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- A. E. Hewitt, Esq., of Manchester, has goiie on a business trip to Huutsville, Ala. - Eev. J. M. Arnold, of Detroit, preached in the M. E. Church lu this city on Sunday foreiioon last. - íf you propose to make New Year's calis order your curds at the ABOU3 uífice, forthwitli, immediately. - A vicions cow kicked a littíe son of Rev. D. E. Hathaway, ot Chelsea, a few days ago, breaking his thigh bone. - Jutlge Grane adjourned tlie Circuit Court yesterday until the 29th iust., when he will cluar the decks for his successor. - The coming animal supper of the New ligiand Society of this city is to be provided by the ladies of the M. E. Church. -Peter Tinte and Jas. McGuinness have diasolved their business partnership at Dexter, the Jatter buying out the forraer - -The Rev. Mr. Aruistrong, of Dexter, is to receive a " beneñt " on the evemng of the 22d inst., at the residence oï O. M. Smith. - The public schools of thia city will close on Tuesday next i'or the holiday vacation,opening again on Wednesday Jauuary öth. - The total taxès to be collected in Manchester this year are $11,749 iö, of which $5,',2' Lili are for the jdanciiester village school district. - A donation party was givon the Rev. J. C. Worttey, of Dexter, on ttie evening oí the 8th, at the resideuce of N. A. Phelps, Esq. Net proceeds ïo'8 25. - Brownell fc Schlotterbeck have commenced the manufacture of candy, in the old Presbyterian church building. They turn out first-class candies. - W. W. Secord, of the Wayne niot has also started a paper at Saline, which he has christened the Saline Oracle. We have not yet seeu a number. - At the last advicoa Gov. Felch was to sail from Liverpool ou the ltíth (yesterday), en route for home. His host of friends kere will give him a hearty welcome. - The Ypsilaati Musical Union met with such excellent succeas in briuging out the opera of " Martha " two eveuings of last week that it will be repeated iu January. - In the Circuit Ooorton Wednesday, Jas. McMahon, Esq., of this city, was admitted to practice as an attorney. The exatnining couiimttee complimented him very highly. - Mr. Lewis, ot the Leonard House, has contributed $10 (aud costs) to the city treasury, lor the privilege of keepmg au open bar on Suuüay, and on the order oljustice McMahon. - The ladies of the Baptist Church gave an oyster supper ou Friday evening last, and ïuatud about $30, to be appjopriated toward the suppurt oí a culored student at Fisk University. - Kev. O. E. Fuller, a University gradúate, class oi lbbO, was in the city a day or two ago, oanvaasing for a volume of poems, the first ofïeiidmg gradúate in that directiou, he thought. - The case of Mrs. Hays agamst The Farmers' Trading Association of this city was givdn to the jury ou Tuesday, by Judge Crane, aud aiter several hours ot deli.beratiou the said jury agreed to disagree. - Subjects of disoóurse oi Iiev. C. H. Brighauj, at the Unitarian Church, next Sunday : Mormiig, "Timely Religión." Evening, " The Keligion of Ancient Bome." Students' class at 9:30 a. M - "The Character of Job." - The work of trescoing the new Congregational Church is progressing rapidly, and will be oompletd m a tw days. TLe wiudows are being put in aud are beautiful, and the contractors are rapidly pushing the woodwork. -Miss Francés E. Willard, of Chicago, will give a fiee lecture this, Friday, evening, at the Methodist Church. Misa Willard's reputation as a lecturer and author is decidedly high. Though well known in the west she has never lectured in Aun Albur. A fine address rnay be expected, and it is hoped she may have a f uil house. - The net proceeda of the Cantata of Queen E-ither were Í332.36. Tho Young Ladies Society of the Presbyterian Church return their thanks to the ladies and gentlemen who so kindly and williu]y assisted in giviug the same. Th affair which oocurred after the concert on Tuesday evening, was gotten upby a few of thesiugers, with which neither the society nor Prof. Pease had auythiug to do. - Thos. Sühueniann, a Detroit cigar man, got iuto a lirtle bit of á row with Louis Knapp, a day or two ago, at the saloon of Mrs. Ketner on Washington sheet, and took the job to put Louis out. Result a kuock down and a frescoed eye for Louis, and a pressing invitation ivoru Justice McMahon to " walk into my office," which was served by officer Clarkin. BaiL wasgiven for appearauce next week. - I. Lathrop Uillespie, formerly of this city, and son of Bishop Gillespie, has charge of the work of constructiug the wall which the government is buildidg at the Falls of St. Anthuny, for the doublé purpose of preserving the falls from destruction, with the vast water power depeudant upon them, and also the 600 miles oí Mississipi river uavigatiou aboye the falls. The