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Paiítüx has dono it. Parton Jm flauntod tho red rag in the faces of the. Radical journalists of the country, am Parton is jiist now being terribly goree for his liresuinption. And this is liow Parton has come to grief. In his articli on Jeft'erson as President) in tho August Atlantic, he ennraersted sonie things tha Jefferson ileglected or refused to do. Ho didn't accept gifts and he refused to ap point relativas to cfliee. And Jofferaon for so not accepting aud so refasing, anr Parton for telling tho samo in plain Eng lish, havo conuuittf.d high treason against Grant and his Itadical supporters and worshipers. It must 1e tliut Jofferson had Grant in view uil the time, anc in selecting his policy had no higher niií tive than the setting of u trap for Ulysses the I. to put his i'oot in. Jcfferson was a sly old dog, and took a long look ahead but then he miscalculated tho mighty valor of Grant's friends, and littlo fornsaw the abuse to ba heaped upon him and his biographer for setting Grant such an example. Unfortunate Jefferson : to be pitied Parton. - The Washington correspondent o: the N. Y. Erening Pont, under date of the 9th inst., gives a fnll list of tho Senators who have drawn their quota of the back-aciiou-salary-grab, of those who have " covered" it into the Troasury, and of thoso who lack the courage to pocket it or the honesty to reject it. The list may be summarized : taken it, 45 ; returned it, 16 ; waitiug for the storm to' blow ovor, 11. One - Senator Kelley of Oregon - waa a littlo "short" ia the tranaction, Lis lost milage exceeding his back-pay. - Howo is evidontly ahead of liis Senatorial contestants for the Chief-Justiceship. He walked squarely up to tho rack and drew hia back-pay without any Bquoauiishunss or protesting, whilo Conkling and Edinunds and Morton havo not yot called upon the disbursing clerk for their share of tho plunder. That offioer still holds it subject to their order. Howe is the man after Grant's own heart. ■ - The Ohio Democratie platform is no respecter of persons, doesn't make fisli of one and foul of another, but hews to the line regardless of where tho chips fall. It condenins Democrats and Eopublicans, Oongressmen and the President, for voting for or proflting by the back-pay iteal, and in terms that rival tho utterinces of " Truthful Jaines " and can be understood by a Lamison or o Grant. - The poet-editor, William Cullen Bryant, is bow seventy-nine yoars old. He cominenced his work as a poet at 10 ('ears old ; wrote his political satire, ' Tho Embargo," at 13 ; produced "Thanitopsis" at 18; and still wears the larness and courts the muses. - And now comes Gen. Clinton B ?isk, of St. Louis, Mo., and avors that Oakes Ames voluntarily conftssed to bim before his death thnt Dillon was right and that the " S. C." check was paid to him - Ames - and not to Colfax. Who is to be trotted out ñext? - ïhe Ohio Constitutional Convention adjourned on the 8th inst., to meet in Cincinnati on the 2d of December. The oost of the convention up to the day of adjournnient is reported as $07,981.71 1-2, the sum of $40,039 being for pay of ineinbers. - Following the bad example inaugurated by tho carpot-baggers and Radicáis of Louieiana and other rconnstruf.ted S tatos, the "civilized" Cherokees have been iudulging in the patriotic luxury of olection frauds, and the rosult ia " civil " war. - If thoro ia any truth in the story of " High Lifo Romance" told in another column, the match between the Duke of Edinburgh and the Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna, of Rumia, is not so much of a lovo match as has buen reported. - The novv " trade dollar " is severely criticised : in fact pronounced a botch job artistically considered. Very unfortunate as it is principally for foreign circulation, (greenbacks being considered good enough for home consumption). - Grand Rapids has a dubt of $189,500, of which $124 000 is charged to railroeds. And tlris debt is to be increased $250,000 for wator works. If " a nntional debt is a national Messing" Grand Eapids ouglit to be supremcly happy. - A delegation of lfgitiinista visited Vienna a few days ago and tendered the Fronch throne to Count de Chambord, which he acceptod. The next thing in ordor is for the legitimists to doliver the throne " on oall." - Geo. W. Cass, brother of the late distinguishod Gen. Lewis Cass, and fathei of Gen. Geo. W. Cass, of Pittsburg, well lmown in railroad oities, died at Dresden, Ohio, on the Gth inat., aged 87 ycars. - The pure minded, simple, innocent, and unsophisticated Gen. Butler diselaims knowing what Minister Washburne means by tho phrase "buck the tigor." Du teil ! - The President bas promisod to give aid and comfort to the Virginia Radicáis in the coming campaign : that is if he oan spare time froin Long Branch. - At tho Agricultural College of this State board is furnished to students at cost, and this price at tho last term was $3 per week. Ih tuk " Medical Department" of a pretentious exchange, now befure us, wo find two paragraphs in tho same column, which we quote. First this : " Foolish Habit.- To guzzle clown a glass of water on setting up in the morning, without niy feeling of thirst, under the impreasion of the health-giving nature of ita washing-out nualities." And then : " Constipution of the bowels may ho prevQnted by drinking a tumbler iull of uold water on risiug in tho luorning." That " medical" editor was familiar with the story of the huuter who discovering au animal iu " tho bush" shot "to hit if a deer and miss it if a calf." A receipt book would be in tho fellow's line. 1 11U f F ''M Ol O ill.ll UUllUg IJ1U UilSl three weeks nearly 500 painters have been on a strike and have managecl to keep the matter secret until now. The striko was declared, in consequenoe of bosses attempting to return to the 10 hour system. Already several shops have been cleared out by the strikers. On tho 29th inst., a niass meeting of workingmen will be hold at Cooper Institute under tho auspices of tho Workinguien's Contral Council, a new orgauization which represents evory trade in the city. Tho object of the meeting will bo to agitate the eight hour law. Joseph Arch, the ehampion of Engliüh agricultural laborers, will bo present and address the meeting. Tho Crispina express great dissatisfaction at the present condition of the trade and a general strike is throatenod in consequouco of the reductJOB Of WftgfJB.


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