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Legislative Excursion

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The legislative excursión party whioh is now visiting the different State institutions, arrived in this city Wednesday evening at 7 12 o'clock, on a special train from Jaokson. They were met at the depot by the oouiinittee ou reception who had made ampie arrangoments for oarrying them to the Uuiversity. Here they were iutroduced to President AnGELL and lady, and after the usual formalitiea of hand-shaking had been gone through with, the legislative party and their ladies were invitod to partako of a bountiful repast. Aftar s'ipper, Prosident Anqell made a few appropriate remarks of welcome, and spoke of the large number of studeuts in attendance, being about 1,200, - the largest number at any University in the country. He alao compared the expense of ïnaintaining the University of Michigan with other leading institutions : the expense of Harvard being three dollars to one here, and of Yale two to one. The Dr. stated that the various buildings would be open for inspection Thursday forenoon, and extended an invitation to the party to attend any of the lectures and examinations which were in progresa. Senator H. J. Redfield, of Monroe, followed with a few remarks, thanking the faculty and citizens for the reception extended them, and was followed by Senator J. K. Boies, of Lenawee, and Representativo F. O. Clakk, of Delta. The University Glee Club was present and sang a number of College songs. The exoursionists were shown through the different rooms, many of whom were astonished at the magnitude of the University, after which they were taken to tne various places assigned them for entertainment among our citizens. Thursday forenoon was oecupied visiting the different departments, and about noon they left for Ypsilanti. The following is a list of the excursionista : Senators. - W. Adair, F. H. Berrick and lady, J. K. Boies and daughter and son, Wni. Cook, Q. W. Fish, John Greusel and daughter, G. M. Huntington and lady, L. D. Hawkins and lady, J. Jenks and lady, J. H. Jones and lady, L. Murray, H. J. Eedfield and daughters, H. F. Thomas and lady, F. L. Wells and lady. C. M. Wood, Jas. H. Stone, Secretary ; J. W. Hine, Assistant Secretary ; W. H. Rhodes, Sergeant-at-arms. Representativos.- S. Arrastrong and lady, M. Bartow, J. M. Benedict, S. It. Billings, T. D. Bradfield and lady, F. C. Clark, A. B. Copley and lady, Jas. Craig, Jas. Eggleston and lady, T. A. Furguson, N. L. Gerrish, M. Greiner, D. B. Hale, W. F. Harden and lady, M. Harris, Henry Hart, Alex. Hewitt and lady, John Houston, D. Keyes, Peter Klein, Godfrey E. Knight, E. D. Lay, Jas. Lee, A. T. Metoalf, Louis Meyer, C. H. Morse and lady, D. B. Northrop, F. S. Packard and lady, L. Parker aud lady, A. E. Preston and lady, L. 8. Ranney, M. Eeed and lady, J. L. Rich and lady, G. P. Robinson and lady, W. C. Stephens, Isaac Stow, John B. Sweotland, L. J. Taylor and lady, A. C. Towne, G. W. VanAken, Andrew Walton, E. C. Walkins and lady, I. P. Wheeler, N. Whitney, T. M. Wilson. D. L. Crossman, Clerk; and Mesara. Hopkins and Jones. The party was also accompanied by the Senate fireman and messenger boys. Tiiere is a movement on foot in Canada haring for its objeot the abolition of some of the features of the Dominion Senate which are objectionable to the progressive spirit of the native-born Canadians. The Senate a8 it now exists is composed of mon appointed by the Crown for Ufe, so that the people have praotioally nothing to do with it. It was entirely out of keeping with all the theories of equality and iudependence to fasten such an old-fogy institution upon the Canadian people, and though there is no reason to hope that any effort for a ohange will be sucoessful for years to come, the leaders in the movement for self-government and for making the people the depositories of political power are entitled to praise for the stand they have taken. Thk Ooiden Age very happily expresses au opinión which is shared by the great masa of the people when it saya that " the Pacific Mail investigation proceeda with that leisure alacrity and pretentioua earnestnesa that indicate profound determination to discover juBt where the money did not go to. All the improbable olues are followed out and the doga are set to bark at every ewpty burrow."


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