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Peerons who can live at all in Brazil ( livo a groat while. They havo aman who , dances on his knee bis' grandchildren'8 i grandcliüdren. At Ceara, in that j 1 trv, there íb a woman in prison who was i sentenced for life, Nov. 6, 1815. Sha was then 60 years oíd. Slie is, therefore, 119 years old now. Wnii Wonders Neveb Ckase ? - When Dr. Walker proclaimed Üiat he bad duced from tlie medicinal berbs of nia on Elixir that wonld regenérate Üie sinking system, and cure every f onn of disease not organic, the incredulous shook their heads. Yet bis Vinegar Bitters is now tbe Standard Restorative of the Western World. Under tlio operation of tbe new remedy, Dyspepücs regain their health ; the Bilious and Constipated ai-e relieved of every distressing Rymptom ; the Consumptive and Rheumatic rapidly recover ; Intermittent and ! Remittent Fevers are broken ; the ! hereditory taint of Scrof ula is eradicated ! ! Skeptieism is routed, and this -wondörful preparation is to-day the most popular Tonic, Alterativo and Blood Depureut ever advertised in America. We don't : sell Rum under the guise of medicino. We advertise and sell a pure medicine, which will stand analysis by any chemist in the covintry. 22 Carpenters, read the advortiaement of Sinirnons' Sash Supporters. Treatins: the Wrong Disnae. Many times iromen cali pon their farnily physicians, ono with d;spcpsia, imther with pafpitation another with trouble of t'i breat, anbtlior with puin licrc and thero. ar.d in this way they ail pre eut aliko to thcmttclves and their eaey-gaing aud indifferent doctor i, separate and dutinct Alseáfles, for whic'i lio prescribes bis iiils and potions, assiiming tbem to be Bucli, wlien iu renhtv-, they nro all aymptoms Cfuised by some uterine disorder ; and while they are thus onTy able pêrliapti to palliato for a timo, they are ignorant of tlie cause, and encourago their pr&tice nntil lorge bilis are naado, when the suffering patients aio no lwttor in the end, br.t probably worse for the delay. treatment, and otber oamplications mado, nul which ft proper medicino directed to tho causo would iiaYC entirely removed, thereby inatitutmg health and crufort instead of prolonged misery. From Miss Lobinda E. St. Claib, Shade, eiiB Co., Oliio: "Dr. E. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y.- Your Favorita Prescription is working almoBt like a miracle on me. I am botter already than I have been for over two yeaifi. From Ella A. Schaker, Zanesvillo, Ind : 1 ' Dr. Pierce - I received tho medicino you sent me and began using it immediately. Aa a result ! of the treatment I feol botter than I have fox threo yeare." Froii) Min. John K. IIamilin. Odell, Dl. : "Dr. Pierce - The Favorito Prescription has 'ione me good. wliich I am vory thankfnl for." Dr. Pierce's Favorito Prescriptiou ia sold by Jealers ui medicines. WiLHOFT'S FeVIÏR AlfD AOUE TONIC. - TMh medicine iu ued by construction companies for tho benefit of their employés, when j engaged iu malarious districtH. The liigheat ! teHtimoiiiala have been given by contractora and ! by the Presidenta of some of the loading ; röada in tho South and Went, Whon men are ■ congregated in large numbera in tho [ bood of ewamps and rivera, Wilhoft'a Touic will prove a valuable addition to the tock of medicinal, and will amplv rew&rd t'.ie company in tho saving of time, labor and mouey. We recommeud it to all. Whefxock, Fixlay & Co., Proprietors, New Orleana. For Bale by all j giste. No Time to be Lost. - In Üie incipient I etages of Cormnmption, tko tirst jinptoma aro ! generally a hacking cough - pains in the cheut - difticulty of breathing- or oppression of tho lungH. "Something Bhould be done at once to I check the cough, allay and heal tho irrituted paite. Aliené Long Balaam will break up the congli iu au incredibly ahort timo : also prevont the íomiation of tubercloa. Wliere tuberclea are once formed tho diseawe ia hard to euro. For Bale by all medicine deale:-a. It is now generally admitted by lionOfit plivsicians, that when once the consumption is fairly fastened upon tho lungs, no human i power oaB save tho patiënt from death. The} alno say that about fifty por cent. of those who j die from thia disease can trace the causo to a neglected cough or cold, which mifjht have been curod by a email bottle of Liquid üpodeldoc, or what' is the samo thing, Johnson's Aiiodyne LinimttiL Cit Üiis notice out and bring it with you. We are authorized to refund the cauh to any person or persons who Bhall buy and uwe Parson's l'urgalive I'iüs and fail of relief and satisfactiou. The NoRTHvrESTEKN Hoese-Nail Co. 's " Fiuiahed " Nail is the best iu tho world. VEfiÉTABI.E PUIjMOJÏARY BALS AM: Sïont appnvcd, rolldblü iind well-known rflmedy lor (VniKh üohln and CmsumT)tion. OM thtgtnuinr. Frico 81 ; smi.ll, 50o. OUTLER I5RO8. 4 00.. Boston. A GENTS. OhoiiK ChangeeHB at slKht, NoceMarj a eoap. Goodsfroo. Ch.inft Ohang MTk Co., Boston. d!7 K 1VGKK. Agent waotcd everywhero. For 5p 4 O ontfltiBc rmicn & Walkm!, Dsyton. Ofilo ÍJ=3 A WEEK to Agenta. Buyineaa legitimato. SB U Addross W. E. BLISS i CO.. Toledo. Ohio. Í? Kt o ÖJ O fl Ppr dw i homo. Torms freo. Addirsi 5J V Ö L U Geo. SirNSOS Jt Co., Portland, Malne. íEtíVri ft month tn iTfint evfirywhere. Addrora 9 1 J l Excelsiob M'ï'o Co., Buchanan, Mlch. d5O lAfiayewsalaiy. Sulaiyandeiponsojpaid. OntipZtbUV fit fros. A valnnblpjpock-nfro sent for 16i return postase. C. H. GUMI.KY, Waterborti Center, Me. ITT Addrras K. R. Cochran, Sliddletown, Vt..Co.,Dül.,foríreocnUlo(TO9 chelea pMci) trees. iljjjj Sniall frultfl at bot toni prices. Cnoico vanoiieo. ÍOno box of rfcry' Iotnt luk Powow wllfmakeaplntof BEST BI.ACK INK in ñvm minntei. ■ $1.33 iT dl., $1.55 by ma. H. Q. O. Cakt, ZaaeiTÜl,O. 4ü4ll Daily to Aírente. 85 newartioles and the beat CD J " F.