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The crops of oom and potatoes in l'cnnsylvania are said to havo uover beeu bettor Two Iudians living on the Niágara Rcscrvation, in Wostorn New York, last week decoyed into the foroat ono of their tribo, Samson %"ill - ianiK, Bgunat wliom tliey had agrudgo, stabbed him to tlio heait aud ecalped him. . . .Ocorgu W. Fisüback, formcrly, publinhcr oT tho St. Loiüh Democrat, who is now ruBtioatiog in tho East, wliilo riding along tho beach at Nouthaiupton, L. I., tho other day, discovered a womau in tho water in a drowning condition. havnig been carried beyond hor dopth while bathing. Liko a truo Kuight, the valiant cxoditor loaped froni liis buggy, diopped tho ribbons, plungcd iuto tho billowy waters, nd rescued tlie drowning woman. Serioem forest fires aro reported iu Western Now York. Tho villago of Walcott, Jeffcrson county, han boon bnrned, and other towim aio threatenod A furious tornndo pc.BHcd over tho northwoBtorn part of Niiladelphia on Wodnesday last, causing great destrnotion of property. Notice of tiial of the $100,000 libel snit of Theodore Tilton against the Brooklyn EÓtle and Tilomas Kinselia bas beon entered in t!ic. Brooklyn City Conrt, for tho Sc])tcmbcr term. Archibald Baxter & Co., commisHion merchante, New York, have failed. Their liabilities are stated at isí00,000 Tho villagos of Western Massaehnsetts which bo sevcroly :ulfered by the fearful flood ocoasionod by the breaking of tho Williamburg renervior, May 18. 1874, havo agaiu boen Kimilarly visitod, though this . time thero has been no loss of life and the damago in ïuconKiderable compared with last yoar's. A few nights sinco the dam of the SeareviUo reservoir on the wcutern Goshen braneh of 3101 river was swept away, caiming awild panic in the village below, the iuhabitants ileeiug pell-mell to tho bilis. Sevcral bridges were swept ;nv:iy. aud the damago to property will amonnt to many thousand dollars. . . .Horace Biimcy, the oldest and most prominout member of t!i Pbiladelphia bar, died a few dayd ago, at the age of 97 years A Boston dispateu saya: "The excitoment abont tho sea sei-pent and ]: nlleged appearaneo heroabouts iucroaseH. Capt. Ilowes, of the sicamor William Lawrenco, from Norfolk, for tliis port, says that ho saw this afternoou off Cape Cod light. some aort of a gigantio marine animal. It projéeted its head and neck and part of its back out of the water, and seemed to be black on tho back and white on the breast, and au the portion visiblo was at least twelve feet, the animal must have been aome near relation to the aea eerpeut." Tuk Northern Pacific Eailroad, With all its franchisos, inchuling the franchise to be a Company, and all the property exce)t t'.ie lnnds whieh Lave been patented, was sold at New York the other day, uuder a decrce of court, for tho nominal sum of $100,000. It was bouglit by tho Committoe rcprcsenting the bondholdera, who have assen ted to the plan of reorganización A etatcment of the affalfs of Duncan, Hhcrmau & Co. show their liabUities to bc $-1,872, 128. v.hile thcir asaeteare considerably leas Hum half thal nmoiuil, namely, Í 2, 112, 710. Om the cloaing day of tho Ilochester laces tho littlo roare Lula, in the free-for-all race, made tho tliree fasteat cousecutive lieata on record, viz., 2:163. 