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Pioneer Society, at Chelse, to-morrow. _. The painters are now at work at the Cathj10 Church, ireseoing the walls and ceilmg. _ Au adjounied term of the Circuit Court f be held next week, commencing Monday. '__ The Hangsterfer Ice Co. have placed aiinther nne delivery wagon upou the streets, to npPty their custoraers. __ Ex-Gov. Felch ie soou to leave for Europe, on business. He expects tu be absent the eater part of the jammer. _-Some enterprising individual "tapped the. (11 " of Boger Matthews' meat market, ïuesj,y, and obtaiued about Í3. - Au effort has been made to induce some 0De of the next graduating class to becoine a tciicher of the deaf mutes at Flint. - ■ The young man Cole, from Lodi, who waa.broght before Justice McMahon, last ffeek, was tried and acquitted Monday. __ The street cominittce, with a surveyor, ffeduesday alteinoon, made an investigation of the grade of Catharine street, and fouud ït correct. - The man with the bear hns got around jMin, and the performances draw crowds. The people bear a good deal of this kind of amusement. - The student foot-bullists have challenged the students of Amherst for a matched game of foot-ball, to be played at such time as may Ie agreed upen. -Chas. H. Manly went out "gunning" Frijay atternoon, returning in the eveniug with 19 snipe ; which he claims to be the Champion "shoot " of the season. _ A large and respectable audience attendi the entertainment for the benefit of the Ladies' Library Association, at the Opera House, Wednesday eveuing. _. A match game of foot-ball was played last Saturday between the Sophomores and Fieshmen. The game resulted in a victory for the Sophs, Dy a score oi 4 to 2. After foot-ball came boxing and wrestiing. - About twenty-five members of the Senior class of the Uuiversity walked to Whitmore Lake for a pleasure trip on Jj'riday last, reniaining Saturday and returniug Sunday. The boys report a first-rate time. - Fred. Bettich is himself again, haring lidhis saloon building of its occupants, and mll soou again engajje in business. The reputation of the establishment, under the late management, was rather " scaly." - A uew service has been inaugurated at the Congregational Church, called Bible readiug, which is held at 4 o'clock P. M. Sundays, and takes the place of the former evening serrées. The new arrangement proves interesting aud attractive. - Lumborn, the man who was so seriously iujured hy Mr. Esty, at the residence of the latter, in Lodi, recently, has recoyered so íar as to be able to appear to defend the complaint made hy Esty i'or assault, and the case is set down lor trial Mouday uext. - The general associatiou of Congregational churches ot Michigan, meets at Kalamazoo, neit Tuesday, and will continue in session four üiiya. President Angelí of the Uiuversity, will read a paper on the " Ferniauent power of the Pulpit." - A trial of plows was had on the farm ot Horace Rosier, Dexter, last Fiiday, betweeu the üliver, Gale, and Heckendorn Chilled plows. The Heckendorn, manufactured by the Aun Arbor Agricultural Co , was awarded the tirst prize for best work and lightest draft. - The Foot-Ball Associntion of the Western Keserve University, Hudsou, Ohio, have challeuged the association ot thfl Michigan University to play a game. A committee of eleven ot the latter society have been appointed to make ■ivnuigemeuts as to the time and place of playiug. - Huron Fire Cumpany held its aunual electiou, Wednesdtiy eveoing, of last week, and the following otHeers were choseu : Forenan, Martin M. Suabolt; lst Assistant, Eli Moore; 'M, m. Oampbeil ; 3d Geo. Kellett; Secietary, Dan Dotiovan ; Treasurer, John VV. Johuston. - Ou Tuesday Puliceman Jcihnson procsei94 to arrest Jim Hulbert and William Logan, but the latter saw bis danger in time to make good bis escape. Hulbert was brought before Justice Beahan and pleadmg guilty to a charge ot beiug draak and disorderly on the previous evening, was flned $5 and costs. - Prosecuting-Attorney Frazer is putting down a plank sidewalk in frouk of his resideuce ou Müler Avenue ; the sanie gentleman iuteuds building an addition to his dweiling this spring, says he will commeuce the work of eicavating for a cellar soon after the uext meeting of the Comraon Council. - A student nained Allen, had his pocket picked of a watch, Saturday afternoon', while eiigaged in the foot-ball match upou the University grounds. It is supposed to have been the work of a strenger tliat was on the grounds at the time, and who the pólice endeavered to ; )W," but were unable to strike his trail. - "Bare Mac," kuown In Aun Arbor