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HLORIOUS NEWS FOR ÁLL CñEATION! I: E. J. JÜHgySON, i 1 I ! HATTER ! HAS KECEIVED HIS SPRIMS STOCK AMO STYLES OfP Ilats, Caps & Straw Gods, .i:TS' Fl KIS1!IT. OOODS, ETC., WHICn HK PROP09E8 TO SKI.I. AT PRICES WI1ICU DEPY COMPET1TION. 7 South Main 8t..Ann Arbei. NEW SFESNO GBOÖS FINLEY i LEWIS, Aro now rccciving the moet complete and ELEGANT STOCK OF PlE GOÜBS IN THE LINE OF BOOTS and SHOES EVER BROUQUT TO TUIS CITY. UAVIXO. THE EXCLUSIVE S.1M2 OF THE WORK 01' ALL TUE FHlST-f LASS MIXIFVl TI KKHS n THE CÖIM11Y, WE (.IV HIT!! TO CASU CISTOBKUS GRRATER INDUCEMENTS TIIAX ANY OTIIER HOUSE IN TUIS CITY. Wi' i-arry complete Unes of work from E. C. BIRT, uu av imoTiinis, ITPUVELL niins. In OniLDKBN'S FINE SII0E9, of whlch we ïarc by fnr the largrvt and tnnl ii!ortmt'nt erei trought to Au Arltor. .TtlN. 3t, ïiiirl? Gent' ■'INK IIANUMADE BOotl and Shot-J. mipqualrfl HStfle.DorablIltj aal finish. Jolin W.llurt' lioys Pint ShooF. rtnd 1 fuct a Complete Btockof TIKSand l'I.AIN Goodf, euitableforltil murkeU 13 ï UMBSR YARD. C. KRArF, Un a lsrpe and wei! tnckpd I.nraber Yonlor leiTereir. Sucit. in th-?iirl piivi ui Cltv. anc' willkei'pMMiatiinlljuuhaiidiinüïceilcntvariety o LÜMBER,SHmGLES,LATH&C which wMlbe"Td a luw at car bc AÍTorded in Jfhit markel. Q:mlityenJprices-tnchthat ÏÏO OtfE NEED GO TO DETROITAnn Arbor JanaarjOtb. 1ST1 fiSö Sheriff's Sale. STATE Of MTi'UHïAN.eountyof Wnahtermw : S3. By vutue of a nt of exwulion issuod out of nnd undur the seal oflhe Circuit Court in riumoery, lor theCountyof VTayne, Btateof MicbffCaD, amito me direoted and delivered, tgnlDut goudd, cbattte Innd nul ici.i r: Dia of C liarJcB 0. Suilu-i Imid, I did on tha weTlty-ioutuïliy ot 3iuy, A. I. l.S7'_'. scize nnd levy upoD all ÜM righti tule, and intenbt citarle O. Suth■TlHiid hu iu foUoving dnetibed jiroperty, to wit : i'w.niy-oiie and oin?-h;ilt" i't-ct in wiiith oÖ'of the North sitie ol lot nuijiber five, in llloik numrone South of ilurou Strot, in range four Eiwt, in th Ctty of Ann rtKr ; aiso all the rifrht, tille tnd interest tlic !:ii(l ■ li;rlis (i smli' bas (o the une f a ceHaiti attey ilnitti tbe Ilükit uod oí Iota nmnim ftve ud six iu waid i)lock number ono, whicli rel etatf Hbove descrilnxl I iball spoee for aale( n public :iuction, toihehighest bidder, ut tlie BüUth door of tlio Courf House in the City of Ana Albor, on the Iwonty tliird dny of July, A. 1. WÏ2, ut ten Vloek A. M. Dutod, June Tth A. D. 172. MYRON WEBB, Sheriff. SheriíTs Salo. TATK OF MICHIGAN, county of -J By virtue oi wiit ol' exeeution isued out ut aud ander the íí1 of the Circuil Court for the cOttütj oi V:iflhtenrtw, anti to mo directed and delivt'ted, agninst the goode, cha tt les, lauds and teneinents of Ueorgt? 1). Uil!, Í did m the twentieth duy of June, A. D. 187S sw.v and k-vy upon all Uw ïiglit, title and iuterest Qeorge P. liill imam the íullmriinr'dfacribed Inndn, Bitmiiíil in tht township of Ann Ar Dor, couuty and State aforeaaidi i 1 Lt : Beyinning at a twint in the west line of section thirty-three, in townphip two Mi'i'.h in rune si east, seveuty-llve rods rothh frOTO be Dorthweet corner of k.iíi seotion, thenoe aouth un said section line Iwelre obidna .inri íitly links, tbencu east p.tralu'l totlw north line oi' lid BOOttaD SftveD chaiiiM and forty-one link.i, thenoe north parallel to tht vroat line of n.iiiï leotión Êwclve ebtiina and flfiytwo link.