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The Modoc War Ia Suppose To End

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e : that is Capt. Jaok and all his bravo warriors, tiieir wives and pappooses, lmve surrendered. Tho campaign of Gon. Da vis bas boen sharp, short and decieive. And now Gen. Davis and ihe government he representa are in tho oondition of the farmer who drew tho elephant in a lottery. Thoy don't know what to do with the Modoosnow they have got thora. Shall thoy be tr'eated as prisoners of war, belonging to mi independent tribe or nation having troaty relations? or as rebel citizens, or simply a9 outlaws and crimináis? Shall Capt. Jack and his Wsocwtes be put on trial for murder iu the civil courts or held to trial by courtïmrtial for a violation of teelaws of war? Crial in either case and by either method will be but a bald farce and not a. solemn one either. Tho killing of Gen. CanbY and Peace Commissioner Thomas was no doubt brutal murder, whether the Modocs are cousidered as holding an independent or tribal rolation or not; nevertheless tho pectacle of a eourt trying them will bo none the less a forcé, and may give some echnical lawyer a chanco to put iu a )lea of emotional insanity. We leave he subject to be decidcd by the doctors of tho law. PoLITical trouble ia brewing in Arkansas. The Attorney-General has made application to the ÍSupreme Court for a writ of quo warrant, citing Gov. Baxter to show by what autliority he holds the executive office of the State, and charging him with bting a usurper. Gov. BAXTER throws himself back on his dignity, refuses to recognize the right of the court to hear the application or issue tho writ : claiming that he bas been reeognizad by the Legislatura and that such recognition is final, If this be the fact, that the Legislature may not only determine as to the qualifications and elcction of its own members, as in other States, but, also, beyond review or appesl as who has been elected Governor, a state of affair3 exists in Arkansas which exista iu no other State of tho Union, and whioh subjecte the people of the State to the absolute and tyraunical rule of a Legislature and its executvo tooi. We have no Arkansas eonstitution at hand, but on general principies we venture to assert that Gov. Baxter's claim is "jbarsless as the fnbric of a dream."' - Later advices says that tho writ bas been refused. The last sensation in high life in New York is the shooting and killing of Mansfield T. Walwortii, at the Sturtevant House, on Tuesday morning last, by his soa Fraxk H. Walvorth, aged 19. Tbe cause assigned by the young man ij insulting ai.d threatening letters written to his mother by hig father, trom whom she has been divorced scveral years. ïhe (ieoeased was a eon of the late eminent Chanceilor WAlWOKTÉt. The wifo and mother lives in Saratoga, where she is principal t-f a popular young ladies' school. The young man gave himself np iinmediately after thu ehooting, and expreases no regret except as it affects his mother. Boston was again soourged by fire on Friday last, May 30th. Tho fire originated in the upper part of the large furniture warehouso of Haiey, Morse & Co., 41 1 Washington streef, at ü o'clock A. r , and a high wind prevailing spread with fearful rapidity. About four acres were burned over OH Washington street- both sidos, Eásex street, and Boylston streut. Tho aggregate losa is put at $1,250,000, with an insuranoe of $763.500. Five firemen were killed by falling walls. - The Boston Pilot office- a victim of tho former fire - was again burned. is no longer insano : that is, a Sheriff's jury has pronounced him in the enjoytnent of his hght raind, since whioh he has avoided service of a subpcena to appear as a witness in the Credit MobiIfel casa and sailtd i"or Europe. It is a great pity that he had uot been in Paris when President Thiees resigned, as he might have been induoed to aceopt the presidency of that eíFarverscent Iiepublio. Ex-Gov. Jewell, of Connocticut, havmg come to the conclusión that hifl chance for a seat in the ü. S. Senate is ceedingly slim, has aceepted the Eussian raiuistry, mada vacant by the deceaso of üov. Ork. We think hia appointment an improvement on the latü run of Eugsian ministers.


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