wall 13 to be 1,850 feet long, 40 ieet high, and four feet thick, with its base 70 ieet below water level and 20 feet lower than the foot of the f all. - Yesterday afteruoon a colored man called at the residence of Mrs. Wood, North Mam street, and inquired if she had any chairs that she wished re-bottomed. Mrs. Wood requested liim to wait a few moments while she atteuded to the immediate wants of her sick son in au adjoined room and ou returning found that the sueak thicf had Ieft, takiug with hiin her pocket book containing ten dollars in money that laid upon the piano. Mrs. Wood went immediately to the frout door, but 110 trace of the thief could be seen in any directiou. -The firm of C. Bliss & Son is too well known to need any recommendation from us to the Aun Arbor public. Their store offers tnamiold temptations at all seasons of the year, but at Chnstmas time is more than usually attractive. ïhey have for the approaching holidays an unusual assortment of goods on exhibition. It would be impossible w.thin the limit of our space to give even a brief synopsis of their catalogue. Their pnces are moderate, and there are few places in Ann Arbor where a purchaser of holiday presents will be more likely to obtain lus money's worth than at the jewelry store oL C. Bliss & Son, ."0. 11 South Main street. . -The making of holiday gifts is an old and heautiful custom, but the selection of presents is often such a wearisome task that the purchaser naturally "goes where he can fiud the jrreatest vanety. Whether we would be generous to others or ourselves, one can scarcely do better than stop at Mask & Schmid's, where they will find a rare opportunity for selecting trom amoug the endlc-ss diversity of articles ]iec.iliarly appropriute to the Christmas season. H will at least be a pleasant incident oi Ohristmas shopping to tarry a while at their store and mark the elegant display made there whether you buy or not. They have jubt adiied a well-chosen assortment of dress Koods, shawls, süks, quilts, etc. Here also may be fouud every variety of gooda suitable for nderwear, in the furm of hoseiry, under ■hurte, diiiwers, shirtiugs, and the thousand and one novelties that comfort and adorn are supplied at as cheap rates as at any house in the State. They who fail to visit Mack & Schmid's during the hohdays will make a great mistake. Large additions have reoently boen made t t e School oí thia city. The new purchases include : A complote set of Dicken works, a fiue edition ; Hawthorne's work complotü ; ten volumes of the Waverly Nov els (Scott) ; twelve of the ■' Little Classics" Be ries ; Legends of Michigan, by Littljohn Queen Mary, by Teiinyson ; The Seaboar Parish, and Eobert Falconer, by McDonald Innocents Abroad, by Mark Twain ; Sketche and Anecdotea of Animal Lite, My Feathere Friends or Bird Liíe, and Animal Traits au Characteristice, by Wood ; A Short History o the English People, by Greene ; Story of Bad Boy, by Aldrich ; Daniel Boone ; Th Poet at the Breakfast Table, and the Autocra of the Breakfast Table, by Holmes ; The Expanse ot Heaven, and Light Science for Lel sure Hours, by Proctor ; Tom Browu at Ox ford, 2 vols.; Old Town Folks, by Mrs. Stowe Old Fashioued Girl, and. TSight Cousins, by Miss Alcott ; Chemical History of a Candle and, On the Various Forces of Nature, by Faraday ; Morrison's History of Borne, 4 vols.; Virgil ; Lcssons in Life, Kathrina, and Titcomb's Letters, by Holland ; Euglish Statesmen, and, Becollections of a Tour in Sootland, by Higgtnson ; Alice and Phoebe Caryr by Ames ; Hoosier Schoolmaster, and, The Circuit Eider, by Eggleston ; William Heury and his Friends, William Henry's Lettere Impressions of London Social Life, American Social Life, American Pioneer3 aml Patriots, and, Friends in Council, by Abbott. The library now numbers 683 volumes. Parties have been actively canvassing this city during the week, solicting advertising for tha to be revivad Register, - whioh they have an uiidoubted right to do. But when they represent that they have over 1,000 subscribers and the Akous but 400, they would do well to remember the comroandment, " Thou shalt not lie." The Abgus has a larger bona circulation thau the Register ever had or probably ever will have, and business men will do well to remember their old friends. As one oi the Srms largely interested in the Register stock uever advertised its business in any city paper except the Register (nor subscribed for a city paper) that journal cannot well claim the patronage of the business public. If it does, let its proprietors not open the campaign by unnecessary and malicious lying. Neighborly good feeling and honorable competition is uot promoted in that way, and our inexperienccd friends have evidently made a bad beginniug.


Michigan Argus
Old News