-:, t henee east p.trutlol to the ihti h line of aaid section to the nwth and sooch Qaarter line of aaid sectiou, tiienoe north to tbe Qunrter post Oi satd eection upon the north line ut Baid seOtlon, tlience west on the north line ol sauluection to the northwrat corner of said Bcction, thence sou tb on the weet Une of unid section to the place of begioniag, conftuniiig ninety-ftve acreRof land, raoi-e or le3, exeepting thercfiom tho lauda of tliH Waahtenav Connty agrietütnral and Horticultural Bocaety ; alao the mutb part ei' theeaat halt uf the northeaMt tjunner of said wet ion as aborv dertcribed, bcin. .ill of leid hall marter aeotton which lii.'.s su'ji li of tu Ano Arboranu Vpsilanti rond o oalied), exoepJiagton aareof land oíd by Oeonre Prussia to JuldI) weaver, and eontaining thirty ncrett of Und, more or loss; ulso the tolluwin düenbed land, to wit : The aaathalf of the nortneat quarterofseottoD uiiiL'ieen. aud iho west half of tnewest hall at' the wv. bal! of tho northvest quarterof s -li.iii (wcüty in tbvnsbip tWO south in range six erst, in said coonty uhd State ; abo aU the toïïmiiifr describid I;md, to wit : ïots number flvo, [ix and B0T6O iu bluck onc north in range thrci; east, topettaer with tho Opei-a House nnd other buildings thereon, ia thecityof Ann Aibor, eounty of vV-ish(cn,tw itnd State of 5f tchigtut, whioh nbore describcd .propertj L shall exposé for snïe at public iiuction to the hihest bi.l Br, at the hiihIi door of the Court House In the City of Ann Albor, on the tenth day of Augustt, A. I). 1872. at ten o'oiock k, m. Dated,Junc'27tb, A. D. 187. U S KONWERB, Sheriff. Coiiimissioncrs Notice. STATE OF MI' huían, eounty of Wa-shtcnnw, ss. Tho aodersJgned, haring been efkpointed by the Probate Court for sald cotinty, fommiMoners toreoeive, examine und adiust all ctHnus wid demanda of all persons against the estáte of Wffliam om ■'■. late of said eooni y. deoeaaed, herebj ïiv notice thai six months from date re nUowed by order of said Probate Ceurt tor rrediton to proaent tbcir claims ig uu-t ilïe estiite of sn'ui tleeensea, koA thnt they uli meet ai theotfleeof James. MoMiihon, in the catvoi Ann Arbor. Insaidoonnty on 8aturdfly,the thiriy-tiist day oi' Aufust) nnd on Taesday, the tliird dy of l '■ jentbel ncxt.nt ten oeiock a. sí. of rnrhof nid dayn to receivej examine, and adjusl said claimsU.tied, JuneSd, A. D. is;:. JAMES KbMAHOK, JOHX CLANCY, 1379 w-I Commis&inners. PHYSICIARS' PRESf RIPTIOSS ! 0CÜRAEL1 HP CAREFULLY PRBPABED BY I B. W.KLL1E & OO.,VJiUaOIS2S. rao- gBaaKMiaBBHaflcciH t n ji w- i- fctas-a Mortgage Sale.. ntrnKRFARlflfuull. imsbetn made in thc w TT tfami of a mortgsgé made and exsouted by Hariet Kirllogg, oí YpMlanti, to 1 heodore A. Cárter, iow oí Auburn, New York, bearínp date the thirtjotith lay of April, eighteen hundred and sixtyiirht, umi reoorded in tbeolüce of the Uejfinterof Jeeds of the Coíííltf 61 Washtenaw, Michigan, on the o-u teenth day of April, cighteen hundred and fe 'Ighl, A Uf fortj of mortgage. at pae one fcSI Ired and sixty-thrco, by trhieb defánlt the power of pi iAleOontaiK'l in s:utl niortgage has beeome oi?rtive, rï ind no niit or prooeeding at luw baving been te :ed for the recovery of the dfbt securtd by Mid ai nffC oi any part thereof. and lbTe being now claimed to :o dp duo on said mortae the sum of on; thonsfind i Ive hundred and seventy (tollars and ■ ;ent for principal and Interest besidcfl twenty ti Dir as au rtttorney fes as proviiif-ii in naid moxtgagB : bi Notice ia therrfofo herehy piven Uist by virtuc of the L power of alecontiiined in suid mortgage, suid di Ievill beforcclosed by a sale of tho lands nnd U nrcTnies cïeacnbtd in Raid EnOTtgagO. or some part p ■it public