-ira'ily Paper tn Amoiica, with 3 $5 Chroraos, froe. AMEKICAN M'F'G CO., 300 Broadway, N. T. (hnc PER DAY Cornmtsaion, or S3O n week ala. njii, iind eirpenses. Wo ofler it and will pay it. A !MI.V . tV. Webber & Co., Marión, O. CDU CDCV or PITS ourad by themeof RomEpltrSLfcrbl leptic Hemfldics. Trial Paokago FnEE. ÊÊÊMBSBÊn l'or citvulfiis, evïdonce of Bncocss, etc, addrosa KOSH BROS., Richmund, Ind. . . Cátalorao rroo. Rn" J3T %A. f ÏÏ.FT sth St. Louis, MO. A GENTS WASTED-Men r Women. $34 a week or$100 forfKitod. rf -frel V Writeat once to COWEN 4 CO., Eighth Street, Sew York. ADVF.RTISEKS ! Ke:d 25 r-nts to QVO.IÍ KOW. ELT. t CO., 41 Park Huw, ew York, for their r,imphle'nfC') .wv containint of 3,000 newspapers und ( Um-itei eliuwijiK oost oi advertising. IT" VOU WANT S OOOD PHOTOOBAPHS of VretUest jtirl in th; United State, their name, as-Vand P O. adores, end 60 cent imnndUteti to J. H. MKRIS, Mlll Spring, Kentuckj. Lt O K f A MONTH-AKenta wanted everywhem. ÍK4í"S I BnsinoSB honorable and nrat-clasa P6W Partlcnlars nent freo. Address WÖBTH A Co., St. Louis, Mo. C CONSTANT F,MPI.OYMF,NT- At honw, Malo and J Female. jfSO a Tf-k insured. No capital roquired. Particulars and v&luabta p;iinplo fre Afldreaa vrtthöc return ttarap, O. Robs, WilU.imshurgh, N. Y. TfflililM. IWI Wl. j .:unninElir-rordFd iwlTerllMinenti, ht Kmilit ta BiilUMl the puWlr, Mid Impr-B them thlt I tm in B(rtO wiy eonctrd wltt thi-m urfriionallv. I, Dr. N. S. DO!;E, of 1M Bouth ililited St., Cbicsp,, UI .lUnlfcim !1 uoh connection, and t.po thnt the puHlic mr Umt lueb purüi-J m thpy no JuBtlj ilpscrte. M niETiiTlrg of eelf mJ b ordeno; prlo ) oti. Th poor Nwl preBcnpUon ftee. rliHIS paper Is piinied with Ink furnishnfl by Cbarit I Kneu Johnson & Co., 609 K'.uth Tenth Strovt, Phüa. d.lj.bia nnd 0".) ioltl Hírcct, Now York. For salo in 10 'nJ """'VhÍ: NÍÍwsrAPER UNION. Chicago, IU KIFLl'.SIIOT-lll'K1riSTOI.SAjErOl'TEBS OfnnTandeTcrymnd. Sond stamp "" I SIMMÖNS' SASH SÜPPORTEKS, AppU(id to new or old Windows, are wnrranU'd to jtlve , , iBÍaction. Thej Uke the place of cord and welchM on common..i:.Md Windows. Antó wnnted in ovorvcounw. Í Oarventen preferred. Addresa J. IJ. hIMMUNb t IA}., i i uLd H5 West IjiIiu .St., Cbioiisn. HL ' Trft Amcr 1 cliïi iïï c ■ piipir l' u lo li immlxiM ovur 1,600 papen, Bepuated into kcvcii Bubdivisions. VVjrpeDaTBMËatsandocHBt OI" 'ulvcrtisüig, addres S. P. I BANBOIiN. 114 llonroo St.. ChicaKo. The Tribune Almanac AND Po'Itical Registor for I87Ö. OlcUit, Liargcst, Bost. 148 Pages. Tho Standard PuliticaJ and Stntistlcal Annual. Priee stpail, '40 Cflït.s : Si-ven for tël. Address. T5IK TRIBUNE. Ncvr York. ADVERTISERS ho deslre to reacli country rcadurs can do ao In the at aiidchcapeRC ïuunner by usingone Qr inore secjiis of TiieUkkatKewsi'.vi'eb AT'-íiliary Libtb. t)plytoE. 13, FRATT, TÜJucksüii-st., Chicago. V3TIN WIRE RINCS. "4j%A Xv .WIll not Kant or ranke tho YvBirdwm Dealers pril them. VMm!?- xUrnger, $1.00; Tin Btnen. per g!r.. -,U.W.llUIJ;Co.DecaturIll. OPIUM Habit Cured A eertaiu. and snre cure, vithout lnconveniencö cd at home An antidote tliat stands purcly on IU wn merits. Send for my quarterly magazine, (U osts younothing) containlng certificatcs of hundreda hat have been perraanently cured. I claim to havo Uscovered and produced the t-ibst, obioxkaIi axd üTIiT BURH OURK FOR OPITTM KATIJffl. Dit. S. B. COI.LINS, La, Port, Ind. PfcMHBBHH riAPITCOKED M Home. o O9H IB8 Publlclty. Terms moderate, 'i 'ar E' ' I Ihb Time