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FIKE! FIRE1 i ARE YOÜ INSURED? Don't wftit for a Fin. but pccuto protf-ction by pfoouring a Poliey ïYi one of the tollowiu First Ciaba '.ompanies : Home Ins. Co., New York, ASSETH, - - - $5,000,000. Continental Ins. Co. New York, AS8ET8, r - - í2,ooo,ooo. i ! Girard Ins. Co. Philadelphia, ASSETS, - - - $650,000. Orieai Ins. Co. Hartford, ASSKTS, - - - $000,000, Theso Compauic adjust And p'ij losses prouiptly. C. H. BILLE, No. 4, S. Itlain St., ANX AKUOU, MICH. 13!_2- TOS HO '. Yo, that thirst for r cup of Oood Tea, cali at ihu NEW CITY GROCERY, and buy-your Tea. The lubncrlberrespcctfuUy informa the inhahitnnts of Ann Arbor and the soTjronndtng eottütry that he haa openod a Xow Ghrocery Store on South Main Sireet, No. IT. He will be on nanrl at all time? to nttend to the wants of hit cutomer favoriní; him wiih n cali. He Is telling Japan Tea, very le?t. $1.10; poid V3c: YounjcHygon $1.00; Gunpiwderjil.O very beet Imperial. l.80;jincï everythioc in the ffroceryllnè Clieap Alo, aRrnnt redsctloa in rhe Kiw? ol Crockory, Glassware, &c, Ilis aim will b, by close attenllon to business, and títoiioniical pronta, to uitrit a fair ebare of mibïic patronage. 1S92w2 R. V. II. Attachmcnt Notico. NOTICE in hereby giren thut on tbe tweciy-second diiy of August, èlghteen hundred und sevnntytwo, a writ of attaohment was iasued out of the Circuit Court for the County of "Washtenaw, in favor of Cjalvia IJronson, John H. Whitokcx oná OhatlesB. 1'hillípíT, PlaÍntiffl9tft2aiOB t!u landt, teneraeats goods ohaltel, monera and offeta of ■ Hirara W. Mills, the defendant therein, í-r the recovery of the som of bítíea thousand dollars, whioh 5aij writ waa returnable on Mo&ufty thn ninth d:iy of t?epteriiu-r, 1;7. sud that it appeni-3 by the return to said writ, that property oaa been attacbed thereon, nd that aaid defendnt f-uuld nol be found. Duted, Ana Arbor, September 19th, 1H72. CHARLES BRON8ON, JOHN H. WÜITAM'.K. CHAKLÜÖ 13. riIILIAPS, Hm.AM J. Ukaiïks, Flaintilfa Atfy fox Plaintiff. ISuZwG Estáte of Marshall Newell. STATE OF MICHIOAN, County of Washtenatr.M. Ai a BO0BUJO of the Probate ( purt tor rhe ('ounty of VTashtenaw, bolden ut the Proba! e (ffloetn tho City of Ana Arbor, on Wednueday, the tiighteenth dayof September, in the year one UtonsflAld eight huinired and seventar-two. Psesent, airamJ. Beokee, Jadgeof Probate. In the nxsttar ot the esteta ií BCanboU Xcweíl, dcoMsed, 'n readinff and üiti$ tfaepetition. dulj rertfied, af Tnoátpson i.Weoks, praying that the lst wiU and tcutanieiit tf said drocasod muy bo admitted, flUidand reooided in aaidcoxuitj, and tbat administra tion of said estáte, in said county, may oé grH&ted to nid p'-titiorn'r. Thereupon i( isordered.thntMondnytthefoiirteonth dtty oi' Ootober next, at t'n o'elook in the foreuoun, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and uat the legateesj deviseee, and heira at l.nv of saiíl deeeased, and all oiher neraons ïutereated tn suid estute, art; rdQnired to appear ;it i ttewdoa ol ■id Gourt, then to be holden ut the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show onuse, if any there be, wby the prayer of the ijctitioner should nt be granted: And it is further ordered, thnt said eacteive noüse to the persons interestod inaaidoatíitpj oí' the pendency oï ;ii'l aooount, and the ïicnrintf . by oausing acopy of fchis order to be publiahed in t:i' Mtchioan Argw, a m wapapt r prfnted and circutatiiiK in saiu ( 'ounty, three suooessive weeks pruvioue to sni'1 day of hearine, (Atruecopy.J