auction to the bïghest bidder, on oi Mondar, the mneteenth day of August next, at ten w KMnek in the forenoon, at the south door of the Conrt d Höiisein i h (,'iiy of nn Arbor, in fuiid eounty (suid tl Court House beingihe piuco of holding thc Circuit Court tor the County of Washtenaw), in pursunnc? of the stutute in auch c:iho mude and provided ; aaid tnortfratred premises so to he sold benig degcrihed in said mortgage as follpwa : sitúate in ueCounty of WsjAitensw and Mato of Michigan, vïz. : The north thirty neresof tho went half of the southeast qunrter of aortion one of townwhip three south of Tange 1 ber ix eftBt. Also, the southwest qtiarter of the nprtheairt guaífr of snid Betitfófl mi ft, tcrrfí threeafmtlt trf ftftfR X trant, eounty :uid State aforesaid. Dated, Ann Arbor, May 11. 1m72. ÏHKODOREA. CARTER, Tbaoy W. Root, Mortgagce. J Att'y for Mortuagee. Moftgago Sale. lAEFAUTr havtng beeft made in tVe conditioti of a 1 I ni0rtgage giV('Tl by Jóhn K. Geil mid darfth A. Geil to ('hiistiiin Muck and Fredcrick Bchmia. datw l Tanuai y tenth A. D. 1871 and i eonled in the : ter's oüice, in WashUnaw County, Michigan. In ober No. 44 of mortgHgefli al y.v.'j: 7". by whicn defanlt i (he power of alc therrin roittuinoil beoanM opnitÍT, and no auit or proewding bATing ben iusülntad at law to recover the mortgn(?e debt, ornny part Cheftof J nnd the num of three huiulrcfl nnd thirty-eight dollars n-til Btrentythree cent m 'Tiy dow claUñtn to be dup, and thirty tiolhsrs as ,ín Attornyy ft;, n pnniiledin said AortgagOi and further suins to beeome doe : Nf tiec is thcrefore hereby nivon, thtit ? inoii(iaf!e will 1 ■-. foreclond by k aêl9 of tbfl mortgag l tremie9f described M touavt vi2 : CoKlmenelng twelve rode cnatcrly of tbe nortlienst. conior of lot twdtn [IS in block eight (8), iu lïrown & FuIIct'h nddition to the villagc (noweity) of Ann Axboff, Michigan, apeordiuír to the rsoordeu plat thereot, fcbence ulong tbo muth tni4flf WallBtroetin taiM iMnlttos In a Bcmtheastnly direcüon iour ;4, roda, tbenov in a aouthcrly direction at rigrhi angle to mid Wall strtet thirteen rixi and tlu1 -■'■ links, tht'ncf aorlbMWterly in a lino parallel to Bajd "Wall f ren t four roda tlwñioe in a honharly flireetion thivtecn rodti mul links nt rint imples to hukI Wull tree, to the place of beginuing excepting and reservinp one and one-lialf rKi otf trnrn the south end ot tl:o nbove deseribod lnnd for a streí-t, at pnblfc vpDduc-, at the CoQTt HottMt in Ann Aïbor, on the twenty-setvnth day if July next, ;it noon. Dated, April 20th, Í872. CHRI&TTAH MACK. 1372 FREDERICK BCHMTT), Thomas Xindt:, Attojney. Mortgagee. IMortgagc Foreclosure Notice. DT'FAt'I.T bariiigbeen made in the condition of a mor:ts-;iu' mide and xecmetl ly Joba Gaeatfi u Clurk .Suiion, beariag date toe fourth dy of May, A. ■ 1. ciL'tit! :i IiiuhJihI ;tii'l sixt y-eifiht, and record d in ; the liiticu oí the Krinter of Deeda oi Wasntenaw CoQttty, Micfii'un, in liber thirfy-nirht of innitK'Míes, j onpiuci'iur hundred :md twt'iitj-six, on the 1 1; hteentn day ófJnne, A. I), eihtceu hundred undsixtyeigJit, atelovcn and u haU o -U-k , m., and theioTer ot m'.i' coritiuuvl in Hiiiil jnortjtige huving becoine opcrativc by nnison nf Mich defiuilt, and tho tniui of tniee bnndred and eíghty-mx dolían and tbirty-nine r.'ntw iMLingclaimed to bedne onsaid movtgnc at the datu of tiiis notii't' tor pi mei pal nd InUvMt, OMldM a Mttaouftble Attomey fee for lie fbrccüotureol vaid mort gage, and no ttyi "i prooecdüiga t lw himug been uiBtiiiitw) to roêttVOT thttdebt scousad by snid