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Finance And Trade

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Tho moncy markot remaina in tho samo condition as notcd for somo time past. Tho outlook for tho fall trade is very good. Money in ampio Bnpply and interest rates oasy at 7@ 10 por cent., according to timo and the character ef the necurities offered. Government bonds firm and a moderate demand was rcported. IHÏliADSUFFS. The past wook han witnesscd a deoided weakness in the grainmarkets, and a rapid and quite Bcvoro decline in Values. The markets have really been '-weather markets," and tho weaknoss and tho subseqnont decline wore due raainly to the moro settled and finer woathor. The reporta recoived from different sections of the country indicated more favorable harvests than had been expected, and the country speculativo element were on tho selling si lo, while but few buying orders wero received. The Eaatern markets were of a less favorable tenor, and snippers wore uot disposed to trade with finy frcedom, while the stocks In Btore are largo and rather heavier thau usual at this seasou of the year. The receipts were moderately large. Values have steadily deelined from the opening until the close. Tho most sovere decline has been on caBh oats, which closed about 17c per bn lower. Wheat and corn were considerably lower. 1'ItODUCF. The business transacted in bntter during tho week was light. The principal reinön for tho quietness that prcvailed was tlio carcity of aueh lots as were desired by Hhippers. The arrivals during the week have been light, and tho Bupply under a continued good local demaud was largely reduced. Dealers being fortúnate onough to havo lots of bntter on hand were ablo to obtain a shade bettor prices, though only a slight improvement was noticeablo. Thero wore seréral parties on tho market scoking lots of tho lower qualitios for Hhipment, but the few lots offered were held above wliat thoy wero willing to pay, and only a limitod number of trausactions wore made. Tor gram bags and bagging there has been a good demand, and pricos ruled firm as follows : Stark "A"86amless cotton bags, $32.00; Ludlow "AA," Montauk "A," Lewiston " A," and Otter Creek seamless cotton, i'30.00; American "A," and Amoskcag, ft'28.00 ; wool Backs, 55()G0c each. There was a good demand for bróom corn at tho follosring prices : llL(M14e for fair to extra hurl, ll(r?13c for good" to choico Rtalk braid, and C@8Xc for crooked. Beans were quiet and unchauged, quotable at $1.80 for round lots of liastern modiums and1.00@ 1.75 for Western aooording to quali'. Beeswax remains, cjuiot at 20@28c for prime yellow. Clieeso waa not as aotivo as during tho previous week, but formor ])ricos wero maintained ; quotablo at G@8c for poor to common, 8@llc for fair to good, 10% (glOJc for prime in lots, aud lic in a retail way. Ourrante wero quiet at $2.66@3,00 per 1m. Dricd fruitji woro firm, and for somo descriptions prices wero higher. Eastern apples sold mainly at 9c per Ui. Halves poachos were firm iit 'J%@We, and blackborries closed firm at '.)}, ({Mita. Drced peas wcre dull at 2.00@2.10 for clioice {.'reen, and 1.(!5@1.75 for marrowfat. The usual dnUness again prevailcd in eggs, and pri#ea wero irregular; Hales ranged at 10@ 143c, according to quality, tho oütHido betag for warranted fresh laid. ïlierc was no cbange from last week noticeable in featherH; qiiotablo at 48@52Ó for prime live geese, 20@25c for turkey tail, nnd 3@5e forchicken. Green fraits wero in largo supply duriug tlio lattcr part of the week, and pnoea were oasier. Apples sold at 50o@$3.S0 per brl, and 20(rí40c ))er box, according to quality. roaclies were iu large supply, and aome arrived in a wortbless condition; Halea ranged at 20()50o ier box for Soutboni, and from 10oC'í)ír2.50 for Delawaro in ono busbel 1 lOxea. Pluma wcre slow sale, and pcars wero ulso vcry dull. Grapes sold