HIK AM J. BRAKE8, 1393 Judge of l'robnte. Estato of Xancy Kobison. TATK OF MICÍHTGAN, eotmtr of Waahfonftw, ss. O At a aowion of the Probate Court for thuixuuty ofWiuhtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, ia the city of Anu Arbor, on Ttiurbdny, the niueteent li dn y of September in the year one thouMind eiht liumiied un.i seventy twoi Present, Hiram J. Beakes Judgeol Probate. In the mttcr of the astate t" Xuiuy Kobison, deoottaodi Cto readinff nd fllingthe petition, duïy Terifled, of Samuel Robison, praying tïiat be or 01110 other Builable penon may b appoiuted aduiiuibtrator ... the eatate of aaid dcoeasea. Tbereupon it tsordered.that Stonday,the fourtwnth day of (Mober next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon paed for the hearing of said petition, and that the heira at law of said deceaeed, - , in ïuid estáte, are required to appear ;it a sessioo of anid cotart, tin n to bo holden. ;it we Probate Oflioe, in the city of Ann Arbnr. and show oanse, il' any ilit re be, why the prayer of the petitioner should ñot Uj grranted: Andïtis furi hi otóered tlint said petxtioner give aotii ■ to the ted in soia oatate, oi -the pendency oí fcitioti, and the hearloff thcrwrf, by oausisg 1 oopy of thia onev to bc mibliebed in the Michigan Anjus, :i Dewspaper printed nnd circulating in said county, three succesdive weeks previous to said day of hoiiriTjji(Atvuecopy.) H1UAM J. BEAKBS, 1392 Jmlge ot' Probate Estáte of Ebor M. Munroe. .■ TAT1SOF Mi' 'liKi.W, County of Waahtenaw, M ' Ai.i session of the Probate Court for the County of "Waahtenaw, bolden at the Probate Ofhoe in tlie iry of Ann Arbor, on Btttorduy, the Beyenthony of September, ii1 the year one thousand eight Imndredand Beventy-1 wo. Present Hiram J. V-ciCivs, Judge f Probnto. In the matter of tin; oetate oï Eber il. Munroe, On reading and fUing the petition, dnly venflea, 01 Ln -y A. Munroe, Km cutnL prnying tlmt ahe mnybe hoenfted to sell certuiu real estáte, -vvliereof aaid deCPJlSfd liii '1 Sf'iril. TheiunojiitÍ8orderad,thal3U[ondfty,t4ietwenly-ftr8t duy ol Oolobt r next, at tvn o'clock in the fOrenoon, bea -i ■■:; ■■! for Ehehearinpofwtid petition, and thut the . . h ira .it Uiw of aaiddeeea 1 all other peraona intereated in jú1 estáte, are required a al a Kftñon of aaid oonrt, then bo be holden, a t the L'ïobate Oífice, ín the City of Ann Arbor, ana Bhow cause, if ny Hiere be, wfcy the prHyer of the petitioner anooldnot be granted: And i' u íurther orderod, thai said petftioneT givenotice to the perBons interosted in nuid eetate, of the pendenoy of Baid petition, and the hcaiing Üiereof, by ow oopy of íiiis order to be publialied in tne Michigan An";s, a aewspapex printfo and oireulating In said oounty, iour Bucoeasíve -weeks previooBto aaid dayof e(A?rueeopy.J HIIïAM j. BEAKE8, 1392 Judge of Probate. -jytONKY WANTED. Fivcor six thoonad dolíais, or mure, on a ínortgnge of uninoumbored rcol estnto wortb tlirec times thenmount. Enquirc of ,S8S E. XT. MORGAN. A GENTS WANTED FOR BOOKS NEEDED BY ALL FARMEES. Tlicbost books pobllshed on the lïorso nmi thfl Fotv. Llbornl mona made rapidly bj Agenta Klitngthetebook. Imd far tirtuton. POBTBK frj(J0ATBS.PPW-i"í"WlacIpmBP8. H :il Estáte tor Sh1 OTATE OF M tCHIGAX. eounty of Wart!,, . O Iti the mntt, ;,(■ the estateof Oanelius Laïl'i"' I : Notice is horcby given, thm m BotiiiS of an order granted to fhe undersfened AdunS! of the estáte oí said deceased, bytke Uon JuIïTS Probate for the oonnty of Wahtena [nth t i fl day of July, A. I). i;2. tin-re UlhTSÏ ptibhe vcniliit-, to the higheat bidder, at the dS house OD the preinises heveinafter describid ín tl eounty of Wnshtenaw, in said State, on Wnjimh.' the ciithtcenlh day of September, A. D. iBliiS o'clockin the forcnou;i of that day :uhjwt tü'alu rambran by mortgage or othenrise exwtinr ■ttT ■ the death of emd deceased), thafoUoüjirZ seribed real estáte, to wit : The west half of ihe west quarter of section twenty-three in tombtaml soutboí i ist, in said State, contmiir. eii-lny aci-e, mere or les. . bjo :i jurcd oí land L soribed as commencing at the qnurter post bstK," sectiona twenty-two aml twenty-tbree, sametoiiialhi and ran?e, tui running eaet on saidqaarter line i tlie subdivisión ptjït, thonce north on miü K ty-fuur rods, thence Wt-it to eaid section line (ih?r nnls, tbenceaouth twtnty-fonr rods to the place t,fb ginning, eontaining twvlve aeiis of lnd, crea bom abnve the four acres eonveyedoydeedfnie raid Gerneliug Laufihlin hik! wife, umíerdateofiL ceinbersth, 1853, to James Kennedy, whichtaiddétii. reoorded in Ulier GO of deed, on pafe 59; a joiüce of the Register of Deeds in snid county Dated, July 22d, A. D 1872. ' WII.LIAM m.UKK.AamimstMte. The abovédale ia cljourned to Fnday, Oc:ob g at tho MHiiie titnfl of day mul place. ' Dated, Bepttinber 18th, l.s;2. WILUA11 jBCBKE, Adminiatrator. . Chancery Xotice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, the Circuit Coort tor tl O County of Waébtenaw, ii chanec-ry. 'J'houlaiS 0. Judd, Cüniplttiuaut, vs. Mirm A. Judd, T)efendnnt. It satisfactorily appearing to tliis Cotirt by ffldiit tluit the defendant, Mina A. Jndd, is not h reaidenui thie State, but rcflides in the State of Indiana, cm motion of 1). Cramer. olit-itor for Coia]lainant, uúordered that the defendant cause her iippearance to Ie entered in thw cau: within three monlhs frota ÍW date of Ihis ordur, and that in rase of her appearic? elle cause her answer to the complüinant's bilí to U fltod, and a copy tbereof to 1.. serred on theComplai. ant's Solicitor within twenty days nfter rriceof copy oi -sniii bill of compbtint rttul notiee of this order, and in default thereoi, that the said Bill be taken u confoased by the said defendant; anditisiurtherordered thut within twenty days the wiid complanan: r tuse a eopy of this order to be published in ibeJKct i;m ArguSi a newjipcr printed in said couaty of Washtenaw, and tfiat the ijublication oonttDue u least once a week for six auccesaive weeká, or tbatlw oausft a copy of this oruer 10 be persoually serredoa naiil Defendant aecording to tne rulw and praetic ui' thte Dated Septemlxr 13th, A. I)., IS72. lt. BLAHAN, Circuit Conrt ComrnifriotieT, enaw County, Michigan. D. ClïAMïlIt, Solicitor for Conijlainftnt. Chanoery Notice. STATEOF Kil üIiiAX. coulilj-of Waiktenaw, Bé. The Circuit Court for the county oí WashtcnawIn Clmncery. Andrew lïailey, Complainaiit, VB. Oli-re Bniley, I eff ndant. It BAtisfactorily appearing to Üiis Court that tbefendant, Olive Bailey. is not n resident of wiidcouatr Stat-, ou motion of A. E. lUvelt,solicitortorm' plainant, it is ordered that the defendaut Olive Bailrr r!ue her appearanoe to bc entered in this caiiae witiin three montiiB fromthe date of this oider, andio ..