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BUSINESS DIRECTOKY. _■ - ■ -i - - . - - - - - GKO. Iï. CLARK, M. I., Homeopathie I'liyBiciaii. Office and puldfiDM over C. Dli?s & 8on8 jewelry store, Auu Arbor, tieb. ■f H. JACKSON, Dentist, aiiccessor to C. B. V Porter. Oñice corner Maiu aud Washing1oa-stn., over tbe Btore of Bach & Abel, Aun Arbor, 3Iich. Anesthetics administered if required. EGI!OKO, M. I., Ptaysician nï Surgeon. a Office and resideuce No. 7 Wínñmaíton streef, ■ our doora east ot 9fafu, Aitn irjor, M'icK EüGENE K. VBXSBXWT, Altoraoy atibaafc, Notary Public and '(.Vmmissioner of peed for Pennsj-lvauii. i3'muH;iI i"i; - in the Gcrmla or English Unguatir. OlHce, I! IV Opcra-IIoéio, Auu Arl'or, M'clu -ITT-M. WÏÏI1T, 9fcjt., ih.vHirt.n and SurVV Ei'on. OfliiX W..t "'lry Store, Jliiiii itrret, Anu Arh.T. NN ARI5OK HINKI:. I. Sl'KINOS, Morris J. Hale, V. 1)., SujerintoiHlcnt. Offlce in bnildiug corner Manu and Wrst Hiri.n strpots. -ÏTTINKS WORDEN, M South Mam Btrtnt, W Aun Arbnr, B83ob., whnh sule and reta'l dealCTsiu Dry Goods. Carpeta ai d (rc-c -rries. ■TACK & SCTIMII), fl.alcTS in Dry (loods IVA Orocerief, Crockary, te, Noi 51 Suutli Main ttreet. CrTHKIIJLVI) & -VVin-.DON, Life aucl Fire O Inanrence geu'fl, auil cli-n Ca in Beal Estatr. Office on Horos trert. BACH & AI5KI., áenlfiVB :c Jlry Ooods, (riceriea, &c, &c, No. 2 .S.ulii liaia Ktn. t. Aun Arbor. - . _ Wlr. WAGiiKK, dcnlcT in Oc.tliing, Cloths, , Vestings, Trunks, Carpet BagB, &c, 21 South Malij Street. JFRKIBKICK SCH i:i:ioi;i.U, teacher of . tha MANO, VIOMN AM) (UITAK. Beádence souttiwest corner Maiu and Liberij Btreeto. Atm Arbor. NOAH W. CHEEVER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offlce in Probate Office, Aun Arbor. MES. H. J. H1LT0N, M. IX, PHYSICIAN AND SURCEON Office, and Beiridence No. SS .1 Sfoet, cerner of Ingalb!, Ann Arbor, Mtck. WOffice hours 8 lo 10 a. in., and 2 to 4 p. m. References- Prof. Sager, Prof. Palmer. JOHN G. GALL, Dealer in FRESH AND SALT MEATS, LARD, Sausages, &c. Orders solicited and promptly fllled with Ihc bent moats in the market. Cor. Jluron and Fourlh-sts., Ann Arbor. J. FEED. BROSS, Manufacturer of CARRIACES, BUCCIES, Lumber Wagons, Spring Wagons, Cuttors, Sleighs, cc. All work warranted of the best material. Iicpairlag dnne promptly and reasonably. All work warranted to give perfect satisfaotion. 08 South Main street. CKOCKEEY, GLASSWARE AND GEOGERIES. J. & P. DONNELLY Havo in store n larse Btock of Orockory, Glassware I'lated Ware, Cutlery, Groceriee, &c.. to., all to bè OW at unusually low priecs. JVb. 11 East Buron-st , Anti Arbor. HENRY MATTHËWS Dealer in RESH.AND SALT MEATS, Smoked Ham, Sausage, Lard, etc. Buren Streel, nexl lo íeonard Ilouse. Orders left by customers promptly fllled. HENEY MÜRPHï7 Dealer iu CROCERIES, HOSIERY, CLOVES, And Notions, No. 9 Norlh Main h'treet, Ann Arbor. Prodnco taken in excliange. È?ÈRYBODY SAYSïlÏAÏ REVENAUCH 18 THE Boss Photographer of Ann Arbor. 28 East Huren Street, up-slairs. wTa. lovejoy, Tobacconist ! DEALS IN liOTII FDE-CÜT AND SMOK1N(J Tobacco, SNUFF, PIFES, &c, At No. 7 East Huron-st., Next to tlic Express Office, ANNjVRBOR, - - - MICHIGAN.' New Bakery ! E. STILING Would inforrn liis numorous friends and the publica e ucmiij tual ,!,. ila8 nlted np the Btoro late 0( ( u_ Tica )y j. ij. Walwm & Co., -H East Jiunm-Kt., as a Bakery asi Coiictionery Store, And hop iJy a strict attentiou to business to nic.ii tentioTSTb;! AidTo'íU"' rüUai!0' ïtóUifl atce Cream Department. Wedding üakes, pyramids, all kinds of Fruit Cakes shnrf (jl'''a"1 iuruifhcéd familie or parti nort uotKT. i-resli Pmiti and Confeotionery a). REMEMBER THE PLACE, No. 28 East Huron St„ ann AHBOB.


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