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J?SI?5? DIRECTORY,' Ana Artx, Mleh. ' lnsc i7p. FASQVEEEE, BT. B. Office over 'VI. A A. ferry's Htoro. lirvidencc Wamlfiiton Strect.four' doors east of State. 13T:tyl_ V A.RVOB IHIItBBAIi SIUINS. 'V M ifrli Uilf, M l.. Suiurintundcnt. Ofllcc n bulldintr, corner Mann and WeatUuron Strceta. Wifi;s WIRF.X, SOouth Mttin treet, Ann Ar 'or, Mlch-, wholaMle and rctail dealers in Dry Onnrla, Carets and (Jroceries. 135ttr __- _ T E. BaOV.v7A2nt for the Fiiikle & Ljon 1. "Víctor" Seivinj Machine ïhey are eilent. m-itlTe, runo'i-yin'lm.k.-. the lock utitch. o. . laotb Main Street. Ann rhor. iS4i'yi M'ACkITscÏiwID, Dealer in Dry Oood. Grocerles,Crockery,c. No. 54 touth Main Street. ' MÍCÍAÍEL"fflUKAY, Itoofer. Fire and Water Proof, Kelt and Compomtion Gravel R(i.fs pat on t. order and warranted. Besldcnceou JoIeMon Street, Ann Arbor. RW. RI.I.IS fl: C., DranMa anildoMere . luPi.lBtB.OUa, etc No.a South Main Street, An Arbor. lï. JACKSOJÍ, Dentlt.ncci'BüortoC. B. . Porter ülllíu eorn.r Main and riuron stri'et. Ter the store of R. W. Bllte ro , Ann Arbor, Mkh. (nctthertcB admlnlaterod lf teqalrtd. F. BBEAKEY, M. I., Physlcinn and . Stirc-on. Olllo .-, at residnn corner of Hutim and DiviMon StrseU ilrit door easl of Presby.eriali Ohurrh , Aun Arbor, Mich. J. JO1I-VSO, n ■■ali-r in Hat and fans, Pur Strw Oondl. ffenU" Firrntshinj,' Ooods, fcc. No T South Main tr.'i-t. Ann Arbor. Mich. ,,. rui ll A WIIHDOS, Lif hihI n ifirelijHurauw Agenta, aud dealerB.u Keal Estute. Oillce on Ilnrou Street. ____ rËwFs í"c. BISDOX, Dealer in Hardware, Jjs„„lS. Buaw Furni-biugOoods, TIn Ware,c. No. 31 South Main treet. l'- AVÏÏ & ABEL. Dealers in rry Goode Grot c-i-ies, 40 cVT5o. 3 South Main .-treet. Aun &rbor. nl.ÁWSON A; SON, GruoorUi Provisión and SSSLW n,,d dealers in Water Mme, Luid llHter,aud Piaster Paris. M. 1 East H i nm streel ■ ■ , H(tXOiIEIH, i iiolesale and ReWll Dealer S. ín Rdv Made 'lothinR. i-loths. Cassimere, !tlnz ad"aent'B Í BnÏÏiÜK Oood. No. South Ruin Street. - iV'rn WACJEIl. DaU-r in Roady MadeUothW in' lot b .'imen-8. VetlnS.. nats.Caps. rrunks";ar.ct Bag, &c 21 outh Mainstrect. GII.ntHtF. A. l'ISKK. BookMllert nndStBtió"r' ..dical Lw and College Text .Bootj tehool KDd IOeellMon Hook. No. 3 North Main Street, Greffory Block. Anu Arbor. j F' I2ÏE.EV t EK WIS, Dealere in Bootp.Shoe, (■l.iit..r.Sippers,Jkc. No. BastHuronnroet, Vnn Arbor. ■NTÜAH WTCHEEVEK, ATTORNEY AT LAW ! OMee with E.W. Morgan, Kast slde of Court House Sqaire. 1331 ÏMË8S0NS IN FRENCH. ProfeMorA. HENNEQUIN. lately arrlved from Frsnce will uive lutractlon in the rench I,nnxunue. PrtwtelMOD8tthetodenW reldencE, or in classis of iour jiupils and upwards. Mr. Hennoqmn can ba een ur :iil Irmed at hu reldenc-, 70 Huroo treet. care of Mr. L. Fasijuelle, Aun Arbor. 1884 ''■■' J. F. SCHAEBEELE, Teacherr Muic. Q'-uiilnstrucl'oD on the PIANO, VIOLIN AND GUITAR, this offlce. No. S7 Sonth Kaïn streel, fMoore-8 building), or at the resideace of the pupil. 