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Caeds. - Circulare. - Bill-Heads. Letter-Heads. - Shipping Tags. _- Printed at the Aequs office. _- In the best style and cheap. - Don't order elsewhere before calling. _ Satisfaction guaranteed in every respect .-Now ia the time to subscribe forthe Akgus. - Nowis the time topny what you owe for the Akovs. _ Winter plays out to-raorrow : or the almanac is mistaken. - Watchthe Anaus advertising columns if you wish to buy goods. " - Duffy has got in a very handsome new safe, of Cinciunati manufatuure. - Judge Crane has ordered a special term of the Circuit Court for the first Tuesday iu April. - Dr. Angelí gave hislecture, "Alono or with the Majority," at Kalamazoo, on Friday evening last. - There is a hitch in the reported sale of the drng store of Ellis & Co. to Messrs. Lurch & Noble. -The postónico coutest still wages. We hear of six candidatos With tho returns from several walds not in. - A boy was run over in the Fifth ward on Wednesday afternoon, by a careless driverusing the sidewalk instead of tho roadway. - C. H. Millen & Son are on hand with the first stock of Spring Goods, which they propose to sell strictly for cash at reduced rates. - The little steamer Minnehaha, built at Chelsea for the Whitmore Lake pleasure service, was safely taken out to the lake on Saturday last. -The aforesaid Hibenius whom our would bo scientific paragraphist paragraphod last week recuperated on Monday and has proved himself vigorous ever since. - A Business Men's Prayer Meeting is now held each day, at 9 o'clock A. it., in the Business College rooms of C. E. Pond, over Bach & Abel's store, and is largely attended. - J. T. Jacobs has leased the store of Wm. Allaby, Bank Block, recently occupied by J. Boyd and E. Tarraut, and as soon as it is refitted will spread himself in more commodious quarters. - A temperance meeting at Ypsilanti- largely attended- has nominated Mayor Snyder for re-election. Snyder said that he was in the hands of the people and would endeavor to fight the thing out if re-elected. - Washiugton's birthday (Sunday last) %uceeeiled in closing the two banks of this city on Monday, and knocked the regular term of the Circuit Court "higher tlian Gilderoy's kite." Xo other effects visible in thia city. - Thos. Nast, the inimitable and not to be wholly emulated artist of Narper's Weekly, is to appear this evening, at University Hall, in the S. L. A. courso. Subject : Caricaturing- to be illustrated by crayon sketches "taken on the spot." - The Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance Cnmpany has made assessments aggregating a a fractiou above 24.6 cents on each $100 issued, to pay accumulated losses amounting to $8,070.92, and furnish a surplus of 51.15 on each $1,000 capital. Cheap insurance. - Yesterday being the day set apart (by certain churches) for prayer for colleges the reguiar exercises at the University were suspended. A prayer meeting was lield in the chapel at 9 1-2 A. Ji., and at 3 r. M. Dr. Cocker preachcd in the main hall to a large audieuce. - Dr. Sager reports the weather getting a little too warm down at Jacksonville, and he will, therefore, start uorthward in a few daysj stopping at Savannah and other points, making home with " balmy May." We are pleased to liear that he is in botter health. - The Circuit Court was to have opened on Monday, in regular term, but Judge Crane found an absurd statute (and we had almost said a more absurd construction of said absurd statute) across his track, and so in deference to the opinions of a majority of the bar the term " went up." - As an indication that money is'getting plenty, and that Congressneed not ínflate the currcnc)-, we hear that the Savings Bauk of this city has some $30,000 iu its vaults which it will lic glad to loan on good paper. If money goes a begging for borrowers something besides inflation is necessaiy to stimulate business. - The union meetings have been continued this week (the uniting churches being the Baptist, Congregational, Presbyterian, and Methodist), a woman's prayer meeting being held at 2 F. M. each day ; a general prayer meeting at 3 p. ï., with a sermón in the evening : all the services except those of Thursday, elsewhere noted, being in the M. E. Church. - Several saloon keepers of this city were considerably stirred up on Wednesday by written postal card notices, signed by " Many Ladies," appointing saloon prayer meetings unless the keepers should voluntarily suspend business. Giving the matter a " look up " we came to the conclusión that some gracoless wags had been making game of the saloonists. - We frequently hear opponents of the Ann Arlor license system cite Ypsilanti as a model temperance city, where saloons are not licensed and the prohibitory law rigidly enforced. And yet one of the apostles of the legal suasion crusade at Ypsiianti assurea us that there is now one more saloon in that city than there was when war was declared in May last. - The two lectures on Evolution, given on Monday and Tuesday evenings, at the Opera House, by Prof. Morss, were largely attended, and were listened to with great interest and no doubt with as great profit. !Evolution as illustrated and expounded by Prof. Morse is not so st&rtling a doctrine as many of its opponents have taught, and even cut off such opponents from that ancestral bugboar - the monkey. - We invite attention to an article from the Toledo Commercial, discussing the proposed extensión of the M. C. R. R. from Jackson or Ann Atbor to Toledo. The Commercial's correspondent errs in stating that the Toledo, Ann Arbor and Xorthern Railroad has ever been offered to 'he Pennsylvania or Lake Shore roads and declined. No negotiations have been had with the latter road ; aid was expected from the former, which was prevented bythe financial crisis or l'anic.


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