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Mortgage Foreclosure. DEFAULT haTingbeen marie in the condition ui' a mortgage, exeeuted by Futnck Kennedy Aüd Naney Kennedy to Elijan W. Morcan, dftteíi January first, A. D 187 , aud recorded March first, same year, in ihe Witabtenitw (Jounty Registen Otfice, iiiliber46 of mortgagea, page 485, and asligued to L'hTiMíiaií Hfelber, assigument dated find recorded February lwenüeth, aarae year, in liber 48 of mortgugea, pnge 505, by which deiauit the power ot' sale therf-in contaiued became operatWe and the sum of three huudved and niuety-Hve dollara is claimed as now du thereon (inolndinji preniium paid for insurance and h reaMonable ftttorneys fee,) and there are five f arthei installmenta with interest to beeome dun, snd do suil or proceedina been inetituded to i mortgage debt or ;my pmt thereof: Nottoe i therefore hereby giren, tatssid martgage willbe foreclosed by a sale of tu pnmisea, oi Home part thereof, to wit: "Lots number three"atid fourteen, in block nurabcr tliree north, in rango two i-ast, in the city of Ann Atbor, atthe Oonrt llouse in said city, on the Fifth day of next, at noon, aid mortgage waa L'ivt-n to secure the payment of the ptacnaseTnoney for the mortgaged premiaes. Ann Arbor, March 4, 1875. OHBISTIAN HBLBER, E. W. Mohgan, AsHinee. Attorney 1620 SherifiTs Sule. BY VIUTTJ E of oue execution isaued out of and unrter the sealof the Circuit Courtfortho county of Washtenaw, State of Micliifjan, to me directed, wherein John Olancy is plaintiilf and Patriek Kelly and Kliza Kelly are defendants, and for the want of goods and chattels, I huve this day seizeu and levied upon all the right, title and 1bterest ot Patrick and Eliza Kelly aforesaid, in and to the following1 described proper ty, to wit: The &aat hall ot the aoutheast quurter ot section thirty ; ha northeust quarter of the southeast quarterOfsectiOB tweiay-nine, uil in townsbip numbei on uiíí east, Waahtenaw coun ty, 81 ! fftü, which abore dencrlbed prop erty 1 shall expot for sale at publio auction, as the law direct, bo the highest bidder, at the south loor of tluj Conti Ëouse in tlieeity of Ann Arbor, on Sftturday, the twenty-niuth day of May. .V. D. 1-876, it ten o'nlock a. m. of Huid duy. Dated. April 10, 1875. M. FLEMING, Hharifl, tASfl LJy Wm. H. McIntyiïe, Dep'y Shttriff. Mortgage Salo. ÜJBí'AULT having been mude in the oonditiona of a oertBin moitgage w hereby the power therein contaiiml to sell hasbecome operalivi eeuted by Charlea E. Treadwell, of the town oí A mi Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michigan, and Lucinda A. Treadwell, his wit' , of the same place, lo the un.iersiiied Ludenin E . Kullor, of the eity oí' Aun Arbor insaid county and State-, a mortagee, dated íhe eighth day of Alarch, A. D. one thousand elghi hundred iind seveuty, and recorded on the eleveiith day of Mareh A. D. 1870, at three o'clock p. m., in the office of the Register oí Deedw for the County of Wnshtenaw, in the State of Mi higun, in liber 4-2 of mortgages, on pají11 apon wliich said mortgagfl tbere i elaimed to be due at the date of this notice the urn of two thousand and eighty-iour dolían mul flfteen cents, and nu iiiii ot proceedings at luw or in chancery haring bei ninsUtuted to renover any part thereof: Notice is therefore heieby given, that by viuue of the pcwer of sale Cwiitained in said mortgüe, í shall. on Satuiday, the tweuty-sixth day oí June, A D. I876f aC ten o'elock in the foienoun, sell at public :iut:tion, to the hisr hostest bidder, (the sale to take place at the soutli door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, said Court House being the place oí' holding1 the Circuit Court for said county of Wanhtenaw the piremisea deaeribed