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Consiimption, ihe scourgo of tho human family, mny in its early stages bo proniptly arrested and "pormauently cured, Ravejtswood, W. V. Dr. B. V. PiKnrE, Buffalo, íí. Y.I Btr-Bxtt tho last ycar I have Icen nslng your Golden Medical DlgOOVery. I owe mv life to it, lmving lieon fflioted for yetra. Did not use it bnt a hort. timo beíore I wan benelitcd ; ut tliat time I waa vory bad, not nble to uit ap mach, wm suffering gicatly with my tliroat, was getting blind, had a cougli, ;nd mnoh pain ili niy lungB. I havo UBed twolve butilos of the Discover; and am almoBt welL Katb T. Wabdnkh. A son of Mr. J. II. Mkseck, of Chatham Fotir Corners, N. Y., has been cured of Consumption hy Dr. Pierco's (lolden Medical Discovery - so says Mr. C. B. Canfiold, editor of tho Chatham Conri'r. S. B, Eulkr, drnggist, of West Union, O.. writes to otAto that Dr. Picrce's Ooiden Medical Discover}' has effected a wonderful curo of Conaumption in bis neigliborbood. The Peotcje's Fríen. - It is susceptible of easy prooi that tho nowing machino has been a grenter biessing to the mannes of American pcople tban any invention of tho present óentury. Notliing elso has dono no much to savo tbo Utos and hoalth of tlie wiveH and raotherH, the patiënt, ovorworked women of tbo land, Viiio, as a claes, most neodcd relief frora the burdens of cvery day life. Etbiv father and lnwband fails in lils ditty if ho neglcctH ti eiidow bis home with Buch a triumph of ecience as the Wilson shuttlo sewiii(? machine. Machines iviU be delivored at any railroad station in this country, freo of trausportation charges, if ordered throngh the eompany's hranch houno at 1U7 State street, Chicago. Thoy Hcnd an elegant catalogue and ebromo circular freo on application. This company want a few more good agents. Dn. WiiyHOFr's Anti-Petiiodio or Fevki! ani - Wilhoft'ñ Tonic ha established itHclf au tho rca] infallible Chili cure. It ia univerBally admitted to bo tho only reliuble and liarnilcss ('bilí medicine uow in uso. lts cllicacy is coiiiïrmcd by tnousands of certifleatos of the very bost people from all partw of tho country. It cures malarious disoasos of every typo, from the shnking aguonof the lakea mul vaileys to tho raging feyera of the torrid zond. T17 it ! It ha nevor been known to fail. Whkklock, Piwlát & Co., Proprietors, New (trleaiiH. F()E SALE BY ALL, DnUOOISTS. Eiii;rntTorrï is - All nervomfl disoidcrH. chronic discases of the cheat, head, livor, Btomaoh, kidneys and blood, aches and paiim, nervous and general debility, ete., quickly cured aftcr drugs fuil by wcarmg ,Vlta's Electro Belte and Band. Vah'iablo book free, by Volta Belt Co., Ciucinnati, Ohio. Thr Tíhus iiiYS Dr. Walpolo bae lost hiH beautiful chestnut mare. Sho died suddenly in harncsH, it i eupposcd, from bota or pin worms. If tho Doctor had used Shrridarís ('aralnj Condition l'owders, he would, no doubt, havo had bis mare to-day - they are death on worms. 1 kOll. CIIRUIIOS fur$l; twofor25c. Agent Xwnntod. F.W. McOleavk i. Co., Boston t Chicago. AGENTS. Chans Chana ella t iiïht. Noceflaary ns aoap. Íáamples3ócts. ChangCüaDg Mfg. Co., Boston. Si)AA n month to aonte verywhoro. Artdres V-iUlF Excelbior llVs Co., Bucbnnon, Mioh. dil A o ft35 PI5R DiVV- Scnd for "Chromo" ijpXU catáWie. J. H. fïUFi'ORft'.S SONS. Boston. E VERY FASpr'Y AVA KTS IT. Mon, In IL Sold by Agent. Addrtss M.N. I)VKI.T,.Erie.P ÓCqQAA par Uay at homo. Term free. Addretw Ol fi Ö t Ü üEO. STIK80N t Co., Portland, Maül. A fi "171 TVT rïl Cl ftither sex ; iteadyworkat home. A.V)JCjI X Ö Vlnno]o sample and terms, 10 onts. SHl l'SON & SMITH. CortUndt-tt., N. Y. tíCA A MONTH to malo nnil femnl ircnto Tk #B0B evflrywborR. AddroBs Etmr.ïA SIanüfao(JmUv XÜBIMQ Company, Ruchnnnn. Mlchioran. k fiTilTiTrnn Wantod to oanvasa for Plcturea to opy ! MICRATIVB POSITIOSS POR TEACHEH.S. Anply, for eireníaí-, WKSTERN SCHOOI, k RIZOJTA GoM Mincs-SOO Mon Waftted, Trith A. S."iK). to ioin 'ïp"(1itinn fittinK out to worktheao Minss. A."W. CALLHN, Mayor Junction City, Kansas. WANTED AGESITS-everywhero to canvas for ' our (reat Ceiitmiial Knok, trorihy the sprriu! voüce of xperlenced aírente. For partlculars, audress the puhlishor, B. B. RUSSKLL, Boston, Mass. f GEO."PrÖWlËLL & CoV k E! Wc wU1 end F Ive benutiful 3-pne ■ " 1% SonRSand Kivc channhiR ta.1 iiocep. All bj popular composers, Oït n+c anfï iust publishod. G. W. Richardson ' ltö. & Co., Music Publishers, Boston, Mass. , rYlHIS pftper ia prínted with Ink furnlshed by Chirlee J. Eneu Johnson & Co., 609 South Tenth Streel, Philadolphia, and fft Gold Stroot, New York. For salo in 1Ü i and 25-pound chiih by THE NIcVSPAPP;R UMON, Chicago, in. SEND 25 CKÏVT3. and receivé by return niflil our JjAAIP im,r,KR nnd terne toagtüi. Wïth tt yon ríin fill Kerosene XjAmpfl without remofin bwrnwr OT cliimney. or jrrensinft 1,-inip oiitsidn. Agent ttanJed rywftiratUrgewage. N TIOVAL AGEXT.S' , EJÍPOmiJUl, Hoaton, JÏJass. HOB'LACK'HÍÍLLS! Combination formina. For the email imtlay, $10 to $50, fortunes can lm at home. Addrea H. L. LOWMAÍ, Ijiramlo City, Wyomlng VAÏÏBIfi MTP1T WnnterttoloarnTeleitropi. lililí üi IB3 6" RS in and tnkn offices on new llUilJ iULiil Unos which woaro furnishfroin .$-10 to $1) ner ïnonth. rarticul.trs inailed free. Address N.W. TKLKiiRAVJI ÏNSTITUTH, Janesville.Wis. Jft. Vlij il A U Vf JNlil L JÜLJ'pvcrul.lislod. Sena for circular and onr extra terins to Afï'nt. NATIONAL rail. O., ChienRO, IH.. or St. Louis, Mo. CfiT r &irrr Invoiled in Wall Street I arerythfng, una oopy of t!i( Wulï Sli-r-t ürvlrw ! DrilT CDCC John HlCKl.lNt; tt Co., lïnnltftrs OCrl I rituC. and Broker, J3 Iiroadway, N. Y. " 't ffi M ín ttao house nmde compnr.itively eapy and nleasant. Kveryono interested in ríiiirin'j limitan 'í ifirí öllould send a BUimp for our circular. GRAY,DIXON4CO.,51CljbournAT.,Chlcgo. T.T T TVJ A ÖIT 781 Bkoadway, New York, r i-i.njrj, manufacturero! SolidGold JEWELEy of nrerv-desoílptioD. The stock Is largo, Tery , ohoict1. and is offonïd at rRtiiil fit trndo prieel to keep our rorkmen aoinR. Bill? under í 15. P. O. erdor tn adrance. Over $15, O. O. D. privilege to examine. Catalogues free. _ _. Or tlie pretiles CRDS you ever W n ," 'iv, with your namo handsomely printedou C a U thrinsent. pniitpaiii.npon reci-ipt of 30 cents. B M E ""r Wend wiU all wnt them whi-n thoy seo 0 %jl jrour.. Addreu W. c. CANNON. 