mortgnge ur uny part tbereof ; Notice ia tlrereiore benby givon, tüat aaid ovtrtgage will le foreelosed by a Hale of thc mortwiured [anda nd pranian tlu.Tein dtfiíihuíi and nereinafluei nttononod and set tortb, "i aome poll thereof, on SaluxdaythefourtMnfh day ot Septeuü e next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, at the Bouth door of the Court House, in city of Ann rbor, tnal being the place of holding tbcCÍT" cuit i'ourt for the county of Wofchtenaw; The Mid mortg.ig d ; remisos so 10 be sold, by vutue of the powei ot sil in -iid n:o itf iKe. ure lesci'ibed ín Boid mortgnge ! U followa; " All taact t-r parrei of land sitúate , ín Lhfl tcnrnaUfp or l'n!. ■ v.n'ir. in the cminty of W .! tenaw nd 8tafe of MKitit?:i& bounded and d' wribed as t n:p tbe northaat onatej of thp I nortlieaal tju irter oi sectiou nnmbpi tmrty-ffbc '' 'm townsliip number fonr (4) HOiitli of runse number four :4 o.isi, coatainiog forty icies of limd bo the tamo, more or Ipm UattKl, Aun Arbor, .Tuno lMh, W72. CLARK BUTTON, Mortgagee. HlRAM -T. TÏEAKEt, Attoniey lor Mortgngee. 13V9 Moitgíige Sitie. DBF M'l.T baving been made in the conditions of a oertaiu Indi nture ot iuortKKO executetl b Vüliom S. öarry auii Ann lïnrry, biawUto,to Brtuliurd , of '.et-ci, Ti liiubull ounty, in the tle of Ohio, tt.':iriiií data tho twentyelguth doy of April, eigbie d b mdred nd neveiityoi, niifi recordra ín t:.. otttuooJ Uw lif-'isar oi ijceUn for the County ot WattbteUAW, State ui Michigan] ín Uber toriy-thweof mortfcagcis on Ikige tour huudiwi nd eitrhtj-íix, on the twenty-eigntu diiy of Aj til, eightcen ouadred and beven t y one: by wlncii default the power of aaleflpntained in í;i'l mortgage haa beoome oporaüve, nnd no prooeeding at luw or in ohaneery hvni been institu tod t' recover the nmouut doe on iil u the bcaid acoomimnving the sume; and Hiere beinj; uow daimed to i1' dno nn uAá mortgnge and the bontl acGompttnying the sume, the snm of iour thouaand ïour hundjrad nnd oiil Jollnrs and .cixty-iix ceme, and idao Üaa furthersum oi ttfty dollim aa an attomey fee on f!,-1 roreolosnre of anW mortgage, shonld any prooevdmgi be taken to foreolMe llie sttnie: Ni i ■'■ i? theñforc hereby given thai aaid mortgago wili b closcd on Monday, thenineteonth day of Anguetnextf ui beno' lock in the morning vi il.-iy, ai tl ii out door of the Court House in Uity 'rf Axa Arbor in aid Oounty of TVashtenaw (sHidCouri Ëoote being tbe place of noldins tlw Circuit Coorttoz said Conoty oi Waahtennv , bya mIq at anetipn to the bidder, (tor cash, of the preuisea (U-scribed in ■aid mortsaget or bo noch thereof aa shali e Deces■aryto witisfy the amount due on :iil mortgnge with ifjisonable costs and expenses and interest on suul ui(irlíTii', together witn an Atturney fee f ftfty dolIhm ptovided for in laid aiortffogB; wbiefc niorUuged prenisee are described in wmü mort i tol ows, ris, : '■ Being the noithwcatqimrteroi'ecfion twenty■even In lowiuhip one iwutli oi range nnmberiz eaatf in ihe State of Micliigfin, (exoept that purt lying north of the territorial roaa wliich intersects ii). Aao all thnt part of the et half tf the sonthwevt qunrter of sec ion rwenty-two lying south ot said ttrri'ürial roart. A1(K nriiilit of -.v:iy i'uui roda [rom said road to a j sprinfj or bruck a littlc north of nüd rood, and the rilit oi' water na rcserVed i o a 1Lk1 to .