2:155 ftöd 2:17, winning the race agaiust Goldsmith Maid and American Girl Threo boys wero drowncd at BnlTalo, N. V., on the 14th, inst., whUe bathiug.... ?hree men, namod Jamea Grogan, William Horton and Henry Martin, were drowned at 'aasaic Falla, N. J., last Sunday, by the upaetjng of a boat. A (JHAND iuternational pedet.trian tournament a to bc held in New York in October Edwin iooth, the tragedian, waarecently thrown from hia carriage, by the team taking fright and runung away, and received acrioii injurien, 'he accident occurrcd t lus country residonco in Coimecticut. THE WKST. Tue retuniH of tho Wisconein eoneus nhow a population of 1,237,921, being a gain of 1S:,251 over the census of 1870 A diapatch from Cheycnne aays : "Gen. Crook and Col. Btanton returned here to-day from the Hack Hills. TSié minors wcro preparing to leave, covering uji tho richest lodos to i)rovent their bccoming known till such timo as they can return. The mountains aro full of quartx. Capital md sldlled labor will develop minea equal to tliosc in California or Nevada. There wero about 1,500 miners In tho iiilln. Prof. Jonny'a party were still exploriug tlic hills, and will probably remain until tho itiidiUe of Oelober. . . . A dispatch from Salt Lalie, Utah, saya consid erable excitement is prevnilingiu tho nooa oí uorrinne, growmg out ot tlie demonstrations of a largo body of Indianu camped uear thcro. Nearly 1,000 of thern wcro lately bapti.ed into tho Mormon churcli. They havo mipplicd tljcmtjclvcH with ammunition and gnu;), uid havo Bent all tboir squa,vn away and made throaip of driving tho GeutilcH froui tío y.' '. Bidé of tho Bear rivcr, whloh, they claim, lmn been grantod to them by tho Mormona fat a reservation. ïiiü Brop of Mts, rrc, baik'.v imd wlical in Northern WiHCousiiiiMijimplviramriihC. i'armera are r.ow in the midst of the haivent, aud tho yieid, it in Huid, will oxcecd that of auypn ycar in Uio hitary il tho State.... A] from the nogiöna of ihc rrcent ücchIh in Sotrthern niinoia, Iudiana uu Oliio indícate that tho aggregato Iohh and damagc to eropa WU1 nearly m great m trás at firet reperted. TU Herious lesees are eonflned to the rivi jt and HtreaniB, along w!iicli niiicH deetrucüün was cauBcd by ovtrllow A ;ood deal of (ronblo ! is apprehended ia the black Hilis country on j account of the incurbioni bf fainere iulu the renorvation oí tbe BiÖUX. Tho milihuv ïh powerleaa to prevent the eiitrancc of goldseeken Into the ooVeted oonprtry, mvl catfncM even drive out thoie who are alriii'iv tlieiT. The Kioux are becoming n ii. si, ktkI mauifèat a warlilíe dipotiitiou, hut are held in cl: the hope that. the ooming eonference will rcwilt in an agreement tor the Bale 'f fiio territory. Lajee advicee from OorlnuO, Utah. steto that the Indiana that tbreatenqd tho town have gone back to their renervatioiiH aid no f nrthnr tronblo in anticipated. . . . A Fort 8illy telegram aays the Indiwo. Coraoiisfion ivlucli hav been holding cóüncüs with different tribes of Sious ïti thf.i vioinity lor tbc past two weoks regard thcir cf.'orlg :■.:! Vüiy micceHsf ui. All tho nortlicrn il. ; i v, ü; bc represontcd at Bed Cloud, where graad oounoil ii to bo held September 1. Dmuxci the recent tttgh water in tho Ohio rivcr the levoe at Shawneetown, III., gave waj uid tho .bolo town was lloodcil with eight fe?