as Matt McCollum, is one of the exponents of Moraus with the Great Van Amburgh show, which is to exhibit here Mouday, May 24th. ffe are told that Mac bas all the latest songs, anda thousand and one jokes original with himlelf, which he will distribute gratuituously to the students and others on show day. - The almost total absence of cattle from our streets during the past week speaks well iorthe efficacy of the ordinauce forbiddmg cattle running at iarge, receutly passed by the Common Council. The ordiuance bas long been needed and property ownera can sleep aoundly without being awakened by a drove of cattle skirimshing in their front yard. - In front of the Opera House early Monday moruing Jack Morgan and a colored man aamed Bill Johnson were about to have a set-to for the f uu of the thing, or to settle some 'ittle difftcultv between them. Words ran high and by aud by both got raad clear through, when Jack doffed his outer garment 'eady lor a battle, and a bloody encounter Phai)3 was only preveuted by the mterpositiou oí a colorad friend. - A. tramp printer uamed Wandless, arnved in town last Friday eveniug, and registrad his uarae for a room at Cook's Hotel, aftt which he went out to view the city. Stopping at a number oí "stores" upon the route, ateachof which he took a. "brace up," and i'tead of goiug back to the hotel went to the " pound." He was brought up the next morL1'ig to auswer tor his sins, and, on a promise f au immediate "git," was allowed to depart. - We record tliis wli tlie deatn of another ld Bettler, Mrs. Pliabe F. Goodale, widow of Leouard C. Goodale, a prominent h'gurer in the ffrs and politics of the early settlement oí "s county, uewspaper publisher, County '''trk, 4c., and who died a number of years H". She has been a resident of Aun Arbor during the past 40 years- 33 years of whicli kas been apent in one house, corner Fifth and Jatturine streete - haviug eniigrated from Brietol, Ontario couuty, N. Y. Her funeral Wa held at the Baptist Churcli yesterday alterneren, and was largely attended. - The Toledo Commercial gives the follow'ng description of the new water works estabÜshed in this city : " Ann Arbor should be congratulated in having aniicably settled her Water Works' discussieu. She adopts the "hauley" system. An enterprisiug JuBtice of j the l'eace is the " main " of the systein, and his "delivery" consista of au old barrel ■nounted on a cart, with, for motive power, au W dobbin which did i'ully VI years' service in the Brevet street car line. With this as an outfit, and the well on his premisos for a " supP'y." he delivers water to the thirsty inliabit&nts for a mere pittance, and to the temperance studente, of course, for nothing." The new ordinance prohibiting cows, fec, from running at large in the streets of the city went into effect Saturday, sinee which time a large niimber of cows have been in the pound. It costa the owner four dollars per head to procure the release ot any impouniied auimal- two dollar9 per head being paid to the persoii driving auch animal to the pound. - The dweiling of ex-chief of Pólice Loveland, in the Fourth ward, was entered by burglars on Saturday night last. The family did not retire until late m the evening, and about hall an hour afterwards Mrs. Loveland arose and ooened the wiudow of the room in which they slept, which is on the ground floor. The burglors are supposed to have entered through the open window and having rifled the pockets of Mr. Loveland's pants and vest, taking theieíroin a watch, tifty-iive dollars in money and several articles of inferior valué, passed through several rooms and passed out the rear door of the house. In the morning Mr. Lovoland found his pants on the steps, and also au account book in the front yard, which he says was dropped there after seveu o'clock. - Mr. Cramer wiBhes U8 to say that his advice to the Policemen and City Attorney was that whatever money they might earn when off' duty was theirs, and the Common Council had nothing to do with it. That their ' hours off duty " are regulated by the Chief of Pólice, aud that the talk about " their being always on duty " was mere humbug. Further, that if they supplied their places during " hours of duty," what they earned belongeil to them and not to the city. Further that they did not get their authority to serve " proïess in behalf of the people " by virtue of being Policemen but by virtue pf their office as Marshal and Deputy Marshal. Mr. Cramer still 'adheres and thinks the present City Attoruey would have an interesting time collecting the money so earned of them.


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