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RAILROADS, H CHltiAH CENTRAL B Al LBO AD. WINTER TIME TABLE. QOÏNO WE&T. B. M M ü 9 W H STATIONS. -J w p, .O o S_j_l!J_JL A. M. A. M. P. M.P.M. P. M. Detroit, leave, Ou 10 20 1 M 5 4(1 10 on Wayne, 7 5C 11 00 4 24 6 40 10 47 ïpailanti, 8 .1 11 31 5 0Í 7 10 11 12 AnnArlwr, ! 8 56 11 5 32i J 4ó 11 30 P.M. A.M Dexter, 9 22 6 02 8 10 Chelsea, u 411 G 19 8 30 GrassLake, 10 07 i; 4(5 9 00 Jackson, LC i:i 1 15 7 IJ 9 35 12 65 !P. MA. K. Kalamazoo, 2 05 3 45 12 30 S 15 Ohicago arrive, 8 05 9 00 ! 7 00 8 30 OOIIO EA8T. s & ■ sa &, s a p 4 w ■ wj a A. M. A. M. F. M.P. M. Chicago, leave, ! 5 00 8 30 i 15 9 00 P. M. A. M. Kalamazoo, 10 50 1 23 10 30! 2 35 P. M. A.M. A.M.' Jackson, 2 10 4 00 7 10 12 55 4 55 Grasa Lake, 2 45 7 39 , 6 23 Chelsea, 3 10 8 07 1 6 50 Dexter, 3 25: i 8 26 : 6 08 AnnArbor, ! 3 55' 5 08 8 65 2 22 6 2H Ypsilanti, 4!0 S 25 9 15 2 42 6 48 Wayne, 4 51 5 43 9 43 3 02; 7 11 .Detroit, arrive, 6 45 6 30, 10 30, 3 50i 8 00} Flint & Pere Marquette R. R. TOLEDO, SAGINA W AND NORTHWESTERN MICHIGAN. Cloae and reliable connections made at Wayne Junction with trains of the Michigan Central K. K. Four trains Worth and four tiouth daily except rëunday. Time Card of Apbil 4th, 1875 GOING NOBTH. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. Wayno, leave 9 00 2 00 ü 03 11 10 Holly, i 10 45 3 27 7 45 4 "i Flint, 11 25 4 05 8 24! 4 58 Sagimiw City, 12 ó 2 5 2(1 947 East Saginaw, 2 40 7 55 lu li, Bay City, arrive 1 20 ti 00 7 25 P. M. Heed City, 7 20 6 36 Baldwin City, 8 12 8 35 Ludiugton, arrive 9 40 - 1 1 40 P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. GOING 8OOTH. A. M. i A.M. P.M. P.M Wayue, leave 3 00 6 20 8 20 P. M. Mouroe, 3 55 7 30 9 25 Toledo, arr. 1 6 00 9 t'5 10 30 8ANFORD KEELER, Ags't Supt. J. P. Nourse, öen'i Ticket Agent. DETEOIT, HILLSDALE & INDIANA RA1LEOAD. GOINO WEST. - 1875 - GOING KART. STATIONS. Maii. Exp. STATIONS. Exp. Mail. A. M. F. M. Detroit, dep. ..7:00 3:'1O A. M. p. m. Ypflüantd.,.. 8:35 5:45 Bankera 3:15 2:15 Saline fl:30 6:21 I Hillsdale ... 3:30 2:25 Bridgewatcr.. 10:00 6:42 Manchester.. 6:21 4:07 Manchester. 10:33 7:0a Bridgewater 6:55 4:27 p.m. Saline 7:25 4:45 Hillsdale 1:28 9:04 Ypsilanti.... 9:15 :25 Bankers 1:45 9:15 Detroit 10:30 6:30 Trains run by Chicago time. To take oüect March 28, 1875. W. F. PARKER, Bup't, Ypbilanti. ROOFINC. THIS ROOFING IS DURABLE AND WATERPEOOF: VERY FLEXIBLE; FAR BETTER THAN ZINC TO STOP LEAKS AROUND CHIMNEYS AND CONNECTIONS BKTWEKN WOOD and BRICK. Thïs Koofing has been in use flve years and is the best in use ! ROOFING PAINT! ThiH paiut will preserve Bliingled roofa an indeftDite peiiud, and is equally adapted to tin or irou ruut'n It is flre and water proof ! This paint willbe put on bythe Company or sold by the gallon, with inatructions how to apply the samf . ■ar No Coal Xar is used iu eitber. We solicitthe public patronage. AUwork will be warianted. All Communications should be addressed to the HUTCHINS R00FING CO., P. O. Box 222, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. Residonce 43 South Thayer Street. 1478 tf A KRAJND ACHIEVEMENT? #175,000 Worth of CHAMPION Movring cSi Heaping Machines AT ONK SHIPMKNT. Makino Two Immense Tbains or TwentyTwo Caes Each, Loaded Eniibely with Champion Machines fbom. Oins Conchen. lOxccl I iuar In magnitude, v.-il ■■■, and in Display, an'y Snipnient of Ag. rifiilmrjil lmplements ever made on the ti Inlir. 15" M. BOGERS, Agent. MANHOOD: How Lost, How Restored ! , Just published, a new edition of Dr. jkiSt:iilverwt-lPw Celebra led lisMNIku y on the radical cure (without znediJ mC cine) of Öpebmatorhhcea or Heminal Weakness. Involuntary Seminal Loases, cy, Mental and Physioal Incapacity, Impedimenta to Marriage, etc; also, Consümption, Efilefsy and Fits, indulced by self-indulgence or sexual extravaganoe, &c. Price, in a sealed envelope, only six cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstratea, from a thirty years' successtul practice, that the alarming consequences of self-abuae ma be radically cured without the dacgerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, oertain and effectual, by means of "which evcry sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radiically. ■ar This lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, jmt-paid, on receipt ot six cents or two postage stampa. Addreus the Publishers, CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO., 127 Bowery, New York ; Post Oflice Box 4586. LOTJR I The Quality of our Flour h.vih: a specialtï J. S WIFT & CO., of the late firm of Denbel, Swift & Co., offer to the public a firstïclasa bruud of Flour. Orders for FLOUR AND FEED! may be left at the Post Office, in our Box. marked J. M. Bwift & Co., or at the mili, which will bo mude a speciuly. DELIVEBY FEEE-TEEM8 CASH. 1525wG I. M. SWIFT & CO. rVWEIAlNÖ HOISES FOH SAKE. A large and very well built brick house, with two or more lots. Two large framed houneB. Also a good sized brick house and frame ; and a Bm:ill frame house on a good lot, intunded for adding a front. For sale on fair terina and a reasonable orödit. Alsoother buildings, lots, and property. IHO.NEV WAffTEB- So many wishing to borrow money apply to me that I can readily obtain for Itndtrs good satiafactory iuvestments at ten per cent. interest. E. W. MORGAN. Ann Arbor, Aüril 23, 1S73. U23U


Old News
Michigan Argus