40 Knoelaud St.. Boeton. Mass. J i 'í!! f1 f I Ü3 P I 3 0 L - 'V of the proll iWi I 1 1 8 lï r nt diur. Send forPaW! H(y8iBVw8llB per on Opium Bat. : ld. Prof. n. Mecker, P. o. Hoi 176, Leparle, Ind. l"J"í"?ql"?"j To Agentó in oHdition to I%9ÍbI gis Hi larget cash oommicsion, roAWUlfliJAN IL LUST RATEÓ 3 r mv t 9 EWEEKLY whh ■"' I %Jt%PjJiJ l u"1" an 'Vpflementt. l__BaKfngnaraBsraraPc'iQlen anc circulars freo WALKER, RttU löTCO., 726 Santom St., Phill. lÏBIHarï Lotta Bustle. []ïSffl Il:" "."t"1'' H o'hers .overol times wSrÉ'SéCVI lli 'i''!1 J'oar ly American lupütntü. Ba ssaa a . . thomas. ngV M1CÍ '11 A llilc M.. Ni iv Vork, i-B' SOI Rikt St.. Phil adfilnliU. Pa! ■Uto % TTy tH One Dollar5 vorth I-SI ïff B K. J of Pepilar Iïixk, or ■OVVlkU choleo Music, sont free. Tnclopo fitninn for CataBHI9& Ham H ■ lotruo. Aiiil'rss rilII.A. i T7 ff Y B imiK. Y. ITULÍSIIINO P" IT ir8 KF I Cl)., i:) South Hm-entll ■ ■ K ÏSD [SSB ■ a Stroef, PhflAdêTpuia, Pa. höwWget a home. 1OAVA f.WDS, S(K,OO AtKKS. Rioh 8oiltKoód CUmate. exoellont Water, rtowüig Settlemetita, Md SchAttls. Wp iffw tlui Limaft of tiv Sionx City ati'i St. PauJ K, II. and tho McQregur and Missouri River K. 1 91 to SS per nere, on easy payments Two yeais rent will btiy a fnnn. A mIy to OAFIDSON Si CAMilAS, H. K. I.;uiJ Orh.-'. SUlf, OftoenU ('o., Iowa. f PORTABLE Soda Fountains. $40, $50, $75 & $100. GOOD.DURABLK AND CIIBAP. Shlppod rosdy for Ufle, Mura'actmnd hy CI1APMAN i CX.. BT Ssnd for a Oatalogno. - rS- - _ Tlip HEIT RtHtio Tniss. " - v wiih'ntt molal sprints, patentrfELAST'c' ed 1871 ind 1873, with the ltet ■ ' Í7IPTURE , 'inproTomenta. emtwdjing the V" " B6VJ'j#,imlof tllllhÍKhc5ititlvriititn pkill, and pcrfirt inmal.MÍ.ilí X::-jf'J y-' nnd workmanshlp, is sent by jP mili, portpaldjfor á4,inS, 3 liki' out, or Sö for botlipidps. HliiHtnited dencriptivo PaniphH't, with full dirertionH, fic. Nornpturea jMirson shouhl rest without sunding for it. Address P()Jli',H(V&(O.. 744 Rromlway, Ji.Y. , : rooRces ron Jc-ubtaBICDede?ï,ck ac0 bat two 9h.áS38'r'?K."1' hurpo powor : nnd " C(ittonvil!ii)i]tfram)-fHraHS @ S' ' CSÜ3P Mm JOlrectory. " IMPLEMENTS. OHTOMO SUBA FE." UITCUEK 00., M USalte. BOOTS ADSHOES-AUC;'ON flND COMMISSION. JAS. i. HoHAMABi t CO., i WMhtaiton. CANNEO FRUIT8 AND CRYSTAL KE P1CKLESK. A. WAIUNKR, 45 and 47 Rlrer, vPQWINB'S BniVE ANO WELL PUMPS. L- DOWNKR A WOOLNEE, 88 md 100 FraflW CROCXEfiY. CHINA AND GLASSWARË, A.BBAM FRENCHAOO., lol W3 Wsbub-ar. ENGRAVER. SEALS, PRESSES, STEEL AND BRASS STAMPS, STENCIL TOOLS AND STOCK. O. H. HANSON, SS Koülli Blut ENGRAVER3. 8. D. CIUUXS, JR., & CO., 115 Franklin. ENGRAVER, DIE SINKER & MANFR. OF STENCILS L. BOCHE, 171 E. Randolph. FLOWERS AND STRAW GOODS -SPECIALTY. DALT, HKNROTIN i CO., 144 and 146 FURNITURE. A. L. I1AI.E & HnO.,2ro,at!,204andai6RandoVph. GLASS SMOW-CARD PAINTER. J. .1. O. BÜBGHOFFER, liO, 201 and 203 B. Randolph. GRASS SEEDS. ALIiKJIT DICKIXKON, Vr, Kinaio. