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h'Jf llU In tbo wonderfW medicino to which the affltoted are nbovo pointed for relief, the dis-, ooverei belioves ho li:ti combined in harmony knore of Kafeore's most aovereiffn curativo propertiee, which God bas iimtiUed into tho vegetable ktngdom fur healing tbo slok, tbaa wore [wer befove combined in ono modicine. Tho prfdence nf tliis f.ict ia found in tho great variety of most obstinate diseases which it ba been found to coaquer. In tho cure of Bronchitis, Hv'r: l'oughs, and tiie early etages M CeiUBmiitloiif it bas astonihed tho medical facnltv, md eminent pöyeicians prouounce it tlie greatest medical diseovery of tho Age. AVhile it cinve the sovereat' Cooghs, it strengtüens the BjnteDl mul Jrttrifl ! lílood. By Ka great and thorough,blool pnrifyüig propertiea, it cures all Humors, iroui tho worst ütcrofula to a common Biotch, Himple or líruptlon. Mercurial dinease, Mineral Poisout, and their effect aro vradtcated, and vigorous health and a sound constitution eetablisbed. Erywlprlua, Salt illu-uru ï'cvtr Ñoníi, Srnlj'or Hnnli Nkln, ín ijiicrt. ali tbo nunierous dirtrasea cauod by bad tioou, ai'O conquerod by ttus powerl'ul, purifyir.a and anvigorating medicino. i it you feei dull, drowsy, debilitated, have low color of skin, 'or ycllowish brown ppots on or bo ly, frequent ncadaclio or dizzlnees. bad tista In moath, iatornal heal or rhills, sltcrnatcd with hoc flmhes, low ppinu. nd gloomy forebodlnza, ïrrcular anpetito, and toogue coaled, you are Bnffsring iiom 'Tor]tlA Xlver or i'8illooneifc" In mauy cases of "Li Ter Complaliit" only part of these eymptom re exuerieoceA. Ai a reraedy for all mch case. Dr Pierce's Gillen Medical Disrovery has lio eiaal. asitpIT-üti perfect cures, lcaving tbe liver strenethenad an 1 bealthy. Fur the cure of Habituul Coustt intion o 'the howel it. 13 a never faiHn,' rémedy. ai! those who have ued it for thii parríoa aro loud in itspraise. The proprfetor ofcra $1.000 ívward for a medi. eme that-will emial it íor the cure of all toe dia. ea-jes for which'it is recommendi'J. Bild bv dru'.-íists at $1 per botlle. Prepared Ij R V Pierre M! D.,Sole Proprietor, at hisCheml cl Lanointory. 1S3 peneca rtreet, Buüalo, S. Ï S euJ addrcsa for a pauii-ililc-t. No Person can ake hese Bitters accordtaft todirections. and reraain long unwell, provided tiicir bonos uro not destroyed by mineral poison or other mcuns,. and vital organs wasted ücyond llie ' puiüt of repair. nyspciisia or IiKliscst'o'1 Headacltó, Paln ; In tile Shoulders, Conghs, Tiglnncss of tlie Cheat, Dizziuess, Sonr Eructatloná of tlie íítomach, liad Taste in the Moutli, Bilioos AttackH. Palpltaiion of tlie Heart, Inílaramation of the Lnngs, Pain in tl región of Uie Kldneys, and a hundrert oihcr painfal STmptoms, are tlie olT-springs oí Dyspepsla. One bottle win prove a better guarantee of iu raerita Ulan a lengthy advertisement. Por Peínalo üouiplnluti, !u yonn? ov okl, married ov singte, at the rtawo of womauiiooil, or the turn of life, these Touio Bitters display so declded ín Uifluence tUat liuprovement ia sooa percep Por Ini5riinitory nnl ('hrnnle RHpii' matisin and Gom, Blllous, Kemittent and Intermlueut Fevere, Uiseases ef tlie Blood, Uver, Ki'lnevü and Bladder, the e Bitters have no equal. Suclj Diseasea are causél by Vttiated Blootl, 'l'hevnt-c apelille Purgatlvc us well is a Toiïic, p:is.s's:-ïiiT t!iti merlt of ao!:iL as a povrerful ayreut in relievina Congestión or Innamrautionof the Uver aad visceral Organs, aiid ia Bilioas Dbtep For Skin Disenses, F.ruptlnna, Tetter, SaltKhcuni, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boüs, Carbuncles, Bing-worms, Scakl-Heail, Sore Ejes, Krypipolas. [tch, Scnrfa, üiscolorattons of tho Skin, Humors and Distases of the skin of whatcver name or nature, aro literally dug r.ip and oarrled ont, of tho system i, i a Bbort time ly tlie use of these Brttera. " Qrateful Thousamls proclaim ViKBGAR T.ittkks the inosl wouderful [nvlgoraut tiiat ever snstalued the Binklno system. re. h. jitiwsi.u.D &■ co. Drnggtsta and Qn. Agts., San Francisco, Cal., H cur. of Washington and Charlton Sts., x.Y. SOU) Bï ALL UBUGOIórS A DEALER8. f TIME ! Wm. Wagnek Has openSd a lnrge stock of SPEINS & SUMMER C3-ÖOXDS, Ii:clui3ingntTTnnd FASHIONABLESTÏLES - fob - - COATS, P:NTS,and VESTS, "VVhïchhe will manndnre in tho beet and latest tiiyk1, aüd , Warranted Fits and Work. Aleo keiJps a good stock of READY-MADE CLOTBIMi AND Gents' FÜENISHIHa Goods. Which Tvill bo sold cbfiftp. OALL AND SEE THEM. No. 21 South Mam Street,- EastSIdei IVIMIAM WAÜÜtR, Ann rbor, May 'st, IM314-24 A Chance for Bargains ! For sale at a Krent bargrain, 160 A CEES OF CIIOICE LAD, lying 2 miles f rom the city of lonia. 100 acres undér improvement, with good orchard, bam kikI shed, aoil comfortible hon 8. Term of puyment- fioiu t2,ÜÜO tü $2,500 down ; biiluneo on long time. Aiso I aboat 2i miles from Angustn, razoo County, all Improved, mílIi good buüd ini?. Terms- extïemoly low. Also 40 ACRKS about eight miles from Hastings. Also 80 ACRKS on section s in the town of I! iiali fjounty, ubuLit IJ milos from (Jorunna. Welltiml ■:■■!. Fot terms uddrüsa tho undersigned. E. H. FOND. Ann Albor, April 2, 1873. TEAL ESTÁTE FOE, SALE. THE 70LNBY CHAPÍN H0MK8T1AD, Near the nortb eait corner of the Court ITowe pquare. Thls pjoperty wtll be sold at rejiinnahïe priceB; in lotsaaltable for a resïdeuco, or for batfï npMparpoB68. Also lots on Milicr Avenue east o Tunis' reen houe. Alto ;i Farm oí' 1G0 Acres, Wel] vratercd and fi-ncod, with ?od(1 orchard ant ralr bulldlnpi, withln a n St.Johns, Michigan, an ie iveral hniiidred acres o pinc and oafc tiinbcrwl lands iu Saginaw Cottnty Miehlgan. Inquire of B. W, rHKRVER.or 14i:m6 C, A. CHAn.


Old News
Michigan Argus