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How George Washington Was Once Pummelled

How George Washington Was Once Pummelled image
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(Jeorgo aUmgíou s regard lor Lis pei'sou m iu uousouaueo wttfa the m ijusty ui' hi oUaraotur. liis roluctuucti to bare hunt-eü' to tho sculptor Houdon is ui'.l kiiuwu. Ou a eeiUiu occasion one 01 '.Lu porbous alluded to ia tho auoodoto bdlow vi.iituti ii to yinp Lim iauiiliary on tUo bbouKkr, u wugor Luviug boon luid that !u ..uld not dut to do it. Washingtoa's i luiLo wm biii.ply a planeo of tho uye, bat so inteiióo and sevoio thut tu faiuiliarity v.u.i nci agtiiu attemptod. lt is not known, howcver, tli:u fuxy liuuiaii btiug Over prMuiAed to strike Washington auger. Vet thia really ocourred, ii tUo tuüuiory ot' u ivlutivu oi' (Jji. Peyton may betrusted. Her auoount ot ti-Is r.ui a'Kublü incident ia us iulluws : "In tUo hoatcd canvas3 which followed luution i'or tiiü l'i'o.sidcncy Yii.ri::..'j (toraoaal i:iti:uuto frii ud, LigLt-bora Iïairy Leo, w:is opgxen by Col. Peytou. .So great v-. the interest feit by Wusliinjjton fox i-t-f, tLat on olection tfey hu ! muuutcd Uia hoisj and roiic ij iioiu poso oí' Infiuoucïug by uïs prosonoo as msny vut.i sa possible for bis friend. Amoug tlio many acquaitanoa Lu eneounteved wm n plaeteror wLo bud been employed at ilouut Vernon. Thia jluteror wus a suiall man, deieetivo no doubt n ruvorcnoo, mul, it may well bo boliüvt'd, somo-whut tke WOTSe i'or liquor, early in tho day s it w.-is. llaving saluted the Pater PatTSB, tlio littlo man procoeded to upbraid him for bis known friendship lor General Leo - a man who, in hia opinión, (th plusteror's), was not only o. Federalist, luit an aristocrut to boot ; wheieM Col. Peytoa was u Domoorat, ;i tii. '..i! of lii pi'ujilt', aud espeoialiy ot' tlio pooi luboiiiiji classes. Nettled by tha disparagement of Lis personal iiú'iid, Wasüington replied that thd plusU ii i's prefecenoa was tbe renult more of general iguoraiice on all subjuets than of any oorreot knowledgo either of thoeliaraotur of thu respectivo caudidatea or of the issues involved in tbo oanvaas. The allusion to bis want of education was thiin tLo intoxicatcd littlo man could stand. To thu utonidhuient of the wituesses, he rippèd out an oath undsuid: "Well, I don't caro if I aui gnorant; I know my riglits, anyhow. You fougbt for our Iiberties, and won 'era, and moif I don't iutond to exerciso 'eni! AVhcroupon he delivered a numbor of dry blows ujjoii tbo chest of tho august chieitain. bjwt&nden ïnado a rush to tear him to piecea, but Washington placed bis lütmts ou tho soiall mam bhouldor, drew him elosii to hiui und eaid: He hhall uot auied. 1 have wouudud him in tho eest Pftrt of hii uuturu. Ho ifl uot to blauio i'or hin ignorunco, and it in but natural tliat ho should resent uny allusion to it.' So tho plasterur wout soot froü."


Old News
Michigan Argus