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- The Secretary of the Interior asks an approprintion of $284,000 for tho purohaso anJ iniproveinèut ot' two tuore squares mljoining tho capítol grounde. Moro breathing ipiaoH ia needed by the Senators and Iveprcsentatives. - 'f he total voto of Michigan nt tho latu election was a"bout 4,500 Jes ttmn in ÏÖG. Will soino nmthomiitioal fe'.low figuro tho loss of tliu State in population duriiiKthe four yearsV - If judges (lon't decido to snit reoonstnuot the courts - Congres? hho, or logglate them out ofoiKoe. 'fhe lntter ia tho way the Pittohbaok Lcgislnturo dovrn in Louisiana does. - A number of State journal ra advocating aimunl sessions of the Legislature. Better consult tho elector who voted against inoreasing tho salaries of judges. - Out in Iowa corn ia being used for fucl. At 17 cents per bushei it is counted cheaper thau wood or coal, and is olaimed to bo superior to any wood except liickory. - ïhe weathor reports and prognoi3tications of " oíd probabilitics" aro to be duily posted in all the jïostoirlcc of tho land, for tho benefit of tho rural population. - Tho majority against tho article ainending tho Constitution of this State increasing tho salaries of judges froin $1,500 to $2,500 is a littlo lee thau 2,000. - Edwin Forrest, tho widely known tragedian, died of npoploxy, at his residenco in Philadolphia, on tho morning of tho 12th inst. - A " right smart " ehock of an earthquake shook np Portland, Victoria, Seattle, :ind other Orcgon towns, oa Satnrdr.y last at 9 o'clock A. m. - ïhe late Edwin Forrest loares an ostato valued at over $1,000,000; tho bulk of it for tho establishment in l'hiladeiphia of a homo fcr decayed nctors. - Mr. Hudson, proprieior of the Lans ing House, Lansiug, was Hoed iS'Jócn the Gth inst., for violuting the prohibitory liquor law. - Edward A. Pollord, journalist, author and original " fire-eator," died at Lynchbnrg, Va., Monday ovening last, aged 45 years. - London got tho hoaviest rainfull of tho scason on tho 17th, and at the sanie time twelvo inches of' snow feil in Derbyshire. - Graduates of Havard living at Philadelphia havo contributed Lö,000 to the Alma Mtitir relief fund. Good buys. - A bilí is pending in the House appropriating $100,000 in aid of exhibitors at tho Vienna exposition. - Tho balance in tho Stite Treasury aí the close of business hours on daturday last was $784,33 1 2 1. - President Grant has written a letter of thanks to Harvard University for tho degreo of LL. I - Tho credit inobilior investigation set afoot by spoakor Blaine is stirr ing up a hornatte nest. - E. E. Myers, tho artistic of the new State Capítol, has loeated in Detroit. - Thurlow Weed pronounces civil servico reform impracticable. - Sccrotsry Delano lias gone to Cuba : A "srECiAL" from Washington to tho N. TC Vctnimj JVrt says: "A committee representing tho Young Men's Christian Association in the eastern States are here to urgo upon Congress legislation prevontiug tho transniission of obscene literaturo thr:Bglx the mails, wfcether it be in sealed cnvolops or not." ïhis over-zealous committeo had better drivo alow. It is Laudable to make an effort to stop tho circulaium of obscene literatura through the mails, but free circulation is infinitely preferible to conferring upon several thouaand postiu asters the right to break the seals and inspect the contenta of mail matter deposited in sealed envelopa. Grant that privilego and no man's business correspondenco is safo : in fact every citizen hftving occasion to use the mails woukl bo at tho mercy of prying and spying postoiBce officials. Better abolish tho postal BVjttem than that, and leave the business community to confide their correspondenco to private agencies whose employés will bo compollod to rospect a seal or loso businass. The controlling interest in the TT. T. Tribune has changed hand, fifty-one sliares having been purchased by V. Oeton, of tho Western Union Telegraph, for himself and c-thers. ür BlHOLAIB is at tho bottom of the movemont, and bis action is nat gathfaatory to Yii:tklaw l'.iUDrMr. Eipluy, tho Giikkley heirs, and other stockholders. It is aunounced that eight shares and tho cditorship are roservcd-f or Mr. Colfax. BJDB kas already nagaeé. The folio win g anecdotc, clipped from tli X. Y. World, sounds so muc'u liko our friefid Dox, of tbs " sucker villago" down the Kalamazoo, that wo give it currency without hesitation : Years ago Donald C. Tfendoreon, now editor of tho Allegan (Jlich.) Jnirint!, but thm Honicíís walking oncyclopiedin of politics, hud many of the philoaophe'r strongest points; lio wroto oven a worse hand; hewalked in badly ; he was an imitator of Mr. (ireuley's toilet ; but what allied them was the ftict thrvt Don had a penohant for polüaoal stats Mr. Greeley often detected errors in his tables, önrt two or three times discharged li i ii i ; be elnng tn liis place, luvever, for, said his felluw-workmon, his "chcik" was as boundlt'Sá as thn Western i)rairie8 whenee he (-une'. One day -Mr. Greeley gaw hini :t tl-..' exohange newgpapers, and s:iiil, "Dun, whut mv you doing tl I thought I disebargea you long ;-.■ "I kuow you did, Mr. Greely; Iv.;; got a gooil place, and ain't going." Thnt joke mi even too mucb i and Doi:'s ofiSeial life died a natural death". He only went when hu got ready. Orm of Don's acqniren: nts was his aliility to Ir. Sreeley's writing ut siHt is easily as-priivt, bat bien . compositor wk him were ru tho lust degree. To a compositor who asked him to reftd a word wbioh Mr. Oreley had written i:i v reliRioua article, Don, with a contemptuoue Bneer, bh o'it : " ' EnoharÍ8t,' yon duvntd fooi ; dad you never play euohre 'i " A Iiitilut.'il body was reeently found at Dover, Delaware, wliich was supposed tobo that of Prof. West, a well known resident of the place. MucU sympatky nanifesteil tor t!i family of the tnurdered man. Sis wifo applied fot an insucsxue of 2ö,000 on Us life, u. polioy for which sho held, but tho insuranee peoplo loolced n littlo fnrthor into the matter, and linnlly discovered thu professor ulivu and well, fryiiig to conoeal lii:. Wben arresten ho confeesodthat the Ij ) y found was that of a n-gro whom ho kiücil and burned beyönd recognition, and that he then managedto lis;i so us to er.a-ble his vato to got tho iiuuranco.


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Michigan Argus