ïolm Canaan of Detroit. Ah0 t PUt of the east hall rf the northeust qunrier of seotion twenty-eíght, same towihip iiml nngO) described U foUowt : comminciuK at the northeast corner thereof, thenoe weal on the sectlon line to t!f ooflt bank ot :i dttch alHjut twenty rods H?t:ui), theoco Bonthpflyalcng the cast bank oí vid ditctj to tlip èftst Hoe of Boid Beotion, thencc north to the ploos of beginning, containing abont iive arre, na ia aunposed. Also r!iirt y-five hctcs of hind, piirt ad aaid la-t mentioned qi;irter s.:-cti(n, bonnded aöuth by fhe söath rhie therftof , éast by the east line thui"oof trom tlie soatheaat corner of aaid quartersec tion, north to the north bank of ; ditch running iif ;ir: e ii and west, and on tlie north by a lme mimirnr f rom sa d icotion tine vresierly along Üie north bünis ofsttidditoh, nn'l continue-l Ín tlint dirpetion so fr that ii Une mnniB'soorHccIy fcheiefrom panüle) to the east line of Raid m fiiou to tne' BChitn line of uid qunrtt-r ■ectlon will.vjth thf lines hevctofore mi-nfiuned, inotnrle thirty-five aona Dated, Ann Arbor, Mav 14, 1SÏ2. nilADKOUD CARTER, Tn.CT W. Ror-T, Morteagee. Atfyfor Mortgngee. 1374. Commisaioners' Tiotico. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, connty of Waantenaw, a. v The nndenignttd, haTing been ftppomted by be Probate Conrt for sftid county. ConKBUsaiantfB to reccive, examine, and adju&t all chiim.f und dcmandB of ttll persons against tlie estáte of Jobn iller, latr of s:iil connty, dcceajel, hereby pive notrev that nix montha trom Ihat date aro itUoweA, by order of H.ütl i'rtjbiite Conrt, t or ered i t om t o presen ttheir claims aguinst the estáte oí said decfnaed, and that they will weet at the OnTöè of ('. .toHm, in the city of Ypsilantf. in suid county. on Saturdiry, tbe fourWenth day of September, and on TóMday, the twenty-iourth day of Deci'inber next. at 10 o Vloek a m. of eaeh of saiddays, to reeeïve, pxamine, and udjustsaid claims. Uated June 24th, A. V. 1872. Kli'NK JOSLIN, GJLOlUiK HERTH, 13i0w4 Commissioners. CotnnussioTicrs' Notice. oTATB UT MICHIGAN, County of The undersiRiied, linving been appoihted by the Probate ( 'ourt tor aaid county, Comnii.ssiontiis. torecyive, examine and mljnt ;iü cuums and (lininnda of all neisons against the eataie of John Mülaon, late of uid county, deceased, hereby gire rwí ice that sil montliBfrmndatean' rtlWed, by order of said Probate (.'ourt, ior credit ora to present their claim p againsi the estáte of naid deoeased, and that they wili meet at the nsddance ofsnid deoéesedj ia thetown ahip of York, in said county, on Buturday, the twenty-cighin oay of Péptemoer, and Thuratlay, the necond day of Jtinuary next, ai ton o'clock a. m. ofentb of naid day, to recoive, ex umin u, aud luJjuwt ui4 elaims. Dirted.July Ut, A. D Ifi72. DANIEL LbBAROKi F. M, PALMKU 1 38 1 w4 Commiaeionera. Estáte of Frodcrick Yungfar. STATE OF MK'Ui'iAN, Count] ofS asntenawn. KoUce is hereby given, thai by an order of the Probate Coórl i"r the mntyof Wawhienaw, made on the twenty-iiiniii lay ut June. v. I). 1872. SÏX month from thut uate were allowcd for enditora to present theil claims against the eétnre of Kreöeiick Fnngfar, Late Of siiiil county, deceaWd, and that all creditors oí aid .1 ceasTíl are required to piewnt tbeir clainia to naid Probate ('oun, ;tt tin; Piobate Office, in the íty ii Ann Arbor. fbr exanaination and ullowjince, ort or before the tliinieth day oí Decunber im ar, and thu! puch olaima will be hejirl befortsuld Ptbate Douit, on Baturdnyfithe fourteenth day of Éietember, nul iMi Monday the ihirtieth day oi1 Dorember nesxt at ten o'cloek i tl'1 foreiioon ol eaeh of thoae day. DaU'd, Aun Albor, June Üth, . D. 1873. HIltAM J. BKAKE6, 1381 wt Judgcot'Xrobt. Estato of Joscph Aunin. QTATBOF M!'UUiAN(V.iïiiy.f Washtraarw, m. ■ Kotiosia bexebT gfcren, tbal by an order of the Probate Court tor the County of Washtenaw, made on the scvcnteentli diiv f June, A. 1. 