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Local Brevities

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_. Circuí ars. __ Bill-Heiid. _ Letter-Heads. _- Sliippn'K' '!';'!is. printed t the Aeoüs office. __In the bet style and cnKAP. . Don"t order elsewhere bet'ore c;illiiifr. 1. Satisfaction guaranteed in every ranpeot. "The philosopher's stone : Advertise- in the iKOCS. . Sheriff Fi.EMiNQ has 20 regular lioarders. _The Good Templara went to Whitmore Idke on ■Vcdnosday. Prof. FbDöM and family aro oxpected to ive at tlieir home in this city to-morrow. __jugc CHKKTTEB has gone to West Vir■ ;a' combiuiiig his summer yacation iritli tusinftSS' flTjl. G. Fostek, of this city, whose attempt t8uicWe w18 noticed in the Anous of the lst issti i':ed on lie afternoou of Tuesday last. _Do eitlier the Sunday ordinances or the State lw9 ïrniit ahooting within the city mits? Considerable was done last Sunday or Our esrs are at fault. _On Friday last Justice Manly ticketed jlW jUbtix t-o the House of Correction for 65 dsj-s: caue, stealing f rom the houso of Eli jfoOBE in the Fifth ward. _-E E. Feazee, Esq., has formed a eo-part„crship for the practice of the law with Messrs. pasiMAX and Hamilton, the firin name being J'BiZEE. HAEEIMAN & IÍAMILTON. _ If the proxramme has not been changed dgoe onr ]'.vt adrices, J. M. Wheeler aiid family sailed from Breraeu on Tuesday last, the 12tji t, anl "■'" reac'' '''" ity alJO"t the 20th. _ In the latest patent list we uotice the folloving of local interest : Calendar Watch- D. J Mozaet; Clothe8 Reel- J. MoMahon. And bow let us have a Watch factory and a Ciothes Beel faítory. Xhe jiultlio schools of this city will open for the fall term on Monday, August 2 jth, under the superinteniíeucy of Prof. Piseey. We have already published the list of teachers. The exammatioiis for admission will take place on 6turday, tlie 23d inst. - We learu by a, card in the Manchester ttrprise that C. H. Richmomd is Cashier oL the People's Bank. The seeker after knovrledge ffonld look in vain in the card columns oí the eteral Ann Arlior papers to leam who is Cashier of either Aun Arbor Bank. - The liceused dogs " raake night hideous with their howls," and one wishes for a Caleb Ci'SHixa livmg on every block. Perhaps the dogs think that the fee paid by their masters authorizes them to bark and howl and yelp all niglit long without let or hindrance. -The Beal-Chase-A. A. Publishing Companr injunction still fire. The argument on the mohon to dissolve as agaiust the comany was tinished before Judge Chane at Dexter, on Monday, but no decisión had been received at the Clurk's office yesterday afternoon. Ch.íse'8 answer was iiled on Monday and an mcnded answer on Wednesday. - Mrs. HtrsT advises us that one hundred bomid volumes and some three hundred pamphlete, unbound magazines, etc, have been collected and will soon be forwarded to the prison library at Jackson. Thoae who have not yet coutributed should do so at ouee. Books may Ie left at tbe residence oi Mrs. HuHT, on State ftreet, or at the store of Gilmoee & Fiske. - The offirers of tlie Reform School at Lansing havo found moro than their match in IVilliam Dukxand, sent from this couuty Sept. 20th, 1872. by Judge Hiqbt, and have returned liiin to bo otherwi.ce disposed of as providedby tatute. Incomible, ugly, unmanageble, exerting a denioralizing mihuiiice, and eudangoring the Iive3 of his companlons may sum up the charges on which he waa " expelled." - On Friday night last J '. H. Pebbles, living on Jefferson street, wakened by a dog concert, looked out of his window and sar a half dozen cura of " high and low degree " chasing his feree around t'.io liouse in the neighboring yard. Ooe would snap at his head and another at his heels while the horse male quick motions and fat time in the vain endeavor to escape his per8ecutors. A six inch load in a shot gun fired hom the window scattered the dogs and caused themto svug different tunes. - On Saturday aftemoon last, near the corner ol Mam and Hurón streets, a collision occurred betiveen a buggy containing two young ladies and the loaded furniture wagon of J. KECKáCo. The buggy was not at all injured and the ladies went their way in peace. The lome attached to the furniture wagon was badly frightened, however, but being held in so that Ie could not run he spun around like a top, teoke the thills, came near upsetting wagon nd furniture, but was finally stopped when tronght up with a short turn getting his head ffhere his tail was wout to be. No great aiuouut of damage was done, and the momentwy excitement was (uito a relief to the idlers itanding arounu. On Thnrsday aftemoon of last week, the 7th Ut, tlie barns and heds on the farm belonging to the estáte of the late Thos. Mitchell, ift Lima, were burned, together with their contenta : three horses, about thirty tons of hay, a quantity of grain, farm implemento, &c. The fire was kindled by two young children of Jas. L Mitchell who occupied the premises. Alttough tliere was little wind the fire spread so rapidly that Mrs. Mitchell was only able to scue the children. Two of the horses beged to a hired man, the hay, grain and other property to llr. MiTriifXL. An upper current f aircarriedburningshingles full six miles to the "örtheast, J. W. Wixo, living eouth of Del"i. reporting a liberal shower at his place. In8cd is the Waditeoaw Mutual. Loss not yet wertained. " e renwet very much om inability to accept i mvitation to attelid the Sharon Harvest Pic"ic, held in the grove on the farm of D. G. BOUE, on ffednesday. We could have surprised our $& frienda in that vicinity by telling them a heap oí " what we (don't) kuow about farming," "i certainly could have proved our appreciam ''f die " fat things" which were gathered toEether from the stores of Sharon's thrifty sons "d daughtors, and under the bnrden of which "e tables no doubt fairly groaiied. But it was öittwise ordered. "e have commenced sending bilis to all our "Ascribers and patrons geuerally. It is to us a Ter)' disagreoable job, as we had any time rather Pv a man a receipt in full than meet him with 1(1n in our hand. But we are compelled to ïke a raisp, both to satisfy our creditors and eePthe wheols of business in motion, and we 'y. tliereíore, urge a prompt response from all " get one of our formal notes. "6 Salino public school will open on Mon'a.v. Bept. lsf, in charge of l'rof. L. A. Park as Phacipa], will, Missee Eliza Kimball as first t: CoiixiïLiA Keeb iir grammar school 0EA üaiieis, intermedíate; Lixnie Scott, í1"! primary; and WlBB, primary. , "owing the members of the Saline school arl we nmy say that they are determined to ke the school worthy the patronage and convence of their fellow-citizens. "e are recuestad to say that the annual Mthodist excursión M Whitmore Lake is set thT" ÍOr Friday next, and that all members of tici"1 the'r frieittda are mvited to par'pate. 0 forihiil or special invitation will t S ftnd nona nsed leel sliphted if not Fokea to." A gmd time h pectod.


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Michigan Argus