstheordealof the New York luaurance Commissloners niñeo the Chicago Pire, curalnic ou t from theaevere test TRIUMPHANT ! Associated Pres DIspatch, November 2, 18T1, THE INTERNATIONAL INBUBANOÏ COMPANY. The&iiporlntciidcnt of the New York State InsnrRDCcDcpii'tracnt, wholi maklni? acnrefnl offlolalexamhinticin of the New York City Compnnlce to-day,certlfli'K th.'it the luternalional Compauy'n oexet ut Í1.S0 ',000 are aecurely inventad, and t capital of 00,000, after proviflinp for all llabllitle, inclnding the Chicago flre, ie whollj unimpafred ThiBCompttiiylspaying all is Chicago loases and isaouudnncl relluble. 1'nli '■■■■ i.-ueilat fair ratos at mj office, No. 11 EaBt Hurón street, Ann Arhnr, J. q. A. SESSIONS, Ab'cnt. 1847tf. moMní? 6m y UTOS TEN REASONS WHY No Family should he ■without a íottlt o WHITTLBSEY in the Aouie. ■ ■ l8t.- Itwill relieve the worst case of BIliouS Cholioor Citolera Morbuaims minutes 2d. - It will cure the most obstinate case if Dyspepsla and Indigestión in a few weeks. 3 d ■ - It is the best remedy in the world fïj Siok HeadachOf as thousands can testify, 4 taken when the ñrst symptoms appear. 4th.- It is the best diurctic ever put befor the public; curing thosc distressing complaints, Diabetes and Gravel and other Urinary d trlcu It I e 8. Bth.- It is a most excellent Emmenagogue, and to the Young Clrls, middle .-isicd Women, and at the Turn of Llfe,thij remedy is of incalculable valué. Otha - It will remove wind from the bowels, and henee a few drops in somc swectened water Wven to a babe is better than a dozen cordials to v I ie vo and make t Sloep. Containing no ano dyne. 7th.- It is a surc relief for adults and children aftected with Worms and Pin Worm. It will bring away the worms. 8th.-It will cure the PI les and Hemorrhodial difTiculties. 9th.- Itwill cure Con stl pat Ion and keep the bowcls regular. It will also cure the worst case 1 1 Summer Co mp la Int and will cure Sour Stomaoh, Stlmulate the Llver to healthy action. Relieve He art-Burn and act as a general Regulator of the systcm. When taken dilute the dose with Sugarand Water to a Win e-CI asa fu 1 1 and you have a pie asa nt tpnic. Whittlesey (Dysyepsia Cure) $i.oo per bottlc. "Whiulesey Agüe Cure 50c. per bottle. Whittlesey Cough Granules 25c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists and warranted. Yf hlttlesej Prop. H xl. to., Toledo, 0.. JTLOTJR. QftAHAM FLOCB, [!} i ■tí'.VIir.VT FI.Ol'R, corn mi:al, feed of all kinds. All t hc a!t(" ■■ wurrnntfd to h'flívé no snpariorln I(1or sale nt . Partridge's Flouring Mills. N. 11. - ïriwi intr Uiiiic at sïiorT uní Wt. rpnYsiciARyTmcBÏPTwisl '. ÜCTRAIELY AND '. CARBFJLLY PREPAFED SY ! Jl. W. BLLIE & CO.JJIWGOIS18.


Old News
Michigan Argus