( of ffa;iï, i rfrfging immense damage to propêrty. Fortuii.;ï::!y tlif; peoplo received tiniolv waruing of the impending disaster, and by fleeing to iho Ulls back of town saved themaelvcH from drowning Tho editor of tho Lawrenco (Kanhos) f-'piril of Kansas has miod the editor of tho Lavrenco Standard for libel, laying damageHat .oO,ü()0..:,Jeff Davia will deliver the annua] addreaa at tho Bartholomew (Ind.) fair, in September Tho Toledo, Teoría and WarHaw Itailway Qojnpay aro eclling rouiid-lrip tickets from ':'coria to New York for 120. ])vis will not, aftcr all, deliver tho addross beiore the Winncbago County (111.) Agricultmal tiociety, ho having dcclmed to appear on ; joount of tho opponition maitifoeted al Rocluofv! A frightful accident occurrod last ee!i on iho Ohio anet Miüeimippi railroad, at Loogootee, Ind, Tho expresa train going east at tho ruto of forty miles an hour ran into au open s'..iteh and collided mth the mail train. Fivo .rrnoiiH the mail agent and baggagcmant.v oí tho expresa train, and two brakemen and aaother employo of the mail train - were killed tratrígíA, and híx (r bcycii pnssongers injurcd. Ou tho same day a passenger train on tho same road was thrown from the track near Huro.i, Ind.. and the engine and tender plung.xl ijito Boaver Creek. No ono was killed. The cause of the accident was the removal of a rail, tho design of tho peïpetrKtOTB ovidently being robbcry A nru'so in tho St. Louis Insano Asylum, tho day, gave thïco troublesorao patients an overdoso of conium in order to make them sloep BOanaly: Ho succeodod boyond bis calculatior.H. Tho poor lunática liever awoke from their sleep Mr. James 1T. McVicker, tho popular and onterprising Chicago manager, has lcano,! the Grand Opera-House in that cilv. and il - ;:u it, with a tirst-class comedy company, the name of tho "New Chicago Theat'." McVicker thus bocomes the owncr of the i lo , jst theaters in the city. . . ,ïh minors in tho LIark Tlült recently hold a nieeting and resolved te peaccably abandon the región for the present. Lato reporta from thero say tho men are noarly til loaving. A few on tho upper and remóle croceks, it ia eaïd, will remain. WA8H1NJTON. The govermnout will probably recover all the money stolen froni (lio Treasury by tho clerk Hallee":. Three-fourtlm of tho amount has alresdy (JBtffl seeurcd, and the property of Otlnian, Hallook's partner in the theft, ha been attachod to Diako good the balance . . . .The Comp troller of tho Currcncy han just comploted bis abstract of all tho reporte of tlie national bank in tho üniied States. Thero were 2,07G banks of tliis charaotor in operatiou at the close of the fiscal ycar, liaviug an agrégate of individ aal deposita on hand of $688,478,630.48. Tho surplus fnnd of the baulis amounts to $188,169,096,79 ; tho capital stock paid in, $601,668,5(3.5i) ; national bank notos oulstandüjg, fi31E,H840e; spocio on hand, $18,959,482.30 ; vrhoüe amount of business done, $1,913,239,201.18. United States war vchscIs havt! Ijeen ordered to Panama and Aspinwall, owing to the poütical disturbauces in the United States of Colombia The Postmaster-Genoral has arranged with the Occidental and Oriental Oteara ship Compauy for a moiithly mail between Kan Francisco, Japan and China, at tho ea postago rates as full compoiiHation for tho Bervico, whi( h will amount to not over $500 por month Con Biiheoek, Kupcrintendcnt of Public Buildings, ,-iKki 5773,000 as his estimateil expenses for next year. Washington is almost deBorteil, and all j ness of importanec is at a Btandstill. During Boveral days of last weck thore was not a Cabinetoffioerin the city Tho Secretaryof the TrcL8u:-y has ,ust istmod the twenty-fonrth cali for bond. Tho amouut called for ia $10,000,000, of tho issuo of 5-20s of 1804 Tho Tostmasta.'