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üEOOND AflIÍÜAL 75,730 iPrerrmins. Bangjng in vnlue irom $10 Tü $5,000 GIVEN A WAT! TO TIÍE BTl#CBïBÏB8 OF ODB FIRESIDE FRIEflD Every Suljscriber is Huve of ono premium any v-y, añil :tM 'is :m equal ohance of receivmg CASH Prmiam,ora PIANO, OiiOAN, WATCii, SEWINti MACHINE, :c, &0. FIRST GBAD GASH PBHMSÜM OUB FIUESIDE FRIKXD - Kight Pages. Lmjte Lize, Illustrated, the Family Weekly, is in itaïHIBD VOLUME aud has attained the LA RCiËST GIKCÜLAT1ON of any paper published In tno lis Buccets ByABLEÖ the proprietois to furnish THE BBiír, MOST DK8IRABLE AND M,OST USEFDL ÜKIGINAL READING MATTÊU [N GBEAT VABIËTY, tíutt raouey can buyt nd to mnku il t HoMË WËBKLY sníted to tile wmts of eVery : fiitnily. Subsa-iptiou price, .:! er yenr of 52 bcis. Th.3 3ESlosLaixt CütT-oirsa.o ize 16x20 indios, Ki colors. AdinoivMired by all to i; tlie HANDSOUEBT' and .MUtiT VALUABLE remium picture in Americu. EVKKY SU13CBIBEB is presented fl-ith this Chromo at the tnnc E Bubacribing:, fnn wttiting), and nln receiveti ;i NUJIBEÜK1) CJiKTIFICATU ENTITL1NG Ï11E :0LDEK TO A SHAEB in the distributiou of '.".II O in cash and dthtr pleKliUln. THE DI8TRIBUTION TAKliS PLACE on the fnond Tuesday in June ilt:Xt. Tlie Chromo and t orliiiates sent 'on receipt of iince. Si'K' 0PIE8. PREMIUM LIST, So., GIV1NG FUU 'AliTIOTIIiAES sent frep any address. i t ÏVrFC Kithot }v.:: or oanvasiiing in ; -íVVX-ÍJ-í-i A O eVery town. ïjiirce cuali WA VTKH j.iy i die best iiir Í Jülf fit. Bend at once for term. Address 0UR FIRESIDE FRIEND, 141 ömü Cnicjyo, Ut. NN AHBOR Mineral Springs House. is bíí;iñtifíl1 resort for health-seekers Is now open, with its RON; MAGNESIA, AND SULPHÜR WATERS, ComttioflionfliHiilclii n litiited by sieafü, and large and well-ventïlatcü roomsWATER AND AIR BATHS, Of .il! tcmperimueii, also BhoWöT, itpcrr. Mdicated and Electric Haih are orapïoyt tl with advantagö ïc the treaimcut of all forms oí chronic discaspH and dieeases of females. Wjicctal attentioLt paid to diet. With pleasant sarroantlinirSYrtnd sitnated ín one of the meet hoalthy and ben a tl fu] cides ï;i the country, i t poflscssL'S atlr;ctions for inVallils or for pleasare-set-kere Peldom foumi. The Aiiiilyeiiof the Springs will bc iurnishcd on nppllcMion. Persons dosirinp; circÉlars to pend to thoir fríendscan procure thetn ai the llceofthc l'ropriclora on liaron street, ojf at the prtage. Addri'ss all 'h'tore of intjiiiry to MüilRIS HALE, 5!. D., Supt. Ann Auboh,Mich. Siitlicrliim! ti urt WIkmIoii. Frop'f9. Ana Arbor , Mlctt. Jníe, il, 1872. JOHN FEED. BBOSS, MANi'FAOTÜnr.n OF CARRIACF.S, BVfitÜES, I.! JIUER WIGOSS, SPIUÏG WACOÍS, CUTTEBS, SI,U(il;s, kt. All work wiirrfinted of tba best ranícrial. Hfprii - indotie prometí? uitl reiwonably Ail workwarrantcd to give ijerfect Bfttilfaotion. LiS South Main 3tret. 1422 TLOUR AND PEED STOPxE. HBNKIT WiLSGH, (Sucoessor to Geo. LaubeníríLycr,) At 14 West ïiibcrty Streot, ■willkeepc.rmstantly on hand a full stook of Fionr, Meal, On te, Corn MiU Feed . kr. AU onlen promptlv fillod at the low■est cash ptioet. Ca,ub paid for Corn ;ud Oats. 1415yl


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Michigan Argus