187S, six mootbi front that date were allowed for orodi tors to jnfatMt theirclainis against the eatateof Joaeph AnsTn, Late of said coimiy, deoeased, and tnal nll mditorfl tf BAÏd deceased are required ta preseni ;heir clrtima to aaid Probujte Pourf a( the Probate ffice, io the City of Ann Arbor, foa examlnatfea and ■UlowHiice, on oroofon eenthday f Deecmernext, and that sach olaime triU ba heard before naid rrobatc ('ourt, on Satmday, the tweniy-fourth lay of August, and on Thursday, thesoventeenth day of Deoevber next, at 10 o'olook ín the foroneen of each of llioKt' days Dated, Ann Arbor, Jne ITth, A. I). 1H72. HIICAM J, BEAKE9, 137iwl Jutltfe f l'robnti Go toR.W.ELLlS & CO'e ' for choice Wines and Liquori , for Modical Purposes . Chanoery Notioe. N the Circuit Coiirt for tho Countv of r in chanccry. ' ÜI 4t MA11Y I.UCAS, Comvlainant, JOHN it. LÜCA8, Dofendant. [t sntiBfactorüy appearing to tliis (w, ,. adont, John IJ. Luen, a a imn-ríTi""'! ate, tm raotion of E. ü. Kmnt, J,,";1" o[" inant, I r;,.; tl.,,, ï: J.r(Ltt,L . Lucos, mhw lui uppearance ia ihbïïfjS red witliiii three rnonths trom ln? SSífVí d thal In pase of hu appearanco hf. í"fc the ooraplatnant bi',1 ia I.rnlui ai i "'S loljíBervodon aid .inpbiiu,;,., WiS renty day after Bervice of a copy of „lírí"1 2 :e of thi order, imd in -i.iu.,1, tnèrï .vbüi J2 11 bo taken aa contened by swd Ki"1 L raid complsinant canse a m,. """n. bo publiahed in the L? LL3 O ibllcation be continned in sai,] paD[' ,? 'Ut I ich wk fur six ucoewive week, or Sr?tJï ppy of Ihw order to b peronal]y .„„j ' H,, ifendant, John N. LucV, atleoítS J "J ie time preseribed for bis iippeamnc T "ftó! Datid, lvh, 1H72 w' ' R. BEAHAX, Ooqrl C„ E. D. K.K.K, SolieifoTclpCu'; Chanccry Sale. 'HECIRCriT COURTFO THBOom-! WA6HTENAW-IN (JllANCtliY LIZA H. HILL Cümliiinant. j. , LARON 1)EAN and CATHERISE BPiv Denudante. In of a decretal order of tk. ourt fur the county of WoshU-nav in chJïiL01 n thenbove canse, there wi]llH-,id ,i3!iJ'H ion of the nubscriber, ut piibüeauction v loor of the Court lloitsr in Ihecitt n'r ""w ind counljr of Wanhtenuw, on l'riibi il 'M -1 .f August ncit, at ten o'clcck a r. "' V' i"7'i jrcel 1)1 Innd situattd in the city of 'n f !■"" ountyof Wajshtenaw. ami describcd iil ," 4 lint in lilook niittwt throe norlli of H " in range Nu fouT-of the plawf L?■', lMted, June luth, BT2. lW84,7 Circuit Court Coaut Co, Root K.' Uuntï M Solicitore for Compluintni, Eatate of Patrick FaV TATE ÜK inCinÓAN.Countycí ÍW iï Atawnionof th lrobate Court forti! ' of AVashtfntiw, hulden at th Probate () City of Aim Arbor, on Monöty (fc,1 if Julyt in the year one tbo%imd tièht uJÜ ! serenty-lwo. "ij pretroi Blnn J. Bonies, Jndpeoí Prtíit In tbc matter of the Enute of pLv „ On reading and jietilion, duh # Brnlget Jt;.v, prayintf ttmt Ltike Cou W'l othcr suitiiblc person, may be apcorntri ■ J? latratoi ot the wtnt of suid dectawd, Tbvrenpm H pftSrted I . ninth diiy of Jiny lntilt, at tfn 'clockinifií!J be abúgned for tho hearing of swd dÍSÜ1 that the hirs at law of sjxïJ deeeü ï1 other persons interesten in 'lïitJïl appcar tit n aeesion of said ourt, thwi to ïerS1" the Probate ottice, in the city of Awt and sj:mr cavse, ii ma thcre bo. why the &!■ P'tLtionershoiiMnot bpSan-ea: Aadhafií0 aered that iirl potitionr gir notice u UT1 ■ona intoreatod in unid ostote, of rK-n,!