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Gossip Of The Day

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-Kor.EBT CoMjXek's new lecturc will ïiot bo given to tho public bef ore oext winter, lie has no fear of keeping tho artiole as freab as ever through the suninier, bocause it is notliingbut " Salt." Hcw OüB public, men fade away ! Of the eight who ran for President and .Vïoo-President in 18G0 but two- Hannibal Hamlin and Horschol V. Johnson- :n-i. living. Liucoln, Douglas, Bell, Brockinridgo, Evorotfc and Lane havo passed away. " WJiat shadowB we are.' ïhehe have been undor our government 18 Presidente, 27 Vioe-Preisidente, :V4 EJeoretarioe of State, 37 Seoretaries of tho Treasury, 42 gpmteries of War, 35 Beoretaries of tho Navy, 12 Secretarios oí the Interior, 33 Postmasters Dauérat, 45 Attorueys General, and 53 Speakers of tho House of ltepresontatives. A few days since the schooner RosaIklle, laden became water-loggcd nnd went on tho boaeh at Grand Haven, Mich., during a terrible storm. Capt. Frazieri with live brave eitizensof Grand Haven, lauuched a lifo-boat, and in the presence of a large erowd who witnesscd the exeiling scène, succeododin rescuing all with tho oxception of the cook, wht had been prcviously washcd overboard. Gbojuíe At,febd Townsenu is probably the most proliflc writer of all the gnuul army of Bohemians. It is stated that tliirty columns a weck bas been hifi average amount of matter for fourtcen yeais, and often he has been known to grind out that quantity in a single day. Ho risea at daylirfit and liis work is maiüly dono ut 11 o'ulock. Townsend is aíill a young man, having been born in 1841. A rosTOVFiCE clerk in Nobraska, in a fit of recklessness, purloined two fivo dollar bilis from a letter. Afterward ropeuting, and b: ing convineed of the tntth of tiio adage, " Honesty is the best polioy," he slipped a $10 bilí into tho same letter und forwarded it to its destiuation. The reoeption of an X, instoad of two V'.s, lead to his deteetion and arrest, and ho now languishos in jail, while struggliug vainly with the problem why two 5's are not 10, and fully convineed that (Ik v must bo something wrong with that old adage. A WiscoKsiN farmer had a hen addicted to picking and eating her own eggs. The cumiing Granger curcd this abnorma] appetito by placing an eggQlled with cayenno peppcr in the nest - the hen iunocently plungiug her l;ak into ii., with a result so eft'eetual and permanent that sho is the only hen now known that wül lay an egg without cackliug over it. Sho performs hor daily duty in this respect patiently and uoisolessly, and intslantly after accomplishing lier task, r,:tin:; ,, (]l(. ( j)] osito side of the yard with asfcoimhing ctlerity. Tlie-elated Grsuigor forwarded an application to Washington to have tho new 'Topper" tricksecureeïby patent, which proceeding will soou doubüess convincc hún that, like hirj disoonsolate hen, he had botter have leit the " bogus" egg as it was. The pcople of Bochester, New York, havu kiuiUy infcerestod theniselves in liohalfof the orphan ohildren of Donaldeon, the lost aeronaut of Barnum's show. A beneíit is to be given thom, and a guardián appointed that tlio proceeds muy bo j ndiciously applied. ïhough Domddsoii owed nothiug for their maintenanoe at the time of his supposed Jn,fch, a few hundred dollars procured in thia marmer, let it bu managcd ever so (■■ouomically, will serve liis orphans bat :i brief pcriod, and we vouldsuggest Liffirain'H Ilippodrome, whieh ík in(iireoüy rcsponsiblc for the sad fate of theluoïftêss aeronaut, should supplement the cburilabli! nicasuros of the loss interbsted citïzens of Roohester, by devoting .at least one day's receipts of the great Bliof for the benefit of the helpless ohildren of their late