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Tlioro was a good demand for moncy tor specnlative purposes, the increased activity in grata and proTirfonn oaneing au tncrewed inqniry. Money i plenty, howeyer, and ratee imohanged. Interest ratee 8(5 tflc, accordhig to security. BoBds linn and in demnS -il i'2()'iV2() for r. s. (í'h of -si ; m'i-fiiT1.; for 5-20'b of '02 ; 1 4U's, 113% III1.. J.atcVl gold quotetkms -Chicago, 1M;.; New ïork, BBIADSTtTFFS. The followinrr were tbc: recelpbs nnd skipmenta for the week, as compared with tlie amo j time last year : ReceipU. Shipments, Articles. 1875. 1874. i 1875. 1874. Flour. hrls 69,74 5!). 973 68,982 45.781Í Whoi, bu 512,470 :il'.U!!) 1116,968 396,024 Oom, bn 154, '145 .W0,73.r ! H4,703 187 687 Oate, bu 96,095 279,465 ei,8 228,480 Kye, 1)U 4,602 18,181; 1,247 5,860 Barley, bu 2;),72 12,175 81,269 81,468 j Dressed Iiorb.. 45i ill 11K Live hogs, No. 41,!01 BC,r14' 27,7:10 52 320 OntBe, Ho 19,892 17,223 15,286 13,580 - The course of the gwin market lias again been very favorable for producers, hoktera andspeeulators on the 'long" side of the trado, bnt directly the reverse to the unfortunate j ''shorts." The Hiirrounding inlluenccH were Doarly all of a favorable tenor and stlch as woulu naturally be expected to produce ui active set. of markets, and an upward movement in raíaos. These iuflnencea were used as a lever by the bulla ín their efforte to forcé a hiplir r raage of prioee, and with good auooesa. The receipts of the leading - wheat, oorn and oats - have been eïeadilT dccreaeing, tliis weok's arrivals beiiig oonmderably bolow the expeetatious of speculators. The sbipping movement is on the inoreaee, the low rail freights indicating a bctter dcinand. The grain now in store ingcnerall held by operators lOr deliTsry on contractK, for shipment. or for psrposea best "known to themselves;" at anjrrate, thoy are nol dispoeed to scll, and the "aborts ' are beginning to anticípate trouble in filling their contracta. The inercaHed demana from tliis intorcHt, further aidcd by favorable Eastcrn advicsi iniil the "buil11 movement of interented speottlaíors, resulted in the material advaucea ihown on all grains, the exact amonntof the advanco beiug shrnvn by the annexed labio theolosing priees ueing abont kbc higheet figurog reached aoring the week. Boller May is tlic favorito option ail round, witb cawh prain gcaroe and wantod. Kye about nominal, lïarley iirm. Tho following tablo shows tho prioes eurrent at the opening aud close of the [at weei : Opening. dwing. No. 2 spring wheat, cash 08 @9S 90 .„ íit No. 2, Beller April .): t,,'xi: ,„ :i;, ■ No. 2, scllor May '.7V".''i 99 @99 . No. 2, Her June w ,r.' :', 41.00, No. 2 oorn, caah (í8 @69 683i@70 No. 2 coru, sellr April.. 6"Ji(68j @M Ko. 2 oorn, seller May .... 75,%@76í 7i;;, bid No. 2 oorn, Boller .Tune ... 74%@7S 7'; So. 2 oats, caata 65 O66 57!i.í.M' No. 2 oats, seller May 55 S5 ,,. i;];, Cío. 2 oatp. Beller June, ., .'S", ií( .",'p, 61lí@62 fin. 3 ryo, e.ash VS i @ 99 il .ii.t ■ 1 .05 No. 2 barley, e.,p.-]i $1.