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Water-works Notes

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Wiiat vni.r. Water Save i lustte Axcr. ?- A leading merohant and director of nu Insurance Company, doing bnsiness on Main síreet, pays yearly for insurance on his store and goods $350, or ono percent. Wilh a water supply lus insuranco would be tho sumo as in Detroit for liko propery, or G-10 of one per cent., equal to $-10. Difiérenos $110. Tho valuation of this property on the tax roll 3 $9,000. Shotild tho water Works giro no roveuuo his portion of tho t;ix to pay interest on bonds would bo $15. Tho #45 taken from 140 gives $95 - tho net annual gain. At the saino rato another prop%rty holdorwill gain $203, and another $06. Tho 11,280,000 of assesscd property on tho line of tho pipo will savo yearly $13,511 - or pay tho entiro bonds and interest in loss than six years. And this moncy now goes to eastern cities for insurance. It is no wonder ttiat property holders want water-works ! WHO AEK V0TER3 ON THE WiTBB Qttestion.- Titlo V., Sec. 2 and 3 of City charter and amondinents, próvidos that only " property tax payors " havo a Toto on question of this nature. QUALITY OF ElVEK WATER. - Lot it bo remombered that the water now bong distributed by horso powsr i's not river water, bït water from springs in tho west part of tho city. The river water is of superior quality and when filtored, as it will bo, will bo good for all purposes. Will it Pay? - The experienco of nll cities and towns info which water has boen introdneod within tho last ten years, is that it pays a fair per-centago on tho cost. Koceipts for water in Auburn, N. Y . last year, &S,000 ; cost of works, with 17 miles ot' Btreet main and 105 fine hydrants, ?180,(KH). Population 15,000. Tho President of Iiiy ton, O:, pays : " tho water bostls will bo paid off at maturity (15 yoars) without a dollar of direct taxation." From a paper in another column it Is clear that threo fourths of the ropresentatives of the property that will take tho responsibility of tho ultimato paymont of tho water bonds are in favor of tho watcr-worLs. Is ifc possiblo that those beyond tho limits of possible taxation will object to others protecting their property from tho dostroying element ? Consistenct.- Tho man who is most conspicnous in opposition to tho proposed water-works does not own a dollar of property on the line of the water pipo. As he cannot be taxed what is his motive, personal malice or envy ? Another (a new comer) not on tlio proposud line of' tho water pipe, carne to Aun Arbar to edúcate his family, and wuuld not have como had he knowu how high tho taxos were. Ha payg &10 tax on a place worth $i,500, and has fiVo children ia the public aohools. In a recent sait brought against the city of Lansing, to recover tho amount of certain warrants drawn against a special grading fund, tho Supremo Court held that tho city was not Hablo, that the fund was, and that the special tax must bo levied to meet tho warrants. City water-works bond3, issued ander tho pending plan, would bo exactly in the samo position, and only tho portion of the cifcL supplied with water could be taxcd to pay theni. This boing olear is it anything but "puro cassodness ' for tho8e living out of tho limits to voto against th.o works? Last woek we announccd tho resignation of Judge Higry, of this Circuit, caused by tho moager, starving salary, and the penuriousness of the peoplo of tho StatO in refusing to raiso [it. Wo may uow say that Judgo LTP3OS of the Branob and St. Joseph Circuit, and Judge MiTCiiEM, of tho St. Clair Circuit, have both resigned for tho same reason. In tendering his resignation to tho Governor Judgo BfflBMSKLIi writes :: In view of thorecent voto of the people of this State refusing to givo to the circuit judges any increaso of Balary ; of the fact that tho present salary is not suffioient to properly support any óne one holding that position, and that any lawyer of rasonable fair abilities can earn in his profession at least tho amount of the saïary, with reasonablo hopos of a much larger iniount, and feoling tho absoluto neevosity of preyiding for tho proper support of myself and family, I am compolled to resign. We alsoscoit statcd that Judgo ilöonr. of the Saginaw Qircuit is also about to resign. It is in order now to find a number of wealthy lawyers to fill these vacanoies for glory and fmae, or in default thoreof the samo numbter of lawyers without clients. Perhaps tho coming Legislature win in part solvo tho knotty problem by increasing tho circuits to twenty-five or thirty, effectually establishing a oounty court systera : in which caso the people of tho Stato wil! learn that they have been, ctpenny wiso and ' pound foolish." Tho Rcgitter says that James L. Oru recently appointed Minister to Eussio,, "was a staunch and uuwavcring Union man during tho war." Jïow this same Orr took secession stock very early in that movement, was tho author of a very bitter letter to President Lilcoln in tho early days of his administration, and waa a Senator from South Caroliim in the Confedurato Congress. Tho " politica! ditor" of the RojUer should cultívate his memory or road "a last year's almanac.'-1 Okr may be " loil " now, but during tho war" ho was a rampant socessioaist. It wotJLn ccrtainly seom that President Güant lus "put his fcot in it" in making haste to recogaize PlNCHBAOK as Governor of Lousiana. Eixciiuack claims tho position of Governor byvirtuo of being Ijioutonant Governor, aud was Licutenunt Goveruor only beefcUM ho was President pro tm, of tho Sonata. His Senatorial term haviug expircd ou tho 4th of November it is haidly. possibloto conceivo how he could claim to hold any official position sinco that dato. The now Associate-Justico, Ward Hunt, announcos that he will be roady to enter npou duty when tho Baprenui (JuurtshaJl rc-convene ui'ter tho hoiiduys. - Tho Boston iiro sent btick up $:j per thousaud.


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