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The New Law To Regulate The Sale Of Liquor In Michigan

The New Law To Regulate The Sale Of Liquor In Michigan image
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OCR Text

The following is the iull text oi tne ikfo l;nv ior Uic, ïvgnlation of the liquor trafilo : A bilí to prevent ttfe Bale or dolivery of mloxicating ]iquors, wiuo and beer to ïuinorH and liKinüikcii ptrsanB and to habitual drun!. lo pfovicfe a ivmedv igalast BelMng liquor to luisbiuidH or ohüdren m certain c;aHen. Skitiox 1. Tho people of tho Htato of MichigalïëllKCt; i'h:it it liall not bolawfill for any i to si' 11 iiiy spiriluoiiH or iptoxic&tilig JiqWJi', or niiv wiiic er brer. to any niiiioj-, or to ini'y intoxicaEed person, or to :uiy person in th habit of getUng intoxioatad. It shall not be Iftifftfl lor niiy pcrsnii to hcü hpirltuouK or iutoxicating licmorB without tirnt having exeented and dnlivcrod to the Trcamirer of tlic couuly in w hifli hik'h bilKineHR íh irotfuti"! ! 'd on. the bond roquiivd to be given In Bection I of tliÍM ai't. All BalooiiH, reutauraut, barn, bar-rooniH in taverne or otherwíse, and all phnvs of -ubhr rnnort ulu-tv intoicaiiiig liquorn are Bold, eithefr at rt'Uoïeiufla ir n-laii. shall (un termined and directed by the Board of Trösteea or Commoxi Oouxloil of th village or ciij w !;n ! HiK'b i;:dooii!i. i .■ !;;in ai-t ' --alh. bar ro i kept), be cloeed on the lirut ihiy of tho commoiily oalled Hiinday. and on each week day uight from and after 'the liour of 11 o'clock until 6 o'clock of tho moraing of the succeed ing dar. BntthiH provisión hall DotbeooaRtrued to prokibit druggistu from sêlling Buch liquon ut suoh times, upon tho written request or order ol nomo practicing phyïioian of tho town, TiBage or city. Any pernon whoshalf viólate ;my of the provisión of tbia section Bhall be deemed gtiiliy oí i raisdemeauor, and upou conviction thoreof . shall ho punidlo] ly i fine of not lc m than $25, nor more tban floó, and coats of prosocution, and on í : j il 1 1 1 ■. to pay Htich fine and oósto sbJEil] bo tmprisojieu in the countr jail not Ichh than ten daysnor ïimrc than :i:n ly dnyn. or both huoIi line and imprisoumen!. in liio diserction of the court. . 2. Any persOTJ ivlio by falnc pretensa hall obtain any Bpirituons or intoxioating liijuors, or who shall be drunk or intoxicated in any hotel, lavcni.. hm or placo of public bnsi "CBR, or in iniy assemblage Dl peoplc poSseted togethor in anj place tor any purppse ; pr in any atreet, lane, uléy, hfglnray, railway or strect cur, by drinking intoxicating liquors, liall. on convicliiiii tbercof, bo piuished by a BneofV9, and the coate bf prosecutton, orbe puniahed by impiiaönmeDt in tha jail of the coimty, ut1! cx'c.iiii.r tweñtj or both Hitcli iine ;ind iin; ■ in !{.,'■ uoretion of the oourt. Seo, ü. Kvrvy wjfe, oiiild, pan-ui, guardián, hllHUurl iir i ■!]■ f KTSOI1 who Bfi&ll bo illjlilrcl in peifion nr properlA. niran of ropport, liyauy ïituxicatedperHon. or by means of tho int tion of any persoii, hall a riglit of íuíticii in uíh w her own n&oaè agaiuèt any person or persona wlió b1h11, by pollüij; 6r Kvi)i,c: íeatisg liquor, have '■ or r-iiitiiinit'.'d tu theijil.oxicationof Buch n or peraonB ; and shall also hnve a right öf anión íi::anstt I and nnreti"H of Uie bond neretnafter mentioned ; and in any Buch action, the plaintLf? Bhall have a riglit to peooVet aptnal Oi XMnpllwri dam;i;;r'.;. '. i by any wLfe, Uu ibaud, parent ra cliüa, "i im rul rëpütatiftn of t h relanoh óf hnsblnd I wife, i axeut or cbild, Bball be prima fucio evidouceof Hiichrelation : and the ainonnt recovered by everv mfé or ehila Himll b. hls oi bwssle ; i ■ i .rjiarato property. Any tala car gift of intoxii'Htiir; liquors by the lessee of premi i ig in datnage, alitnl, at the optlon of tbs Isesar, wi (UW 'il' lus leaso ; andthi Circuit Court in chancer enjoin the sale ör giving away of ii . by any Icsse&of premied vvhich may ' ■■(:. iir liabi lêaBör, or áhy persari claiming ttndcr such let rti'i'. Beo. 1. If any jKirson imder tlie age of 21 years Bhall miireprSeeht hls age and ütnto hime]f to beovir21 yeam of ago in orde! (o purchaee malt. npirituouH. or ntóxiï liquors, be Hball be deeuied gnilty of kn nieanur, and upun ewnvirüon I kil be lincd in any Bum not Icbb tlmn '. nor more id on Failure to iay biwIi Bn riflpned in the oonnty jail oo live days uor more than sixjj duyn. or both Buch finé and iraprÍBonní ni. ín Bhe diStrétian of the court. 5. Evf.ry bucu ui or pei 'n snall, in ■ BW, malie. e:'wti and (WHvcr to tho County TrcnHiirer of the coiuit tu w iiich W !! bond l'i I the u.ivii..: loaui pf Iruatee, or the Com ni.iii C. nnoil .-Í II. e 5'illage dr city in whïch the rried i, bo the w ople of the '■ju, in the mun "f ot lesa nor moré tli with two ö) BiiiVicici.' erboshUJ be Eneeliofeior. [Thf iona of i'iobond it is not necQssary to givé. [I U n. .i 1.) .'11 liquor t'i any minor, habitual drUskasd oi persou in t'ie haWl. of getting ujtoxicated, pr to any person whoue fe, parent; ehild. guardián or eraployer ehall serve notice upon him thai person haa acquired or i acquiring thö habitof drinking to oxoess.J "Hach bond Bliall not be received unlean the approval thereof by the Township Board, or tfaë r.i.ard r Trasteos, or Common Oouncil ui the vil !;:;,-E o? eity hall be duly certitiedthereon in wrïtfng and the principal Bhall not be allowed to bou B].irituoua or fermented liquors in any othej pil ■ tban that specitied iu said bona without gfving notice and oxecuting another bond in tlie marnier above prescribod. V1hmievcr any condition of said boudHhallbebrokeu. a new bond may be reqnired by the County Ti'easurer, and 'also in caae of the de&Ui, inBolvencv. or removal of either of the snretles, and in any othor contingeucy roquín ug it."


Old News
Michigan Argus