Bhort. Koiir yoars of untsfa EïiPBWH jjaral)eleclBncccs8.Dcscii'oecaso. ; BO testimoniáis. Addreas Dr.F.E.Marah,Quincy,JUcll. tí%f and expensesamonthto asenta. Address g l UU A. U STOUDAKP. Jonesvüle. Mica. CfeRft ■ H B RfJ! FATKRSTiTOHOucirLTCUKKIX ïlUll I HfiiKB Chcan.qnlr-k: noEiifforing. ft vT H SSr B I B EBwouderful8uc'e3s. DeacrjDe case. Wd B W BWia ir. Arinstrung, jiurrleu, illcii. ■ THEFAVORTtÊsT PAMIL.T PAVORITE. ) TheTitle MAM'FAfXntKRS'PAVORITB; Indícate For fuli intonnation respcctlntc our Goods or AgendM forenme, ddrcss WEKDSKWIXG SIACftüïB COMPÁS V, ut II II il ford, (umi., or our Branch Offices in loading cities. seSTt r feTee A Book exposinft the m-BtorÍG3 of Uf Ml I _OT and how any mm mny ope.rte 1WUL Ülfully witha oapltal of 150 or St,OO0. Completo in■truciions and IHostratioiu to any address. ÏIHIIXiE fe('O., Bankers and Beokeiis,2 WaU Btreet, New York. ËHASTHMA 5 CATARp7 Hiae BtnWrïert twenty yeara betwcn Ufe ar J (JeAth wlth ASTHMA, I expTlmi:nted oy corr.poundlnfr rootB arnl lierl-n aiidlnhulius tlio mcU tclne. I fbrtnoately dlücovercd a wonder J ui j wTrrontcd t'olicvè iiictautly ko the pntlnt cnn t:l(ta uremiiplleil wlih nnniple pnckfttfoBfor vine dlstiibutloti. T3n and Kot on, r 'idreBf 1. LAKfiRLL, Applo Crceli, lilo. S-;ñld by DruBRists. Full-nizo I'ackagc, by mail, I1.2S. Evory card a Cliromo. " 8end me anothcrsetfor'i j friond; it ifl oflpltal." " Tho best carne vet." Tliat's what they sav. Prico. "Ï5 cents, by mail ; or we wil! eend the book of Corona niles í24 pases); a -5 cent game and a 32 paffe Illustrated catalogue of amusement for'20 cents- or the ontalogue for a stump. MILTON HRAI)LET.r CO.. SpringflPlil. Mass. TO i J. S. Wlndinr Si Co., Mif i tT77il ITT ' rortland, Mr., tay-"Wa ) áSTtSC lonostly think your Sca Foaill ra5?W i upprior to all othors. yy(ES?V Vos, Stonc ik Co.:'srp"llr %2ftSil óorníuiOT iilí nuilities dnsired in a I lSBS1rí I first-class BakinK Powder." a"BA " It la tho thinEfnr dyspepticsnnii VSP5srííyB wcuik persona, nnd letter for the f fií2L ï trongnd wrfl." 3'y Valnfbte %H9lrtBJlS oookinc recipes sent freo. Sond Un , kWSJUSWf, Circular to ico. F. Gastz i.Co. TA sb. JESMfcESft8(Late Dickinson 4 Co.) DEALER IN TEAS. GKOUND COFFEES AND SPICES, No. lOíí EaBt Miuiison St., Chicago. ; Anv qwxntitits eold at uholeMi'e prieta, A apecialty made in iíHíqk orders trom Piwfct. NocharRe forpackapros, and freight prepaid on all billa amounting to $30 or over. Aganta wantod in erery town in the W"t. Seöd for erif cuiar io Agente Tüo Lost Teas in the tnarket íor the p: Ico. TRICES : Yunna Hyson 60c, 6Üo, 7Üo, 80c, Wc and 1.00 Gun Powder fiOc, 65c, 75c;, 85o and il.OO Jan:iii,.J, 6l)C, WctJOcflÜcand JiUm Oo1i;ik fiCc.6iV, ÏOc, 80cand Il.OO Imperial 60c, 7Mc, 80c, 9tc nnd $'.00 MLxJed Wc, 60c, ?0c, Wc and ! il.OO Enjsíish BrefUtirtt 60c, 70c, 80c, 9üo and $l.Uü ! WATERS' NEW SCALE PIANOS i ore the liest made ; (Aetoucli elastlc, and aftne ingina: tone, powerful, pure anrf even. WATEKS' Concerto ORCAMS 1 cannot hi cicellcil In tone or beauty ; O,ey lfiy comnetition. rCoiicertoStoii Imftiition of ihr. Human Volrr. PRICES ExTUKSIEt.y IOW .r cash ilnrlns lll Jümth. Montllly lnstallmrtit rjcrivKli o; Piano.tO"d0; Orgiiii,í 'olt; - :Krrriitncposi. AOEST8W.WTF.D. A. I tiblial [liscuunt (o Teuch-r,,)Hmst'rs, Ayrbi, ?if"i Lotto etc Spc-cial iadiifcmciits tq the t.