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ET TflïïlTPflYT Eli v. ü II HATTEB ! ■' Has receiv;:i) ; FM & WINTER STOCK Hats and Caps, IN LATEST SïYLES, LADIE8' PURS. fiESTS' FrSiHIÏHÖ OOBS, ETC, WBIOH HEPROPO-CfTOs':;.!. AT PKICES waion DEPT COMPETITION. 7 Sonth Main St., Ann Arbor. i rfpage Kalo. D! "T.T ii.'LV'1-1.' Diori abeth öoodyen itheundersi ck Huson, be P. one thousaad eitch I reeorded iu th ■ uil y, 71 !i ■ . b dcfuult tii: pow Uuncd in sni.'l mortgagc bas beoome oi LI y ino to be duc l ■ (,i i 'u nu; ice the um :' four I hundrcd '.n'l orly-.-ix dollar and . and lilao ; ' ■ y dol.■I reasonable Solk1 ney's fee ou tukiii!; these proceedil I dy provided in the .-unie, and noauit nrpro- ,t Uw or in chanerry lm. debí uKd . orany p ut thel iof, notie i therefore uereby xiven thal by virtue of the power of ilu dbntained in ui vantl of the stHtute in aueh owe made (ind provided, a,iid mortgaffo will ho foredosd by ü ■ ile of tha raortgned prernises at pnblitfftoction to tbe bighest bidder, on Mondtiy, the -ïth day of Janaary rif-xt, t tun o'clook ia the firenoon of that dr.y :t th .oiith tloor oi tLü Cüurt Hou in thö City of Arm . Cou&tyof Waabtenaw, aid Conit Houie tein? the plHoe of holdin,' riie Circuit CtMirl for BOtd County uf i:k. Thd pn ruiseaso to Keao] I i .il t:.'u :" :i ■■ Í ll ''. -,(■- -U : All of : half of the nortnwe! qaart ■ east half of t)'" nottbeiwi qnarterof aeotion twenty: % :li-i1 tbesoutheaet quartet ot Beetion tweoty-soren uil in Township tbreeaoutb in Range tbn the northweat qwafterof the nortl tiuii nioetean m Townsbip tbTC ■ - . I iu the County oí WaahtenaW aai State oí Michigan. Datwl Ann Arbur, Micliia c It, 1S72. ÏKEDEItlCKIirsoX, 1'iiLcH & Orant, Mortga Atturueya for Mortga I398td Mortgflge Sale. Dl'.iwnr haTing been made in the enndition of a cortuiTi indenture of moripage made and ezeoaUi by Charlea O. ('lnrk, in bl. lifu timo, nnd Mnry E. (lurk. hU wilf, l S. l.ouin Socket, bearing duif the ly of December, in the year of our Lora one .! eigbt hnndred ajid sixty-aix, and recorded in B r oí Deedí ot' Waahtenaw Cuunty and State of Michipon, in Libel ■n the 41 h dny of December, 13C6, and the powor of ale contnined in said mortgage harby reason of snch defauit- and ren bmdrttd and I to be due upon -:i at the dato oí' tbift-netice, for prihoipnl and interest, thoaumof tiiirty ilollnr.- stipulated thcreiñ n ■onable nttomey fee for the fon-. ■■ no Buit or prowedinga t luw. nor iu chanoery having tituted torecoTei mottgage or any ■■'rt '' '" thraefore . byvirtu ribedin the mortgageand lui. :'f. WÍ11 i deosta, on baturday. the 4th day of Jannary r ekmtheforenoon Wt tlit1 Bout ! Houset ï;: Arbortl;:'.t I iu whieh the ■ '■uth of Huron streel", and i ■ thecity ut Ann Arbor, Ü i - ordingto the wcorded plat of '-li" Ann Arbor Land "n; any Addition. Dated Ann Arbor, Oc'.ober Ptli h. LomsA backet; E. C. Bi iijce. Att'y fi:r Mortg8fcc. 1395td Mortgago Sale. DEFAULT1 ónofè eert by Amanda Burbank'to i '■ : moi C ' ■ bearii ■ dato t):o . !i i!;,y of Beptcmber, A. !. cigliteen hundrodniid eeveuly-one, ana recprdeil in the office of the iw, tiv.A Ötateof Michigan, in I iber forLy :iv '. . . ■ 'i !'