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Hryoiid the lísSissippi.- Thousnndshava alröady goiie}and thousaada more are turniug their eyes toifrèrcfa new home? in the fertilo West. To thosegoing ío Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, rt.ih, Wyoming, Nevada, Oregun or California, we reComrneud v chönp, sale, quick and direct route, ia 8t. Louis, over the Missouri Pacific liailroad. which runs ifs fine Day Co ches and Pullman Sleepers from Kt. Louis to principal points in tlie West without We believe that the Missouri Pacific Railloaíl han the best traok and the finost and safest orinixinirMi! of any line vestrf the Miasisippj, find its ions with ioail furtlieï West are prompt ind Tho Ti-xas conneetion of this rorid is now complefed, and passenger ;re offc-red a fii-st class. ;i)lrail route t'rofll St. Louis to Toxns. eithet over the Pesas 1Í,. R., via Sedalïa, or over -trie & Pucifio ii. R., via Vinüa. map, .-I s, iiií'urrn;iuuM ju tn rutH. rrmtes, &c, we rcfc-r our readers to I. H. Wheeler, Xmthern Pbwmbet . Ag ttt, 7 - Ijloyd slreot,, iiuli'alo, X. Y., or V,. A Ford. (f enera] i'ssenííer Agínt, 9t. Louis, Mo Questtons ■)' bê j and prompt! y aiuivcred! JÍtCÍIHiAX CENTRAL 1U1LH0AD. SXJMMER TIME TABLE. P'issengei tnvinsiiow leave the several stations, as GOING WF.F?. , = & = g II s S G M Cl I W Ph _ ■ a. M. A. M. 1'. M. I'. f. T'. M. P. . Detroit, leave, 7 M ü 40 1 1 1 4 05. 5 4 Ju 10 Vpailanti, S 10 ti 2 ■." S M 7 10 11 25 AnnArbor, S S2 11 00 3 1( S 65 7 45 11 43 DexteT, Í) 20. 3 10 6 25' 8 111 0 4') 4 00 i S 80' GrTnsBLnake, ' 4 35! s OJ j. a. Jacknon, 10 40 12 1.5, 5 05 0 35 1 00 p. m. i'. u. . m. Kiúiimnzoo, S 20 12 25 Chicago iirrive, 6 30, 8 00 ' GO1NG EAS7. U f la il 3 L = ► B p.'I a ■& m i A. M. .. V..] lp. M. P. M. ''liicügo, lenve, :, 00 0 00 5 19 !) 00 P. M. A. M. A. M. Kaliimazoo, II 15 2 05 5 00 2 15 P. M. A. M. Jneksoh. 1 15 8 oo 12 30 4 45 Gru?sLake, 2m; 8 sa i S 24, 8 M ! a. M. Dextor, 3 40 0 20 ! r, 20 Am. Arhnr, 4 OS 5 13 0 Ml 1 99 6 00 6 55 Yrwiliinti, 4 25 6 30 10 05 217 c 20 7 20 Detroit, Ulive, 5 50 G 40 11 20, 3 60 7 25. 8 45 1 The Atluntic and Padsfio Express run between ÍTackftOn nnd Xil's on tlie Air Line. Dfltert. n T. 1H7S rODQE'S PATENT REAPER & M3WER AND - SEL RAK E! J. A. POLMEMU3 EtfM ngaiii ïpneived liis nsunl supply of the above Celebraled M;.iciiiuEs. which he is prepared to furnish to every faroxer la Washtenuw or Jackson Countiea wJio want A FIRST CLASS MACHINE. He ia nl-r prepdrerl to fiunish 11 extra for tne Doclpe Mut-ïiine. Also. all extras requircd to repair tUeolclUALL HACHINEÖ. OlBce a.t the LIYERY STABLE OF J. A. POLHEMUS & SON, Cor. Main and Catberine Strccts, Whero mny be found the most extenf ive outflts of Horses and Oarriages In the city, oonnected witli ttIiii HACK, BUS 11 B.4G6I61 WAGON Xji I 3ÜJ 13 , Iieadytoflll ordecs at :iU times. Special attention given to fúrnishing horses íd cURiu;t;s rORrÍMERÍU. ' Aon Arbor, llar 23. W;a, lTt( !


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