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Mortgage Sale. DKFAULT havlng been made in the conditions of a mortgage, executed by George W. Brown and Mary E. Brown, nis wife, to Sheldon Tomlinson, dated the twentieth day of April. A. D. 1871, and reeorded in the Oitioe of the Register of Deeds for Waahtenaw County, Michigan, on the second day of May, A. D. 1871, in liber 44 of inortgages, on page 52, by which default the power of sale therein contained became operative, and no proceeding at law or in equity having been instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage,or any part thereof, and the sum of twentythree hundred and eighteen dollars and ninetyniue cents being now claimed to be due on said mortgage, and forty dollars as an attorney fee as proviaed in said mortgage,: Notice is therefore hereby givon that said mortRage will be íoreclosed by a sale of the premlses therein descfibed, or some part theieof, viz : AU of the followmg land, eoinmencing twenty rods west of the southeast corner of section twenty-nine, thence west on south line of said section iourteen rods, thence north parallel with eaat line of said section, to the south bank of the River Raiöin, thence along said south bank in a northeasterly direction to a point twenty rods west of the east line of said seetion, thence south parallel with the east line of said section to the place of beainning, coutaining one acre and one third of land, more or leas: Also, the following described piece of land , on which a flouring mili now stands, naiaely: commenciuy; at a point twenty-five and one half rods north of the south line of said section twenty-nine, and twenty rods west of the east line of said section, thence north parallel with east line of said section eleven rods ; thence east parallel with the south line oi said aectioii nine rods ; thence south parallel with the east line of said section eleven rods, thence west parallel with south line of said secticn nine rods to the place of beginning, containing ninety-nine roda of land. And further with the last deseribed parcelof land isgranted, bargained, tjold and remised tho right to build a dam on the river Raiain, and to flow back or up aaid river to the west line of said section twenty-nine , and the fhst ïight to draw sufficient water to drive two runa of millatones and all the necessary machinery for grinding and liouring purposea. The above grant bargain, sale and remiso of water power is expresaly made subject to certain reatrictiona and rights made in a deed given by John W. liioe and Mary B. Rice, Me wifo, to Michael Kappler, dated the flfteenth day of November in the ycar one thouaand eight hundred and sixty-four, and recorded in the Regiater'a Office for Waahtenaw County, in liber57 of deeds, on page 161, all oí said land being in township number three south of range three east, in Michigan, at public vendue, at the south door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor (that being the place of holding the Circuit Court for said county), on the twenty ninth day of July, A. D. 1876, at one o'clock iii the afternoon. Dated, May 3d, A. D. 1 876. ABBY H. TOMLINSON, Guardian of Sheldon Tomllnson, ByAtt orney. Murtgagee. Mortgage Sale. . WHEREAS default bas been made in theconditiona of a mortgage, made and delivered by Charles Wheeler to WiUiam. Cross, bearing date on the fourteenth day of November, A.D.1857, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeda of the county of Washtenaw, in liber twenty-iöur oi Mortgages, page one hundred and aixty-two, on the third day of Deoember, A. D. 1857, and whiuh said mortgage was afterward duly assigned by the said Wüïiam Cross to Margaret E. Thompson, by deed of asmgnnient dated Oetober 8th, A. D. 1&G8, and recorded in the said Register 'a Office in liber three of assignments of mortgages, page five hundred amd rifty three, on the twelfth day of November, A. 1. 1872, and was afterwards duly assigned by said Margaret E. Thompson to Cordelia C. Parish, by deed of asRignment, dated November 7th, A. D. 1872, and recorded in said Register's Office in liber two of assieuments oí mortgages, page 552, on the twelfth day of November, A. D. 1872, and was afterward aasigned by said Cordelia 0. Parish to the undeiaigned John M. Prindle, by deed of assignment dated December lííth, A. D, 1874, and recorded in said Register's Office in liber four of aasijnments of mortgages, page 509, on the seventeentn day of February, A. D. 1875, by which said default the power of sale conti, inod in said mortgage became operative, and the aum of six hundred and ninety-four dollars and sixteen centa being claimed to be due on aaid mortgage at the date of tbia notice, besides the aura of twenty-five dollars provided to be paid in said moregage as an attorney fee on the taking of proceeding for the loreclosure thereof, and no suit or proceedings haying been had or instituted, either at law or in equity, to reoover toe sum securvd by eaid mortgage, or any part thereof : Notice ia therefore hereby given that said mortgage wilï be foreelosed by sale of the mortgaged premiaos therein described, or soine part thereof, viz : All thatparcel of landknown as rilage lots number sixty and sixty-one (60 and 61), in Cross and Bagley'e addition to the village of Ypsilanti, in the county ot' Washtemiw and State of Michigan. And also that parcol of land deacribed as commencing at the southwest corner of village lot number bixty-fourf(4) in said addition; thence westerly along the soulh side of an alley sixteen rods ; thence wouthcrly twenty rods ; thence eaaterly sixteen rods ; thence uortherly twenty roda to the pla.ce of beginning, containing two acres of land, at public vendue, at the south