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Dr. J. W.aliii'i's ('nlüoriiia Viucsïiii' !if(('!S aro i purely Vegetable niHon, mnde cliiefly fcom the native herhs t'ouuil on tholower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountaius of California, the i ïerbcinal propertiea of which are extractci tUercfrom without tiie use of Alcohol. Tl questioii is alrnpst clajlyasked, "What is the canse of the iiuparaÚeled success of Oak UtTTEiss?"1 Ouv nnswer is, that thej remove the causo of disease, and the jmticat recovers his hcalth. They are the great biood purificr and a life-giving principie, ;i perfect Renovator and Invigorator e f the fíystem. Never before in the history of ihe vorld has a medicine been compon nded possessing the remarkable quali ties ot' Vikeq ar Bitters in healing the sick o f e very disease man is heir to. They are a gentío Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestión or Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Diseases. If men will enjoygood liealth, let them uso Viseqae Bitters as a medicine, and avoid the use of alcoholic stimulants iu every form. B. H. OTcDONAXD . CO.t Druggists and General Agenta, Bin Francisco, Califoruia, and cor. Washington and Charlton Sta., New York. Sold by all DrnrrUts and Dealers. HTCHKJAN CENTRAL UAILKOAI). WINTER TUCE TAISI.B. raaM'iipf r tniinsnoir loaví ihe wverol tatiOTtf,ni followe SOIHO WEB1. i II UA Á natío. _: h i a : . i o a j p ; 4 ,a i L A. M. !a. M. !P. M. P. M. 'P. M. P. M. Detrqit.ler.vp, 7 1510 15 1 4.) 4 00 .'. 40 10 30 Ypailanti, 8-43 II 25 3 02: 5 30! 7 IOÍa. m. AnnArbm. 9 02 11 43 3 tV i 50; V 45 12 05 Dexter, 9 35 1 3 11 r. 3 8 10 Chelsea, 9 52 ; 4 00 8 30 1 Grass Uikr. 1 10 19 p. m. ! 4 Sí 9 00! Jiickson, 10 55, 10.5 " 05 9'S5 1 30 p. M. a. .r. Knlumnzoo, 2 20 3 40 8 20 12 2,"i Chicago iirrivi-, 8 30 9 (K)1 (i SO 8 ."u apoto eabt. d üfíiii íy g a a aH a 1 % sí A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. ] Chicago, leavp, 5 OH1 8 30 S 15 U 00 (P. M. A. M. A. M. : KnlamiiziMi. II 05: 1 18 5 00 1 2 lí P. M.! A. M. Jackson, 2 30 3 r.r) 8 00 12 30i 4 45, GrassLnke, 2 Mi 8 30: 1 Ohelw.n. 3 24 8 53; ! Li. M. Dexter, 3 41, 9 09: ; n U AnnArbor, 4 05 5 03 9 38 1 55 6 00: 0 55 Ypsilanti, 4 25' 5 22 10 03 2 17 6 20! 7 20 Detroit, arrive, 5 50, 6 25 11 20; 3 M 7 2.') S 45 Tho Atlantic uud Tacitic Express run betmep Jackson and Niles on thc Air Llnc. Datcd.Xov. 2.1873 DETEOIT, HILLSDALE & INDIANA EAII.ROAD. OOIXO WF.ST. -1.S7".- (OlNfi EABT. STATIONS. Hal.. Exp. i STATIONS. Kx). Mail. Detroit, (lep... ' ' 4:00 ' ■ MYpsüanti 10::;o 6:15 liankers 6:Sfl 2:15 Saline 11:00 r:4,T , Hillsdale 7:05 2:30 Bridgcwator ,.U:1S 7:00 , Manchester.... 8:33 4:08 Manchester... .11:88 7:!8 j Bridgewater . . 8:50 4:28 P.JC, Saline 9:05 4:45 Hillsdalc 1:20 8:52 ! Ypsilanti 10:03 5:1.1 Bunker. 1:30 !:00 . Detroit 11:20 0:25 Trnins mi) !y Chicago time. W. F. l'ARKEK, Snp't, Ypsilanti. rpÖE MICHIGAN MUTUAL UFE INS. CO. OF DETROIT. J. 8. FAIUtAND, - - - President. W.A. MOOBK, - - . Vice President. JOHN T. LIGOETT, - - Secretary. L. M. TU.VYEIl, - - Cen'l Agent. Asseís Jsanary lsts 1S74 $500,335.41. 