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Another political " lame duck " ha been provided for, Hon. Joira A. Bixg H vm, a retired inemjber of Uongress, hav in boon commissioned as minister !.o Jap au. Mr. Binoham i a radical poliücia of the ñrst water : lias a Credit Mobilie farao ; and waa a 1 ader in the salary in crease and back pay raid upon the Treas ury. Tho Japanese, if readers of the U 8i journals, rnay foei honored in rcociv ing him, and hoisjust the man to ini ato them into the civilized, enlightened moral, and politiual ways of tbis grea western power. - TUe balance in the State Treasury May 31st was $812,621 60, a desease du ring the wouth of $140,122.85 : whicl may cause serious troublo to eome pe bank. Tho State debt was reduoed du ring the month in tho sum of $7,000 by the purehaso of bonds due in 1878 and 18 1 3. Are these purchased tonds absolutely canoeled or only trausferred to tho sinking fund and the interest regularly raiscd by taxation P also for tho benefit of pet banks by permanently increaaing that treasury balance. - Allen 8. Sweet, superintendent of the locomotive department and tho motive power of the M. C. R. died on Saturday iftornoon last at his residence in Detroit. Ho has lorag been in tho employ of the sompany and was one of the most mr men connccted with tho road. The engines went over tho road on Sunday and Hpnday hoavily draped in ïnonrniug. - " On Our Native Heath :" that was the heading of the Detroit Tribune leader in itsedition of last Saturday morning, which being intprpretod ineans that that paper is now printed on its own material and in its own office. May it bo a long time before the Tribune shall be again driven away froin home by fire. - ■ One of the Washburn family wants Howe's place in the U. 8. Sonate, and eo heis wiiliner that Howe should be made ChietJustice. Carpenter don't wfint to give his seat to nny lmngry Washbiirn ar.d so he is more than willing that Howe should do so. That's how it is, you see. - Illuminating gas frora watur is tho new scheme of an Engiish inventor. The apparatus ia claiiued to be veiy simple, its working practicable, and the nw gas can be manufacturad at 40 per cent, less than coal gas. Perhaps. - Mark Tvvain has cominenoed 'suit against one Benj. J. Suck for publishing some of his sketches in a volume for railroad sale, with o-ue sketch not his which he is made to father. He claims damage to the extent of 25,000. - The Connectiout Lemslature has proposed a constitutional amendmont eetablishing a single capital, and that at Hurtford. A sensible idea occasionally doos take form in the heads of Conneoticut legisla tors. - The appoinimentof Matsell as Chief of Pólice isn't. roceived very kindly by the New York journals. His oonnection with the PoUce Gazdle is eonsidered anythiug but piomiBing lor a p aro administra lio n. - The eastern terminus of the Union Paeifia Ruilroad has been finally fixed aud established at Ornaba, and tha depot and general oiíicea of the coinpany ure to be immediately erected thero. - $196,031.36 U the amount of primary sjhoo) money upportioued by the Superintendent of Public 'Instrucüon to the several counties in the State. The nurnber of scholars, -100,002. - Hon. Jos. Howe, Liout. Governor of Xova Scotia, and an original and persist ent opponont of the coni'edoration, died ou the lst inst., ia the Güth year of his ago. - The N. T. Tribune denoances the Americans going abroad in euch large ttumbexs as unpatriotio, and intimates tbey ought tospend their money at home. - Thero is great rejoioing in New York over the adjournment of the Legislatura. As a " reform body " it was tliing but a success. - Religious toieratiou has not yet been decreed in Japan, or so Minister De Long commluiicates to the Kepartment of State at Washington. - Thore was a $;J0,000 fire at Toledo on Monday night, burning the luinber mili of, David Smith at the foot of Waln ut street. - Gov. Lewis, of Alabama, Ecpublican, haa appointed Eobort C. Bick noli Demoorat, Chief-Justioe oi the Supremo' Court. - A WoHd personal ítem gently hints that Senator Állison, of Iowa. and Anna Uickiiit,ou medítate fnmily telatiooe,


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