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O'connell's Wit

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Ono of tho moet cffcctivo weapons of O'Connell .was his wit, wliich was always at liis command. Tlicro aro eundreds of storics detailing instances of liis power in this respect. One of these is a story where tlie victim was Dr. Russell, knowu in this country as "Buil Kun Bussell," the frinous correspondent of the Lontion l'imcs. On one occasion, when O'Conncll was to address a monster meeting in Ireland, Russell was sent over by the Times to report O'Oonnell's speech, the purpose being to get evideneo that could be used against him in case ho should iitter language capablo of bemg interpreted as secÜtious. By O'Connell'8 advice, Russell was provided with every possible facility for his work. He was assigned a soat near O'Connell, whore he could hear every word. O'Connell, before beginning hifi speech, informed the thousauds of poople present that there was a very able Englishman present, who carne all tho way from England to report his speech ; that it was to be printed iu the London Times, and that the gentleman was desirous to get an accurate report, so that hc could swear to it if necessary. He therefore appealed to tho Irish present to bc quiet and orderly ; to make no noise, and to do nothing that could distnrb the Euglish gentleman, or cause liim to loso a word of the speech to which he was to swear. During these remarks he pointed out Mr. Russe]l pcrsonally, who was placed so conspieuously as to be easily secn by all. Then, turning to Mr. Russell, he askcd hiin if there was anything he nocded, if he wan oomfortftbly seated, if liis pens were in order, and if he wore ready to begin. By this time Russoll had bocOE&e tho mout interesting and oonspiouous man in tho crowd. Again appealing to the crowd to besóme quiet aiiil iet the gonÜerttftii got uch a report as ho could swear to, he infonnod Russell that ho was about to begin. Russell dipped liis pen iu ink, and O'Connell begau his oration - in Irish ! The nmltitude saw the joke, aud Bussell wius ]iaini'ullv impressed with the knowledge that ho was livughed at. At intervals O'Connell would appeal in English to the crowd to bo ailent, as tlie Ënglisli genUeman did not aeem to get along veiy well, and would nol. be ablo to swe&r to the aecurac.v ot the report. Ewry nlóment made Bnsscll's position more painl'nl, until at last, morfciñed and Immili ated at the exposure of the roal purpose ut' liis vLsit, and at i( defcat, he rose from liis si'iit, lel't the meeting, and quitted I fl lamí.


Old News
Michigan Argus