'Bis people of Michigan eau no longei añoti to pay tribute to Eaatern States by plaeing their Life Insurance with Eastern Companies, who by thoir charters aro compelled to loan their monny in their own States, thus becominff a heavy drain on the resources of tho State, whon we have s reliable and well managed Life Conipiiny as tho MICHIGAN MUTUAL. In 1873 the business of the Conipany was increused Fortj-cijrtat and onc-half per cent. of the total nmount dnne tlie provious ñve years This shows Uk MICHIGAN Ml'TUAL UFK has the Confidence of the People. Tho Ioskcs duriujjf tho year 1873 woru only FIFTYFIV'E per cent of tho amcant the mortality tablea cali l'or, ehowin great care in tho selection of its rieks. Durlnfrthe year 1873 there was a miicerinl redaction in tho ratio of expenses showins CAPEFUL MANAGEMENT. The UloMgan Mutual issue all the nio.s! desimble forms of Lifo ond ondowment l'olicie. !iiI'!ils Reeiared and Paid at lh end r (ho First Policy Year and faeh yrar therrafter. All Policios non-forfeiting after one Annual Premium has been paid. AU Endowiuent Folicies aro convertible into Cash at the end uf any yeur fter the Hrst. Rcltable indetnnlty at Iaivcst Casta ratea can be procured of the J Icliliran Mutual I-ifc. OEO. L. FüOTE, Dis't Agent, Ypailanti. J. Q. A. Sessions, Agent, Ann Arbor. Geo. E. Foote, Agent at Dexlor. "BOW TOJO WW." This is au iun.uiiy which overy onc shouid have truthfully answered before he start on his journey, and a little care taken in examination of routes wlll in mnny cases save much trouble, timo and money. The Chicago, Burlington & Quinoy Railroad has achieved a plendid reputation in tho Ia3t three ycars as the leading Passenger Route to tho West. Starting at Chicago or Peoría, it runa direct through Southern Iowa and Nebraska, with close connections to California and the Territorios. It is also tho ahort line and best line to Quincy, Missouri, and points in Kansas and New Mexico. Passenger on their way westward connot do better thnn to tako thi8 route. This line has published a pamphlet entitlod ' How to ao West," which contaius much valuablo information ; a large, correct map of the Qreat West, which can bc obtained free of charge by addressing he ücnoral Western Passenger Agent, Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Kailroad, Chicago, III. 1461yl jOI? SALE OR EXCnANGËT " The undeisigned offers his Farm of 42 acres one mile from the State Univereily, in the Townsh n of Ano Arbor, for sale. It has on it aconvenient house m?iUfitsa aPPle orchard ; besil5" a variety of City prpperty in Orand Rapids, Detroit, or Ann Avbor taken in part pavment ' February 12, 1ST4. lW6m3 JOHN II. CHASE. ' ÏJE8IRABLE KEAL ESTÁTE - - ron- ♦■ SALE! The Hiilwnib'.-r, on ncoomit { Ul healrh [ffer bi 38 ACKKS Tn tho corporatíon for sale. This ground adjoiiks tho Umversitj Observator)' on tho east, oppositp aidc oï the street . It has a most excellent SPRING ! On iho nnrthefist corner- íormerly su [pli(MÏ tho Bat! roarï tanks witli water. ITS ADVANTACES Are na follows: For city imrposes the Hurón lüvor meuniler the mimo some 30 tu 40 rodw, ad ia part of the ted "Watei Power On th Itiver in tliis vio.inity, anil the elevation on the northeast oorner ifl suöiciently hih ftnd ampie to aup ply thceity nccessities for water nnrt flrc purposcn' THE WESTERN PORTION On the roacl ïijrëry appropriatt and suitable for Publio City Oinetery. The city han no such gTOunda now but must hnve soon, and whatever gronndn the city doc not care U use, cun be pold at an advuntagc, so mueh so, that tho cost of the Water Works jnrounds and Cemtitery, would bc meroly nominal. If tho city doos not want lïie samo, the groundn -prould bo invaluahle for FRÏÏITS, LARGE&SMALL, ïhere being ion leo trees now n baaring VegetaMes and Kisturage, And ;Iii 01 MILK supply,BLOODED STOCK, HoygèSj Nheep. And other nuimtil always in gieat want by maüy in the city and ita viciuity. As city Iota ndjoininí? the northwest corner of this land are now aellinfif frorn three hnndred to three hnndred and flfty dollars, these lands would or could be sold in n short time to a good advantage and to much profit to the purchasors LIBERAL TIME ■Will lie given or the amewill lie exchangéd for Mer chantshle yoods or l)rus;B and Hedloiñeg, at casi' pricep. TRACY W. ROOT. Aun :iu, Jtffl "1 IS":;. ir : L. C. RISDON 8ELLS PKRKY & ( O.'S No. Í) New Aitritii COPPER LINED IRON-CLAD RESERVOIR, vult, rniMM!:ii, ifoir, seo i Other Stoves in proportion 31 SOTITH MATN ST., ANN ABBOK. 