-Oenoral haa removed a largo immber of Postmasters for secking to inciease their salaries by a forcod sale of stamps Secretary Bristow aud Treasurer New are on the best of tenes, all reporta to tho coutrary notwith standing. Thb following ig lm official statement íroin tlie Treaaury Department of the government recoipts and expenditures, by warrant, for tho year onding Juno 30, 1875 : KECEIPT8. Cuntíais $lr7,107,722 Interna! revenne 110,007,498 Salee of public luncls 1,413,640 M'm Jlr.noous sources 19,411,198 Total $288,000,051 ExrENDITUKES. Civil a-jd miaccllaneous $ 71,070,702 War Departmcut 41,120,645 Navy Dewtmout 21,197,028 ludkins and pensions 37,840,873 Interest on public debt 103,093,844 Total ordinary cxpcncUturcs $274,023,392 Tje rostoffico Department will as!; the noxt Congress to devine a law iixing eome otlicr ataudard for Poetmastera' aalarien. Postal carda to the number of 14,2y8;000 werp issiied uring tho month of Jiüy The bui; .cd Freedman'K Bank will pay 20 per cent. in a few months The Treasury Department ia huivying forward tliepreparations necessary to the reaumption of R])ocie payment. lt h cstiLiated that the amount needcd will increase the 'jonded debt to $350,000,000. THE SOUTH. Yíjli.ow feveb of a magligiiant type has brollen out at Taacagoiila, Misa. Fsiday, Aug. 13, waa a buay day for haugmer. in thé South. Iu East TenneHaee alono thora v.ere thrue execuliona, viz. : John C. Webb, at Knoxvillo, for mm-der, robberj1, and rape ; AV. H. Berry, at Ilogereville, for the I murder of bis wil'o ; and Ananiaa Iloneycutt, j at ïiizewell, lor thouiurderof liia foster-father. : AU CAirce of the hanginga wcre oonducted in tho o!d-rasliioncd way of moimtiiig the criminal on a wagon and thcti driving the vehiele from Houder Uim. At leaat 30,000 pcople witnesucd thoth:-;o executiotis, All of the culprita protcfetód tlieir innoccncc. Thoma-s Withcrs, a negra boy, waa lmng at Lynehburg for tho murdarof i white girl. Ihc criminal diedhard. Ho fjacceeded three timca in raiïiing hia feel to the c:lgc of ihc trap, and drew Itimaelf up, but I as oi'.én didtho Sheriff puah them orT. Tuk railroada running between Naahvillo and liouinille aio Otating passengen at iifty eenta a beid, ilie result of livuly oooapetitiön. Tue steamer llngh ilaitin, plj-ing betweon Iioudi)n and Knoxville, on the Tenneasec river, reccntly exploded her boiler, completely wrecking :Iic boat. Four pciaona wure killed and J tin ..oiuided. POIJTICAI,. Tr.;; New York Republicana will hold tlicir Btata ' oMVjntiim at HarnU;,'ii on tlio Hüi of Beptaml er. . . .The Independent of San Franlüivu uomiiiatod iSiini liraimoii for ...l ';iinl( 'i' II. Stephens looms np ju; a poBBÍble ciiiiiliduto for Govcrnor of Georgia. íiKNKÜAI,. A Si.,.: '.a:'.) JudgeUas deoided that tlic firol Uoldo: : Bd ticlicl. hIüiic cmh uc il. . . . v. Willuun A. Graiyua, pi NorUj OaroLfhÉL, di ! EEaïitögif Springö Iat woek. Mr. GraJn ■ i :i'lM;iic Eor Vioa I dout ' j2. C.'ii. tícotl beiag tlio ïioinin ut, . i.:s íciM'H aro ciilfi'tiiiiicd oí a gei ■ tbrek. Xi.iin rcccivi.-ii at Waahisgl.on ludioat : ettlod ooudiüou l affairs m mg the Bibiix,' uccasioned by the dopn ':..'. 1:1 oí the uüners iu tlie Black Huls, and i' ia doubtful if these restlesa Bavagea wiU ! wkit titïtï] the ni-.'ctiii of the couueil proponed hy the 'OininiKHioii IBat out bj tl(! Interior i partmeot. iWcn if they do, tbta ocmncfl is bound to break up ínharmoniously on aooouiii óida tbat vriü be made by theSioux ío i'í' i'iiid tlicm lor the wrongfu] invafli ■■ : oí thc Black Ili]] by HHk minors. As ; Uh ' ior '"- ;? Lnu nt li;w i) futid to pay ! l-lail MOt III BCHMOl) ti) 1 1 - propriat i mouey, it i believed the counoil will ly hfeak up in a row It fis reportad tliftb tlis Bioux liaví! ulicudy umdo out r bul for . damsgea