in such mortgage, or bo much tht-reof as shall be necessary to satisfy the ainount due on SUOh mortgage, and legal costa and charles oí aucli sale, totfuthèr with an attorney fee of thirty dol lars eo venan ted for therein. Uut Ifl to say the lollowiny piece or parcei of land situated in the town of Ann Arbor, Washteniiw county, Michigan, known. boandéd and deacribed ai follows, to wit: Commoncing at an irou st;ike in the center of the road, running in a nortlierly dïrectiou Uirougli the east half of the northeast quarter ot section nuruber twenty-one, town two south, range six east, from wluch in the dirtction north '-%% degrees west is an oak ga te post, dist-ince 50 hnks, also south 3i V degreea wesi is a ted oak, diameter 15 incbes, distance 74(2 links; run tiing thence south on the line, meridian ten ohaine andsix links to the quarter section line; thenoe south 863 degrees west on the quarter section lint tïvc oaaina and thirty-seven links to E. West 's line; t henee north 24Í.Í degrees, west seven chaina mid thirty iinks to the center of the road on the half quarter line; theucf north ü3} degrees enst up the center Of the road uve ehains and ten links ; thencö norfeh 68% degrees eustin the eeuter ot the road (tour chnins and nine links to the place of bi. ginnlng, cunta ii uu: six and twelve bundredths acres more oi' tess. Dated this flrst day of Murch, A, 7). 1875. LÜDEMA E. FULLEIi, Z. P. Ktng, Moitgtliee. AU'y for Mortgagee. 1524 Mortgage Sale. EFAULT haring been made mthpcondiüonsof -" a certain mortgage made ind ezecuted by Her man Teata and Haunnh Xeats, of the city of Ann Arbor, Washtonaw eounty. and State of Michif?n, to Alonzo Allen, of Clayrilie, Oneida oonnty, New York. on the fifteenth day of November, A. D. 1872, and recorded in the office of the Kegister of Deedti for the county of Washteiiaw aforèaaid, the third day of Deetmber, A. D. 1872 at two o'clock and forty-flve minuten in the nfternoon of said day, in liber 45 of mortgapes, on puge 23f, on wbieh mortgage and note aecompanyiiitf the same there ia now due, April fifteenth, 1675, the mm oí one thousand nine hundreü and ei-jhty-two dollars, and no suit or proceedings at law having been inatituted to reooyer said sum of money or any part thereof : Now, theref re, notice is hereby líiven,thivt by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortyiifre, I shall eell at public auction to thehighest bidder, on .Saturday, thesevonteenthdfiy of July, 1875, ut two o'clock in the afternoon of th;it day, at the soulh door of the Court House in tincity of Ann Arbor, (that being the place of holding the Circuit Court for said county of Waahtenaw), the premisos dí-teribed in said mortgnge, or 00 much thereoi aa wiü satisfy said moartgaaed debt., together with interest and costa allowéa by law, and an attorney fte of twenty-five dollars provided f r therein : That traot or parcei of land défloribed aa lot number one in block number two south of Huron street, range .in the o4ty of Aun Arbor, county of Waniitenaw and State of Michi Datetï April 19, 1876. ALONZO ALLEN," By Attorney. 1526 A!"i f L,r.igee. Mortgage Sale. DE FAUTT having been made in the oonditiona oí a eertain mortgage, executed by John Zeeb and Kathrine Zecb, ïuswife, boLh of tbetownabtp of A nu Arbor, county oí Washtenaw and ötate of Michigan, to William April, Administrator oi the estáte of Veet Üeeb, late of said eoumy, de ceased, bearing date the twenty-nintfa day of december, A.