144Gtf Briggs House, Randolph St. and Fiftb Ave. CHICAGO. This wclUcnown Hotel, rebuilt upon tlie uld site. li;,i all the modern conveniences - Passenger Elevator, Bath Rooms, Hot and Cotd Water in each Room, Elegantly Furnished, and located in the business centre of the city TERMS: $3.00 Per Day. RICKCORDS & HUNTOON, - Propri4ters. BUSINESS COLLEGE! Bank Blook, Ann Arhor, - Michigan. Studonts can enter any time after Aug. 31st. Cali and examine facilities for study at our very pleasant and uewly furnished rooms. 144 ltf HARDWOOD & BASSWOOD LUMBEE FOE SALE. ?ívií bouíht ont the interest of Mr. D. E. Winea in the 8aw Mili and Lumber Yard, I shall continue the business in all of ltl branches. I have a good quality of tough oak, from 1, 1 1-2 to 1 iuches thick, under sheds and well Beasoned. A good assortment ? nAP Ash. A i?!oi quiüty of Baaswood, from onc 1-2 to 2 inches thick-dry. Uickory, Maple, Cherry, Whitewood, Llm, and other varietios all well8eaBonl?v"nOt ? 8t S1"'e Timber, l'lank and Oak Studding kept on hand and sawed to order on short noticc. Particular attention given to CUSTOM 8AWING. Fcnce Tosts and all kinds of Timber not over 8 inche8 wide, planed. Cnk Pickets kopt on hand and cut to order at the ame prico the lumber sella for. of different pattorns made to order. Field (Jatee kent on hand and made to order. Cross-fut and Mili Saus (itimmcd and Fllcd at short nollce. tKf AU persons indebted to the late flrm will please cali and settle their account at the mili Cash paid for sound WHITK OAK, Ah and Basswood Logs. lyl4Sl J. T. HALLOCK. CHAPPED HAÍSÍWS & FACK Sorc JLips, Bryness of the Skin, tec. Cured at onco by H KOEMAN '8 CAMl'JIOR ICE WITH GLYCBSlNK. It koer the hands soft in nll wouther. Seo thnt yon tret IIEOEMAIM'S. Sold by all Druggiats. Pfio9,"26 cents ; cnt. by mail for 30 oont". Moniif.T'tuicod only by HEUEMAN CO., Chomints and Diaggialv, p, O. Bos S::;, Sew WOS'SlIöiEilOLDMAGAZÏir THE BEST DOLLAR IMNTBLY, SU cti 1 U dny mado ly cnnYaaaing L Til L 'or 1ni!i magazine- now in fl I U Ii il tU ltih volume- ïrtth CfcjoU 1U mo. THE ÏOSEMITE VALLEI, 14x30 indios, in 17 OU Color. Magazine one car with mounU'd Chrono. 2 ÍK) Magazine, one yonr, with Uninouiiteil Chxomo, 1 -",n Varozrne, alone, one year, 1 00 Examine our Olubbing ;iud Premiu-m Lists. lun First Clans 1'criodicnlH for the Prico of Ofie. We nolicit Canv:isrn and otherw to send ftt once for terms and Specimen Mm azine. Alldrsu S. UrSHlITKS, l'ublisher, 41 Paiík How, Jí. Y. ClTT, ou Xi:vjjui:;h, Jí. Y. IW 1ÖRK Ml'lOK A Dkuocbatio Wkiki.v. Eutabllshed 1850. It suppoitM White Supremacy. politica! and social. Term, to duba, ninc copies for $8. Specimen copies tree. Addvess DAY-HOOK, New Yoik City. (17VTL!lyclopcdillof ïhinfre "orth KnowilllüiiV loW of 25 WanU Kupplied. Over I1,1CO columns on royal-octavo-sized patfWANTED. lea. The greatest WxcijA Book ai the age. TFRIVIslcllroln" ■'■ Pmphlt circulara ,, , Ifreu. N'th Wertern lHble and Pub. Co., héXtra. lörand Rttpid, jioh. tefe EXTERMINATOR J Sí Ayi IWSECT I'VIK. For Rats, Mico, Roaehea, Ant?, lied-liuffs, Mothö, &c