."'. and the poi : b'sum of One Mindred i ■ i i ttie noteaccompmjying i h ■ . i uM.: il-' n fee of torty dollars aa :md no soit or prooeoding ni law or inch in&titut . that saiil ra ied by n anle of morlgagcd 1:' i : nnd hereinafter mentioned baturday, the iii, at tin south door of i''urL I il y .í Ann Arboi . ' i: i ; ■ nu the Circuit I ur1 for the O ontj ol tajiuw. 'j hesnid pn i i ib 'i in win i ■ land known nnii de ■ I ■ nurab X ■ Thrce, ■;. ■■'■■ i Four, (4,) i of Ann Arbor, in the County of Waslitenaw, ■ . Ann Albor, Si-pt. : .. DE 1393tJ Mortgngoo. Keal Estáte for Salo TÜE VOLN&Ï CHAPÍN HUME8TBAD, "rar the north-east cornor ofthe ConrtHonïe fqnare, Tbls pjpory w!l b aoM at teasomble prices, in lots satUbla for trecidence, or for biielaena parposes . Alaolotfl on Uilier Aveuneoat of Toma' green liouse. Alsou Farm of 160 Acres, Well watered nnd leneed, wltb rood orebard and Mrbolldlngs. wltbinamlle of the Conrt Eioniein St. John, Michigan, and severa] hnndredai ■ plne and oak timbered landfl in S:iiuav County. falehigan. In""hCOf X.VV. CHKICVKR.or l390mfl U, A. CHAPÍN. ÖTA : : .v... f Wakiitknaw, O bs. - By virl ■ i a out of nud for the íiU'iiRWtr.ri ■ all 'tho that tho sV : md to the folio win to -wR: The son ti luthwest Auartor Lodi, County i I, also all t!. tille an . .1; W. Freum has in uring upon the above de■ ibed propeity it aa will .-;i' .-t'y ti ntioiu íl ion, f shali 1 .. tf Janurtry, A. I. 1873, aí. tu. I ti !. thw L3ihdfly of MI ::ÍT. HhoriíF fíalo. TATK OF iftCHTGAN, County of TVnshícrraW, 1 Hs. 13 y i. [ out of for the County of Wi .'"■■in.-1 chattles, lands and . v. a. 1 1. 1872, a&zt and levy upon olí 1 1 r Ii;i Ín and to tli ■ . operty, to n ■ ■ Lot nine, tt n, ■oi't twentyeast coi 1 on two. six ín btó of Üie ■ . ■ uuted in the 1 Of M:nhall cxpoee í'or s.ilo at public anction to 1 i of Ann Arbor, o . . . . , ílí. ten A. üií, I at Ann .i n 11, A. D. 1672. MYKDST VK!;:;, Bheriff. Sheriít' Sule. Si, Countyof Waafctenaw. ■ ■'■■ out of and 'findertheseárof the Circuit Court for the County of -.ijst the . 1 nomen tsof i.: by virtue uf which i ust, A. ■ -. 1 ■ . acvibed real estáte, tó east qu;irUr of ... . being in tho ítate of Michisran; which above ■I shall eitll ut thooutcr south public iiuction he 1 ltii tlay of January,A. 1. WV. atten tfelook, A. M., of a&id " Sated, NOY. 13íh, A. T). 1872. MTRON WE6B, 1401 By Jobtis Foso lerlff. Shcrifl' i' STATE OF MICHIGAN", Coun'y of AVashtenaw, s3. By virtue (r one executi' Couxt lor the ' 'ouaty oí Wariitenrw, to me di B mr! tenen:ge Col1 y virtue of which i h dayof AUfiTUftt, A. 1. 1S72, Riiz3 and l#ry upon nll 1' titie nd intei iollowine deaerfbed ron! estáte, to v.ii: Lot 1 four iri ' . 1 In ing I in the city of Aun Arbor, County of Waahateof Michigan, which above d 11 at Lheouter Bouth door of the CotBrt ! ■' Ann Arbor, 011 ti iber, A. D.'ls, .. M.,of s:iiíl day, af public auel ion to the highest bi.V Datcd, November ISth, I MYUON WEBB. Bheriff. 