1 PIANO TÜNING, inado a epeciallty and satiefactton guaranteed; {TiVCKÍ ! E K Y GIASStfARE & GB0CERIE8, ' J. & L Donnelly H,TlntoreUrjetockofCroekerj,OIaMWre; ( Uted Waro.l"iitlery Ofoeérie, &c, 4c. all tobe íoldat anusually low priccu. ; Ho. 12 Bast Hnron Street, Ann Arl)ir naatf j. i. , TOHN G. Q ALL, FRESS AND SALT MEATS, - I,.IÏ. Sl'SA(ES, Ele, Ordcr89olicitedandpromptly niled with thebeet meate in the market. 31 Bat Washington trf et. Ann Arbor, Sopt. lth, 186. lB6tf T F. BROM, Mamtfaclnrcr of ClRKI.ltiF.S. BlfiIKS. LtnitER WIGOSS, simii h A(.os. 1 1 i rnts SI-KK.HS, k.c. All wnrk warranted nfthe best raatoriar. TlcpairU?doneproraptly and ruasonablc. All work warrntedtoglc perfect satiifacüon. 04 S'.iith Miiln tfeee. 184ay1 T ARK8EY, k Mnii(acturer of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, AND8LEWI1S, of every tyle, made of the best material, aud warranted. Kepalrlni; done promptly and pricee rcasonablc. Peiroit ;treet, ncar R, It Duput, Ann Arbor, Mich. 1384yl. iTlt. C. A. LKITEK CONTINÚES TO PUT UP AKD FIIL Physicians Prescriptions, AtallhourB.atNo. 1 Qregory Block. O. A. LKITEK & CO. Ann Arbor. Dec. 22d 1871. '8 Tj EANDOLPII WHITE, M . D., DENTIST' O.H ce at Reíldence, No. 12 Ffth Btrcct, ANN ARROR, MICn QB.O.JJ. POEÏBB, DEISTTIST. :sin the3AVINGS BAKK3L0CK, Ana Arbor. ill 9p8ra.úqnj on the Natural Teeth PF.HFORMBD WtTH CAKE. UJT3aRPA33ED PA.OILITIES AND EXPEHIBNCE SETTÏNxi ARTÏFICÏ4L TEETB, TO O1VE KACH INDIVIDUAL; $p%turt of the proptr tnt, shapt ,rohr, firmnej$and na jluireulo. 1344 T IVE GSB8E FEATHiiRS PIBST GJÜAIilTT , iooe'.astlir.nhttnd andforsalf by BACUt ABEL, JIHHKUN CENTRAf KAILUOA. SÜMM1Í1! Tl MU TAHLE. Vnanengerttiiinmiow laave the scvprul gtntionii,i Min .-: aoiso wc. i .-i TJ á j_ II I I 5 A. M. A. M T. M. P. M. 1'. M. I' M Detroit, leave, 7 (' B L'o 4 M S M S 15 l 40 VpBilanti, S 10 íí 8 7 4 ' Aun Arlwr, 55 10 4'. 6 0" 7 JO lü 15 11 Oí l)cxt..r 9 25 .5 30 í :i I 15 Cheben, " - - 8 M u ''■'' 8ngtaka, I" lí "" II g a. m. Jttckxoil, IIOSOIIW 'J 35 1 00 12 l.í P. M. 1 M. A. M.A. M., ! 1 2 Sí 12 25! 4 20 Chicho .orive, Mi T W 8 Mi 10 80 7.10 OPIMO KAST. i jj iidí ■ I j tl Ï 5 ! Ï 6 =; ►■ V. M. P. M. . . M. (Thiciipo, lciivo, 5 3 !) 00 5 30 9 30 A. M. A. M. P. M. Ki.Wazoo, I W 5 00 tl 30 2 28 A. M. I'. M. Jackson. 12 W 4 40 8 10 2 55 4 40 (ri.ssT.ake, fíhelsen, : ■ !) 7. " JJ Dsxter i JS ! 25 4 15 Ann Arlwr, 1 S 00 B SS 9 55 4 45 5 4" Vpilnti. 2 23 G 20 7 20 l W f. M 8 00 1 troit, arrivo, :_3SS : ■:,', 8 45:11 80 6M i_00 The Atlantic nn.i Paeiflc Kxpress run betwecn Jankson and Nik'H on the Air Lint-. Diitwl July 22. 1872. TpOHT WAYNE, JACKSON AND Saginaw Railrcad. Tlm mtwt diroot route to Pittubilrpr. Philoilolphln, Biütimore, Washington, nd all point south und aoutli et. 'lrainB rim Ly CMMgO Time. TRAINB OOINO SOUTH. M'iit. Krprcss. Av.jnla Are. Jnckson, " 15 a. v. 12 10 r. h. 4 Ju r. m. Hnuover. " 54 12 49 i i" JonwviUc, M 1 2" J 5" Angola, 9 53 7 SS Wiiterloo. Hl M 8 15 Auburn, V 47 9 FortWaynB, 1145 9 25 Indinnuplis, 6 IK1 p. M. IJ 30 a. M. (.'incinntiti, ft 50 Loimville, 10 45 10 45)-. á. TRAINS OO1NG NOHTII. Anpnla Jee. Exprcst. Mail. Louisville, 9 10a. M. 10 25 p. SI. Cmcltmnti, ? J a. m. [ndianapolis, 4 uo v. m. 10 10 Tort Wayne, 7 05a. m. 4 86 i m. Aulmrn, 00 J 22 WnUrluo, 8 IJ Angola. 