J. F. HKKliY.CUERAN & CO., N. Y. ole Agent. ffJCi. dJQ"perduy I Agenta wanted '. All clnssea VJ LUsJoUof workinipeople, of eit.hersex, young or oíd. make moro money at work for us in their spare momento, or all the time. than at anything elso. Particulara free. Addresti U. Stini-on & Co., Portland Muine. tl pSYCHOMANCY, OR SOUL CHARMING." JT JIow either ex may be fasciniited and gainthe love and atFectiona of any persou Iheychoose, instantly. This simple mental acquirement all can possess, free, by mail, for 25 cents ; together with n Mnrriage Guido, Egyptain Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies. A queer book. 100,000 sold. Addres T. WILI-IAM & CO., PublisherM, Philadelpliin. tlHTËCÏÖLDËNriCG for agenta. Largo income guaianteed. Endose stamp for circular. E. ALLISON, 113 Chambera St., Ñ. Y. (hl Oto SI OO in Wall St., often leads toa for)l I Itune. No riak. 3-page pamphlet for stamp, in I M'alentiiíe, Tumbuidge & Co., Bankers and y)l U Brokers, 30 Wall St., New York. CARBOLIC DISINFECT1NG S0AP8. ForwashlngHorses, Cattle, Plgs, Dogs; Kllls Fleas on Doga, Destroys Llce on Cattle and Horses, Tlcks on Sheep. Death to Bed Bugs and Roaches; Cheapor and bet ter than all Powders. CARBOLIC TOILET SOAPS Whiten, Beautlfy and Cleanse the skin from all Impurlties. ■ I ■ umi CARBOLIC MEDICINAL SOAP CURES M OTHER Salt-Rheum H I Cutaneous And all lÊ V DISEASES. CARBOLIC PLANT PROTECTOR. ArTords complete proteotlon to pints, Vlnes, Trees, &c, from all Bugs, Fleas, Plant Llce and Parasites. Without In Jury to Vegetable Life. Never falls. CARBOLIC SHEEP DIP The most effectlve cure and preventiva or Scab-lt kllls all Lice-Cads-TIcks' etc. The Increased growth and welght ot fleece encouraged by lts use more tha equals the cost of the dip. -♦- Buchan's Carbollo Boaps and Compounds aloA are genuine. All othera are base imitations - ortUew. SOLD BY ALL Jg; THE GREAT CAUSE 5 OF ■ Just published, in a Sentad Envclope. Price 6 ets. A Lectnre on the Nature, Xreatment and Radical cure of Seminal Weakness, Spermatorrhona, induced by Belf-Abuse, Involuntary Emis sions, Impotency, Xervous Debility, aud Impedimenta to Mamare (jencrully : Consllmption, Kpilepsy and Fits ; Mental ánd FhyiTcal Incapaeity &c - By ROBEKTJ. CULVERYÏÉLL, M. I)., Author of the " Green Book," &e. The world-renown author, in this admirable Lecturo, cloarly provea from his own experience tliat the awiul consequences of Abuse may be effectually removed without medocine, aud without dangerOU8 anrgical operatioiiK, bougies, Instruments, rings or cordiale, pointingr out u mode of cure at once certain and effectual by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately mul radically. THIS LKCTI'KK ïïföisSS A BOON T"'THOüSA Sent under eal, in a plain enveloie, to any addrees. on receipt of bíx cents, orlwo postale stainps. Addross the Publishir.s, CHAS. J C. KLISTE & CO.. 12T Bowery, New York, Tostoffico Box, 4A8U. 1436yl Dr. Crook's Wine of Tar Cont.iins Vegetabl In predientx of Unttoubted WjHJP Tonta valuó compined rl!dïii j I í iTJ Wflifffi s ïtïn. Fot lk:tins in Willi =ey lisoaMo. distases IglSLlíll LtU IThT Ölof ""' Vrinnry OrforAsthm and BroL,cLiaLC "Sllf0" T)UT YOUE MONEY WIIEKEITWILL DO THE 2VEOJ3T Ö-OOIDA. A. TERRY HAS A PULL STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS IN THE LATEST STYLES. QUALITY AND PRICES T O D K F Y CO M V E T 1T 1 0 ALSO, A FÜLL LINK OF GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS ÍW Cali before purcliasivg. 15 South Main Street. _f


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Michigan Argus