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY-WHOLESALE. EDWIN HUNT 4 SONS, 63 and Yakn. HEAVY HARDWARE-WHOLESALE. KIMHARK BROS. & ('()., ISO lo Mi.-liiiran-aT. SAW MANUFACTUREH9. HF.NRY DISSTON 4 SON.N.W.cor. RindOlOd Market SHOW.CARDS AND GLASS SHOWCAhD WRITEBS, MUMN 4 DRUM, 215 W. Madlson. WASHING MACHINES. tor Olrcnlan, dr., tddma CM.KliN'S fllAMriON Waslior Co., 21)7 Clark. Agonta wanlötï evet jwhfMP. WATCHES, JEWELRY AND JEWELERS' SUPPLIES, dOQSVntLL, WHIHÍR t CO.. 105 and 107 State. m aTliK BKST in Wnrld. A -nm A" It (iv'B Univnrpul .Satisfacfion. FSjM"!O flOSDHUI'll, Kroniimy. sksSTgiSS )..' k"m!Í'.k'. rggs,'&!. y f i Onr cnr's BavinES wül bny ft eow, nSRSraÍYi xo iík s it nu ka i). I YXFffJ Wiir, I clitcr, SiroelBT, Rlcber. FSÜ si.I.I.'W lili" IJOT f:AJK. aaMiaW CUCO. F. OAM7, t )., mAGKNTS WANTED HVIC1! The eboioest in theworlo -tmporietv1 targesi Oomnmu In Amerika - ataple urtiolo - pleasca vorybody - tmde liloreaslns - best inducoment - don't waMci tini!-nd for Olrculai to ROIÜOHT WBIX8, 4e3 Vmo Strest, New York. P.O. Jiox 187. DO YOUR QWN PRINTINC! IS" J O V SS X T Y Tcof(siiisluiitll iiimI Aiii:i( i'iir ;!. PrinlcrM, S-liool, Hocivtiv, ManijMrrn uiictiii"Oi't, M ei--l:itttH, anil uthera Itla HKÍtÍJi.-'pJ "ac BB8T ever inveiited. l;t.OOOlnuc. "JlT "! J i.Tcn Btylcs. Priccs fromffiñ.OO toyiSO.OO & .iáá BEN O. WOODS & CO. Munafn nnd EESteita&li..nicrsinan kinds of Printing Material, I eend ftnmpíbr Catalogue.) 49 Fodcral St. BotitoB. iffi',r'-7-?.11. 'lis new TmsB In worn ji(r:. '4S5hw witn pprfcct comfort niitbt tW'-6r a c Adapta ItoelTto M ELASTIC íd'T inótion of the body, ijnjl "j E, TJ S S fiíMifftJiiningr'jptureundf'rthe %- -, . ." - rrW hjiriïfist exprciseorBeverest üfcá :1 - .' J " yai Btrain nniil pcrmunently tIt'V1" 'a g cured. Sold cheap by the X""Cy Elastic Trnss Co.. No. 683 Broaclway, N . Y. City.' Sent by m.iil. Oall or sond for Circular, and be cured. A yvï and nvthe.ntic account of the Black Hills GoiD Rkqion, contwining Gen. Custar's official reportof tho recent QoTflniment Expedition, lotlers from Gen. Foniyth and Lioit.-(íen. P. Ií. PheridaN, and a deiioripf ion of (he mines iinrl country by Blnckwelï and MoIin;n, f.he two rrturneil minera, w)th a. map drnwn by the Ctttef Prnnfrhtginan of the SnrToyor-Genornl'B oifice, littlng the 'inly rnli;il)!o nmp of (bc Black Hills ever pu! lishod. Flniedittcm t SOtOOQ ooples sold In two weoks. Socond eüitiun of 6O.00U oöplss now roady. Iiic", Íi5 Cents Two Copien, 40 CVntK, Address JiRAIJOY A CO., FubliBhers, 111 Monroo-st., Chicago, HL ACreat Off er ! f II 4g 1 iJroartway, NcwYork, mll dlxpose ƒ 1OO PIANOS ,fc OIUiANS o rtrt--lani miikfNTK, (..!aj WATIili.s, i EXTREMeLy I,OW PRIOÉS for rash, ItJIUNi TUIS MONTH. WATERS' Ñew Scale Pianos are the best innrir ; th tonch claHtic, wul a fino tiinffinii toni-, piwcrfnU pure nn'ï oven. WATERS' Concerto ORCANS cannot be excelled ín tonv or bomity ; they aoiy compotittnn. The Concrrto Stop tí a finó ïuifLation of the Huinau Voïce. Accnts Wanted. SA liberal !i-mmt to Teachers, ftlinister mrebe, rhooln, I,olac, etc. Specin! fniccmcnf