(l. Ih7, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeda of fPashtenaw county, on the second day cf Jununry, A. D. 1874 in liber 47 ot mortgages on page 443, at tLjn and one-hali a. m. of fiaid day, onwbich mortgage and the note aceorapanying the samu, there is claimed to be due tit the date beroof the sum of nmu hundred and live dollars and eighty-Üve cents, also the sum of seven hundred and Jorty-one dolhirs and Bilty-on ceuts to become due, aluo an attorney's fee ol fttty dollars provided lor by the terms oí said mort gagf, and no snit or proceedings at law or in chancery liaving been instituted to recover snid axnoünt or any part thereof: Notieu is therefore, hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage coutain. d, on the Weventkfntii day of July, a. D. 1875, at the hour of eleven o'clock in thü forenoon o said day, T shall Bell at public vendue to the higheut bidder, at the south door ol the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, (that being the building where the Circuit Court for the county of Waahtenaw is held) the piemiaes descrihod in said mortgage, or eo much thereof as shail be Beooaaary to satisfy suid amount, with interest, costs and expendes alïowed by law, aaid premisea being drscribed in aaid mortgage as io)towa : Al that feraet or parce] of land situated in the couniy of Washtenaw and rfta'.e of Michigan, bounded and described ae follows viz: The west half of the northeast quarter of section number ten, in towü&hip numbtr two soutli, in range number tnx etiSt, in the county of waahtenaw said land being the same tract or paveel of l.and teeded to Daniel C. Haas by David Camp and wife, on the nineteeuth of Oetobcr, 1858, and reeordeil in liber 44 1 deeds, page 18ö. Ann Arbor, April 20, 1875. W1LL1AM APEIL, D. Cr.AMEit, Adni'r, etc, Moitgagee, Att'y tor Mortgagee. jtri: td Mortgage Sale. DRFAULT having been made in the condition ol a certain mortgage executed by Willmni O'Harii and Hannora O'Hara, liis wife, of Ann Arbor, Washtennw county, Michigan, to Bridget Eagan, oi the same place, on the mnth day of July, A. D. ono thousaod tiht and seventy-tliree, and recoided in the office of the Kegieter of Deeds for th couuty of Washtenuw, aioresuid, on the eleventb day of July, A D. 1H73, at three o'clock p. M-, in Liber 48 ot moitgagea page liti.1), and there is now elaimod to be due thi? sum of tive hundn d and sixty-flve dollars and seventy-four centa also an attoruey'sfee of thirty dollars, sliould any yroceedinga bo taken to foreclose the same, and no proceedings in law or equity huving been had to rerover the same, or any part thereof: Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, that by virtue of the power of sale iii said mortg-ae contüined, I shall sell at. public auction, to the hijjhest bidder, on the seventeenth day of July next, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the front door of the Court House in the city of A nu Arbo-, county aforesaid. (thut being tht place of holding the Circuit Court for said county), all that certain piece or parcei of land, known, and described as follows. towit: Lotsix (6), block two (2), south rantre twelve east, in the city of Ann Arbor, accordinr to the reoorded plat thereof. Dated April 22, 1S75. BRIDGET EAGAN, John N. Gott, Murtgagees. Attorney tor Mortgagee. 1527 Coiüniis8ioner'8 Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN', Couuty of Washtenaw, ss. The undezsigned hkytaur been appointed by the Probate Oourt for said county, commissioners to receive, examine and luijustall claims and demanda of all persons against the estáte of Uianul lieckley, late of suid county, deceased, hereby give aotios that months from date ure allowed, by order ot said Probate Conxt, for creditora to present their claims afruizMt the estáte of suid deeeased, and that they will meet at the late rtsidence of said deceased. in the city of Ann Arbov, in üaid county, on Tuesdiiy the third day of Autrusi , and on Wednesday, the third day of November uext, at ten o'clock a. m., of eaoh