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The White House Scandal

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Washington, Sep. 9, 1872. To tlo Erlitor of tKc Umriiinati Commercial. I havo íiot proposeil; although I am an acoredited correspondent to the Oazctte, to writo to thut paper anythingin respect to a recent evént ot' rather a sensational description, in which I was an involuiltary participant, beoause I did not want to imposeupon the editora tho moral istmia wliicli inight be required to publish r reject. I am grateful to tho conductora of al the daily newspapers of Cincinnati - so fai as I have scen their articles - for the kindnMS with which ihey luive spoken of mo; and my good opinión ot' tlum is in nuwisu diuiinishcil by the disiovery that, touching the event iilluded to and their principal actor, their opiuions are uotunliko my own. I was not attacked, letitbe undcrstood, simply by Louis Dunt. I wis ittacked bg tlio bonsehold of the 'resident, of wliic)i Louis Dunt i a uieniber - tho tai! - ti Httlt' ineaner than íu: rest, but not different. Ha is the scabbiest sheep of t!m llock - the niangiost dog in the kennel - half outlaw trom the. conne.ction, but the othor half understrapper. He would no moro haTe attacked me without tho knowlcdge and enoonragetnent of' the rest, thau he would have stood up before bis equal iu a tair combat ; and the thing wiis put upon hiiu especially, because In; could bo eaest disavowed if the rosult w;;s not fortúnate. By a carióos coincidenco, whilo the affnir was happening, JusticeHriull, thercg ulnr Pólice Magistfate of the city. was beginning bis recese nnd obooBÍng mi ínterin) tfocbesêör, one Miller. Anattempt ■ i inado to antedato the retiremeut of Saell, which indicates a coóneotioa bctwoen tho fwo events tïiat it was thou.L'ht Better to keep out of sight. It was doubtlcss considered best, for Foine I reason or other, 1h:ii Bnell should not sit in tbe case, and 10 he was t oH' the bench jut i:i time to put the matter in tho hands of :i substituto selocted with a view to tho purpose he was to subse.rve. Sik-U is so notoriously a flunky of the (Iraiit-Dents that ie wtcrdotrbtless warned to gat away in order t; excludo, asfar as convenient, the suspicioñ of conni. Tho connivance, however, was ihere. It was only a ohange of toolg. I havo not th'n glightcst doubt - and mv opinión is founded jiartly upon whut I obsened and pdrtly upon -what I havu sinoe learned - that tho auiount was fixed upon before tho trial botween tho .Tudg and tho oulprit, with the imderstandin that tho iino shoald bo paidfor show, ani that tho tact of payioent might be pub lishsd, and then handed back. Of courso, to attsok mo - especially t att&ok nul -f "í il to kill - was unwisointh tast dwrM ; and they are unwise. Bu all the oircumstanoes from boginning t end indícate that sevonil .smiill, cuiming hoads vers at woik to plan and oxooutc, and to contriTe ways and meont to protout. My situatinn had undoubtedly boon recounoiterod. Iient wont to Colonel Plutt's house, knovving ho was not at lome, anl bulliod tliü man porvant. Ite prooured himsolf intrrviewcd mmediatey aftor tho tranaaotion, and told lieatbai nrere circulated by telegraph. He made a lyinir speebh at tho trial, intondod tor clrcuhition. He pretended to pay hia line, but tho whole thing was a sham that hnd been "set up " braudod upoa overy part and parcol. 1 gay, therofore, no moro than ia true when f gay that Tóate oten undcr dit'■ uu President of the United State ; t'mt tho ao in question is au act of the President and lus ilutikoj-s; that without tbe pesmittion of Qeaeral Grant - trn!inl)]y not %-ithoiit. tuo Louis I. nt. ooward as ho is, would uot have nttocked evun mi', uimiim-d imtl unwmncd. The uewspapert speuk t' the trausaotioD in tonus not in oonfofmity with Uit; o;!ii:ous eiiterlaincd Kt tho Wliito House. Tho newgpaperg oall it unjost, unproroked, asa cowardly. I beliovo that he household at tbb White House regard it as an act eminently proper, honorable, tind cuurageoils. Ihe differenoe is not ao rauch 111 thu ]iuiut erf vie oi in the p;trtiea. Tho act was ono which squares exactly with Ihc cbaraoter, t-thies, ïnngnitude, diffnity, fiml calibro of tlio teuiuits of the t'dilico wliore it was concoctod. It represcuts perfectly tho manhood and mutital ind mond ondowmonts of tho Grant-Deut Poitfir-Büboock cormectioö. They aro not ter blarao for whu,t tbry ure, aiiy more than a toad is to blame fot bein a toad, They are mean because they ure; made of ineun material, umi aet nccor.liiifr to their kind beoauseit wuuld bo impossiblo lor them to do otbertrisè.


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