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The Saginaw Courier Says That Hon

The Saginaw Courier Says That Hon image
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Wta. L. Webber is the author of the platform adopted at the recent Democratie State Conveution : and a very good platform builder is te. Democratio conventions were held in Maine and Delaware on Tuesday. In Mame, John Talbot was nominated for Governor, delegates appointed to St. Louis, and a resolutian adopted faroring the nomination of Samuel J. Tilden. The Delaware Convention declared for bard money, aad Thomas F. Bayard for President. Ex-Speaker Blaine was the rictim of a sun-stioke last Sunday forenoon while walkiug to church with his wife was taken home in an omnibus, and lay unconscious for sovaral hours. We are glad to bo able to say that he is now oonvalescent, and that his early and perinant'iit recovery is assured by his mud cal attendantg. THE Kepublioan National Convention mot in Cinuinnati at noon ou Wednosday. Hon. T. M. Pomeroy, of New York, was made temporary chairman and Hon E. McPherson, of Pennsylvania, permanent President. At this bom (ó p. m. Thursday) no ballot is reported, and the convention is wrestling with the Alabama contested delegations The centest wages hot between tht fiiendg of Blaine, liristow, Conkling Huyes and Morton, and we are not Yankee enough to guess at the result The Michigan delegation, in a preliin inary meeting held Wednesday, voted for Bristow, 11 ; Blaine, 6 ; Hay es, 3 and Chandler, 1. A orain of disoretion or common sense has at last fonnd a lodgement in the controlling head of thu Yvrthert OMo Democral (Gen. Steodmtui), an ui tra iaflation journal, which now üies a its mast-head : "Por President, - The nominee of the St. Louis Convention That's our platform ! Sink or swim survive or perisk, we will stand by it ' Let us have peace ' " Is there enough of that granule to opérate upon the Cincinnati Enquirer, or will the persistent, contrary, and spoechless Wash McLean go down under the deep wa ters crying " Bill Allen " with his mor ing fingers? THE OULEANS (N. Y.) Demotrat is one of the many journals whicn favor the nomination of Tilden for President anc Thurman for Viee-President. Tha would be a ticket to command confi doñee and win suecos:;. Convention have too often forgotten the importance of placing gecond on the ticket a man every way qualiñed for the first position Thurman would make a uoblo presid ing oflicer of the Senate and in the event of the death of his chie would honor the White House by tak ing up his residence therein. If no Thurman sume other equally sound safe, and good man. should be placed on the ticket with Tilden. No second or third rate man, no mere demagogue o time-server will answer for this cam puign. In the House, on Monday, the Com mittee ou Expenditures in the War Department made an unanimous re port exonerating Speaker Kerr in the matter of the charges preferred by one Harney, that he had sold a sscond lieu tenant's oommissiou in the army to A P. Green, in 1806, for the sum of $450 The report brands Harney as a perjurer ii' not a tooi in the hands of others, am avers that not a shadow of suspicion attaches to Mr. Kerr. Messrs. Danforc and Hulburt Kapubli :an mombers of the committee, made brief speeches concurring in the report, whea ik was uuaniinously adopted by a standing vote, and a certifiod copy of the proceedingg ordered presented to the Speaker. And now it is to be hopee that the mea who used Harney will be found out. A meeting of the Democratio State Committee was held in Detroit lasi week and an organization effected. W. B. Moran was elected Secretary anc Treasurer, and L. D. Sale appointed assistant Secretary. An Execoutivo Committee was appointed as follows : Don M. Dickinson, chairman ; W. B. Moran and T. D. Hawley, Detroit ; G. P. Sanford, Lansing; Jerome Eddy, Plint E. B. Pond, Ann Arbor ; G. H. Van Etten, Bay City. Booms for headquartsrs have been secured in the Kanter block, Larned street, Mr. K. - with a liberality to be emulated - giving their use, where the leading Democratio papers of the country wil] be placed on tile, and which, af ter the St. Louis Convention will be open to the public each evening. Democrats visiting Detroit will be made specially welcome. The indicatiüns now are that Tilden will be nominated at St. Louis. No othor candidate seeni3 to have any save local support and backing. Now let there be no toning down in platform. An attempt to satisfy the soft-money men of any section or Htato will only lose Tilden votes in States which he can carry on a sound platform, and which auy candidate must carry to bo elected. The platform must adhere to the traditions of the party, recognize gold and silrer coiu as the only money kuown to thu Constitution, declare for an oarly resumption of speoie payments, and against any backward stops. Demand for an unqualified repeal of the Resumption act, without the offer of something better will be fatal. There must also be no resolutions which can be tortured into nullifying any of the old issues settled by the war, or as favoring tUe payment of the rebel debt. And theu there must be a first-class candidate fr Vice-President, - no hot-head blathorskite like a Blair, no soft-mouey tail to a hard money kite. Give us a Fulch, a Thurman, - a man who would houor the chair of the President if Provideutially caüed to " come up higher." Will the Michigan delegates ponder oa these few word "Í The Evening News has beeu engaged u the very laudable entorpiisu of' uaadng up Congreional slates lor hoth xlitical parties. If its inhniuation concerning the other district and tbe aspirante is as reliable as tbe balt' column devoted to tbi district tlib writer evideotly uever went to guessiug sohool, and besides is deftciant in a knowledge of uien. For instance, in wakiug' up tbe ioll of Repubücan candidatos he oinits the nanies of (Jen. Spaulding, of Monroe, who it is claimed oan beat Willits at home, and Hon. J. K. Boies, of Leñatee. But this omission is nothing to the ignorance manifested in the declaration that Hon. 8. M. Cutcheon " never held or sought for office before." Hasn't the gentlemen been a member of the House and its Speaker 'i wasn't he a member of the Constitutional Commis8ion 'í hasn't he held the office of Inspector of National Banks 't and hasn't he hankered after a seat in the United States Senate, a nomination for Governor, and several times had occasion to cnll the Congressioual grnpes " sour " 't The News names as the Democratie aspirants, Hon. H. J. Redfield, of Mouroe ; Hon. N. B. Eldredgo, of Lenawee ; end Hon. J. D. Corey, of Washtanaw : neither gentleman being undorstood, in this Ticinity, to be candidatos." The candidates he names in the Third district are legión, but his personal references show hiui bettex on names than facts. Illustration : Gen. Parkhurst, of Branch, didn't run against Waldron in 1872 (old Pappy Mahan did that), but againat Willurd ; and then the declaration that he trains with tho Liberáis and doesn't know how to jump until after the Cincinnati Convention, is laughable, in view of the fact that the General was a member of the Democratie. State Committee during the past iwo year8, was a delégate to the late Democratie State Convention at Lansing, and a candidato for delegato at large to St. Louis. A United New England delegation is claimed for Tilden. The New York demonstration against the Governor has strengthened him throughout the East.


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