io lll.Vntnofsten lf nih-,1. OUNHAM Dunham & Sons, Manufacturers, Warerooms, 18 East Hth Street, [Establishedl834.] NEW YOBK. Scndor Jlluttrated Cirtular and Price Liit, Ol&&F POP E'S MXliflo Fistol K 3 Slinots Tïtii'ts or SIsiíJ- Iifrcly Ï. ' í Accurate. Reeommended by Sportsm ■ X men and Miliruv mon. Splonrlid íirlrr it.jT AmusiMiinr. One mny bocome a Dead Shot by pnu-ticinrr witli it. To a Snort sniim it is tfiValuable, Prioo, inólodlng D,-irf, (s1uks, Tnrpots and (unstock, &VOO. Hinasomely nAekelÏlated. $6,00. Seu-adjustlng Boíl Tnrget, L.00. or enlo by Gun Doalers, or sent by mail on reeeipt ol priceand3.vct8. postaba. PíHK itUOS., Manularliinrs, 45 lligli Street, líoston, Mass. RANK'S GRAVE CUARDS. Desígned for lbo nurjflof proservinp thé synunetry of burial munnds, mui linldinj; tho upunl Hcad nnd íwt Stonee moro Beoorely and permftnently n posltlon. Ulustrated Oá.tailofuet farnishod on inn AMOS RANK & CO., Salem, Oliio. "Establishcrt JS.5S. , fly Mf taf m tïp. hlO ibiJOJÍi.ntw i'--f'@''-i.i n.n-,tó SSÖbH TT1AIÏT! SfAr.H, PATEIíTED. The best and rheapest Pa'nt ín file Worlil for Ivon. Tin Wood For sale ! by Pealers everywhnro. PRHTCES' METATLTG I'ATXT ('O.. Mnnaft'rers, SCCedarSI . New York. "CjVXJ'TIOPC".- Purchasers will pleasc see that oiirname tetoú trade mark ire oncach and evorv packare. Sentí for a Circular. FREE I 7rËËÏÏ FRËË !Ï! The Pioneer. A bandeóme lllustrated newspapnr containinfr I mation for everybody. Talla and where to seoare a hojík oheap. Seni frek to all pakts or tuk WORLD. It oontains íhe new Homesteau and Timber Lawr, with otlior interestinE matter found only in this pnier. fiend for It ttt Once! It will only coBt yon a Postai. Card. New nuniber for April juat out. Addregs, O. F. DAVIS, Lamí Coiumissioncr V. P. K. Rv Oiitiilm, IVolt. HHAN'CH Ofi'ICE AND FACTOItY: -.05 WF.ST ST., ... New York. No. 210 South Third St., St. Louis, Mo. Vo. 83 West Van Ruriii St., Hiicogo, 1 11. Any Sliañe from Pure Wliite to Jet Blaclc. I A üomblnatlon of the purest palnt "Ui India Rubber, formlnjï a BMOOTH, OLO88T, ?"ll!M. DURABLE, KLABTir üti'l beaütiful Paint, lui.-iii.-cted by ohance of temper , ■i mu-, perfeetly ivnter-prooí and adnptP'l to all clusec if, and li in evory w i.v a botter paint for either ln i ífcle or uutside palntinglhananyother paint inthe vrorld 1 Bfling rrora one-tbírd to one-fourth otíeaper, and lasting r it leajfcthree times aá loog as tha beat teaá aud oÜ paintt 3c Suro that Our TRADE MARK (a fac simile of which f is given above) Ís on every package. Prep&red readj t r ose, and s M by the jf nilón only. Tüere boa never been a Paint offered th9 publlo that "V ma becomo so popular (in the samo time) nd givea m 1 ?erleet Usfaction aa tbe Rubber Paint lxi Dr. J. Walker'? !aW'i'ia Vine#ar Bitters wre a ímíí-íIj í'.tab', preparation, made ei nymm'Q cativo herbs foiind on t'. i lowei ranges (,,' (,ho Sierra Novada motrntain of Cafifcf. Dia, tho medicinal propertíeg of whier .iro extracted thorcl'rom without of Alcohol. Tho question is almos) daily asked, "What is the causo of the unparalleled suecess of