friend and companiou. How is it eirciifiíiKin, will you " tumble" to this suggestion ? WniT,rc Steiner's balloon was floating at a great height over Oak Creek, Wis. , i iresli firrival from the " ould dart " followed the family from the residence out of doors to asoertain the causo of the exeitement which liad inducod the neighbors to unceremoniously summon them. Now Bridget had heard nothiug but the bfeHopn talked of in the family circle for , und lier curiosity Was utrongly roused wluii she lieard Uie cry in all directioiiB, '"J'he balloon ! The balloon!" teni ffhe etared hard at the sky in the direction the ofiiers -.vero looking. "Do you nee it, Bridget?" quesfio'ned her (ti.s, excitedly. " Indade an' I doii't, imfED," She replied. "Look! look, Bridget! That littlo round ball away up there as far as you can see." Bodget's eyes dïsteuded like an owl's as flïu caught siglit of ihe object, and imdiately sho exclaimed, tromulously, "Glory be to God, mum, an' is that thing f uil o' peoplo !" ïkf. umoiuicement that the trial of John D. Leo for ooroplicity in the Mounfciin Mcmlow iassacre hun resulted in a hvmg jury will excito iittde surprise when the compositiou of the jury is taken inlo cóusideration. Tlio jury, ocöörding td ;i San Francisco paper, was co!!!x,r.l 08 iollows: JoKeih Wade, GcutUc, nativo, two years a resident of the Territory; J. C. Heister, G cutilo, nativo, two ycarti.a resident; David Hogers, IMennon. fomtaeo ycam a rerailent; Iaac DnfIm. Mormon, nakiraüzed, (en year a resident; John P. ChcUM, r. JliiiDinn, nativo, resident m-flvo y ara; JtLme c. E&lfaoïi, Jiormon, Dativo rfesideht, eightéen year; 1). J. Artlmr, il i;i!im'. ii idèbt twenty years, and Bon-in-laW tu Halglit, wlio gaVè tle order to lire on uie emigrante, bul luw no opinión; Jo',im;:I,I, MoEjnon, nalivc, reuiaêst twenty P;ml I'iicr, Mormon, nativo, residenl ; is; GeoBje V. .jarvi, Mormon, natmalied. resident Qfteen years; liobcrt Jleyborne, Jlonnon, naturalizcd, (a Californian), rcBident . lucen clus, and tep-Bon of Uric, wlio wes engaged in tlie nmeacro - !ir.H been on tlie ,'round, but luiows notliing of it; JoLn Beaver, Cicntile, nativo, ten year rosidont of California, Nine MormoiiH nud thrco Geutiles, uut I wo of tlii-so Mormons rekvtives of min wlio ]iiiiici))!( '4 in (li ■ fcmteheryi In it aby Avondcr l.hat llioy stooil niue for ac juitUl au l three for conviction 'i Wlmt chance was thero íor justico with sueh a jury? A writeh in theSt. Louis t'ipiihlicnn of a etatistioal turn of mind has kopt a oaref ui record of suicides in the United States for two montha, ombracing the period between Juno 1 and Aug. 1. Ilis record shows a sum total of 110 selfmurderB. Of these 85 were malos and 125 females. Fotir of the formor wero undcr 18 yoars of ajo, and 1 a boy of 13. All the f emules except 0 were marriod. Thé mannor of death was as follows : Forty by shooting, 26 by poison, IC by drowning, 15 by liangiug, 9 by throatcutting, 2 by jumping out of a window, 1 by burning and 1 by starvation. The reasons, as far as can bo ascertaincd, wero as follows : ïliirty-ono diod and leftno sign, 28 wore " (red of life," 16 wercinsane, 12 allegod domcatie troubles, 8 whisky, 7 disappointed affeetion, é to escape the penalty of murder, 1 bocauso of a sou's disgrace, 1 becanse of bad treatment from his children, 1 from roligious (ixcitement, 1 to avoid tho punishment duo to thoft. The localities were divided aa follows: New 'York, 27; Illinois, 13; Ohio, 12; Missouri, 10;Iowa, 6; Louisiana, 5; New Jersey, 5; Massaokusettfl, 5; California, 4; Indiana, i; Pennfiylvania, 3; Michigan, 2; Connecticut, Wisconsiu and Vh'ginia, each 2; Nevada, Ehodo Island, District of Columbia, Kansas, Alabama, Maryland and Nebraska, each 1 ; and 1 at sca.


Old News
Michigan Argus