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Richard Henry Dana, Jr.

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Mr. Dana has ñot flgured prominently in the arena of national politics, but he comes of sterling stock, and is known in the East as a scholar and a gentleman. The following is taken chiefly from the American Vyclopedia : Richard Henry Dana, Jr., is the son of Richard Henry Dana, and grandson of Chief Justice Francia Dana, and was bom at Cambridge, Maas., Aug. 1, 1815. He graduated at Harvard College in 1837. Having been compelled by an affliction of the eyes to stispend bis collegiate course in 1834, he made the voyage described in his "TwoYears Before the Mast" to California;; then an almost imknown región. He was a íneJhber öf the law school from 1837 to 1840, and durmg two yfears of that time was also adjunct to Professor Channihg in the department of rhetoric in the university. Ho was admitted to the Boston bar 'in 1840, and was at once employed in admirality cases. In 1841 he published a manual of sea Tisages and laws under the title of " The Seamen's Friend," republished in England as "Seamen's Manual." His practice now became general in the law courts. He was a member of the Massachusetts constitutional convention in 1853. Having been one of the founders of the free soil party, a delégate from Boston to theBuïfalo convention in 1848, and a popular speaker in the Eepublican movement of 1856, he has remamed attached to tile Eepublican party, advocating the election of Lincoln in 1860 and 1864, when he delivered politica! addresses in several States, and that of Graut in 1868 and 1872. In 1859 and 1860 he made a tour round tile worldj revisiting California, and visiting the Hawaüan Islands, China, Japan, Ceylon, India, and Égypt, and returning through Í3urope. In 1861 he was appointed United States attorney for Massachusétts, and held that office until 1866, arguing every prizo case that carne up in the district. He also, in conjunctionwithMr. íívarts, argued the prizo canes for the ment before the suprenie court. Mr. j Dana also drew up tlie prize act of 1864, j which jepealed all prior acts on the subject and completed a prize code for the United States. He was counsel for the United States in tne proceedings against j Jeffersou Davis for treason in 1867-68. In 1866, by request of the family of Mr. Wheaton, he published an edition of Wheaton's " Elenients of International Law," covering the peiïod between Mr. Wheaton's death in 1848, and the time of publication. His note No. 215, on the legisiative, judicial, and diplomatic history of the neutrality laws of the United States and Great Britain, was printed by the government, and translated into French for the use of the arbitrators in their opinions. In 1867 and 1868 he represented Cambridge in the Massachusetts Legislature, and was Chairman of the Committee on the ,Tndiciary. In 1868 he was a candidate for Representativo in Congress in opposition to B. F. Butler in the Essex District and was defeated by a lirge majority. He has been a member of the diocesan conven tion of the Episcopal church for more than twenty years. The literary production by which Mr. Dana is best known is " TVo Years Beiore the Mast." j ,


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Michigan Argus