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jgglNESS DIRECTORY. íii íreet' Ann Arbor, Micli. j rótísTÜíT THATCHEB, Attorney and E"oun.selor at Luw, No. 5 &t Harón Street, Arbor.Mich. 86 'VÏbbÖb JIINERAl. SPBI1VGS. I Hale, M. I)., Superintendent. Office lwldinj;comer Mann nd ffeat liaron Street. TTÍvES WORDEST, 20 South Main síret, IV innArbor, Mlch-, wholeaale and retnil deal"nDrjöoods, Carpeta aird Grocerles. TícKk SCHMI, Dealera in Dry Qood, .Urocerle,Crockory,4c. No. 64 South Main !!■___ ñ II JACKSO1V, Uentlst.successortoC. B. V ■ Porter Office córner Maiaand Huronatreets, ' me store of R. W. Ellis & Co , Ann Arbor, acstheticaadministcrcdif reqnired. TtTHEbEaN t WHEDON, Life and Niíirelnsurance Asenta, and dealeríin Real Estáte. 'uteonHiironJítreet. itrH& ABEL, Dealers in Dry Goods.GroDftriw, &c..No 26 Sonth Main Street. Ann liior. . ilAWSON & SON, Grocers, Provisión .ind Ni'ommission Merchits, and dealers in Water jé.Land Piaster, and Piaster Paris. No. 16 East lint street . iiriTwAGWER, Dealer in Ready MadeClothï in Glotbí, Cassimercs. Vestinps, Hato. Cape, tnnk(,(;rpet Bag, Ac 21 South Main street. UOAfi 1 W. 'ÖHKE VE K, ATTORNEY AT LAW ! líiflwithE. W. Morgau. Kast sideofCourt House ir (. aiir, n.-uiis!. ,r Sucoessor to C. C. T ' -i-Jenkins. !? - G!iBadminintred ƒ ffi IBÉfiBgSiSfrri - wicn neecssary, Wk Oftice over y Bach L Abel's EhkYHI r store. Xo.26 South MjL JLJCX- Main HRS. H. J. HILTON, M. D., PKYSIC1AN AND SURGEON, , and liixiilence So. 88 Ann Street, corner vf Ingalls, Ann Arlior, Mich. í Office hours- 8 to 10 a m., and ! to 4 p. i.5Hl llefrrects-Pp.or. Faoer, I'rof. Palmer. nBOOKBETT GLASSWARE & GROCERIES, J. & P Donnelly, nave alarge stock of Crockerj , Glassware , 's;edWare,Cutlery Grocene, &c, Ac', all to be ■ ;datuDU8Qally low prices. No. 12 East Hurón Street, Ann Arbor. lUMf J. A: P. DONIVEIiLiV. [OHÑ Ct. GALL, DEALES I3ST FRESH AND SALT MEATS, LARD, SAl'S ACIKS, Etc.. Wmsollcited and promptlj llled with thebest wu In the market. 31 EastW ashington street laaArbor.Sept. 16th, 1809. 12S5tf r!1Ta. leiter Physician and Surgeon, fteover Watts' Jowelry Store, Main Street, Residence ñs Eaat Hurón Street, I ANX AKBOR.MICH. ARKSEY, S. Manufacturer oí images, Buggies, Wagons, ■SD SLKIGHS, of everystylo, made of the best --Tjt, and warranted. Kepairing done prompt■ Mm reasonable. Detroit Street, near K. ■!:, Ann Arbor, Mieh. 1446yl I FEED. BROSS, MAKCFACTUBEIt OF illtl.VïEs, BIGGIES, 1.1 TlitKK. W UiOVS. PRIG WA(iOS, Cl'TTEKS, SI.EK.1IS, Kt. ■ rt ivürranted of the best material. Repair"'ne promptly and reasonably. All work war" gire perfect satufaction. 68 South Hain 1422 ptóüB AND FEED STORE. HENRY WASOH, ISuccessor to Gco. Laubengayer,) ■Hffest Liberty Street, will keepconstan soda full stock of Flour, Meal.Oats, Corn, ",4c. All orders promptly Hlled atthelow'Wprices. Cash paid lor Corn and Oats. i415yl D"CB. PORTER, DENTIST. 'e in the Savinjs Bank Block, Ann Albor. ■' Cperations on the Natural Teeth Performed with Care. '3URPA3SBD PACILITIES AND EXPBRIENCE WlSh ARTÏFÏCÏAL TEETH, 'O U1VE EACH INDIVIDUAL, Tttftke proper tixe, tkapt ,color . Jirmneemnd natural ezpreiiion. 1844 %I. L0VEJ0Y, TOBACCONIST 1 Deals in both E CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Wff, Pipes, &c, AT N0. 7 EAST HUROX STREET, N to the Express Office, ll(;tt AI"i" ARBOR, MICH. ím Chea? Baklng Fovien :f Oiu'f h in the end : the beBt is the ehoapest.


Old News
Michigan Argus