of said days, to receive, examine imd adjust suid claims. Dated May 3d, A. D. 1S7.K jolIN LENNON. f ommfoBtonwCoramissioners' Notioe. STATE OP MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, es. The undersigned having been appointed by the Probate Court fot said Jourity, Oommimson tra to receive, examine and ftdJQBt all uunu aun demandsol allpersons against the estáte of Kobert Powell, late of said county, deoaased, liereby give notice that six mnntJis from date are allowed, by order of s;tid Probate Court, for crediton to present tneir claims against the estáte of said oeoaased, and that they will meet at the late residence of aaid deceased, iu the township of Bridget?i in said oounty, on Mouday, the mntaenth day of July, and on Tuesday, tlie nineteeuth day öf October next at ten o'clock A. M., of each of said days, to reoeive, examine and adjust said claims. FIELDER B. SNOW, ) DANIEL LEBAR0N, Commissioners. WILLIAM F. ALLEN. J Dated April Kt, A. 1), ls7x 1627 nzzzzr : - !!r"BMBfc Mortgage Sale. acertatn moi . 5k$L?l Ham Ba; r, nis wil, ïrf . b) bor, Michigan, toPhil ' u" hu tedthe ninetèenth day of April, ;„ ',,,.' . I eighteeu hi recorded inthe officeoi the i ."u,e.4 day f April, A. I-. 171, at 9 1-2 o'clock j, , i " ber Í2ol gage there I clafmrf Initallnient o mountin t? " liuudrwl anü thirteen dollai with anothur nstalluieul ol doUarsto ?']H next, togethtfr with an attoi 7 Ü fri lara shünlil anj up close the same; and no suit or pi luiviiig liwii lnstitutd to recover sald mnS , " oy oranyparl thereof: N hereby given, ihat hy vlrtueofthi said mortgage contaioed, I shall sellat pub! ;Vl bidder, on Satukimy th, iECOKDDAl 0( VlAl MT. al tril f,1, ■!(.(!; hi tl -1" noon of aiil ihiy, at the snutli door of HonK iti the city of Arm Arhor ithv plaee of holding the Circuit Court Wuhtenaw), the premises descri gage, to Batisfy said amounts, witl and expenses allowed Ijy law, whicti ,,, "Al! tliut certain tracr pared of land w3 a,tt: follows, tu wil: comracTiefngtwcnty-two the Qorthwe corner of lot ouml onesouthof range iivp east, on Hi i'ityof Ann Arhor, county ( Washtenaw anflï, ' of Michigan, thencc east twentj--i street, tbence soutb one hundred twenty-tvo feet, thence north ore hui the place of b iginning; also, the of uslog al any and all times an all outli end of thi lot; also, the east h,J i brick and stonewall of the building !& itore, fruui the top to botton tlicntïi vestcomerof said lol number four,8aid builri beingthe same which was erected and u and ocenpied as a store by Lunian K. Sla iind n.i, which said east half of nii ïï now stands." Dated. Februar; 25th, 1875. PHIUPB ACTMo Mortgage Sale. DBFAÜLT hnving bn made in the conjir. ut i certmn raoltgage, made ly 1-ulTcry ana (Jamarme UiHery, lus wife, of Anu Arbor. in the county oJ State ot Michigan, to Eraanue) Manu oí t-' Bame place, dated October twenty-tirgi a rf 1SIÍ8: and reourded in the office öi lieéister Deeds tor Miwhtenaw County, Michigan, on tl' twenty-iirst day of October, A. 1). i'g ., 3:3(1 u'clor:k. v M., in liber 39 of mortgage8l0nMi :ï42, upon whicn ;inl mortgage there iiclmm!! be due, by virtue of the conditiona ; remaining unpaid at the date of tïiis notice & sum of sixieen hnndred and olie doll rs fiveoents ($l,ö()1.4ri), and in attoriify : dollars provided f or in said mort or proceedingH having been m.sMtuted at W-, recover the sum now remainnr hy said inortgage or uoy part tliere-, therefore, by virtue of the power of sale eootaW in said mortgnge, nndby vinue of t) siich -cases made and provided: given, that on Saturü-iy, the nineteeni lune next, at twelvo o'eloek, noon, of r the front door of the i ouri Hoo. in tl Ann Arbor. in said i ounty oí Stateof Michigan, (said Court House beiu & place of holding the 