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Washington A Farmer

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DEtíBMBEK 10, 1799. From the various plans suggested by you at different times for cropping the farms, which I proposo to retain in íny own hands, in the yöar 1800, and wíth a reduced forcé of laborera en them and the operations neoessary to carry them into effect ; comparing these with the best reflection I have been ablo to inake on the Subject, and considering, moreover, the exhausted state of my arable ficlds, aud how important it is to adopt soine system by which tho evil may be arrestëd, and tho fields in some measure restored by a rotation of crops, which will not press hard upon them, while sufficient intervals are allowed for improvement ; I have digested the following instructions for my managers, and for the govemment of my overseers, and request tliat they may be strictly and pointedly attended to and executed, as far as the measures therein required will admit. A sistem closely pursued, although it may not in all its parts be the best that could be devised, is attended with innumerable advantages. The conductor of the business, ín this case, can never be in any dilemma in his proceedings. The overseers, and even the laborers, know what is to be done, and what they are capable of doing, in ordinary seasons. The force to be employed may be in due proportion to the work which is to be performed, and areasonable and tolerably accurate estímate may be made of the product. But vhen no plan is flxed, when directions flow from day to day, the business becomes a mere chaos, frequently sluiting, and sometimes at a stand, for want of knowing what to do, or the manner of doing it. Thus it occasions a waste of time, which is of more importance than is generaïly imagined. Nothing can so effectually obvíate the evil as au established system, made known to all who are actors in it, that all may be enabled thereby to do their parts to advantage. This gives ease to the principal conductors of the business, and is more satisf actory to the persons who immediately overlook it, less harassing to the laborera, as well as more beneficial to the employer. Under this view of the subject, the prineipal service which you can render me is to explain to the overseers (who will be furnished with duplicates) the plan, in all its parts, which is hereafter detailed ; to hear their ideas with respect to the order in which the difierent sorts of works therein pointed out shall suoceed each other, for the purpose of carrying it on to the best advantage ; to correct any erroneous projects they may seem disposed to adopt ; and then to see that they adhere strictly to whatever may be resolved ou, and that they are ted} on theiï farms and with their peple. The work, under such circumstance?, will go on smoothly ; and that tho stock inay be well fed, littered, and taken care ofaccording to directions, it wil! be necessary to inspeot the conduct ol the overseers in this particular, and those also whose immediate business it is to attend upon them, with a watchf ui eye, otherwise, md generally in severe weather, when attention and care are most needed, they will be most neglected. Economy in ail things is as commendable in the manager as it is bene4cial and desirable to the employer ; and, on a farm, it shows itself in nothing more evidontly, or more essentially, than in not suflering the provender to be wasted, but, on üie contrary, in takiug care that every atom of it be used to the best advantage ; and, iike-wise, in not permitting the ploughs, harnees, and other implements of husbandry, and the gears belonging to them, to be unnecessarüy exposed, trodden under foot, run over by carts and abused in othei respects. More good is derivedfrom attending to the minuti of a farm than strikes people at flrst view ; and examining the farm-yard fences, and looking into the flelda to see that uothing is there except what ouglit to be there, ai-e oftentimes the means of producing more good, at least of avoiding more evil, than can be accomplished by riding f rom one working party or o verseer to another. I have mentioned these things net only because they have occurred to me, but because, although apparently trifies, they prove far otherwise in the result. 'JDhe account for the present qtiarter must be made final, as an entire new scène will take place afterwaid. In doing this, advertise in the Alexandiïa paper for the claims of every kind and nature whatsoever against me to be brought to you by the lst of January, that I may wipe them off, and begin on a fresh score. All balances m my f avor must either be received, or reduced to specialties, that there may be no disputes hereafter. George Washington. To James Alexander, Manager of the Farms


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