Vikegak Bit txbs V' Our answer te, tliat Uiey removj tho cacse of discase, and the patiënt tbcovcrH bis healt'.i. Thoy are th( blood puriOer.and alife-givingpriheiph .1 perfect Kcnovator and Invi 't the system. Never before iistory uf thé world has a medicine bj oompoümíed possesslng the rcmarkabí qualkies of VllHöAliKlTTKBsin liealine the fot of i'vory Sisease aianisheirto are a gentle Porfjative a rell as , relie viu g Cosoestmn " inflíimmntinn 5,' tho Ijivcr and Tiscernt rganp, in Bilion Diseases. The nrppcrtícw of wat,kkK'S Y t nuca r Iíittkrs aro A pctfent J 'iajibnretic, (J:irininavi', Niitritiuus, LaStíy, liinri'ii! Bedative, OonnteT-Initant, tíuactHjiItaifi tive, aud Anti-BiliouB. öratefiil Thousauds proclaimTa EíJAR BlTTBKS the 1110:4 wnni' jrlul le vigorant that ever sustained tlm Binkiii eystem. NoPerson can tsike these Bitten aecording to directions, aiid rem unwcll, provided iheirbones are stroycd by mineral poison 01 meaus, aud vital organs wasted repair. Bilious, Bemittent and ínterniittoiit 1 ayers, wiuch aro so lent in tho valleya of our great riten dnvagboai the Dnited Si ates especiaüy 3hose of the Mississippi, Obio, Mírsooti Illinois, Tennessco, Cumbenand, Alian. jas, Ked, Colorado, Brazos. Kio G Pearl, Alatama, Mobile, Savannah,B8nokc, James, and nany otlictlieir vast tribytnries, throughoul ta entlre country during the Summer su Autumn, rnd reniarkably ro dariogiea sons of unusual lieat and tiryness, ar invarialily acconjpanied by extensivederangemeuts of tho stomacj ;iw livor, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgativo. exertiDg a powerful influeuce npon these variouj oigans, is essentially neecssary. Thera is no cathartie for ttio purpose equfd t Da. J. Walker's Vinegak Bjtteks, as they will speedily remove tho darkcolorod viscid matter with wliich the bowels are loadcd, at the same time stimvtlating tho secretions of tlie üvw and gencraüy restoring tho health? functions of the digestivo organs. Fortify the body against disias by purifying all ite Huidswith Vdibgai BlTTEHS. Nu epidemie can tako hold of a systom thus forc-armed. Dysjpepsia or Iiulipostion, Hcadache. Pain in the Shoulders, Cougha, Tiglrtness of the Ohest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of ibe Stomach, Bad Pastt in the Mouth, Bilious Attacka, Palpitatation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Langs, Pain in the región of the KM ueys, and a hundred other painfui sym;itoms, are tho offsprings of Dyspepei Ono bottlev.ill prove a betterguarantoe of its merits thaE a lengthy advortisernent. Serofula, or King's Evil, White SwelliniB, l.Tlecrs, Erysipelas, Swelled Neuk, öoitfa, ëcrufoloua InflammatKins, fudolcul Jnflammations, Mercurial Affcctions, OU Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Soto Eyiv-, i'li'. In these, as in all other bODStitaüon&l Diapases, Walker's Vinkgah Bitters have shown their great curativo powers iu the most obstinate and intracta'jle cases. For Iiillammatory and Chronic Illioumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remittent andlntermittent Fevers, Di.seasesol the Blooo, Li ver, Eidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. tíucb D are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanica! Diseases.