(15 ].O7 1.081.09 No. 2 barley, seller April Ml. uu l.u-J! ' ].n;i' No. 2 barley, seller May.. (S 9S Ho. 8 barli'.y, 0Ub IS 95 95 @ 97 I.IVK STOCK. The cattle market was rather weak until Friday, and values declined about V}c per 100 lbp. At the close however the market was again act ive and firm. and cloeed steady at $4Í75@5.20 for medium to fair, if5.30@5.fi5 for good, $5.70 ui 6.25 for ehoice steers. Extra sold at 6.50M ' 7.00. ötock cattle qniet at $3.50(5 4.50. Butcliers' stock dull at Í2.75@5.OO for inferior to ehoice. Hogs in demand and values were Iirm aud higher, elosing at ír7.25@8.50 for common light to ehoice heavy. $8.80@9 for extra. Kheep dull and lieavy at f3.00@6.25 for poor to ehoice. PHOV1SIONS. Never in the history of Chicago as a commercial city bas the provisión trade exhibited such adegreeof activity as dnriiiK the past weck. The following table' exhibits the ageregate trading in mesn pork and tho optiona dealt in during the week ending this evening : Hrls. Br. Cash 4,424 Seller July 16,750 Seller April 28,750 Seller August ' 1 000 Beller May P5,! : Seller June lüíl,25ü Total 256,024 i The foüowing tablo exhibits the aggregate trading in lard for the same time and the t tious dealt in : Tcs.l To. ('a.-li ,. 1,850 Seller July 4,250' Seller April 18,500!Seller August 2.000 Beller May 54,700, Sellar June 27,500 Total 108,800 The following table exhibits the trading in the different kinds of meats during the past week : l-l:i. J.b. Hams 170,000 Long clear sides 4a5,OOO Shoulders 1,360,000 Short clearsides 1,225,000 Short rili side. . 7,7l,000 Total 11,000,00(1 The aggregate value of this product reaches the cnornnius smn of $12,150,000, and exceediug a daily average of 12,000,000. Aocordmg to tliis representation the stocks of mess pork and lard have changed hands more than úvice duriug the week, and the mg in meas pork aggregates more than onehalf Mie entire trading of the packing scason of 1860-70, while the trading in lard exoeeds tliat of the packhïg season of 1869-70. The market during the past week was umisually aetive and trede was largely confinad to ' lative circles. Priees were iirm and ably higher. Caah mes pork fiold at !jf20.0()(V 21.50 and elosed uteady at $21. : seller April closed it Í21.85@21.87JÍ. Cash lard Bold at $1S.9O@14.55 and closed at $ U. 50 ; Boller April eloscd at .-?14.47l&( 1-1.50. and seller Mav at %li.e-4((úli-6J. SEHDK AND HIQHWINUK. There was a largo supply of timothy 011 the market, and Bales, particularly of the oommon j qualities, vera rathcr slow. Values rangod at $2@2.30 for poor to good: $2.85#2.37 for ' prime, and Í2, U)@2. t5 for choice. ('lover was in fair demand at $6.86@6.40 for prime medi11111. and Y7(ft7.10 for mammoth; Bax $1.90 fat good; Ilungarian, l)llc(l. and millet, él.25(0 1.35, useonling to qualitv. Highwines wero quiet hut steadv; cloaing sales wcre made at i #1.11. PBOPÜO. I'.iitter was dnll and weak : roll qnotable at 10( 17c for fair to choice in lots aud l(i('21c in j a retail way ; packed lots sold at 8 10c for poor, Il(il4e for fair. 16@23o for (air to ohoice. Beans ateady at tl.