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Mortgage Sale. I Oeedstoi the Coun y ot ww' wsüontbe 3d dïyof 5X.'' A. D. 1873, diily awigned by Charles Í. f ■„ " "Vï. ' ministratorof thewtateof ,ohn iiwtü,!„ i '"; SS? síSSaáS Kenry roeland, oi the ,ame place, and rtfflS ' ment jm reoorded m the egister's utuío Of f?' MW. in liberS "fuioSgaío ï" page 607, and whieh said mortgam wai on the V? day of March, A. D. 1873. assSiffid by HP,,„ V'h hradtoCbristian Mack and FretíV-rick BobSd ? wln"h aashrnment was recordea in the IW... ,' Office, in the CXmaty of Washtenaw, iu iih ,! mortgHgeson sage (MS; afld wTiereas, there i a .J nnpaM on said mortgage at the date of thi. notie ti ?ü'? 2'.tw, ■''"""""! ."e hundred nnd seventï-eirt! 60-KJ dollars (2,17fO.lOO), and no snit oí H' ing atlaw has been instilutrd to recover the Bain. toyparttheitof: notiee is hereïy g&m thato„R? m-day. the flfth doy of July, A. I Xht"" hundred and seventy three, at twelve o'olock nïon ?,? that day, at thu front 4o."T.(sonth side) of ihVfM Hoose, in the City of Ann Arbor, Washten.wCouï?? Michigan, by virtue of the power of sala containeuín' said mortsaóft vye .hall sell at public auction, tó tu higliest bidder, the pfemüws dscribed in s„il mn,t Unge, or so muoh thefeol as my be newmisrT t-i nu' fy the amount due on said mortgage at the date of th notiee with interest and the oost and expenses lowed by luw, and ilso an attorney fee of twentv lir. dollar u provided in aaid inortgage. The follüwin! is a deaer.ption of the land and prc-ïiisès as nivti, ! said mortgage, and to bo sold in punraancV ofthï aboye, to wit: The west half M) of the south west .quarter ('1 of scetion one (1), town threelü south range flvo ea9t, Washtenaw I ounty, Michim ■ wnli the nppurtenances thereunto bel. nginir, ' Dated, Ann Arbor, March 27 ' 1SJÍ CHBIBTIAM HACK and ., „ FKEDERICK SCHMIdJ: IbedfiitckPibtokiub, Assigneei ' Attorney ior Assignees. 1419 Mortgage Sale. rvEíATTLT having been made in the condiüonsot 1- a certain morteage, dated the twentyfonrth dr t February, a. d. 1872, and exocuted by Sliri E. lluciiman and Silaa C. Ruckman.of the townwhm ot Manohwtor, Washteoaw County, Michigsr ,E Ptederiok Hchmi.l, Senior, of the ciiy of Ann ArW Connty nnd State aforesaid, and recorded in the officj ot the Knguterof Ueeds for county of Wa'htis naw, MichÚMO, on the twenty-eighth day of Ftlm, ary, a. d. ÍS1, in l.iber 413 of Mnrtgaites, on mil J8S, by which the power of sale cnntaim'd il aid mortgage beoame opcrativc, and no prowciliDin' in law or equity having been inatitutéd to recover the dM sccured by said mortgage or any part theteot, and the sum of nine buudred and thirty four dollars and twenty-six cents (ÍU34.26) being do chume', to be doe upon Baid mortgage attliedatof tlas nolice, besides cos!a and expenses of thig foie. elosure. and nlso an Att.srney'a fee of twenty-Sr. (t-ü.t'O) dollars: Notiee ia thereiore liereby civen tliat taid montage will be loreclosed by a sale of tb premisest (k'sciibtd in K;.id tnoitgjipe, or aome puit thereoi, to wit: All the tollewing dewribH limd situated in the rounty ot Wathtenavr, Suite of Mich toin, bcingthe west hnlr (,) of the northwest qnHr. (rrf'4)ot aection seven (7), contniuing tl.irty aerts ■ aleo all thit part of tlie weat half (U of the touth! tast quarter lii) of section nuintir one (1) lyin BOUthwe t uf Uiver Enisin ar.d north ol tl.e Balrae iioa'1. oontainiug about eigl-.t ucies, oll of (id land being in tirwnship loot i) south of ranffe thrn (3 cast, ttt ]ublie vcnuue to the hiphesl bidder, atth front door [soulh pide of 'he Cmm House in the cil of Ann Atltor, in feaid cutinty a of