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The Gunpowder Explosion

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Between eleven and twelve o'clock Monday mght a fire broke out in the grocery store of AugustHerz in the Fifth ward, which resulted in the almost miraculous escape from death of nearly a dozen persons. The store was closed about nine o'clock, and later in the evening visited by Henry Ortman, a stepsou of the propritor, to see that everything was right about the premises. Shortly after eleven o'clock a fire was diacovered in the store by a family living ou the oppoaite üide of the streer, who gave the alarm, and aoon a crowd was collected On opening the door the fire was found to be located behind the counter. A few minutes after entrance was gained, and while exertions were being made to extinguish the llames a quantity of gunpowder exploded with tenfic violence, teanng off the ceiling and blowing out the front and rear Windows. Three men were iuside the room when the explosión took place, and a number standing on the walk in front of the building. L. Felch, who was standing a few teet from the door, was blown through the window into the street, but fortunately received only a slight cut on the knee. Jas. Donovan who was in the act of throwing a pail of water ou the fire, was forced back iuto the gutter, but not badly injured, L. Moore, the person standing ueareat to the powder, was blown through the door into the middle of the stret, and was considerably injured about the head. Those outside the the building suffered apparently more than those witnin. They were : Henry Ortman, who was just about to enter the door, was struck in the face and neck, and both eyes badly burued. It is thought his right eye is entirely destroyed, and his neck waa filled pieces of glass. W. W. Sauuders was badly bruised and cut about the face and eyea. Qotlob Lodholz cut, burued and bruised. Frank Ortman, who was standing in the rear of the building, was blown from the back steps. Hia injuries were at tirst considered aerioua, but he ia rccovering. Frank Allen, out and bruised about the head. Ira Aldnch, injured about the head. Ed. Pierce was blown into the street and shghtly cut about the face. Frank, Kapp, cut on the shoulder. George Weisert, cut under the eye, Mrs. Wasser, who was passing on the opposite side of the street, was cut on the arm by a piece of ñying glass. The explosión subdued the flamea and preveuted f urther inj ury from the fire. The building which is a three story brick, is shattered from cellar to attic, and the walls badly cracked on both sides. The building was insuied for Cl, 000 in the Germania, of New York, and the stock for 12,500 in the Franklin, of Philadelphia. The cause of the fire is still unknown. Excursión to Put-in-Bay. - The excursión of Company B took place Wednesday, leaving this city at about aeven o'clock in the morniug. The excursionists uumbered about 700, and were couveyed to Detroit by a special train of nine cars drawn by one of the best engines on the road, the Reliable. At Ypsilanti about 40 persons were taken on the train, and after a pleuaaut ride arrived at Detroit at about halfpast S o'clock. The excursionists immediately proceeded to the M. C. K. K. doek, to take passage for the Bay ou the steamer Jay Cooke, which boat soon turned in at the doek, and in a very few minutes tlie party were safely on board and the gallaut boat was steaming down the river. The boat was just comtortably loaded with a party who had left home for a day's enjoymeut, and for that reason uearly all children had been lett at home. A fortúnate selection was made of the day for the excursión, the weather was all that could be asked for, being eool and pleaaant, with just breeze enough to cause a gentle ripple of the broad, deep waters of Detroit river and Lake Ene. During the trip down music was discoursed by Gwiuner's Band, and various kinds ot amusement were inaugurated, while many were eontented to sit and watch the scenery along the banks of the river and the various ïslands in the lake. Dancing in the cabiu of the boat waa participated, but the party soou tired of Ihat amusement for it did not furnish much pleasure, owiug to the crowded state of the cabin at the time. On Lake Erie the acenes were grand to look upou, the broad expanse of water, as far as the could behold, with numerous little ïslands eropping up out of the water, and the white-masted ships in the distance To those who were fortúnate enough to obtain permission to vUit the " hurricaue deck" of the boat the sights were truly roagnificent. The boat arrived at Put-in-Bay a little before one o'clock, when the crowd disperaed to see the aight3 on the island. J ust as we arrived a light shower of rain carne up, but it had no effect on the party ; pleasure they had come for and that they were bound to have. During the shower, which lasted but a few minutes, dinner was eaten, and then all were ready for business for the few hours they were to remain on the island. Some were contented with strolling around the village and through the beautiful grovos, while many visited Perry's Cave, the musuem, wine cellars, and riding on the Bay in row-boats. On our arrival the island was alive with people, several excursión parties haviug alreudy arrived, among which was one from Toledo, numbering about 1,000, and oue from Saudusky, being the Erie County Granger's picnic, and others trom places that we did not learu. Soon after our arrival the steamer B. N Rice carne in from Detroit with a large load of excuraiouists from Plymouth, and at about 2 o'crock the Pearl arrived with a full load from Cleveland. Our boat left for Detroit at halfpast f our o'olock. The "run" home being a pleasant repetition of the trip down, ouly a little more enjoyable for being an evening ride. The boat arrived at Detroit about 9 o'clock, and at 9:30 all were safely aboard the train aud ou their way home, arriving in this city at 11:30, feeling that they had spent a pleasant and proñtable day. On the trip the ofticers and crew of the Jay Cooke, as well as the employees of the railroad, done everything in tthuir power to make the trip pleasant for all. The captain 01 the boat and conductor of train each stated that this excursión was one oí the largest, of grown persons, and best conducted oí the season. To our readers who desire a pleaiaut trip we would recommend Put-iu-Bay as the place, and the Jay Cooke as the steamer upou which to go. From the protits of the excursión Company B will realïze a handsom sum, which will be used in improving the company, aud will materially aid ïu making the compauy what the members desire, the pride of our city. It is diih'cult.matter to get up a public affair without the presence of soinebody to mar the eajoyment of the occasion, and thia oiie was nol au exception. If one persou had staid at home there would have been nothing but enjoymeut on the eutire trip. Soou after leaviug the Bay lor home oue drunken fooi commeuced " demonstvating."' He was quickly disposed oí by being seized by members of the company and lashed to the fioor in the bow of the boat, where he remained during the balance of the trip. It is needless to say that the fellow is uot, nor never was, a member of the compauy ; aud none regret that auything unpleasaut should have occurred more than the members. We refer to the matter only on account of the varioua stones ufloat about it. It is important to know the difference beween toadstools and mushrooms, but it is uot worth while tryiug to learn this difference unless you balong to a long-lived íamily and dont object to being poisoned at the end. It takes yeara to find out, and authoritiea differ. The only sure test is to eat one. It you live, it is a mushroom ; if you die it is a toadstool. Several persons in thia State have reoently tested them in this way. Une of our colored cilizens was gatheriug on Catherine atreet a faw morninga since, what he claimed to be the esculent variety of this plant and as " Dick " still lives, we oonelude tha the result oí the test iu hia case was favorable


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Michigan Argus