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_Col. J. L' Burleigh and wife left hume o ïuesday ïor a trip to Uolorado. - A heap oí rain Wednesday afternoon, and more of a very wet soit yesterday. _ A meeting of High School graduates is to be held next Friday evening to organize an alumni association. -And uow the resirtents of the Fifth ward ropose to celébrate the Fourth of July 011 their ovpu hook. tío in, there's nothing Iike pluck. - The exercises of the graduating class of the High School will take place on Fridfty „est, at 10 o'clock a. M. The hall should be ffellfilled. - See business notices for " Important Auctjon Salo of New and Elegant Fuiniture," now in proaress at the store lately occupied by the Muehlig Broa. -The recular term of the Circuit Court will open on Tuesday next, with 40 issues of fact on the calendar. The libel suit of Douglas vs. Beal (noticed by both parties ready tor th fray) 3 niimber 3ö. - In the Supreme Court on Tuesday decisión was rendered in the appeal case of Erastus V. Mason vs. Fractional School District No. (jueof Scio and Webster. Judgment below ffirmed, with costa. - The graduating class of the High School ?oes to Whitmore Lake next Wduesday,- holding class day exercises and eatmg the clasa supper at the Clifton House : and after tlist having a class dance.

-Col. Geo. W. Goodhue, formerly of this city, and known as an active, go-ahead, driving man, died at London, Monroe Co., on the 13th, and his remains were brought to this city yesterday for burial in Forest Hill Cemetery.

-A masonic school of instruction for Washtwaw couuty will be held at Masonic Hall in tbis city on July 14th. The school will be comlucted by Arthur M. Clark, of Lexington, Grauu Visitor and Lecturer, and John Lewis, Ol Detroit, District Deputy 3-raud Master. - An exhibition will be given by the ürammar School next Monday afteruoon at two o'clock. The exercises wtll consist of music and declamations, with specimens of free-hand draffing by members of the different classes. All interested are cordially invited to be present. - Htyor Kinne issued his proclamation on Fnday last calling a meeting of jitriotic citizens for the evening of that day : to arrange for a Fourth of July celebration. The patriota didn't gather and a default will probably be eutered up against the Mayor's coastituency. -Tlie mercury was pretty well up among tbe nineties on Monday, and we heard iio dejuiiJ for anything 'otter. The warm spell (ontiuued during Tuesday, but with a slight ibstement. Wednesday morning a capital ihower operated both as a cooler and purilie r of the atinosphere. -The term public of the Alpha Sigma Society of the High School is to be given this eveniug in the school hall. The exercises include an oration, reading, discussion, declaration, and music. The question for debate is : Does a dassical educatiou iraprove one for the duties oi life better than a scientiüc ' -Mr. Shprpless, agent of the M. C. B. E. m this city, can supply tickets to New York, Hiiladelphia and other oastern poiüts at the reduced rates (not good for parties wishing to stop by the way), also excursión and stop orer tickets at Ceiitenuial figures. You needn't go to Detroit to secure your excursión tickets or your sleeping car berths. -Prof. U. W. Lawtou, Superintendent ot Schools at Jackson, aud tormerly Superintendent of Schools this city, was in town on Saturday last, accompanied by his Principal, Vioi. White, and several students, who gave tta mtn and especially the Steore collectiona'Iook up." Prof. W. says that he expectstosend seven or eight boys to the Univereity nest year. -Arunaway with serious resulta took place in Xorthtield on Saturday last. Timothy Doninn and John Hoover and wife, with a young ehild, were about starttug on a visit to Wm. Dotj, when the team, a pair of young colts, became frightened and uumanageable and ran iway. The carriage was tipped over, Donoin being iujured about the huad, - lor a time it was ieared seriously, - and( Hoover having a legbrokeniiearthe hip. The ladies were somewht bruised. The child was dropped out of the rear of the carriage before it tipped over, the mother reachiug it as near the ground as KKSible, but showed some bruises. -Tbe Register of Wednesday, with singular and wonderful enterprise, gave prominent place to what purported to be a speech delivitedat the Cmcinnati Conrention by neighbor Baal, of the Courier. Two reasons incline us toiuspect that somebody has put up a job on the Register folk. 1. The convention had not organizad at the hour of the HeijisIrtisaue (could the spirits have looked in "Btal's hand" aud then played informer), ui 2. When Bro. Beal was recently serended by the students he told thein, " I'm not goiog to make a speech, I can.t make a speech, tatlwillspell for you ." No, Beal is nota speech-maker, and the Register haa evideutly keen sold. The Aííebican Medical Association. - Ibis associatiou met last week in Philadelphia, Mi 730 members registered. Some of its Iwinsss has an interest for the people of Miohün. In the first place the delegates i'rom the MicMgau State Medical Society were arraign1 beíore the association by Prof. Frothing'Mii ou the charg of improper affiliation with 'omeopathy and other quackery. These gentlemen were thus excluded trom nearly the tole of the meeting this year and will re■wiu under charges uutil the next animal neting of the associatiou. The medical prosion win thus have an opportuuity to judge ' 'he iusiuoerity and meïuness of the motives ty which the Michigan State Medical Society " actunted in its recent malevolent attack 0Q tbe Uaiversity. Two resolutions were lopted by the association which taken topthet will have the effect of counteracting !k calumuious misrepresentatious which have tiii so freely ïudulged iu respecting the medis' fauulty here. The first we believe emanaW Irom Dr. Foster Pratt, and taken by itaelf 11 indetinite and loose that ita effect must Visbeen ineiely to aggravata and confuse 4 matter. It is as folio ws : ínoÍDed, That members of the medical prosiou who m nny way aid or abet the gradu'tion of medical students in irregular or exclus" systems of medicine are deemed thereby Jj'iolate the code of etuics of the American adical Associatiou. f'of. Frothiugham tlxen offered the followg: Rttoked, That the judicial council be asked letiue precisely the nature and degree of '0n Which constitutes " aidiug and abetting " '"il report to the uext meeting of the associa'"til this definition is reported all discussion on'lie point should in common decency cease. From the publishera of the New York Illus'ml Weekly we have received a really beauWal chromo, a copy of the well-known and Ppular portrait, by Guido, of Beatrice de k'ci. It is 24x30 inches, and has been reMuced by 27 irapressions in oil colora. It is to te Siven to every subscriber to tho paper amed, the publishers of whtch are just uow fflkiuj; a specialty of illustrating the Ceuten"'I Eïhibition. The publishera alao offer "Pecial inducements to canvassers, - a f ree "ulroad ticket from any poiut in the country 1 "hiladölphia and return, to any persou who '" raise a sufficiently large club of ubscrib(t tor them. All inquirías should be addresstto cbaa. Clucas Jt Co., Chicago.'