Witshtenaw, on th twenty-eightb üayftf June next, at noon. Dated, April 2, 1873. r'HEDEEICK ECHMID, Senior, Fhedfkick Pjstobiüs, Mortagfe Attorney for Mortgagee. U20td SheritfT Sale! iTATF. OF MICUIOAN, 'Wnshtsnaw County, r ss By virtue of an exeeution issued uut 01 ud uuder the seid of the Circuit Court lor the Count; o[ Wabbteniiw, in chnn;'(.ry, and to nio üirecud and ddlivereil, whcroln Elizubvth Hunlcr is compl!nn' and Jamei Hunter, defendant, ngaintt tl.e jtoodj, chattles, landa and tenements of Jairtes llunter, I haT6 tlus jrd day ut May, A D. 1873, seized and taken all the right titlo and interest James llunto' haainandto tlie foüownig deecriled lands to-TM: I.ots nuniber tlve (6) and twelve (12), in block four (4) soiith ot Huron Btteet nnd ranga nine (i)j east, 111 the city ot Ann Arbor, in the County ri Wnhhtenaw jil;1 State of Mlenigan, ace-rding to the recorded phitof "The Ann Arbor LandCotnpanyV'additlon totlievillagu (nuiv lid city] of Ann Arboi : Also all Ihat portion of toe west hall of the south-west quarter of section number tweniy-ceren C27j in toM-nihip number two '' youtli of range -nutnber six Cf'J east, beia tho tow'nBhip of Ann Arbor, in said County of Wnshtenaw, whieh is bounded as lollowstowit: On thfr north by a line runruns parallel with the nortli line ui the south-west quarter of the wuth-west qunrtfrof said Rection munber twenty-seven (27J, and at the distanco of tlnee C3J chains and aevbnty f70j links north of said jine ; on the eouth by the tjeddesroad (so calledj orosaing said west half of said quarter settion ; on the east by the west line of a poïtion of said qu.-irter section. heretofore convtytd by J:meí" Buntor and wile to Hugh U' Kane by deed recorded in the office of tho Register of Deeda of said County of Washtenaw. in Liber 6ï of Deeds, on pape 292 : ftnii on the w. st by tho west line of said stction number twtmty-seven r And nlso a part of the east halt of the BOuth-east (uarter of seetion number twenty-eight C28},inraid townsliip and range, commencinfi in the baat line of saiu quarter aeetion. at a point twentjfour f24} chains andeijjht C8J links north of thesouiheast corner of said section number twenty-eipht (2&J, and thoncp west, parallel to the south section liiR1, eiyht fSJ roda; tlieïice south eleTea fteirrfs. Cll) and forty-five T45J minutes west, nine (9) eimiofl and twenty-five (1b) links to the center of tlie (ie4f road at a point from which a erooked white oaitref,, sixteen inched in diameter, bears north seventyfour. (74) derees west, nine fi} links, tbence casterly alonp said road tour (4j chains and thirly-tlm-e f33J links to the section line ; tlience north one O) defrree, west on Said ttection line ten flOJ chaiufi nnd two tit links to the plaee of bepinninu. eontaininf? two f2Jj and ninety-three-hundredilts f93-l( 0) aerts more or less. -All of the above deseiibed Jrtopcrty beinff .situated in Ibe township of Ann Arbnr, Connty of AVashteiijiw. State of Michigan, whieh nbuve deseiibed property 1 shall exposé for sale at Dblie auction, tl the hifrhest bidder ut the south door of the Point House, in the city of Ann Arbor, on the lthdayof July, A. 1). 