üO for ohoiee E8tern in barrels. Beeswax iniot at 2&@28c. Jïroom corn was in demaud and Ihni at lli@Hc for No. 1 to extra lmrl, and ll@llVo for good to choice stock braid. Cheeee ruled quiet at W,-i(n 17c for prime faetory in lots. Cider was steady at $ G.00 per bbl for choice sweet. but common wa nnnilcililc. Cranberriea teady at $11.00@lfcOO for fair to choice eultivated. Egga closed at 24c. Feathers remain quiet at 48(i52c for prime live (Ícese and 82(!35c for choice Turkey tail feathei-s. Apples ware dull with large stocks on the market. Qnotable at 2.60@3.00 per bbl for good to choice lots and about f3,60 in a retail way. Jiidcs were iliiü and easy. (rubbv 5' ,, (. (ie : grneu K'i'lfc; 1 heavy green salted 8c, and light do 8J(g8Jc. j Honey was dirficult to sell ; comb quotable at 2.Éf(24c. and strained at, lllc. llo]is I changed; light Bales were made at 38@40c per I'' for good to ohoice ncw. Uay closed weak. with prices in favor of bnvern ; No. 1 prairie $13.00 per ton, and No. 2 do 14.00 ; timothy quotable at $18.00@19.00. Poultry was nrglected : turkeya about 10@13c, and ohiokena 8@10c per ft tordrensed. Poultry in eoops wax generally called for. iüIhs ruled liiin at - !.onr].io for Kastern peachblowa in car Iota, and #1,16 front) store; arlvroae about $ Ir. t.05; Western peachblewa sold at 90o@$l. Tallow '..c Vcgeta,bleH dull. Onions weak at :i3(;i.5o' per bil for yellow. Turnipa 60@76o, and oabbage abeut $1.60 per dozen for choice. Veal dull at, 8@8o for poor to choice. COOTEBAQE, LÜHBEB AND WO0D. Tlio demand was moderate and the offferings continue fair. Prioea for pactdng descriptioriB werc i hade liniier. Quotable ut $1.10 for pork báñela and $1.36 for lanl ticrcoH. Tbere waa a good demaud for lumber and tbe Bnnply wan light. Prioee ware orna at (31.00@22.00 for second clear Hiding. $26.00(8(35.00 torBecoiidl i -I ilooring. A stock boardá $32.00@35.00 and Ji do 28.00@80.00. .Joifit and soantling, 11.00@12.00, ad feacing fcll.00@12.00. Wood was quid at $7.50 ior hiokory al the yante, and ítf.50 for beech. Biabe, liré-üO per oord. „ Teleyrapblc larkrt Kojort8. NEW yoKR. iii-i.vkk ii a jj Hoas- Dressed 8 a 9 C'OTTON 18 (tij 17 i i "i a- Superüne Weiitern 4 tí) (a t 00 WnaiT- No. a Chicago i L ,,. i lí No. i Spring 1 M @ i 'ji Cohn 8(! 4 88 Oats 70 (J 72 livi; OS (4 100 Pork- New Mess 20(1 c,i 'Jl lio 1 ahí) 144@ 14 ST. LOUIS. a ii i.T- No. 2 Eed 1 14 s, 1 16 Cobn- No. 2 New 70 @ 72 Oats- No. 2 82 @ (4 Kyk -No. 2 1 02 1 08 Pobx- Meaa '21 oo ?2éj oo Labd 14 (, 18 Heos 7 (XI 4 7 7S Oattlk 5 00 @ 5 75 MILWAUKEJB. Wheat- No. 1 1 (Hl ft 1 02 Mo. 2 !i7 (6, M Oohn- No. 2 70 4 IÏ Oats- No. 2 68 @ 58 llvr. 1 05 in 1 07 Bablky - No. 2 1 0(ï (), 1 ort ÜIBOINNATT. VTBEA1 i: 1 1 1' („■ 1 1 I Coi v ■■ vi 9 i I Oats 83 S 86 Un: 1 10 ja 1 12 Pork- Meus 21 0 @22 00 Lard 14 @ 15 TOLEDO. Wheat- Eitr 1 18 @ 1 20 Amber 1 1 @ 1 12 Corn- Si'w 72 (4 74 üat 63 (,) 64 DETKul I. Wheat- Extra 1 10 1 18 Aruber 1 lu @ 1 12 COBN 72 (, 74 Oats 09 & M CLEVEIiANS. Woeat- No. 1 ncl 110 @ 1 12 No. 2 lied 106 W, 1 OOBH 68 @ 72 qib 58 @ 83


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