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Queen Of Diamonds

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[iïoiii üie New York Timen.] Thoro is at present stoivd in this city for safe-keeping - we need not say whoro a diamond necklace of such splendor aud vahie that it woiúd be -worthy of public notice, even were it not on other considorations. It is a doublé ii:3ckluce, and each of tliese consista of three rown of diamonds, any ono of which any lady miglit with pleasure see upon her flnger. But in eaok necklace, both innor and outer, thore is, at interval;} of about on inch and a half, a largo diamond, so large that no lady could wtar it on her finger, and of a size that very few of Üie fair venturo-even if they can afford- to wear as sohtaire earrings. In the middle of the inner neoklac is a stone of great size, tlieworth of whichmust bo fully ten thousand dollars, and from the outer ono depend seven pear-shaped stones of very unusufll size, tlie niiddle one, -which hangs just below the largo olie of the inner necklace, being of even greater size and value than that. The neoklaee ie uot alone. It is acconipanied by earringa of correaponding valu'i imd design a unión of round stones abovo with pear-shaped pendants below, all -A-ithiu borders of smaller stones - which, howcver, are small by comparison with the great ones to wliich they are satellites. This magnifioent decoration, the value of which ciinnot be less than one hundred and iifty üiousand dollars, and wliioh, if all tïie stones were of the very first wa'er, would commnnd more nearly two hundred thousand, is merely on addition to the long list of rich presente received by Miss Sherman on her marriage. It is a compliment from the Khedive of Egypt to the soldier who made the great maroh to the sea. We believe that Gen. Sherman could not accept this present ; but liifl danghter, as she holds no office of profit or trust under the United States, may do bo, aJthough the factthat her husband is in the Federal service raight, at least on some old-fashioned grovuuln, he held to preclude her f rom receiving euoh a vcry vahiablo gift froin a foreign potentate. But apart from tliis consideration, tho question presenta itself, what will she do with it I What does any lady, who does not wear a crown, or at least a ooronet, when she is in fnll dress, do with mifh a stupendons ornament as this ï She may keep it locked up, and on rare occasions feast her eyea by looking at it, or provoke the énvy of her dearest friends by exhibiting it to them. Bnt think of tho anxiety accompanying snch a posaessiou ! A guurd ought to'be set over it nightand day. As to wearing it, the owner would, if she had any taste or senso of eongraity, be utterly at a loss to find any good reason for so doing. We have no ooeasions here when siich ornaments are in place. Even in Enrope Üxey are wprn very rarely_only on state ooonaions or at some very granu iosuviw. iub m ■" Uio noble women- the " female markisses," and sueh like - of tho old world a;o about táazdag witk dimnonda, even in the. evening, ia as absurd and unfonnded as the belief formerly entertained that Eings and Qucens wore tlieir erowns as otluT persons wore tlieir bats. Diamonds or jewelH of any kmd, except a modest broooh, a seal ring, or something of ttie kind, are scaioely ever seen upon liulios of rank in Europe, except on fnll-dress occasions, and then they are not a great deal, tdthough what they do wew is apt to be of the very highest valno and (ir:ility of its kind. But the diamonds or flne jewels of any kind on other occasions would be regarded among aucli people as evidenco; of bad taste, and even inferior breeding.


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