1400 By Jot.tin Fobbes, Undér Sheriff. Coramissioners' Noticc. STATE OF MICHIGAN", countj naw,88. The ■■' . by the Prbbát ■ i omino and udjust all claims and denuuidfl oí' ull f theestateof ThomnaAli , eatd 00 ■ . ive notioe th ort, fororedil . and tli;it they will n tho oflice of John N. Gott, in the city oí Ana Afbor, in said oounty, on Saturdftys the i day of February, and oa Wedcuraduy, ti1 day of May uext, at ten ic, if ok!i of íúd dnysf 1 1 Í)aUd, November ist, A. I. I JOHN N. ÖOTT, U ïi. BLA M02wi Goxainissioners' Xotice. STATEOF MICHIGAN, county of Waahtenav, sa. m appointed I Probate Court for said ooonty, ( ra toreceive, examine and adjust all cJaima and dena w parsona againat the estáte oí t ; I late ;ircí allov 1 1 't iaid Court for creditoiü to the estáte of said deceased, nnd that ti lom, iu inty.on Saturday, the twenty-flft h dífv oí Jannary, and Bfonday, I aynext, ut at two Ach of tkiid days, to ■ examin . said claims. Duted, November ith, A . D. 1872. JOH I402w4 Commisslonen. Commissioncrs Notice. STATE OF HICHIOAKeounty oi Washtona. as. C : immiisioïierand demanda of :ill persona against tlio e Ben , late oi tidoounty, '■■ -ivo notice I w:tid Prol agalnst the ert . lahip of ■ tuni ■. on Bal arday, fché I ■ day of February, and on Monday, the ninth toek a. u. 01 each of Baid daye, va, Kcomine, and a ainw. Iulcd December Ut, A.ï). l AL1 ïOlff, &ANIEI I 14C4w4 Cüinmissi Estáte of Seth Sraith. SE OF MICHÍGAN, County of W '■ theeleventh da] of Deoeml . .', ftix montha at date were allow I Beth ömith, d, aml tliat jill creditoru oí ■ nt t heir claims to A nu A ; ination and ■ útil iï;iy of ■ ■ oy, the eiglith day of Maroh,and 0:1 . ;neiicxt, ut te& o'clook U) the to laya. Datcd, Ann Arbor, December llth, A. 1. 1872. HJRAM .1. BEAKES, J104w4 Judy oi Probate. Real Kstate for Salo. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Woehteoa Ï3 J the matter ol reby givcn, thui tu :ui order Bfi b i.dminby the Ilon. ■ t Ihe oonnty 1 1 Wj on the twenty-i econd day of July, A. I). ÍS72, the re wiil idoe, to the Ier, at ii!;.f honso on the 1 fier de on Mondaytthe twentleth day of Jauuart, A. . ín the föronoon of tiiat day (eubttll oncnmbraDcofl by mortffee -■ oth exiating at the ttñe of thedcath of said doe the fbllowlog dcacrlbed real catate to wit: 'i i ii Lf ol the a athwest qaarter of eection twontythree in tou :.■ 1 n ol rango cix east. ín bty aeree, more or Alsa n p..r. el oi land cwcribed o 1 [ons twentytwo and twenme towDShlp iitid range. and runiii 1 Baid quarter Huo to tïio pubdiviitufi poft, thence oorth ou iftJd line twentyfout roda, thence eouth tbo placo of begimiluff contalnIng ;;rn s of I tl (1. ' ■ íes convoyad by d LftughlNi :ni'l wlfe, " ander date of Decemh r i, to Jamos Kennedy, wnlch eald deed Ii ; In Hoer GO of !■ ■ ■"■'.'", In Uit-1 ofUoe of the Register f Deeóa In aald coonty. 1 WILL] M BUREE, AdminUtrator. 10 fOTHE : '■ t'í'R It Carpeta, OU Clotha and Kngi cheap.lor csh.


Old News
Michigan Argus