door of the Court Houe, wherein the Circnit Oourt for the county of Wabhteiiaw is held, in the city of Ann Arbor, on the secqnd day of September next, at ten o'clock ín the forenoon. Dated, Ann Arbor, June 8th, 1876, JOHN M. PRINDLE, Be akes & Cutcheon, Assignee of Mortgage , Attoineya for Aasignee. lLè6 Sheriffs Sale. BY VIRTUE of one writ of execution, iasued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, to me directed and delivered, I did on the seventh day of December, A. l. 1875 , levy upon all the right title and interest of Charles Tri pp, charles T. Wilmot, William W. Whedon, Harvey (íornwell, Óeorge P. Rose, and Andrea J. tíutherland, in and to the following deBcribed real estáte, situated in the County of Wathtenaw, State of Michigan, to wit : Part of aeciion twenly-nme, in township two south, range six east, and bounded aa follows, to wit : Commencing at a point on the north line of Huron street, as continued eaaterly from the east line of the village plat of the village of Ann Arbor, three hundred and thirty-two feet from the nouthwest corner of a piece of land heretoiore deeded by Edwin S. Cobb and William R. Thompson, and their wivea, to Jane Ann Miles; thence running easttrly on tho aouth line oí Hurón atreet, as continued eight roda ; thence northeasterly at nght angleB with aaid north line of Huron htreet one hundred and rlfty ieet ; thence westwurdly ut right angles to aaid lant mentioned line, and parallel to aaid Huron atreet, continued eight rods; thence southerly to the place of beginning, whiuh above deacribed property I shall expose for sale at public auction to the higheat bidder, at the aouth door of the Court HouBe, in the city of Ana Arbor, on tte 2'Jth duy of June, A. D. 187íi, at ten o'clock a. m. of-said day. Dated, Ann Arbor, May llth, 1876. 1082 M. FLEMING, Sheriff Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of 'Washtenaw, se. The undersigned having buen appointed by the Probate Court for aaid county, Commiasionerw to receeive, examine and adjust all claims and demanda oí all persons againat the catate of Rebecca P. L. Gillespie, late of said cmnty, deceaaed, hereby give notice that six months from date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for creditora to present their claima agaiust the estáte of said deceased, and that thcy will meet at tbc store of L. C. Risdon,in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, on the 17th day of July and on the 17th day of Oetober next, at ten o'clock A. M , of each of aaid days, to reeeive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated, April 17th, A. D. 187Ü. CHARLES RICh'moND, CommwaioneiB, Mortgage Sale, DEFAULT havingbeen made in the conditions of a certain mortgage, made and exeeuted by Jane A. Griffith, oí Ypsilanti, Michigan, to Sullivan M. Cutcheon, of said place, dated February the eleventh, 1SÜ9, and recorded in the Ottice of Ilegister of Deeda of WashtenawOounty, Michigan, iu líber 40 of mortgages, page 499, on same day it was exeeuted, which mortgage was assigned by said Cutcheon toMary E. deed of assignmi-iit, recorded iu liber three of assignments of niortgages, at page 152, in said Register's Office, and there being claimed to be due at date of this notice, on s:iid murtgage and the accompanying note, the siim of sixteeu hundred and fifty dollars; also au attorney fee of twenty-live dollars ; and no proceedings at law or in equity having been instituted to recover the same or any part thereof: Notice is hereby given that under the statute, and by virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contaiued, I will, on Satuiday the 22d day of July, A. K. 1876, at 11 a. M. of said day, at public auction, to the highest bidder, sell, at the south door of the C'ourt House, in the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, {that beiug the place for holding the Circuit Court for said County of Washtenaw), the premisos described in said mortgage, or so much thereof as sliall be necessary to satisfy saidamount with costs and expenses allowed by law. Said premises are described as follows : The west half of lots seven and eight in block four south of Huron street, and range eight east, in the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, and the right to cross and recross, with teams or otherwise, over a private alley twelve feet wide, offfrom the north side of lots seven and ten in said block four, aforesaid.- Dated, April 28th, 1876. MAKY E. FOSTER, D. Cramkr, Assignee of Jlortgage. Attorney. 1SSO Mortgage Kale. ITHEEEAS William Vansickle, of Salem, in " the Coanty of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, on the twenty-third day of December, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventyiour, exeeuted a mortgage to Olney Hawkins, of the City of Ann Arbor, in said county and state, to secure the payment of certain principal and interest money therein mentioned, which mortgaga was reeorded iu the Office of the Register ol Deeds for the Couuty of Washtenaw, on the twentyfourth day of December, A. D. 1874, in liber 51 of mortgages, on page 288, which said mortgage was assigned by the said Olney Hawkins to James Galick, by written aisignment, bearing date the twenty-fourth day of December, A D. 1874, and recorded in the said Register's Office lor the County of Washtenaw on the Ü4th day of December, A. D. 1874, in liber 4 of assignments of mortgages, on page 465 : And whereas default has been made for more than ninety days in the payment of au instalment of interest due on said mortgage, by reason whereof , and pursuant to the terms of said mortgage, so much of the principal sum as remams unpaid, with all arrcaiages of interest thereon, the option of the mortgagee or