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Vy A . TEB-A good öirl for housework. Inquir ' ui oi South Slato street. H2S FYRESS iMAKINü! TRIED Bï FIRE BIT KOT COÜSIBED. Ssverely damng-cd by smoke, fcöt by a THOROUGH RENöVATICN ! Have cleiined, refltled and ure ngnin ready for l,u5iiitK3. All-w sliing sewiug in the DRESS MAKING LINE ALSO, For bolh ndiisard Gentlemen, will piense cnll at Mis. EAST0V8 Iloom, over Chas. lautle's store, 41 South JlL.ia ttieet. 14JÓW2 MHS, M. EASTO. Estáte of Ellis Bullock. STATE Oí MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. Atasessionof th Probate Court tor the Counly ut Waslitenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in tl,í city oí Aun Arbor, on Mondar, the flfth dy of May, in thü yeur 011e thousand ei ght huudxed and Beventy-three. Present, Noüh W. Cheever', Judge of Probate. lu the matter oï the éstate oí Hlis Bu lock, deceased . On reading and filing the petition, duly verified, of Pbidilia lihiek, praying that a certiun instrument now mi tilo in this duurt puipoltinif to bo the last will and testament of said áeceased muy be adniitit-d to probate, and t hut she may be appointed sole Kxecutrix thereof, or that some suilable person lïriiy be uppointed Administrator Trtlh the wfll annexed. Thexeupon it is ordered, that Monday, the second day of June next, at teu o'clock in the foienoon, be assigned lor the hearing tt .Ltdd petition, aud that the ilevisees, legateeSj aud' hcirs ut luw of said deoeaaed, and all oLlitr persons inteiested in suid owtate, ure requued to appear at a sessiun of said Court, then to té holden, at the Probate Office, in the City oí Ann Arbor, and shuw causo, ií any thore bo, why the prafer of the petitioner should not be gi-anted : Aïld it is further ordered, that said petitionergive noticetöthe persons nterested in miú estáte, of Ihe pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a cnpy of Uiis order to be published in the Michigan Ar ut, a newspaper printed and circuluting in said CoJnty, three sueeeasive weeks previous tosuid day of hearing. (Atrueeopy.) NOAH AV. CHEEVER, 14áá Judse of Probate. m ichiganYñtralT1uilkoai). WINTER TIME TABLE. ■Passengertrainsnow leave the aevernl tationü.ns f.illows: GOIXG WESÍT } ï Á Á STATIONS. „ W Ü S ü o % 'S g 'S! -3 S O p i w K ft, A. M. A. M.'r. M. ir. K. P. M. P. M. Detroit, leave, 7 IS !) 40 4 OU 5 46 1 1 tb 3 U Vpsilanti, 8 li 10 47 5 38 7 12 2 55 11 07 Ann Albor, 9 10:11 05 6 02 7 45, 3 15 11 25 Dearter, 9 401 ; 6 8ü 10 3 40, Chülsea, 9 581 8 30 3 55; GrassLako, 10 2S - - 9 00, 4 23 a. m. Jackson, 11 00 12 20 9 35, 5 0012 40 P. M. F. M.i A. M. Kalamazoo, 2 20: 2 98 12 25 8 00 Chicago_arrive, 8_45i 8 00] : C 30 8 00 GOING EAST. ij JlilllíLlí a w & ï lili líw a flojas S o P. M. P. M. A. M. A. M. Chicago, lenve, 5 15 9 00 5 30j 9 CO a. Mi A.M. !p. m. Knlutnatoo, - 2 20 5 00 11 30[ 2 05 ■'.. K. P. K. Jnckson. 12 40 1 45 8 0.ÏI 2 55 4 20 Oir.sFl.nke, 8 32 t iü Chelsen, ! a. m. 8 57 1 S S5 Dexler, fi 25 S 15 4 10; Aun Albor, 1 58 G 00 6 55: 9 45 4 40 5 24 Ypsilnnti, 2 22 fi 20 7 20 10 10! 5 OS 5 43 Detroit, nrrive, ! .1 35 7 Ü.i 8 45 11 30 6 25 6 45 Tlie Atlantic and Pacific Exprea ruö between Jackson and Xiles on the Air Line. Dated, Jan. 13.1873 DETEOIT, HILLSDALE & INBIh VA, AND DETitOIT, Eel, ElVEK AND ILLINOIS rÏATIjRd M)S. OOINO WEST. -1873- OOIÏO EA5T. STATIONS. Mail. STATIONS. Mtlil. Zx A. M. F. M A. M P. 11. Detroit, dep... 7:15 6:10 Lofjansport 7:45 11:00 YiRilanti ö:.10 7:35 Denver.. 9:00 Saline,.. 0:30 8:07 ColumbiaCity. 10:40 2:18 Mánchente.... 10:07 8:43 „ „ Hillsdale 11:46 10:24 M' MB;mkers 12:00 10:45 Bnnkers 2:27 .1:50 „ _ Jlillsdiile 2:3!) 6:01 Minchestcf.... 4:25 ?:45 f'olnmbia City, 3:45 ..... Snline 5:05 8:20 Ienver 5:21 Ypsilnnti 5:43 8:55 Lotfansport 0:35 Detroit u 6:15 10:15 Trnfas run by Chicago time. BiêS"" Pnlaoe Sleeping coaches are run on night express trains. W. A. ERNST, Sup't. BoHEBTKil.t.iiB, Gen'l Ticket Aent. i A NEW INVENTION.ÍírAíüf YI5K8, PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, DJTORs' ACCOUNTANTS, MERCHANTS.proftftionnl ml bñlínen men; protecting and kwpinpt in al] -habrtlcal order itl! letters, bilis, reoaipta and other documonts (lailv ceumulating in the general routine of business free' dust, Lind au ay from the oliservation of the curlotu. In this email oablnet 3,000 letters can be Bied arui kopt olwaya at hand for reiidy reference. It is made of bladt VMlnut, is qnite orxamental. The same C.ibinet can be used on the drsk or hung to the wall. öend for aa UlU3trated Price Liat and Circular. Addre.. CÁELOS A. C00K, Chicago, Hl. pOOT AND SHOE HOUSE. C. A. LEWIS, ( SuccEseon to FmtET & Lewib,) SOLE GET "BURT'S" CBLEBRATED HAND-MADE WORK Is now opening some elegant lincs of Ladios' Button & Lace Boots, And very gentcel SLIPPERS T9LS. Victoria's, Parepa's, IVilsson's, JXewport's, &c, &e. Tu vurious grades. AIso ft fashionnble line of Gentlem n's VJOEK! Tooethez with ril vmieties in chenp goods. All bought lor CASH and to be sold at low down pi ices. Come in and Look at Them at- No. 2 EAST HURON STREET 1417m3 FMS80LUTI0N - -OF CO-PARTNERSHIP! The co-pnrtnf ïship re exiptinfr between E. D. lililí and J. Vollaml islhis dny disolved by mutual consenf. Afi.ñceoñnts flue the iiim and uil the :.■, ts BRHIrist it. Kill be splik-d by E. I1. Blrti. (Siqnpil) E. D. BLISS. AnnAriiur, JInrch 7th, 1573. Tlio obfirn busiijess wifl b continued at Wie oM itand, na avaaïi hr l!ml J. VOLLAND.


Old News
Michigan Argus