-! fcetiHon, and thehènring theftof, t,y aiaSl!'1 ihw order to bo unblwhed in the MictnaatÜ. nernp:irwr pnntei and circuLiting in S three auccessivo weeks prevíouBtustódiT Jï1 ing. jh (A truecopy.) HIRAM J. BEAK i:ittl JoögïafXi Estáte of Eufus Hattbm OTATE OF MlCUIíiAN.CoutttyofWtóta,. O At atKMwairf the Probate Court ftW of "CMhtenaw, holden at the Probate oS!! l'ity of Ann Arbor, on TuetsdAy, SiÜ! dïy ol Juiy, in the year one thouuartd 'eight lj iiud neventy-two. -■-:. Piwent, Üirom J. Beakc, Judeof fnUit la tl; matter of th estáte of Uufta UutWn ; Wil" f.'l. W". Marcus J. Jlatthews, Executor of tbe letrfi) N-rtt :i:n-:it oí aid decemaed, cnrau into cotrt nd resenta thnt he ;b now prepnreá to rendnbtL ucoount as sucli Executor. Thrcupm it UordeYH4,íhat Mondar tfcf tw ttlnthdrt) ptJuly instant, at ten o'ck ck ia tht fcrv be llHWÍjiHll1 Hil Mliiliiiniim anr ü]ting HwLieiiiit ;i -n i !iinl the lfifHteea, deviaees and )it it,ni Mini rjpceiiped and nU otber pernmi ïbImmm in t.Hvd cstutc, ure reouiied toaparm. sion of sttid Court, then to be holden t i w, bate Office, in tbc City of Aun Artor, ani County, and ahow causc , if nny tbete bt, ri it, savi acconnt lnltl not be nllowed: And U itfcrir ordered that suid Kxecuiot gire notiet to th#w. -.rib itiierebted ii. :iid eatate, of the pendran (mj aoootmt, aad ■ : theteof, b) cwawiwt OÍ thu ".l ■ ' i r pttbUrthed in thcÜtrlffaainJ ii newípn4r print'-d ;-ní1 rrrrtrhiíjftj rasnUj three i ivdprtíTioustfsniddjiToílwat (Atrueeopy.) HlKAMJ.Bl I 91 Jodft . Estáte of Williám Howarï rTATE Oh' anCHIGAN, amnty of Wiibtui. Ai a neaaÍQD oí the l'vobate Court tor ík mt1; nf Waehlenaw, holden ;it ihe Probate Offia, tb city of Aun Amor, on Thurlii,tlietirentietkéijii Jumo, in tlie year one thouaaiid eight huitdied d oeventy kvo i'rest-nt, Hinim J. BewXes. Jadgeof Probite. In the mut u-r oí the eatate of Wiiiiao Honrf. . On roa tin y and filin? the petïtion, ulyTcsSii, Mi-n-iliii lii'Witrd, prnyisg ihnt slie or nat (tbi mitabJa v'r:iün niil' t :-.piinlcti aümiwinurf the estáte of saiil dvceascA Theipujion it is ordered, tli:tt ftfesdny. thetran ond n) of -iUlj nt-xt, at ten o'clwJi m tlieionew, ïit aMtjfned lor the hearing of said pttifxaai thftt theheirsat ïaw t said dt-if: persona ioterested in auid e MtoM at a Hemion of .sniti Court, tbestobebol Proba e Oöier, in the City oí Aan ArW,aoièï c;tu -, if nny there te. why the prujtj of tbc peüian aot negranted : And it i-.funfctionieTfcií said petitioneruivc uoticc' to the j Raid estáte, of the pendency of Raid Mtition ada thereof, by Kiusing icoprot th:- o piitilih.'il in the Michigan Aryus, a newipA7 pM and circciatirtif ia vnl ajt mi y, three sucoaintnÉ previouj io ítid day ot hearing. f A trnf oopy.) ' HtHAM J. BEAKC Kstate of Coruelins Laughüa. CTATE U F MI ( "II I i-.VN , ( ounty ol W m At i tession if the Probate Court for t uf Wnshtonaw, holden at the Probatt f I nity of Aon Arbor, on Thursday, the iwüai d;vy ot .Inne. in the yeaT one tliousand eifb hidred and Keventy-two. Present, Hirnm J. liertkes, Juilpe of PioUt. In the matter of Ihe stat of CorcelmLiV1 lm, decMed' n reoding and ftlinjr ilie pctition.duly Teribiii WiHinm Buike, Adniinietrator, praying tfcalie ■? b liciinïed to sell o-rtain real enlate wbtwí w deceuetl die1 iOizel, fur the purpose of dutrt Uw procoedi ol such sivle timong the pertófii ia:tw therein" Therenpon it is ordered, tbat Menáty, íhetwí1 eecond day of July next. at ten o'cïock in tkw be tvtaignrd forthe)ie.irinKrofsni[lpeti!ioíi,tMWw beirttfit I,w ofduiddct-eufred.iindul}otlierp4x tetested in miUI state, nre rcqviired to ï?u a aesiion of said ("rart, then to W Wd"11 Probate Office, in the city oí Ár. 1"J and ahow cause, if nny there b#, pi ayer of the pet ii iocer shou ld nol b grantid; " ia fur(hr ordered, that said pctitkmff P the ptjrwmsintere.