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Greeley Vs. Logan

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O iiKi:;. i: y's services duriug the years prSceding the war, during tho war, and siuce tliü war, in behuli' of tho Hepublioan party all go for nothing, and he is denounced by his o!d assouiates and political admirara - wc might, perhaps ghould, say children - a an original socossionist and h'óary-headod old traitor, the ('hrvrg.' being bcused on thu faot that in 1860-61 he aought tv peacoable gulutiou of the dill'trtnices betwujn thu ïiurth and Houth, evoo with separation if the peopla of the South shouid ask soparation with unaninnty, and that hu now reeognizes tho war as over and rcfuses to sup.port Gkaxt on ft war platform. Luit week vre gave pïaee to in articlo hended " Anothur Küininiscenoo of Ghant," not to prove that GBANT was a traitOT during the war or coinmauded the rebel armiea, or that he isdisloyal now - for how cn a rulor bc disloyal to himttAt't - but for tht) koIc purposo of Bhowing that GrEBLET ri8 not originally moro pcrTorso than tho Badióal Ilead Center of to-d&y, whom it is trea.son not to support. This week wc wih to ghcrw up another "loilist" of the ürst water, who j'i-it rrci! to enter the rebol service, w:thout eyep thi; excuee of owing allsgianee to his State, but who at the lant moment, and afterleading his neighbor' nons from the path of patriotium and duty, ruversed hia steps, - for a higher commission as is eharged upon Grant. We inoon Oen. John A. LOOAN, of Illinois, and offer in proof tho following añida vit: State of lUinoia, AlextuuUr County, City L Cairo: I, John (i. Wheatley, a rusidont of the city, oounty and Siate aforeai(i, do soleujiily swear that on the 28th iay of May, 1861, I went from Williauison Couuty, 111., to join Captain II. B. Cunninffhttm'G Cooipany (Oj of the Fifti'i r.ih Kgimeot Tenuessee Volunteers. That Major General John A. Loan, now a uandidate for Congreas-at-Lare, and wlio thea icpn-sented this, the Thirteeath (JonreKioüitl District, was the ehitf per81)11 who riiised a:d ooiiipany, uud persuadeci me lio j'jia tho suue : Útat suid Logan aceoinpanied i.s (about súvenrty in number) in ilie oight, part of the way from William8on County to Paduoah, the place dL)3ignat(;d for us to cross the Ohio Biver. We (.'roseü at Paducah aooording to John A. Logan s instruction, to avoij Union troopa wliiirh he nt:Hii were statioiiu;'. av Cairo. When XOgíiii lei't U8 he agrued to meet us as soon as possible, and agsigued as & reaeon ior not then aeeompauying us that he wtinted to settlu his idï'aii at. home and raise more troops. Loffaii, when he lei't, promisad faithfully to join U8 soon, and oOBliBand our regiment in the Confedérate service, but tho next tune we met hiui was at iieliriont, in tho Federal service, and in that iight. Captain Cunniugrhara nnd I obased him so closely that he ws compelled to uiamount. We suceeeded in capturing his hom, and delivored ittoGcncrul Gideon Pillow, of tho Confedérate; army. I served in the Confedérate army trom the above date until July 2ith, 1802, in Captain Cmiiiirtgham's company, and was honorabiy disoharged at Túpelo, Miss. My son R. L. Wheatley, Thompson Couer, ïluriy Hays, Williain Tinker, Jaek"oii Broivn, Jackson Low, Joshua Low, George Low, Fleming Ghent, Martin Williams, and othors, all except tho ürst, are now redding, or were when I last heard from them, in Marión, Yilliamson County, 111., were members of said 1:0111].any, and will attest! the truth of thia statomeut. JO1XN O. WHEATLEY. Subsoribed and worn to before mu this 30th day of Septembr, A. D. 18C8. Clerk of the Circuit Cuurt of Alexuuder Couuty, 111.


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Michigan Argus