-n.M!. íllustraípd tiitiiloaiiM Hoilnl. IIOUAtE WATERS & SOS, 481 Broad wir.NeWïork. iox35Si. - - ■■- " " P Waukesha Water. MDÍERAL EOCK SPEING, Cïires Dropsy, Dyspopsin., Diibetos, Constipation, Gravel, : Jaundioo, Bright' Uisoase, Scrof ula, Fevar Sores, Femalo Weakness, in all its forms, ali diüeases of the Kidiieys and jJver. PmcE- Barrt.'ls, $12 ; half do, $7 ; cans, jugs, domljohnsujad bottles, 5U cents per gnUon ■paouM extra. Money must accompuny the order. Sona Btainp für our f buok oí 22 pages, giving description of the abovo disC. C. OLIN & CO., Wankesha, Wis. f 'WILBOE'S OOMPOUHl) 01 PTTBE C0D LIVEE Wllbor's Cml Livor Oil and Limc-Peraons wbohave beontlklng Cüd Uvor OU wlll bt ploasod to leam tiat Dr. Vi'ilbor has nucesedod, tam directlons of overal profeaslnnal gontlemon, in comblmng tho pure oü nnd limo ir. snch a manner tiwt it is vlnt, the tasto, ond its offucta in lunR complaint are truly i derful Very mny pertoní whoee casos worn pronouncpa hopeliiM, nnJ v-lioVid tkon the oloar nil for a lonK ti without roarkod affect, havo beon entirely cnrod bynsmit thiaprenaration. Bï Btire MïdKet tho genuine. Aifl;"}1; facturod only t A. 1Í. WILBOR, Choinlst, Boston. Sold all drnggiBtfi. ÍLJ5-O L, cl.4Et.3r GUARASTEED EY T7SINO Ri B. PALfflER'S Star "VVell Auger, Patented May 5, 1874. Warriinted to llnrr An.Tlhinff oxr-pt S..IÍ.I llock. Wells 50 ft. Deep Sunk in 4 Hours. CanboreSOO feetdropu ncocpsary, JTAfd it is Unequaled ín Sínkína Wells Through Heaty Jiodienqf Quicksand, It is thc cheapest and most perfect "Well Auprer ever inven ted. Owtng to tlie rapldly-increaslng demand for our Angern we havo been compollod to roniove our nmaufactory frora Cbampaien to Chicago, 111., where wo aro now íully prrpnrcdto flll all orders prmnptly. Hiohest Tertimonials Furmshïd, Defore In vest ing in any other Augers, eend for our ncw Hlustratèd Catalogue. L " STAR WELL AL'líEB CO,," Vo. 80S South Canal St., Chicago, 111. Dr. J. V alker's California Vin, egar llitters nro a pnrcly Vegetaba pieparation, mado cliielly from the native berin found on tho lower ranges o' the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, the medicinal proporties of which aro cxtractcd thercfroiu withwit the use of Alcohol. The question is almost daily asked, "What is tho cause of tho unparalloled success of Vinegar BixTKKsf" Our answcr is, that they remove the cause of diseasc, and the patiënt recovers his Lealth. They are tho great blood purifier and s life-giving principie, a perfect Kenovator and Invigorator of the systein. Never beforo in tl history of" tho world has a medicinn ';;oü compoan'led possessing the rmarkaWe quaiities of VluKOAE Bitters in healiuj; tho sick of every distase man is heir to. ïhej are a gentío Purgatire as wel! as a ïonic, relieving Conircstion or Inflammation of the Liver aud Visceral Orgaus, in Büiouj UUeases. ïlie properties of Dr. Waucer'i Tixkoar Bittkrs are Aperient. Diaphoretic, Carminativa, Kntritious, Laxativo, Diuretic, Sedative, Countcr-Iiritant, Sudoriüe, Alter tive, and Anti-Bilions. Oratóful Tkousands proclaim VutEGAii BlTTEES tho most wonderful In.