8 50 Í SS Jonesville, 10 IS 3 05 P. M. 8 M Hanover, in 50 1 M 8 32 Jiickcon, 11 30 4 15 'J 1" At Jnokson - QoM aimcctionft ure mu.le witli Miolijgan Central, Jackson, LivnsingA; Suginnw, undUrund Úím i .lU.y Knllronds. At Joncuvillc- With Lukc Shorc & Michigan SoutbAl Wnttriio- With Lakc Sliore & Michigan SouthA.t Fort Wayne- Wllih PlttslmiK, Fort Wjyne & ChicalTO' Toledo, Wabaeli Sc Weslern.ttnd Ft. Wajm, Muneic-Afincüinati Railroad,. Rob't. Rillie, Gen'l. Ticket Ag't. July 25. l;--. WTAT10N BITTERS. S. T. - 1860 - X. Tliis wonderful vegetaWe restorative is the sheet-anchor of the teeble and debilitated. Ab a tonic and cordial for the Rged and languid it has no equal among 6toniachics. As a rnmedy for the nervous wcaknesess wliich women are especial!)' Bubjected, it is euperseding every other stirnulant. In all climates, tropical, températe or frigid, it acte as a specific in every species of disorder which n nd erin i nes the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. 1356-yl. Beautiful Woman HAIJAVS DIAIiNOLlA BALM prives to tbo Complexión the l'reslme of Youth. HiOis'e Magnolia Balic overcomes the fluihed ippwrancecanfedby heat, fatigue and excitemont. [t makes the lady of forty appear but twenty. and o natural uud perfect that no pereon can detect Ite ippnctHiJn. By its use the roughest ekin Ie made ;o rival the pure radiaut texture of youthful beauty. Il remove redaess, blotches, and pimples. It con:ains aothlns that wlll njure the skin ia the least. Magnolia Balm is used by all fashwnable ladie in New York, Lundou and Paris. It costa ouly T: :ent per Bottle, and ia sold by all Druggists and Perfumera. 1355-e3w-y. BüOKST [BOOKS. J. R. WEBSTER & CO. NEW UOOK STültE KEAll THE EXPBE8S OFFICE." LOOK TO YOlUt INTEREST ANI) CAIX. I BOOKS. jj A IÍN AR BOE Mineral Springs House. Thls beaulifal retort for health-seekera lia now open, ith its IRON, MAGNESIA, AND SULPHUR WATERS, CommodionRbuiMii hcatod by team, and Urge und wel 1 -ven til (od roomsWATER AND AIR BATHS, Of nlltemperaturss, also Hhower, Vupor, McdScatcd and Blectrlc Baths are pmploy d witli dTapUge l the treatmeut of all forma oí caronlc dtKM and dlseaoe of fentales. Special attentioi. paid to liet. WUh ploaeftnt snrroundinp, and situated in one of themoat hentlhy and liffliaifiileitlu in theooun pouueBses attractions fuviuvalldB or for pleae ure-peekers pcldom fonnif. The aim!j-h af thu Springt wlll be mrnished on itpiilu i tii. . Pereont deipitip circulara to send to Ui-1 frlends can procure iiicin ut the i (llceof Ihiil'ioprle . lorB on lluron nrctt.or ut the Spring. Addre all letterm of ii:quiry to MOK I! IS HALE, M. !., Hupt. Ank Arbor, Mica Siulni -luinl and 4 111'ilmi, l'rci'. Ann Arboï.Micli, June, 11, JtTB.


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Michigan Argus