'ireult f 'ourt lor aftid there will be sold at public auction or veiidst'ii the highest bidder, thepremises described úisi niorte&ge, (o wit: All of lol nuuiber mn,t Swatheiv Addition tothecity of Ann Arbor.V cording i o the recorded plat oi' said adilitioo Dateil llarch 29, 18T6. BMANUEL MANX, EüGENE K. FrüEAUFF, MdrtglüWft Att'y for MorlKiigoe. UHStd Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT ha i ir, been niadi ir thea a cenain mortgage exeeuted hy Patri und Mai y Wall, his wife, to Johi niutli day of Fcbruaiy, A. 1 .!,;. aud the oüice m itegii Washtenaw and State of Michig mortg&ges, on page 626, by whicl of sal" contained in said niortga erative, on whicli moi tgagi due at the date of this notu [pal, iauai and attorney feö as provided for in saw mortnt ] the sum of six huuln-d and thirty-oiit-qi Uwen ty-th ree -i nt. and rno suil o: ir !;:v. ot in equity having been institutedt the ammini due on said niortgage or : therefore, notice i's hei that by virtue of the power ■: said mortgage 1 Bhall sell at publ douth froni door of the ('tur: Uouse, inthedtj I Ann .Vrlior, (that being the building ii' Cïrcuii t ouri for sail county of Vv on tha'twelfth day of June, A. D. 18! a'clock in thé rbrenoon of that tlay, tin premises described in said tract or parcel of land situated in the ei Arbor, in-the county ol Washtenaw, a ui, küown and described as lo! i block tour !4j nortli range four ! the Lavery place, accordïng to the recorui the villaje fuow city) of Ann Arbor. in „ ui' Washtenaw, and so mucli ir such part orjatü thereof as shall be necessary tosatisfj U dm1 upon said mortgage. Uati:d 12th dav of March, A. I). '.s:.-;. JOHN lili H ■ A. .T..SAWVKR, Att'y for .rortLaLri'i'. 1521 Mortgage Sale. DEFAT'LT having boen made in the '"■ of a eertain indenture ot mortgage, exeeu:t I by Philtus Coon and Ellen LnellaCoon, to Arthur Polhemua, bearini? date the íifweiá I day of January, eig-hteen hundred aud I four, and reoordwl in the officü of the Ei Deeda for the counfy of WtvíhteDaw, State (Í j Michigan, in liber 60 of mortgages, oo page I on the sevenieenth day of .Januiirv. eighteen É dred and seventy-íour, by which deÍAUlt the powe of sale contained in such mortage Vaa Wolft operativo, und uo suit or proceedings at law oriL chaneerj having beun inatituted to r. amount due on said mortgage or the note attompanying tWoame, aud ibero being nowclHimedto bí due on eaid mortgage and note, the som il seventeen hundred and one dollars and oents, and also tlie turther sum of thirty dolkii aa an attorney fee on the forecloaure of said mortgage specially afreed to Ijp paid, eeedings be taken to foreclose thesane tliHicfore, ia hereby giveu, that said mortgagf uli be foreclosedon Monday, the second day uf Angu-; next, at ten o'elock in the forenoon of t! the south front door of tlie Court House, in tfe city of Ann Arbor, in said county of Waslten. (said Court House being the place of hi Circnit Court for said county of Washtenaïl, ( sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder, ft! cash, of the premises described in snid i or so much thereof as shall be neeessan the mount due on said mortgage, witl, coste and expenses, together with the attonKTE of thirty dollars provided for in said moBM!' whicli said mortgased premises are desenw tollows, viz.: Being situated in the rilUM l Manchester, county of Washtenaw aforen, W beginning sixty-four and one-half feetenstoU' east line of villaje lot number four C4), in L numoer tweuty-two (22j, running tlience BOroM on a line parallel with said lot eight n easterly twenty two f eet; thence bou!' p.traüel line as aforesaid, eight rods, to the BW line ot highway; thenne along the saiil W'1 twenty-two feet, to the place of begii.ningDated May 5, 1875. ARTHUE S. POLHEMrS, E. I). Kinnf., MortjlAttorney for Mortgagee. '■ Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT havini; been made in tin of a mortgage executed by George and Mary Havens, his wife, to Charles all of the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, da thirteenth day of April, A. 1). 