to the nmount of aovera] hnndred 1 tlioiiHiiud dollars. The Black 1 tilla queation ■ promisoa now to havo a bloody solution, FOKKIGN. Late atlvices f rom South America, report Uut lbo electoral Btruggle for President of tho ' United States of Oolumbi threatens to beoome a general war and a división of the country ïhoro was Rn anti-vaccination riot in Montrenl last wock. . . .Kjiaiu bas called for au additional levy of' 100,000 men for tho purposo of speedily ending tho war.... Advicea from San Miguel, Central America, the scene of the recent religión mansaere, fnlly oonfirm previous reporta of tho atrocity of tl je aiTair. ïhe governmont is bringing the participante to justice, nearly a hundrod of tho ringleadei-s liaving p.a far been shot Tho American Consul at Tripoli has been iiiHulted, ;md a man-of-war bas been diapatched thither to demand satiai'action. Mu. Gj.adstonk bas published anothcr pamphlet, in which lio disonases anew tho questions relativo to tho papacy, which formod the subject of hU former uamphleta on " Vatieanism." Tho present publication takes tlie samo atrong grounda against tho papacy, and prediota trouble in future, both in Britain and on the continent, from tliat aource. . . .Tho obsequies of Hans Chriatian Andersen were held at Copenhagen on tho llth of August. The ceremonios were tonchiug and impresaive. The day was made one of natioual niourning throughout Denmark. Business was sniipendcd, and tlags placed at half-mast Tho governmont j bas prohibited tho Bale in Franco of Mr. Gladetono's writings against the papaey. . . .London bas had another bad flnancial failure - that of a heavy iron iirm, with about 8000,000 in liabilitios, and only about half that moimt in assete. Hans Hakmon, of Fort Wayne, Ind., was recently alain in a duel at tho TJniversity of Iireslau, Germany A frcHh reinforceineiit of 10.000 men is to bc sent from Spain to Cuba The Britiah Parliament has been prorogned till Oet. 29 An Euglwhman named Webb recently undertook tho daring foat of swimming acroaa the English chann el without a lif e-aaving apparatus. IIo accomphshod half tho distance in seven hours, when, owing to tUe increasing roughncsa of the wavca. it was thought prudent to tako hini on board tkq attendiug sloop. Ho was a,)parontly not fatigued. Ooi ]!akeh, who waarecentlycoiiviotcd of an indecent assault upon a young lady in a raiiway car, has boon diamisscd from tho Britfsto army in diHgraco . . . . Urexol, Hayos & Co., the American bankers in Paris, are redceming Duncan, Shermau & Co. 's letters of credit. . . . The Carlista claim to have won an important victory over tho Alfonsists at Ardunn, Spain The iuHurrection ih Herzegovina threatciiB to bccoroo, a religious war. CoirriNA, the Rio Grande bandit, in in jil in 'ity of Mexico, and wil! Bhortly bc triod by a military court Princo Charles Thcodoro, grcat-uncle of the King of Bavaria, was recontly thrown from hls horse and instantly killed. .. .Another rebellion has bróken out in Tmkish Crovatia Intelligence bas been receivcd at Vionna that the iuhabitanta of tbo lïo:juian Provínoos have riaen in iusorrection along the wholo longth of the rivcr Save. The telcgraph wires have been out, thirty Turks ried, and all official buildings burned. Nüiubers of refugocs aro ileeing into Austria . . . . A troaty of commerco botwecn China and l'oru bas been conchidod. . . . More than 30,000 persons attendedmassin Bfc. Angustinc Church, London, on the 15tli iust., to celébralo tho fetc of Napoleon.


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