■gorant tbat ever sustained the sinking jvtem. 'j Person can tako these Bitters occording to directions, and remain long j unwi 11, providedtheir bones are not de1 itroycd by mineral poison or other inoans, aud vital organs wasted beyond repair. liilious. Remittcnt and íntermlttent Fevers, which aro so prevalent in the valleys of our great rivera throiighout the Unitod States, especially those of tho Mississippi, OWo, Missouri, Illinois, Tennesse-e, Cumberland,ArkauMs, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Ilio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah,Roanöke, James, and many others, with their vast trrbutaries, tliroug'aout our "ntirc country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during Beaioas of unusual heat and dryness, are mvariably accompanicd by extensivederangcraents of tho stomach and liver, md other abdominal vibeera. In their : rcatraent, a purgativo, exerting a pow'irful influenco upon these various oríansj is essentially necessary. Thero m no cathartic for tho purpose equal to Dr. Walkek's Vinegar Bitters, ia thoy will speedily remove tho darkjolored viscid matter v.rith which the bowels are loaded, at tho same time stinaulating the secretions of the liver, and gonerally restoring the healthy functious of the digestive organs. Fortif y the body against disease by purifying all its fluidswith Vikegab Bittkes. No epidemie can take hold of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestión, Headache, Pain in tbc Shoulders, Cougha, Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Sonr Eructations of tho Stomach, Bad Tasta in tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitatation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the región of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. Ono bottloivill provo a botter guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisenient. Scrofula, or King's Evü, W Swellings, Uleors, Erysipclas, Swclled Necs, Goitre, Scrofulou8 Inüainmations, Indoienl Iuflammations, Mercurial Affections, 0M Sores, Emptions of tho Skin, Soro Byes, etc. In these, as in all other constitutioiial Bisoases, Walker's Viwboae Bitters hnve shown their great curative powers in tbo most obstínate and intractahle cases. For Infiaiumatory aud Chronie Bhcumatism, Gout, Bilious, Hemittent and Intermittent Fe vers, Disoases ci the Blood, Liver, Kidneys nnd Bladder, theso Bitters havo no equal. Suca Discaseí are causea by V maten uioou. Mtechanical üiseases.