slowly at 9@10c per lh. UidCH were quiet but flrm, as follows : 8@8JO for green saltcd all round, and 12@13c for calf. Tbero was a sligbt improvemont in potatoea, but Uardly sufficient to bo worth mentioning ; sales rangod at $1.00@1.2B per brl. Halt waa in fair domand and steady at ifl.50 for Onondaga and Kaginaw line, and #1.70 for ordinary ooarse, Vegetables were dnll, but toward tlio latter part of the week a sligbt improvement was notaceable in tomatoos ; sales ranged at 25@C5o per box for tomatocs, $2.75@3.25 per bil for onions, and 8(ó)10c per doz for oorn. Veal was in fair demand and steady at 5@8Lc for common to ehoice carcasses. Tho wool raarket remains dull and unehanged ; quotable at 38@45o for iino to prime coarso unwaahed, 28C(i33c for do washod, and 40@53c for poor to ehoice tub waahed. l'KOVISIONS. There was a fair active business transacted in this market dnring the week just passcd, but prices at tlio saine timo ruled sómewhat easier. The oulside orders roecived were somowhat lighter than usual, and the principal trading was done by the local speculative element. Duriug the week the optiou forOctober changedfrom a I premium to a discount, comparcd with seller September. Lard was dull and sales dragged slowlt, and a decline of 30@40c was sustained in values. Market e!o3ed at .f20.80@20.00 for ooab. mees pork. aceording to brand T $20.75@ 20.80 soller August, and Boller September at I $20.76@20 80. Cash lard quietat !?13.30(Vi 13.35, acller September S13.40, and seller October waa nominal. SEEDS AND HIOHWINES. TUero was a inoderately active business I ported in timothy geed, and prices wero firm ! tliougli without inmediato alterations. The ! flrst srrival oí new seed was offered on the market on Satnrday, and it being prime in quality, sold at -52.70, old closed at about Í2.80 ior prime. Clover was a ehade iirmer : sold at 58.00(7(8.10 for prime medium. Flax was inal at liout $1.60 for good crushing. The dtiior kiuda were entirely nominal. The ings of highwines were light and tho inarket ; in consequenco ruled quiet. Prices were steady at $1.19. COOPERAGF, LUMBEH AND WOOD. The quietness of former weeks was again developed in cooperage during the past week, and there was no chance to note in prices. Qnotable at $1.12U@1.1Q for pork ban-els, and 81.85@1.45 for lard tierces ; i1.90@2.10 for whisky barrels, and 45@55c for ilour barrels. It ! should be understood that the outt-ide prices lor lard tierces ia only paid for "standard" paekages- the new sizo'adoptod recently by tho P&okera1 Associtition. Trade was also ratlior Hght ni tlie lumbar market, but at the eamo time prices remain uteady and firm. Quotable at ÍS.50@8.75 for joist aïid scantling. i8.50@ 1G.00 lor boards and strips, $2.10@2.75 for hiiiglcB, and $1.60 for lath. Thero was but littlc of oonsequenoe doiug in wood. and values were without cliange. Uickory, !8.00 ; mapl'c, 7.00, beech, i'ü.OO, and skbs $4.00 per oord at the yards. Tclcgrapliic Market Keports. NEW YORK. Iïkkykm 8 il) (813 50 Hoes- Dremed logias 10% OOTTON HJÍO lí,' Sup.-rlm-' Western 4 70 ($5 25 No. 3 ClliciiRO 1 20 @ 1 29 No. 1 Spring @ 1 :)1 Oohn 78 4 81 Oats (il! a, 72 I:m: 7 (ñ! 1 03 PoitK- New Mess 21 25 CSl SÖ Lahd - Steazn 13 (jft 13; ST. LCÜIS. Wiieat- N'n. 2 Keil.. 1 47r@ 1 48 Oobn - No. 2 67 "(S fi7} Oats- No.2 41 W 42' lili: No. 2 78(a 80 Pork- Mess 21 75 "(22 00 l.Aiui 13 @ 14 7 60 H 00 Üattlk i 50 (, 6 50 JU lljV A L'ÍVJliÜj. Wiieat - No. í @ 1 30 No. Q Ï 28 Oobn- No. a (W, M Oats- No. a 43 @ BO K,i: A 80 Babijsy- No. 3 104 CINCINNATI. Wheat- Bed 1 40 1 Bl i' !i 78 (rf, ) O.vra G8 (4 72 Bu 'M (.í OS Pobk- Mean 21 25 @23 7. LABD ; Uva U1 .TOLEDO. Extra @ l 50 Ambor (ñ) 1 4r, ('oiin 77 @ 77 ',r Oats ii'Aë iX DETROIT. Wheat- Extr 1 43 ( 1 45 imbei u 1 ('clBN 9 71 Oats 47 @ 5(J CLEVELAND. Wheat NoulRod gIN No. ü Bed $11 ('or.N 81 @ 2 47 @ !"0


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