-itcü msuid ti.f-ite,ol tfceyeawfl said peí ilion, and the heavintr tht-iiof, t'7 flO2copy of Ihid onler to be pul-iist:td in tkt Jf Argutf a ntwspiijHT priutfl and cúojUíififJj (Totinty, ftwr ucceewTe ireets pftrBi WW:CI1 of hoiu-ing. _ „-,, (Atruecopj-.) HIRAM J.BEAK 137 Jn-ip ol ro1' Éstate of William N. Jloore, Jr.,-n; oTAl E Dl' MKHKiAN, Countv of w"1''"íí il At s seseion i( t!io l'vo'r ,.!f lc.uitIorlKl''n(. Wiubtenan. holüeii íu Iba Proíaíe OJi" " of Ann Arr, cm r:iurd.ij, tb? ■"T'J.'J j June, in the year on thousand fibt M111 seventy-two. l'rcwot Hiram 3. Menke. Jndpcof 11lb!vtít In the matter of the t-statc oi Wiltar. Jr., minor. , On muling and flling theptilioo,W.vrrk Willium N. M.r.', BerXr., -u.Jimí, P"!"?! muy be licensed to sell oeiUin rel H" " to said minor. , 0 Thereupon it i ordereii, thnt MontóT'!" tfvnih dy of July next, at ten o'dK}".J nooii, be nssijDfil tor the hearing of w Pp", thni tho next of kin of raid rain. ■ persons interestcd in shW etat, " jjn uppear nt i eion of niii ('onrt. then to " ■ ut tlte Frubatc Office, in the City of A ahow cansí', if any tht-re be, why uiepw? eLw. Citionor mIiiihIiI nút to mnti-d : An. '."JÍTÍbí dvred, that said petitioner gire n1" " ]) á intercitiil in said stilte, of the pendeneï " "yjn tion, and the hearing thi-n of, by musid" order tobepublished in tho "?,6i, it paper prlntfd and oiTcnlatiost " '",., . succesvf weeks prerioss t M ''' "iStlB, (Atrm.copy.) H1UAM-'. 1.17'J J", Estáte of Henry McPbüüpOTATE OK MICHIGAN, CouDty of JrZ%ti 0 Ata si-süion of the Probate Court forj" of Waabtenw, hold.n at the Propte JjK City ot Ann Arbor, on iatunlny, w",! of June, in the yi-ur one thoiw1 l útvA and tseventy-two. Tnii'.1 l'rcncnt, Uimm J. Bcake, Judlte lTvS lu the matter of the estáte of 1KMI" deoeased. , jf ,,-. Ou readintt and fllinfr the ftit, w , M ,v. ;ir. t.Mei'hillips. praying tlmt e er siátal Ie peiwn may be niipointea """' 01 tiiQ etnte of said deceased. j r tíní fnereupon it ia ordered, ttmt M0");" day of July next, at ten o deck zLdZ. be uslTJ,,l for the l.vniiiik' of xwi f ' "w1 tha bi m at luw of sxid deeMMd, n " 3!! inUistcd insaid estáte, are riniuj '""'JvCj" ion ot aid Court, (hen tobeholdeo" Ottici', in UfoCityol Ann Arbor, oí gll BJJ tl..n 1,,., lï. :.-wywof theLKj3( nor bc (rritntïa : A:.d it is ruttktr "Si pt'titionerivo notieo to t)e persons mi j, . State, ..f the pendency of mid l-'"t10,n,;' i ing thereof, by caunng copy ol t!'[ö.' publishuil in the Michigan Anjiu, "irt and orroularinp in said countv. three s previvvs to snid day of henrinjf, ggift. [A tmecopy.) J1IKAjudífJ!!ÍÍEstate of Caroline !■ ri r At a wriou .f tbo 1'rolwM i tour tv of whtm.w heiden 'ï;;ÏJSs í the City ot Ann Arbor, on "",„ tUT ,-, nih du ■ iJnir In the ï h, tbo tniuter of the ertte "' („i reodlufi nn flllng the pet on, g „e! licrnscd to srll rerüim rral e313".üid sein d . ,hnt , llon, and th! the heir ' L'.lde5 and nll othei Personfinteresudi" aO1] quirrd to a.ptr :,. a ■wlpii . .ci;oíjj, Solden. ai tb P-"bateOrnce,lnl,b, bor, and show cause r ,he p-tiiluiit-r -boul.1 nol ;'' ' .,r ""Z therorderod, th.t ald Pjjl' it p,.m.i.MBl.-re.t.-din s.ul.ft.1.' , b, eJ"J ,ld p. tittel ■ od the heariiii " , tWJJ Copyortbi.orcr t I Pb"edbCtlH!Ül 4rs.ancwípaper,priutdn"l0,ll1 County, four succcsivc weeüí i ■ of hearlni!. niRAl 7?t&t


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