his aasignee, became due and payable immediately thereafter ; and whereas the said aaaignee haa declared it his option and election, and does hereby declare it hi! option, and does Jhereby elect that the principal sum with all arrearage of interest on said mortgage, shall be considered due and payable now : And whereas there is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage and the note accompanying the same at the date of this notice, flve hundred and sixtysix dollars, for principal and interest ; also an attorney fee of twenty-üve dollars provided for in Baid mortgage should any proceeding be taker to foreolose the same in addition to all other legal coáts : And no suit or proceeding having been instituted at law or in equity to recover the eame, or any part thereof, notice is hereby given, that on Saturday, the eighth day of July next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that dayt at the south door of the Court House in the Oity oí Ann Arbor, in said county (said Court House being the plaei of holding the Circuit Court for said County), and by virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auotion to the highest bidder, of the premises described in said mortgage, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the umount of principal and interest remaiuing unpaid, with the charges of sale and the attorney fee aforesaid ; which said premises are described in said mortgage as follows : Those certain pieces or parcele of land, situated in said city of Ann Arbor, known and described as follows, viz : Lot four and the north half of lot üve of Brown and Bach'a addition to the plat of the City of Ann Arbor aforesaid.- Datea, April 8th, 1876. JAMES GALICK, E. D. Kihne, Assignee of said Mortgage. Attorney for Asaignee. 1578 Eeal Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN county of Washtenaw ss. In the matter of the estáte of Louis R. Buchoz, deceased. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order granted to the under.signed, administrateur of the estáte of said deceased, by the Ion. Judge of Probate for the county of Washtenaw, on the ninth day of May, a. d. 1876, there will be sold at public vendue, to the highsst bidder at the south door of the C'ourt House, in thu city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw in said State, on Fridav, the Thirtieth da? op Junk a. D. 1876, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day (subject to all encumbrances by mortgage or otherwise existing at the time of the death of said doceased), the lollowine described real estáte to wit The north fractionalTialf of section number 6 in township No. 1 south in range No, 6 east, (excepting the parcel deeded by Charles Seymour to Ci. W. Dexter from the northeast corner), and also the triangular piece conveyedby C. L. Shepard to W.M Clark, by deed November 18th, a. D. 1856, and of record in the county of Washtenaw, being ín the west part of section No. 5 in said township, containim; in all throe hundred and thirty-six acres more or luss; also the cast half of the east half of the southwest quarter of section No. 5, and the east half ol' the east half of the northwest quarter of section 8, all iu town 1 south in range 6 east coutalninlng eighty acres more or less. Also thé west half and the west half of the east half of lot No. 1 in block No. 4, also lot No. 2 in block No. 4, all in range 6 north of Huron street (being the same premises formerly ocenpted by Dor Kellogg), accordfng to the recorded plat oí the village (now city) of Ann Arbor, exceptiug a part oi lot No. 2 aforesaid, commeiicint; at a point on the north line of said lot eighty-five feet west of the northeast corner of said Tot running ihcnce east to the east line of said lot thence south on the east line of said lot sixty-ono feet thence northwesterly to the place of oeginnim' heretofora deedcd to Willard Roath, also exceptiug and reserving for the use of said city of Ann Arbor lor purposes of a street, all that portion of said premises above described which is now covered by Detroit street ; also all that part of the east quarter of lot No. 1 in block No. 4 north in range No. 6 east in said city, which lies westerly of Detroit street. Also the following pieces of land in lots three and four in block three north of Huron street and in range six east ; the first is bounded and described as follows : commencing at the north west corner oi lot number one of the subdivisión ut süid lot three, and running thence northeastlv along the easterly line of Detroit street thirty-twb leet to a polnt sixteeu feet northeasterly of the north Une oi said lot number three, thence at right angles to Detroit street one hundred feet, thence north twen ty-fou r degrees east eight feet to the north line of said lot three, thence east on said line to the northeast corner of said lot thie thence south fifty -three feet to the north line oísaid subdivisión, thence west on said line one hundred aud lorty-seven and one-fourth feet, thence northwesterly at right angles to Detroit street seveuty and five-twelfths feet to the place of beginuing. Also the following, commencing at a point sixteen feet uortheasterly of the south line of said lótfourin said block three uorth, range six east, ruuniug thence northeast eil y along tbc easterly line of Detroit street forty-six feet, thence southeasterly at right angles to Detroit street cighty-sevcn feet to the south line of said lot four, thence south twentyfour degrees west forty-eight feet, theuce northwesterly at right angles to Detroit street oue hundred feet to the place oi berinning. Dated May 9th, 187G. ■ ALFKEDJ. BUCHOZ, Aduiinistrator.


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Michigan Argus