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Free Trade And Farmers' Rights

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Freo Ti-i.-l.) wonH wrest frotn the Fed eral Qivermnout it.- most dangerous corruptinj: instrument of Consolidated po er: it weuld restore to the poople nol nierety Vu: v,:iirh of which Protectionisfts an! d:uy robbinjt tfaVin, but tha p iwer, too, u-'nicli Hn ariff io'ihery enable Gral and his party to oorabine :m -1 v t:ie suliversion of the State lioviTomuut i Louisiana, wid the corraprion of ooi sooi'ty and uur polines througbout tluTJuioi], Hw is it that 100 bushel" of bny leía coffue in tb ■ Uni thtwi ♦he same loo bushela of wheat wronld buj in Europe-' And how does it happen thai 1,000 pounds of native bar-irou buys more coÉFea in the United States than in Kiiy other oountry in the World V Thps are quustions wtich the indignant l'.iriners ni:iy prnfitably oxercise themselvee by ïnquiring into. Wheat and iron are aliko American produots, subject to the sume natural lawe in respect to tlie price of labor, pvice of money, and so on. Wliy ühould wheat be more valnable, havu more purebasinjt power as com pared with iron and measured in coffee, in Enrope than in America ? Bat fiift lel us put tlio fact of tliis comparativo Biiperiority beyond a doubt. Suppose we tako 1,000 pounds of Ameiican bar-iron, which is now Belling t 4 cents a pound, or say !jl(. and exohaiifre it for Ivi coffee in New York. Tho trioe of pren coffee hin r 2.j cents enrrcncy per pound, the 1,000 pounds of bar-iron would buy therefore 160 pounds oí' Rio coftee. A thousand pounds of har iron would parchase aUo :it 2-3 bushels of Chicago pring wheat No. 3, which is uow selling at $1 50 per bushel, aüd tho 36 2-3 bushels would, of foiirso, buy 150 pounds of Rio ooffoo in New York." BnW, then, IrI lig take tlio 1,000 pounds of bar -iron and 20 2-3 busheh of wheat to London, and then see, first; how niuch coffee we will get for them respeotively ; and secoml, how inuch iron 26 2-3 bushels of wheut will buy there. The price of bost crowa Stnffordshiro iron in London is at present L12 1 Os. a ton of 2,240 poun is ; 1,000 pounds would thereforn futoii L5 lis. Sri. The prica of Eio coffeo in bond in London is 80g. for ! 112 pounds. The i'óll.-i. 8d., or the 1,000 pounds of Amerio in bar-iron, would buy, as near as possible, 136 1-3 ponnds of Rio coffee, or '6 2-3 pouuds less than in líew Yovlc. Ine Chicago No. 3 wbeat beinj? worth lis. per oéntftl, or 7.77s. per bushei, the 26 2-3 bushels of wheat would fetch L10 83. 5d., and would buy of Kio coiïVe, at SUs. o wt„ 291 1-2 pounds; and bariron beinp L12 10a. per ton, the 26 2-3 bushels would purchaee 1,896 3-4 pounds of bar-iron in L-mdon or Liverpool. Hero's the ru . Cuffee is frée here, and still the 26 2 3 busliels of wheat purchases 130 pounds of coffee more in London than ín New York ; an1 of the iron, whioh is subject to a duty, t!ie 26 2-3 bushels will purehase nearly 900 pounds more in ljondon than New York. In both instaiices the fermer is at a disadvantage by being an America]), while liie ïron-inaster tne moment lio removes his iron frora under the raeis of the tariff loses on the purehase of coffee, and if he were to l.ty out his 1,000 ponn is of iron tor wheat in London, he wonid only et 14.1 bushels of Chicago spring wheat, No 3, or 12. Li budhuU lesa thau in New xiirk. Wliit doos tho farmer tbink of his potiÜOD? Is he still of the upinion that the railway oly is the source of uil hiswosss?- X Y. WJrld. the ttlttthpnArgnis


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