- Persons engaged in Painte and Mineral, such a riumbers, Type-setters, Oold-bestors, ui Mirrers, as they dvance in life, are to paralysis of the Bowels. To guw against this, take a (lose of 'AIJRti'É Tu koar Bitters occasionally. For Skin Diseases," Eruptions, Tetter, Salt-Kheum, Blotches, Spot-s, Postales, Boils, Garbunelcs, Ring-wormi Seald-head, Soro Eyen, Brysipei Si-url's, l)iscoloraüons of tho Skin. and Diseosee of Iho Skin of trhatei or nature, are literally dog up '- out of' the system in a short timo l'.v of these Bitters. Pin, Tape, and othcr Worms, lurkios in the system of fo many thi are effeetually destroyed and removed. 5" systiin of medicine, no venuilupc tholiiuuitifs willfree thesystem frum like these Bitters. For Pemalo Complaint8,tayon6 or old, mnrried or single, b( the dawn of rnanhood, or the turn of life, these T"nl( Bitters display u dècided an influí improvement is room percep tibia Cleansethe VitJated Bloodwl ever yon find its impurities bursting throap the skin in Pimples, Ernptinns, or ''. cleaiiBo it when yon find it obstruí slnggish in the veins; cleftnse il whfn l foul ; yoju ftlÍBga will teil vou whi the blood pure, and tho health of the sy1" will ibllow. It. H. JHrDONALiD -Si CO.. DraggisteandQen. Agta., San Franoiscn ' ■ad oor. of Washington mul Charlto Kt.-.. N i Solil liv all iTruggisU und Dn'l L Powell'ï Sw Wood Piipl 9Hl IVaulïcgan Farm Pnoip' ■K Wood Eave-7. ough Tul ÜtM K. 1 f jou want tho nu. t of thcscfS n V cles, go to vuur Ilanlv Horie U n toral ïmplemait Store?. '", WfW 1 nut keep thi-m, or will uot get t m"v 1 f'"' vnu, sciiel direct to thrFactog; -"iJfi']' l- -'atfogn and Frico Liet ffi1!ea .i-SU J#s. 'j. p'. 'roWKl.I, lyaukepm -"■ SOR PER DA Y Commiision, or S3O a week !- 1 1 J ry, and expenses. We offer it and will ! K tpply liow. O. AV. "rbber & Co.. Marión.' ! DfiTwSllTlJBB Ko. 617 St. Charlos Street, St. Louis, He. oBUnaoa to tres 11 oaiei af obatulea to mrri. bW lrpunH, everj i!mnt or alckaes whleh resul fr" lndiicrtlon or Inpruience, witb ncprlleli ioM1 Dr. W.'i eBtabJlBbment U cbKrtr4 b the 8Ut f "' cari, m tottadeú nd hu been estubliihod w inrf fu, ruin tod reliable relif. Being a gr3otí wnrftl medioBl ooIImob. cd bBYlng th iperlBBW trj long ind ■uocfSBfui iffo In hU Bpcri4ltie h hu prfeca rmJio that re effoctoal ín all ttireo caaes. Hü ptlL nr belsg trooici by mail or cxprcia eyerjwhere. "♦ bHrr wbu i-ttl-jd, oBli r wrlle. From tb great 0" tr f appllditfont ö la enabled to keep hl ehr'fi . .16 pnr-s, iTlng ruit ymptomi, for two wop1 W9ARRIAGE CUIDE, WO Pffj " popular book whioh ihonld be retí bJ T2 wdj. No roarrfod pair, or poraona oontempltlog BM. 18, daa afford to do without It. It ooniaini thft cr n#tt3l tera:ur on thlf aabjeot, the reinita of Dr. W. ■ 'o xprl:no; alao tb baat thoytbta froni lw " Brp kad ioirlo. ftent aeale?, pcM-pald for b0PU' O. . IT. '"■ 'in VHBN WHITING TTI ADVBBTW


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