1K70, and W on the fllth day of May, A. 1). 1870, atlwo in the afternoon of that day, in líber íl gages, on page (ilft, upou wliich mcni olaimed to be due at the date of tin sum of one thousand flve hundred aoö lars, and no suit or proceedings at law havus instituted to recover the mortsaged dem," ■ part thereof: Notice is therefore herebj .'"; that on Saturday the twellth dny of 3m shall Bell al public auetion, to the hit: at the south door of the Court HouBe a Ann Arbor, the mortgaged premises, or so will satisfy the amount due on sueb mort??) legal costs and charges of such sale, togetJier an attorney fee of twenty-five dollars, ■ numbfir tive, block number eleven in S'r dition to the ei y of Ann Arbor, county tenaw and State of Michigan, except f11" width off from the nortli eide of said lot. Dated Ann Arbor,. March 19, 1875. 1623 CHABLE8 T. WJ LMi T, '■ ' Chancery Notice. rpHE CIRCUIT COURT tor the counti' X leuaw- in chancery. I'eter C. Kossva.Catharme M. Ross, defendant. It w ily appearins to this Court by attiiiavit of the sheriff on the subpoena issmi! " that the residence of the defendant ïsm of New York, and that said defeudunt u in the jurisdiction of this Court, on mol Uramer, solicitor for the complainant. i1 that the defendant cause her appearancf toj in this cause within three moiitha this order, and that in case of h( cause her answer to the complainant i flled in this cause, and a copy thereof ; in the coraplainant or his solici'or ■'■ daye after service on her or heJ of a copy of the bill of comphiiuant r cause, and a notice of this order, nu thereof, that the suid complainaiit's '■■ as confessed by the 8id defendant; '! ther ordered that within twenty flys 1 plainant cause a copy of this order to ■j;nli,;H ax the Michigan Araus, a public i = in said eounty ot Washtenaw, nd t''!'1 catión continue at least once each wt-k ces8ive weeka, or that he cause a copj ' to be personally served on the siii.i !i '"; ti eording to the rules and practice of tiii Dated April 2, 1675. .wuïSf Circuit Court Commissioi D. Chamvh. Washtenaw (-'mnitv..J!' Solicitor tor Complainant. ll' , ito of John G. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Coun ! i .ss. At a s,.si„ii of the Probate 00 county of Waslltoim, holden at, ihe 1 '. in the city of Ann Arbor, on WedneW' ,0Utjs ty-flnt day of April, in the yeal one w elirht huudred and seventy-five. prnbatfPresent, Noah W. Cheever. Judfre of ? jib In the matter of the eslale of Ju"11 doceased. . . i, Uu reuding and liling the petition, o'"of Anna O. Miller, praylng thht ' , ment no on file in this Court piin" ':■' laat will and testament of said i' admitted to l'robnte, nnd that tl ld Executrix thereol. MoC Ji Thereupon it is ordered, tliat "Z jei. seevnteenth day of May next, at " " the forenoon, be aesigned for '" said petition, aud that tlie 'l"" $ otlj and lii-iis at law of said decased, ■ rr(Uii persona iuterested in said '"t:'tl.'I tneB ', , toappear at a session of sa d '"", ,'..,. of-4' holden at the probate office, in the" Wi W Arbor, and show eaune, if auy tn the praver of the potitioner f ;' a Kianted'; And it is further orJtr,er%n3 W, petitioner give notice t.. the 1' . „f ' latid in sakl estáte, of the !!'K "V, petition. and the hearing theriof, w oop7 of this order to be Pbi!3l'ed„."uiated ■', Afmu, a newspaper printed anJ ?■ " t0 8Sid county three nuccessive weeka prm"u "f(?óPy,iia7 NoAHHKKt,


Old News
Michigan Argus