- PersoDsengaged in Paints and Hiñerais, suchas Pluinbers, Type-setters, Gold-boaters, aad Miners, as they advance in life, aro subject to paralysis of tho Bowela. To guara against tliis, tako a dosc of "Walkeb'S viseqab Bitteks occaeionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter. Salt-Rheum, Blotcbes, Spots, Pimple Pulules, Bous, Carbunclos?, Ring-wonffi, Scald-hoad, Soro Eyep, Ery si pelas, Itel Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humon and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carned out of the system in a short time by the usa of these Bitters. Pili, Tape, and other nqrros, lurkine in the system of 60 many thousandi, aro elíectually destroyed and removed. syet.em of medicine, no verruiíuges, no iar thelminitlcs willfrce the syatem from worms like these Bitters. For Female Complaints, in jonng or oíd, married or sinple, at the dawn of manhood, or the turn of life, those Tobo Bitters display o decided an iniluonce tl improvementi. boou perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated Bloodwhenever yon fjn-1 ita impuritiesburstingthrongo the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sorw, cleanse t wheu you find ït obstracted as sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it when foulj'your feolings will teil you when. JM the blood pure, and the health of the system wiU foilow. it. h. mcdonald & co., Dmrpiets and Oen. Agts., Sao lYaneisoo, CaJu1 and'ciir. of Washington and CtmrlUin hts., a. So'-i by nU Drufcíílst ond Iealer i Marking Clothing, Books, Printing Envelopcs. I I Cards, Bags, &c. Bankers Stamps a 1 } Agents Outfit, S2.00. Send Stamp (or Circuí"! QgTCnoMASCT, or Soul cnamtoí feypTun OrKli, Drein.., Hint. .- IJ.rtli,ic. 1 ,000.0 " l book. iádre. ï. WILLIAMS k Cli., Pob'.. Phlta mm iisüü Iliose who re married or contémplate 'VffSa. PrlceiOcU. brmall. Address Dr. Utitts' I)iWeBF ary. uttortu ËÏghth Street, St. Louls.M__, DÏTXlÖHAi, NO. 619 North Fifth Streot, 8fc Louis, Mo , R' ol LISHED 1687. Coren all jufferen! without tbe uu Mercury. Chartes reasonable foes. „ -jjlch fBDr. B.'s Troatise on Spdcial Disease. , fully explalns the natare, cannfw, umpto"". .„r-auüM to eire kil ferms of NerroOT Debihtv. al "fj,n by the - Brror of Yonth," and Taluablo infm ""'Ljed othor dehoate subject, sent FBEE in puun ■- envelope. "Sá. WHITTIEB No. 617 St. Charles Street, St. Louis, Mft, continue! to treat all canal of obilacles to marriafe. b Inpurltle, erery nllmoot or iokDus whioh '""" „„,. indlscrcUon or lmiirudoao. th nnparallctól c ,,. Dr. W.'i egtabllshraCQt is chartorcd bv tho ?iaM ourt, wai founicd and hal bcn tstablishcl lo ol air, certaln and rcllablo rMef. Bcing """'„f a aeveral medical collegs. and ai"-lng "'"''"""ífrclít loog and ucccjntul Hm in hia rC...Tiics ho ba' Pcr'le„u retuedlea that aro eflfoctual In aU thcae cases. H'1 PB yo aro belns troatcd bj mail or eprcs e".'!"11!',.!!matlfr who failod. cnll or wrlte. From the gre flhrEei üfi of orpllcations h is cn..blcd to kefp !■ n!l. if. 36 page, SlvlLg rnll ajmiitoDia, tor t w MARRIACE CUIDE. J1 pagas, a popular book whi:h ihould be rcad "„ir. bmlT. No marricd pair, or perfons contemp'auus j rlagti, oa. afford to di withoiU lt. It cootaio ' "', ".ï meillcal litL-rature on tilia aubjuct, thft resulta or lt . long experienoe ; the he:it thoiinhls froin 'yirt. 'oKuropeaud America. Pent r edJjosHjJUl C. N. U. ' HS- VFHEN WRITING TO ADVËBjniSoui picase say you ow the dvert' lm tuis paper


Old News
Michigan Argus