-r appearance she cnus lier answcrtotl complainant's Dill to beftledand a copy thcreof to'be gerved un the eoiupLiinaut's solicitor witíiiD twetfr i Berviceof 1 cpy of said billanilDOtx this order, and on default thereof, theaaid bill to bf taken as conitssed by paid det'ndnnt Olive lUilf?; and it is further ordered that within ítvc-dj day ü Baid compiáittant eause a n tice of this order tot publiahod in the Michigan Argt, ncwspel F""; Wied in the city of Ann Arlwr, in a;d cnuuty. that the Baid pubücation be continueil in sai'l )ti-; lua.iL once ineach week foraix BueeeasiveTreekCffl ho cause a copy of thfcs order to-boppruutl!TírTca lanl ulivo Bailey, at least tweotï i-S bef ote the timi 1 ribed l or her sppetiu Dated, Soptember 18th, 1872. IL. ivi-.viiA .N . I ircuit Court ComDirüiinWr Washtenaw County, Mihijpui. A E. Hci:tt, Complainaat'sBolieitOT. üortgnge Foreolosure Notice. DEFAULT having been made in tlie condinoncf mortgage made and executed by John tinitfiti Clark suttoii, bearing date tho fourth day nf 'f;1' 1). oighteen hundred and sizly-eight, and KcurtMi the o'ilice of tho Register of Deeds ot Wasctea County, Michigan, in líber thúty-eight of mortfaf on page four hnndred and tenty-iii, on the -- teeuth day of Juue, A. 1). ehhteen hucdre!i mimiy eight, at eleven and a half orclock a. m., tidthtpow of ssle contained in Baid mortgage bavmg o operotiTe by rasn of ch default, and tb wo. three handred and eighty-six dollars and ihirt;-w ccntabeiut'Claiinwl to bedue Misaid moitgait "■ date of this notice lor principal and nteresl. on ' reasonable Attorney fee forthe foredoureofwiJ mwid no snit 01 proceedingi at law ''""fj' institutedtorecoTerthedcbtsecaredbyiM morT, or any part thereof; Notice is t herefore íítsoí given, that said mortaje will be í"ic'a?l a sale of the mortgavnl lsnds and nrfm;i "; in deaoribed unl hereinafter mcntioncil ao forth, sometiart thereof, on SiiturJij-.ila'ft"1"" day li Septeml ernest, t eleven o'clwk ia noim, a; the BOUth doiï of the Ciirt Hou. " 'ï' of Ann .rboi, tlmt being the place of holding J"? euitOourt for the county of Washtenaw; 'i''i"ll„j (jagod premites so to be virtne ot '!IPC''"!; sale in said mortgage, are doscribed in """jjï, aaiollows; "All that tract o: ■parcel.of li in the tuwnsliip of Brideewater, i" tn ro7"_j aw and State oí Michigaa iii T describid as beinK the north-att i)uaiter 01 northeastquarterof section nuinbpi tiart) ""')„ township mimber four (4) outh of ""f. a, four (4) cast, containing forty acres of lal " aamA more 1 I),AMAH,S,,iejtaWl IIiRAsi .T. Bbiebb, ...5 Attorney for Mortgagee. ' The above sale is postponed unlil 9Bt ,'r tember 28lh, at. the saine time of day una p"IIiiiAM J. Beaeeü, Att'y for _ TBE N8W DISISFECTiST Bromo Chloralum, N0.-PO3S0X0IS, 0OHLESS, POWÏRFUL BEOnomzER AND DK1NFK CIA WENTIRELY HARMLB8S AND ABltBSTS AND PEÏÏI51S Cl.STAGlHüsed In private dvfclllnKs, hotels 2S lic i-chools, hospltals, ineane asylums, df jalls, prSsona, po r-houses, in frdoK. and Tn tenemont-housei, markets, forw"'" urinals, Eiiikn, sewers, ceff oule, 8tBblcB' 'xz. A specifie in all omlagimu ná ;"J'iIfll' ((o(1)' ns f mnll-pox, scnrlet fever, & inialw. &c. Piepared mily i%y 1 XIL,llEtV & Co..Xvw IVilliumSt., N. VSolJ by all drngffistg. - Keal Estáte for Sale TfiEVOLNEYCnAPINHüMíj;, Near the northenst corner of the CP ' ,ibl' pqnare This pjoperty will I' ,",J''"h'K pfices, In lotssnltablc for a te"cit neasparnoees. Alaolota on Miller i" Tunis' green house. Also :i Farm of l0 Acres, V.-..1) wateredand feneed, wttl ffi fairbnlldl inmile ..! ",llV miríd"!81 . John, kichlsan . and seyeral hin ;; mM, ; uak tlmbered lauda m "" hlau. Inqmra of . priKKVËKi i3oomo 'v'a Vhapi___-CHËAPLÏNiÉNS We hare 20 Pící-ct TM UteDt ZOO üuxcm Xowcl, NP'in' tuUts and Talie Corcr. ilics preparing to tnic a er sluould cc Ui St"cK' 1390w6 JOiïX H. MAVNAJ'


Old News
Michigan Argus