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BUSINESS DIRECTORY, 1,-Ut il'.K. HARKIiTIAlV & HAiTIII.TOV ' Attorneya ut Luw. OliiCf Nos. 7 and 9 South Main street, Ann Arbor. Mioh. EllASTÜS THATCHEK, Attomey and Counselor ut Law, No. j Kast Huron Street, Ann Arbor, Minh. 1380 VltN AltHOIt niXERAIi SPKINGS. Horrta Hala M L., 8upjrintondet. Office 10 IjuiKlinir, corner M:inn and Vet Huron Streets. WIXFS Sc WOKDEX, 20 -outh Main strest. Anu Ar or, .Vln:h., wliolesale nnd retail dealers in Dry Gomia. Uarpets and Groceries. ISSUf 11 ACK Sc SCHTIID, Dealers in Dry Goods. L Groceries, i'rockery , &c. No. 54 Sonth MaiD Street. WM. JACK.SOX, Dsnthtt snccosfortoC. B. Porter. Otïice corner Mainaud diirou streetp, over the store ot' R. VV. Blllfl & f?O , Ann Arbor, Mich. inestheticsadministeri'd if required. oirTHEltLAD & WIIEDON, Lile and O Firelnsaraace Aents. and riealersiu Keal Estáte. Office on Hurón Street BACH ABEL, Dealers in 1)ry Goods. Grocerics, Ac &c.,Ni) iS South Main -treet, Ann Arbor. iir TI. WAÍÍIV13R, Dealer in Rnady UadoClotbW ing,':lotbs. Cassimeres. Vestiniis, Hat, Cups, Tranks, Oarpet Bags, &c 21 ioiuh Mainatreet. TOAM V OHEEVEK, ATTORNEY AT LAW ! Oiloe with E. W. Morgan, East side of Conrt House Squire. 1331 HT C. V lL 1L . Dentist, ?r RncoMsöt to C. C. _-' v_ Jenkins. v ■ . Nitro na Oxid ,- j v Gasadmmistered jA&Mt.when necessary. lr 7 OlHce over p , 3 B.ich & A b e 1 ' s - - y store. No. 26 South .. . _Jj:J Main 8t. MUS. H. J. HILTON, 31. D., PHYSICiAN AND SURGEON, Optce and No. 88 Ann Street, corner of Ingalltt, Ann Arbor, Mich. f3 OIBcl' hours- to 10 a m., and 2 to 4 p. M."ü Rtferencf.8- Frof. Sager, Prof. Palmer. 143 iyi nROC K E li Y GLASSAVARE & OltOCERIES, J. & f üonnelly Have in store alargestocknf 'rockerj. Glassware, Plated Ware.i'tulory Grocenes, te, Ac. all tobe soldat iinusuallv low prices No. 12 Eust Huron Street, Ann. Arbor. HMtf J. Sc I'. DOXNELLÏ. rOHX Gr. (3 ALL, FRESH AND SALT MEATS, IARFJ, SAUSAGKS. F.e., Orrtcrsiolicited and promptly illed with thebest meats in the market. 31 Kast Washington street Ann Arbor, Sept. lsth.lSOO. lS3Stf DR. C. A. LEITER, Physiciun uid Surgeon, OPBce over Watls1 Jewelry Store, Main Street, Re8idence 5S East Huron Street, I4B9tf ANN ARBOR, MTCH. [Vj 1 Iv N Tj Y ? Qfft3& Manufacturer of Carriages, Buggies, Wagon?, ANO SLEIGIHS, of every stylo, mide of the best ■atoial, and warmnted. Eepairing done prompt lf ml iriC3 ren m.ible. Dutroit Street, nenr U. B, Depot, Ann Albur, Mich. 1446yl T PEED. B1ÍOSS, MANOFACTURRB OF CUai.UKS, BUliBiES, i.ltliJEIt W4C0SS, SPRIG W.VUOVS CITIERS, SLKIGIS, &c. All -vork Wiirranted of the best material. Repairlndone promptly and re;i3onably All work warranted to give perfect satniaction. 68 South M ain street. 1422 ÜLOÜR AND FEEÜ STO1ÍE. HENRY WASOH, (Successor to G-eo. Laubengrayer,) At 14 West lAherty Street, will keepconstnn ly on timid a iull sbock ut" Fiour, Men 1, ();its, Corn, Mili Iej.l, A:c. AU or,iera promptly tilled ut the lowestcasfi pricea. Uusli p lid for Cura und Outa. t415yl QR.O.B. PORTEK IDJEOSTTISTOtüce in the Sariaga Bank Block, Ann Arbor. Ml Operations on the Natural Teeth Perfortiied with Care. CTtf3URPAS5ED PACILITIES AND EXPBRIENCE SETThb AliÏÏFlÏLU TBETH, PO (IVE KACH INDIVIDUAL, Otmurtt of the proper tne, thapcf.olor.firmnctsiind natural f.xpresaioH 1244 W. A. L0YEJ0Y,"" TOBACCONIST ! Deals in both PINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Srmff, Pipes, &c, AT WO. 7 EAST HUROX STRJ3ET, Xext to the Express Office, i, ., Xyy AHBOR, MICH. JOOM TO STOEE 100 CUTTERS or more, at the Monitor building. Rates reaonable. 14Mtf V. KT. OREOORT.


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