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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. -vr B COI.K, Dénier In Coal. Office w'thFKixn IN. Gamt, oft -Mawsn _ Sons" Store, Or , Fuurth and Hnron St. _____ Èl7tSTI'.S THTCHEIt, Attorney and '; „„.„..lor at Luw, No. 5 Et Hurun Street, AM Arbor, Mich. _ __ ._JMW '_ A HEBU SPRIKGS. _ H r i ■ IIilü. M IX, Supjrintondent. OlHce In 'oiiiUiuit corner M:inn and A'est Hnrou Streelt. WIES & WOBÖÉS, 80 -nth Malo tre.t. V mi r.or,Miili., Wholesale and retail dealiu Ury (Joods, Carpeta and Qrocerles. 133UÍ iVCK. SCHiriD, Dealers In Dry Goodi. M ■Gr.csrIf,Crockerj,&c. No. 54 .outh Malo Slr-et. ■ W il. J4CKSoSi, Dentlfll succesior to C B. . PurtiT offleo comer MaiVáud Huíon.stracts „vor the store of R. W. Kllis Co , Ann Arüor, Ch. ineütheticsadmimstercd lf reqaired c J, TjOlIVSOIV, Dealer ln.HatB and Caps, Ej. fora Strmv Oo.iils. Oeuts' Fiirñlshlng Ooods, te. No ; Siiutli Main --troet. Ann Arbor. Mlch. 7íríÍFEñAÑl Sc WHEDON, Life and S pfelnsiirance uunt8.and dealersm Keal Estáte Jfflce on Hurón Street. iTTriiTi ABËIi, Dealers n Dry Goods GroDcirhs,c e..5o 6 South Main Street. Ann Arbor. __ TljTwSON A. SON, Grocers, Provlílon and S immin Merchams. and I d.;a!erfi in Water Linie. LaudPlaeter, and Piaster Paris. No. lb Bast liaron street , vnn EIS, WholeBale and Retail Dealer 3. n Kiadv Made -lothing. Cloths. Cassimem., V„tines.audOenfs FarnlshinKGo..d. No.ïSonth Mal" Street. - Wrï7wA!ER, D-aler In R-adv MadeCloth"iu .'lotbn. QiMlmere. Vestlnïs, Hatii.Cap, frankj,;arpot Baga, Ac 21 íouth Main street. rILMOHE _ FISKE, BooKf-ellers and 8tLr tion -rs Medical Liw and OoTWgSjtB"?. Sch 1 anti Mlscenaneouf Books. No. 3 North Main itrcet. Ore.ïory Bluck; Ann Arbolé VTOAH W.GHEEVEU, ATTORNEY AT LAW ! Ofl5e wlth E. W. Morgan, Enst slde of Coart House Squire. U81 H AB ."LB9 M. WOODRU FF, Attoraey at Law and SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY. Óftw, Arcade Bloei, Tptilanti, Mich. ■ Collections mad? and pvomjtly rcmitted. AU lcgul business Inithfully RMn&ld to. 142C nRO'cKEE Y LISSWAltE & GROCERIES, J. & ï Donnelly ■nTciintorcaVirsrestocicuf-:rocker,31af#!in!, ÉlteaWre,Cr.llery Urocene, Ac, c. all tobe Soldiuqtiusn.'üly luw prioes. .lítí 12 B5tHnnn Street, Aun Albor. Utetf t. ie P. POJÍMElLY. TÖHN G. GALL, DBA.X-BR I3ST PRESH AND SALT MEATS, L.ARD, SACSAOES, Etc. Orders solicited nnd promp'.iy Allefl wlth thebeet mi l ejrket. 31 Bast Washington street AimXriio.-.áept. I6th, 188. l86tf NAfiKSEY, Manulacturer of S2Sl3e- Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, ANDSLEtHÜS. of every style, mude of the best miterinl, nnd w.irrsntod. Repalriptifjpno promptHind pricus reainiiable. Ueiroit ïtres, ncar H, B Dep.t, Ann ÁrCor, Mlch. 1384yl. ___ t RJÜ. A. LB IT E K 1 : j CONTINÜBS TO PUT ÜP ANÖ PlLL ÏMiysicians Preseriptions, A't al f hoiirs, at No. 1 Oregory Block. C. A.LKITBU &CO Ann Arbor.Dec. 2id 1871. 1334 n&. U.B. PO KIER, IDElSrTlS'í1Office in the Savings Dank Block. Ann Albor. AU' Operatinns on the Itatural Tieth Perforrafid with Care. ÍNSÜRPAS3BD FACILITJES ÁTJp aXiPBHIENCE CTTÏtoi MTItNIlfc TEETB, TO UtVE EACH [KDIVIDÜAIj, Otuurtiaftke proper e, opj ,'.tïnr. firmnuiimv %atiril fitprtttio% 1344 ' HIMKY'.UP! ; TATIi:S wiihiug Wall Paper, Shaie? " 1 Bnllaad, Window Pixture. Cords, Ttwla. &o , Ml New Styles. nt Satlsfactnrj Pi-ices. bj J. It. Wcbte,r .Jt Co., Boik St're,near the Expíese üffico. W. A. LOVEJ0Y, TOBAOOONIST ! Deals in bóth ÍINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCOr önnflt', Pipes, Sdc, L1 WO: 7 EASl' HUROX STKEET, iipxt to the Express Office, ■ íLk arbor, micii. ' 45tr 'Kwelling hoüses fok sale ,j(rgean(1 yery well built brk.k house, with two ox; lo1 vo lurc framèd houses. Alo a ffood "(jpradjbTÏt s mikT framed ; and ;i i-mall finmclion i iifnd lot. inteHcíed foraddiiig nívon4,, for snlcon i-... trrr.s und ii reivsonable ereait. AlsO other buildini?, lots, and property, JWOXKY WAÏED- So many wishing to btrrow money rpply to me that I can readfly obtnin ír tenders good aatisfaetory inveslmentit at tn per coat. interest. E. W. MORfiAX. Anu Arbor, April J3, 1873. 1428tf


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Michigan Argus