1873, at ten o'cloek a. m. Dated, 'J9th day of Jlny, A. D. 187. M1CHAEL FLEMING, Sheiiff. Sheriff's Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Wnshtenaw, . By virtue of a writ of execitti n issued out oí and under the seal of the Circuit Court for the county of Waahtenaw, and to me tlirected and delivered nfTüinit the goods, cl.attels, lands and tenements ot "William Stevens, and for the want of g-ood a.hcf chnttels to satisfy said exeeution, I did. on thfl eighth dny oí Mareh, 1871, 'seizë and levy upon all the right, titl? and interest Bftid WJÜiirjö BteT na haa m and to tite füllowing desclibed lands, to IFit : J-ot nüipl+T four in block number seven stmth, ranW twelre cast iu Lhecityof Ann Arbor. connty and state aforcMÍd. whieh above described property T sliall expfte fer sale to the hifrhest bidder, at public ustión, at tb south door of the Court House in ttie city of AtfnArbor, in the couuty of Washtenaw, on the lu?ntytoorth day ol1 May, a. d. 187íí. at une o'cloek p. si. said day. Dateil. Aun Arïïor, April !0, IS73. MTRüïf Tn-:HB,late Sheriff. I42Ud ByÏHos. J. HosiiiNs, Dcputy i-btiK Sheriffs Sale'. STATE OF MICHIUAX, Cocnty or Washtsatt, bs.- Hy virtuo of ;t wnt of exeeution issned gu( of and under the seal of the Circuit. Court for tbi County of Washtenaw,and to me diroctedand deliv''' ed agsinst the iroods, chattles, lands ;ind tenements of Mo-es Mnrks, and for the want of joods and eliattle to SAtiaf y aajji exeeutiou. I did, on tl;e Iwenty-jwl day cf January, A. V. 1873, seize and levy upon ail the right, title and interest Jf ose 9 Marks has in ana. to the following deseribed jimds. to wit : f.otsnnmlier two f2!. fouf (4), Bi.l ' , ejght , and ten 11' ), in b'Ofk tie north, rane four east in the ciiy of Ann Ajtr, County and State aforesaid. Wliich bov scribea propeity_, I shall expase for sale t; the hiphest bidder, at public aueiión at the south dobrof the Court House, in the Cty of Ann Arbor, in the County of Wasbtenaw, on ihe seeoml day of April, A.I. 1873, at one oin;:i' 1'. M. '■ƒ sMN day. Dated, thi 7th day uf fc'ebr jsry, A. I. &1S. MIOHAEb M.l ■ ., IN . Sheriff. 1413 Hy MYHON Wiilili, 1 nderSherift For want of bidders the above sale is adjonrneá until W'ednesday, April nintli, at the HM piare ani time of day. Dated, Ann Arbor. Apiil 5, 137?. M1CHAEL PiLEMIN, Sheriff - Hy Mïboh Webh, rndei'-Slienï. The abovfi sale is fiirther }ostponcd to the twent,'sixt?.(laT ot ApciJ m.'.t, at the same place and tim of day. Dafcd, April Mh, 1SV3. ■ MiCHAEL FLEMTHfG, Bherflf. m By Mnwx Wkiíh, rader-Saer The aliove sale is further post poned until intuid} the tenth day of May next, at the siime place Mi" time of day, Daled, Apiil'2ffth. 1S73. MICHAEL FI.EMINO Sheriff. BïMrao SVebb, l n.ler Sheriff. The above sale is further postponed to Tuesday, the tenth day of June next, at the same place ah" time of day. - inCHAUL FT.KiriXfi, Sheriff. Bj MïllOil Webi, Tnder-ïlier NN ARliOE Mintral Springs House. is boiii.tiful reeortfer hcftUh-oeekera is 0 open, with its IRON, MAGNESIA, AND smjmñ waters, Commi íiig heatedbjr sienm, and largo and well-venliluted rooms. WATER AND AIR BATHS, Of all temperature, also Shower Vapor, Moriirstcij and E'eotric liatbs are ..mployf i.with advsntaíethe treatment of all foiuis of chmnlc !im-" and diseüse of females. Special atteutioL P"Wilh p eapanï smronndlnffB, and sltnated inoos of the most healthy ond beaRtffukcitU'e io 'hl'r!'1 ' possesses nttr.nctions forinvaöae or for)'c"s ure-seckeis Seldom found. The analys'Hof tlie Sprlnge -i. 11 be lnrni" on avpl'.C'tion. .- i. Per..n? iJeÁIriog rtrcnl.irs tn send io frlendBCan procure then at the ofüccof thel ropn tore on llnron ureet, or at the Fprlngl. Address all letters of inquiry to MOKKiS HADE, M. D., Supi. Ann Akbor, Mi? Snt!-"rln5il uwA lVlueiloit, l'rop'. Ann Arbor, Wich. Jnne. ■!. 1878. _____ x ---x HÜRRY UP ! PAttTIES wisMns Wall Paper, Clotb l and l'aper SI,. .ules. Holland, VVmdow Fixturea, Coids. Tassels, Ac, all "r Stylcs, at fjattafactorj Priccs, by J. Webster & Co., Bjok ttorc, ncar tlie Express Office. _ x -- -


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Michigan Argus